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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17663632 No.17663632 [Reply] [Original]

Cappuccino in a black cup edition

Previously >>17649840

>> No.17663656

Cappy trappy goonny.
Other thread was at EXACTLY 300 posts, below the bump limit, and on page fucking 2 when the ADHD OP made this.
For reference.

>> No.17663705
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Cappuccino Song

>> No.17663933
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Enjoyed it until she mentioned soya milk. Eugh.

>> No.17663948

Yeah, fuck this autist cunt

>> No.17663952
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confess your coffee sins

>> No.17663993

I dipped my penis inside your cuppa while you weren't looking

>> No.17664258

soya milk

>> No.17664652
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Why is coffee drinking so plebian? Tea drinkers get nice tea sets, but I try to look for a coffee version, and all I can find is cheap plastic stuff on etsy and amazon.

Is there anywhere that sells coffee sets, with a french press, like pic rel? I want to feel fancy when I drink.

>> No.17664821

Guys I was gifted a Nespresso espresso maker (pods)
How much money would I need to spend to get a better espresso

>> No.17665280

I have beat off to Morgan in a low cut shirt

>> No.17665347

More than you've got pal. Leave it to the professionals. They're not making $9 an hour for you to shit all over their craft in the comfort of your own home.

>> No.17665359

I'm serious. I'm trying to decide whether it is worth it to me or not

>> No.17665364

about £200 + annual £150 a year for a fresh roast coffee subscription

you could cut it down to 100ish if you get lucky finding used gaggia classics and used grinders off ebay

its important to get a good grinder, so you want to spend a little more, if you're really poor you could hand grind it with a little hario mill but... thats a lot of fucking work for a coffee

>> No.17665371

im so fucking lonely i havent gone on a date for 5 years i just want to sit in a cafe and order a cappuchino an meet a girl oh my fucking god im gonna kill myself

>> No.17665372

Money isn't too much of an issue. Could you point me towards a 'good' espresso grinder?

>> No.17665388

uh i'm actually out of touch on what good grinders there are, but check out reddit or youtube or whatever and just read reviews, 10 years ago everyone was raving about a 'baratza encore'

you do want one that is 'stepless' whichever one you pick

expect to spend 60 to 140

>> No.17665392

Whats your budget? Don't buy an encore and expect to spend much more than 140 if you're not willing to hand grind.

>> No.17665401

Less than a thousand but if I am spending 500 dollars+ I would expect it to be a sizable jump in quality

>> No.17665470

just got fucking memed on by Lance Hendrick

Lagom P-64

>> No.17665476

You've got a world of options then. I'd be looking at the df64 with stock burrs to start with. Same burrs as the much more expensive(and significantly better quality of build) stock p64 but you're able to swap in various SSP burrs later to better suit your personal taste.

>> No.17665503

Is a gooseneck really worth it? I dont need to spend 60+ on a gooseneck just to be able to pour over my v60. I want one but dont need one. But the cheap ones that are just metal you either leave on the stove or pour boiled water into from a different source seems like a unitasker and a waste of money for what might not even be a significant % increase in taste of my coffee. Right now I have an electric kitchenaid kettle with a regular pour top that can select multiple brew temps between 165 and 212F

>> No.17665517
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Name a more based coffee.

>> No.17665559

Nvm lance hendrick is a fucking god, this recipe is amazing when it cools down

yes. fundamentally different use case compared to a traditional kettle.

>> No.17665560

if you're looking to squeeze a more expressive cup out of your beans, consistency of pouring is moderately important. The next big meme for the world cup contest is going to be shower screens that go on top of a cup for machine-level evenness of water application

>> No.17665689
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What so great about putting butter in your coffee? It makes it feel too oily to me.

>> No.17665693

I'm using something similar and I'd really like to get a gooseneck but I can't find one that's more than 1200w and I refuse to get one that's slower when I don't have a clear problem using the regular one. I also like using smaller 01 drippers and that makes it even easier because you can pour much closer, something I've never heard anyone mention as an advantage compared to 02 drippers

>> No.17665703

I've tried it, and I don't see the appeal either. I'd rather just drink it black or with whole milk.

>> No.17665707

what can I do with 19g of various blends, ground at v60 and left out for a few days, besides doing a v60? can I do a short batch of cold brew?

>> No.17665726

Yo pour over chads. This guy is the biggest soy boy on planet earth and he looks gay and retarded but when it comes to coffee, he do be spittin. You can use this recipe in a regular V60, the second recipe is incredibly tasty when it cools.


12g/200g 97 degree water

30g, swirl, wait until 1 min
30g, swirl, wait until 2 min
70g, gentle swirl, wait until 2min45sec
70g, gentle swirl

40g, swirl, wait until 2 min
100g, gentle swirl, wait until 2min45sec
60g, gentle swirl

The first recipe eliminates all acidity, so much so that it tastes like different coffee, so I opt for the second. I would just over pour by 10g and take it off when it stalls near the end. It contributes nothing but bitter at the end.

Just try it.

>> No.17665757

Wait you're telling me pouring structure and controlled agitation actually affects the cup? Bullshit.

>> No.17665791

Not just that but that doing it in this way gives you consistent pouring structure and consistently controlled agitation, making it easily repeatable and based on your own movement rather than the RNG of the bed if you decide to pour circles.

I've tried a bunch of sweetness-first recipes but this is the first that's effective and easily repeatable, other methods like Tetsu's Mugen for example aren't as easy and repeatable. Consistency is the single greatest key to great pour-over coffee.

The second recipe is pretty close to a perfect recipe given that you adjust for grinds and leave out the stall. April 50 and this are the best I've encountered and they're not that different.

>> No.17665818

nah, swirlin's for chumps

>> No.17665840

the last two are baby swirls just to settle the bed flat. it doesn't stall untill the very end with japanese hario papers.

>> No.17665866

Time to take the melopill.

>> No.17665875

No, I think the hot water and the intense but controlled agitation is the trick to the recipe. Key extraction at the time it matters most.

>> No.17665898

Today is a special day so I will be making a second V60. What did I think of the first and what will I think of the second?

>> No.17666082
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>intense but controlled agitation
Pour, stir, drip, stir, drip, drip, drip. You need a little more controlled agitation, you just add another stir. Even, consistent extractions and flat beds every time.

>> No.17666087

Nah that looks like shite sorry mate

>> No.17666139

Every time that I use the Memedrip it fucks up my bed and it ends up looking worse than when I do it by hand

>> No.17666163

Can't account for human error. You should mail it back to him and buy some lilydrippers instead.

>> No.17666203

It's supposed to prevent the energy drop you get after the coffee buzz is over

>> No.17666215

>Can't account for human error
Lel your meme device is literally designed to mitigate the effect of human error on coffee brewing. Are you saying the Melodrop is useless because you "can't account for human error"?

>> No.17666281

Just say you don't know anything and move on.
> There are plenty of other developers trying to improve coffee brewers because it’s easy to market and takes little education for the customer. The customer we are interested in, shares our mentality of exploring the undefined. melodrip is still experimental and requires a high learning curve, so if it’s used without proper understanding of its intent, it will deliver lackluster results.

>> No.17666289

>our product isn't a useless meme device, it just has a high learning curve!
The absolute state of retarded gearqueers. I have some crystals to sell you.

>> No.17666301

People fuck up their knives on pull through sharpeners and people fuck up their knives on stones. Tools are generally pretty useless until you learn to use them. Getting a better stove with finer grained burner control isn't going to benefit you if you're still insistent on burning your meals.

>> No.17666305

the melo drip has been leaching lead into your brain

>> No.17666311

If my patented espresso energy crystals aren't supercharging your brews, then that's just user error. You must be pretty fucking stupid to not understand how to use a rock correctly.

>> No.17666315 [DELETED] 

>our product requires a high IQ to use correctly but since its illegal to only sell to whites and east asians we have to put up with shitskin seething

>> No.17666324

>our plastic kettle showerscreen requires a high IQ to use correctly
Yes, indeed, just like my patented anti-channeling crystals. Shitskins probably don't even know how to recharge them after use so they think they don't work. Pathetic creatures.

>> No.17666327

I'll trust the guy who lists the exact material used. You don't see Alan Adler doing that. Its a replaceable dish anyway.
>melodrip dish
>BPA Free Eastman Tritan TX1001 11.8g

>> No.17666336

>Dude this piece of chinese plastic is safe because the chinese man told me it is
Based I guess I'll buy an aeropress too and melodrip my dripping semen over the top of it with my imperfectly designed method of agitationnnn

>> No.17666344

Someone ban this fucking disinfo-spreading chud. He needs to learn to trust the experts.

>> No.17666352
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Nooooo why would you stir when you can r a o s p i n

>> No.17666361

Wait the melodrip is made in china?

>> No.17666366

>why would you ever pick up your brewer and swirl it when you could instead spend $30 on a plastic showerscreen that significantly drops your brew temp and gives a worse bed

>> No.17666447

Why buy a kettle when you can just pour from a stockpot and swirl? Same shit.

>> No.17666467

>a stockpot is actually the same thing as an electric temperature-controlled gooseneck kettle
Gearqueer cope is off the fucking charts right now

>> No.17666518

Built around the idea of fat+caffeine
Had to use something other than cream for it to be marketable and zany

>> No.17666533 [DELETED] 

>liberalism is right wing
>Certified retard. No western society has a real right wing party or political representation. Genuine right wing politics have been untenable for decades. What we have is social liberalism (socialist) parties, and classical/neoliberal parties. Both of which are different flavours of left wing.
>You don’t know what ‘right wing’ or ‘left wing’ means.

we have a schizo fag lurking here.

>> No.17666537

The goal isn't to control agitation or to create a stable slurry. You just want to end up with a pretty bed. Swirl as much as you can.

>> No.17666588

because tea brewing is literally just throwing dried leaves and shit into hot water and letting it sit for some amount of time.
even the most basic of coffee brewing takes more care than that. i mean you could make a really ornate french press if you wanted it, but from what i have seen most of them is "its a french press... but it has gold and silver on it"
for you cant make a moka pot or Cezve from porcelain because of pressure/direct heat and any actual functional part of espresso machines have to all be metal because thats just how it works and the outside could be ornamental but its just easier to make it stainless steel.
and drip coffee/ pour over/ french press kinda need to made from glass, just because its so convenient.

when it comes to cups well... its just a cup so you can use fancy tea cup and put coffee in it, and of course all of those fancy double walled glass cups.

i think you could make ornate coffee makers for all brewing methods but you would have to use art to meshes well with the medium. like for a moka pot you could make an intricate engraving on the top part or ornate bracing on a french press,
(i just remembered there are some pretty ornate Cezve out there.)

>> No.17666606

bros, I'm leaving my barista job soon, and my latte art days are coming to a close, a heavy heart types this.

fellow coffee chads how do you cope with the loss of art

>> No.17666611

just make faggy latte art at home and post it on insta like every other hipster bitch.

>> No.17666622

>>"buy this meme device to get a better bed"
>it makes beds worse and less consistent
>>"um actually it was never intended to make the bed look good it actually does other nebulous unquantifiable bullshit"

>> No.17666631

is a job like that worth it to be around lots of hot girls

>> No.17666644

The only coffee equivalent is the absurdly overpriced drinkware and french press from Fellow

>> No.17666660

kinda depends on where you works, big places or coffee stands suck. No tips really and annoying customers.
I was/am lucky enough to work in a really nice brunch place with a full coffee area and bar, so I work hand in hand with the bartenders, so drunk mimosa girls and tipsy beer boys are dime a dozen, but you have to solo the area

>> No.17666667

>No tips
why would you tip someone for doing their job?

>> No.17666672

haha wow how original, really got me thinking, wow let me change the whole industry and the main reason people work these jobs real quick

>> No.17666678

just pay people fair wages. not that hard.
tipping is a third world concept.

>> No.17666692

wow gee who could of thunk, let me tell that to my boss who has his whole team on scraps so he doesn't have to come in and I can stop worrying about customer flow and not change job fields

>> No.17666694

Why don't you just get a better job where you are actually paid a living wage and aren't forced to leech off of others?

>> No.17666698

>my boss who has his whole team on scraps so he doesn't have to come in and I can stop worrying about customer flow and not change job fields
i have never seen these words used like this, i have no idea what you are saying.

>> No.17666714

ah yes, because at the drop of a hat someone can just become a engineer and not have to worry about tips.
here is a little secret that servers like to keep from you, this is the best that's out there without college or some kind of trade school, nobody would be a server if it wasn't for tip culture, long hours and high expectations with no benefits sucks

>> No.17666724

>can't follow simple instructions
>I'll stick to the approved coffeetubers' recipes thank you very much

>> No.17666731

>nobody would be a server if it wasn't for tip culture
And yet servers still exist outside of Burgerclapistan, how can this be?

>> No.17666743

its not "get a high paying job" because you cant have 100% of the population in high skill high pay jobs, unless you have every single minimum wage job replaced by robots.
you literally just raise the minimum wage so much that you dont need the customer to pay part of your wage, in my country the average wage for a barista is $25usd, and we have free healthcare and no one tips(there is a tip jar but usually people just dump their loose change into it that they dont want to carry around).
americans talk like paying employees a livable wage and removing tipping culture is literally impossible. this is some crazy stockholm syndrome type shit.

>> No.17666776

The most ornate coffee brewer I've seen (in ads, not in person) was the Belgian balance siphon brewer.
Coffee cups tend to be utilitarian, but I'd bet there are high end Italian espresso cups if you look hard enough.

>> No.17666790

>dude you're just, like, following the instructions incorrectly or something
>this useless showerhead actually totally works just trust me: *link to the blog of the guy who made it*
>just ignore the fact that literally nobody uses this thing besides me and the guy who invented it
>I also think the guy is a retard totally but this is a good product because it just is
Why haven't you ordered my crystals yet? I'll even give you an early adopter discount.

>> No.17666794
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>Belgian balance siphon brewer.
like i said before its just "what if we made x BUT in gold!"
it just looks tacky, like a rich person with no taste who covers their entire home in gold.

>> No.17666828

>>just ignore the fact that literally nobody uses this thing besides me and the guy who invented it
Do you think most people are talking about their coffee online? LOL. I just bought this 2.25in hole press for bottom paper filters and my edges are fucking frayed. Its obviously a piece of shit and theres no possible way for me to learn how to press out paper circles.

>> No.17666859

>Do you think most people are talking about their coffee online? LOL.
You're in a coffee thread right now, retard.

>> No.17666888

>Do you think most people are talking about their coffee online?
ever heard of a little website called instagram?

>> No.17666935

where was this

>> No.17666945

imagine misrepresenting my post from the last thread this hard

>> No.17666959

Think before you post dipshit.
>OMG just made the perfect #dalgona #happy #coffeegal
Go back.

>> No.17666974

Seconding this

>> No.17666980

None of which aside from you and I actually own the fucking thing, dipshit. Because any normal person can see that it's a useless and retarded piece of shit. I only even bought it for the meme since I love collecting things that I associate memories with and I will be able to look at my Memedrip and be reminded of my /ctg/frens.

>> No.17666987

Post your receipt.

>> No.17667001

he won't, too much of a pussy.

>> No.17667009
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, theonlymelodripinexistance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooooo my favorite instagram influencers don't use the drip how could James Hoffman blatantly waste his patron subscribers funds for this?

>> No.17667015

i want a lawyer

>> No.17667022
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Continue eating shit, retard

>> No.17667038
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>he bought a melodrip

>> No.17667065

This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time. 4.6 stars on amazon. Some how they figured out how to pour water onto a disc in a controlled manner.

>> No.17667078

i'm going to use a melodrip on my aeropress bros

>> No.17667084
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Don't forget your Lilydrip

>> No.17667095
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Just ordered several and they're all defective. I should have listened to those 4 reviews under 3 stars.

>> No.17667106
File: 336 KB, 1123x544, Faggot3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you were baited into committing the "muh amazon reviews" fallacy that easily kek. Must be hard having such a low IQ that you can't even pour water in a circle without shitting yourself.

>> No.17667115

If you can't operate a product at or above the level of amazon reviewers, you should neck yourself. If they can figure it out, you should probably be able to as well. I'm sure those 64% are able to spin a handle just fine. Some of those 3 stars are confused why it only grinds in one direction.

>> No.17667119

>Manual Coffee Bean Grinder with Adjustable Settings Patented Conical Burr Grinder for Coffee Beans Stainless Steel Burr Coffee Grinder for Aeropress Drip Coffee Espresso French Press by JavaPresse is clearly the best grinder of all time and if you disagree then you just aren't using it correctly
Post Javapresse receipt.

>> No.17667133

The only grinder recommended by the Wirecutter for 4 years running! Some people might have a little trouble getting beans in the tube, so check out our handy unboxing vid and quick tips.

>> No.17667167

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Melodripper had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
>Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

>> No.17667183

I can't believe you were baited into committing the "muh godwins" fallacy that easily kek.

>> No.17667201

What the fuck is a godwin, schizo?

>> No.17667202

i also am not quoting posts

>> No.17667210

Just finished my second V60 (non-melodripped) of the day. What did I think of it?

>> No.17667212

that you really should've gone ahead and used the melodrip instead

>> No.17667222

Well I was going to buy one but then I realized that I was being retarded and stopped myself. I spent the $35 on 4/5ths of a Kruve glass instead.

>> No.17667223

Which coffeetuber did you follow along to?

>> No.17667225

kek'd and chek'd

>> No.17667251
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anti pseudo science club

>> No.17667359

Worthless garbage. Weird tolerances, 0/10.

>> No.17667546
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>> No.17667548

But I seem them all over instagram?

>> No.17667556

pretty good. she's cute.

>> No.17667568 [DELETED] 

Post it.

>> No.17667578

oh anon...

>> No.17667598

Imagine if Morgan posted here

>> No.17667778

Imagine her pouring a US Barista Championship tier shot down your chest.

>> No.17667787

I would pull a US Barista Championship tier shot (39g liquid out in 40 seconds) inside her womb if you catch my drift

>> No.17667810

The old 15 bar deLONGhi huh?

>> No.17667821

I might even use a melodrip for optimal distribution

>> No.17667841

Every degree of that load counts pal. Didn't you read the 3 amazon reviews?

>> No.17667924

And 2 of those 3 reviews are positive so it must be good at distributing loads within cute baristas (if you have a high enough IQ to use it correctly)

>> No.17667974

? 51/56 of those ratings are 4+ star.

>> No.17668058

I can't drink coffee without getting constipated and feeling like satan himself is clawing away the inner layer of my stomach. why am i not allowed to enjoy this murky beverage,/ck/?

>> No.17668065

have you tried decaf

>> No.17668089

Imagine being so retarded that you can't pour water in a circle correctly and need to use a plastic kettle condom to do it for you

>> No.17668098

Remember that time you conceded that it's actually useless but you insisted that it was still worth it for the glass stirring rod alone?

>> No.17668526

You have trouble reading and following some simple instructions. Why would you be able to discern salient points from a discussion you can't follow?

>> No.17668576
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Bitter with sweet is best

>> No.17668578
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>> No.17668687

please forgive, I wanna check out something

>> No.17668690

Ah, gross.

A month into espresso and I cannot make decent coffee. I did learn how to describe bad coffee, and today's coffee was unbalanced and overwhelming :-/

>> No.17668714

I lament the fact that half & half (10.5% fat) has become the defacto ubiquitous coffee cream in the US. Light cream (aka; single cream, table cream), at ~20% fat is vastly superior in coffee, yet it's nigh impossible to find in most grocery stores, and when you do find it it often costs as much as heavy cream or whipping cream, both roughly double the cost of half & half because of economy of scale I guess?. I believe this happened during the low-fat fad of the 1990s when people supposedly stopped buying cream, yet has now become an inflexible manufacturing custom that doesn't reflect the market demand. People now literally put butter in their coffee to get more fat. It's madness. Anyway, if you want to make your own good old-fashioned coffee cream mix equal parts whole milk and heavy cream. It is the superior coffee cream experience.

>> No.17668812

I prefer black

>> No.17668814

I bet you do. Black cocks that is

>> No.17668831
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>> No.17668970

What kind of espresso machine do you guys recommend?
I bought a $70 machine and it was absolutely terrible

>> No.17669109

expresso is a meme. Whopeedo you're pressing out gasses from the roasting into a stable foam on top, too bad your coffee tastes like shit.

>> No.17669125

Should I buy an Origami dripper or an Espro bloom?

>> No.17669647

what did we think of her routine bros?

>> No.17669971

I like my origimi. Slowpoursupply has the new plastic 1 cup on sale if that gets you hard.

>> No.17669974

I use a nespresso vertuo for my coffee every day.
I got it as a wedding present and wanted to scoff at it but I actually adore it and it makes a good cuppa.

>> No.17670050

Lance realized the judges are inherently biased against large doughy men. He chose to compete vicariously through a squat little dyke.

>> No.17670120

Espro bloom

>> No.17670165

They've got three mediocre 3star reviews. Don't subject someone to that torture.
>We are sorry our product fell short of your expectations. We appreciate your feedback and will share your concerns with our product team.
>Best Regards,
>The ESPRO Team

>> No.17670248

>no argument
>and you still can't pour water in a circle without assistance
Of course a glass stirring rod (that can easily be obtained for cheap from any lab supply retailer) would seem worth $30 to the kind of retard who buys $10 spoons

>> No.17670294

>The guy is kind of a sperg but the tool is cool. I also like the glass stirrer.
>Remember that time you conceded that it's actually useless
>melodrip is still experimental and requires a high learning curve, so if it’s used without proper understanding of its intent, it will deliver lackluster results.
>This is a magic stick that completely automates the pouring process for you
You shouldn't have difficulty reading at this age. We can find you some help.

>> No.17670425

I drink instant espresso, and I like it.

>> No.17670454

You shouldn't have trouble pouring water in a circle at this age. Maybe we can get you some help. Nobody else here seems to have an issue doing it except for you. Do you happen to be the same guy who pours his water out of a saucepan from 4 feet above the dripper? That's the only situation in which I could see the meme being useful. Any normal person can pour water in a circle with minimal disturbance of the bed, and it's what we have been doing for years.

>> No.17670483

melobros... I don't feel so good...

>> No.17670547

I've got a stagg ekg. People also used to level portafilters with their thumb. Had zero issue with it. Then various tools came along to improve the process. Now we do that instead. It's a wild concept, I know.

>> No.17670556

My wife has a Eureka grinder. It grinds in 1.8 seconds.

>> No.17670561

This is a ketolard trend. I've done it with browned butter to give it a toffee aftertaste though which was nice.

>> No.17670562

That's the max output you're going to get from a 120 wall outlet is why you can't find one over that.

>> No.17670603

Dude you can clean up on arthoe pussy as a dude working as a barista or in theater as long as you do masculine shit like martial arts or something outside of it.

>> No.17670618

Hi I make cortados and do bjj. Would you like to accompany me to the theatre milady?

>> No.17670628

Obviously if your presentation is that stiff you're going to fail.

>> No.17670644

Shoehorn it in my tinder profile. Gotcha.

>> No.17670655

Why would you get on tinder. The women walk into the building to interact with you every day. Just work in the theater talk with them and then when they're standing close enough to you because they let their guard down you do an Ogoshi on them to let them know you train. They respect that level of physical dominance.

>> No.17670661

>I've got a stagg ekg
So you have a kettle designed specifically for pourovers, with a rate limited spout that makes it impossible to pour to quickly, and you still manage to fuck up pourovers without using some $35 piece of plastic to distribute the water for you?

>> No.17670678

add another 0 to that number and you will be in the range of good enough espresso machines. and then $400 is the lowest id go for any kind of grinder.

>> No.17670681

They also make automatic drip brewers if that's how you're going to be about it.

>> No.17670684

>People also used to make pourovers by hand. Had zero issues with it.
>Then various automatic drip brewers came along to improve the process. Now we do that instead.

>> No.17670700

Then why are you fucking with the pour over if that's how you feel about it?

>> No.17670715

>the retarded melofag actually thinks that his invention is the pourover equivalent of the printing press or cotton gin
Nobody uses the fucking thing except you, because anyone with a brain can instantly realize that this is an unnecessary product that only exists to trick people into wasting money on it.
>Now we do that instead.
Who the fuck is "we," YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON WHO USES IT. Everyone else has recognized the retardedness of the thing and moved on yet you continue to cling to it. SEEK HELP

>> No.17670720

it's me i use it
i use the melodrip.

>> No.17670721

Who in the fuck said I'm ruining pourovers with a bare kettle? I have to grind coarser with a bare kettle and it makes a somewhat different cup. We're talking about squeaking out a percent or two "better"(subjectively) cup without buying a new grinder. I used the stagg for a year before trying the melo. I like it. I've used it for a year now. And I love that it makes you shortcircuit since you can't read. I'll be using it when the wug gets here too. Recipes aren't static. They require tweaking. If you have to follow step by step instructions from a coffeetuber go right ahead. For some reason they're all slightly different. Can't quite figure that out.

>> No.17670736

>If you have to follow step by step instructions from a coffeetuber go right ahead.
Wait, I thought that I was incapable of following instructions since that was clearly the only way that I was getting objectively inferior results with the cumdripper? But now I apparently follow step by step instructions from "a coffeetuber?" Which is it? Do I follow instructions or not?

>> No.17670747

is the melodrip made in China?

>> No.17670748

The more apt comparison would be
>Everyone used stepped grinders for years and had no issue with it
>Then stepless grinders became more available and finer grained control is better for dialing in a recipe
You're confusing your schizos, schizo.

>> No.17670759

>melofag thinks that his gearqueer meme device is an equivalent technological breakthrough to stepless grind adjustment
Holy fucking shit, what is it next? The telegraph? The combustion engine?

>> No.17670790

The argument is
>Guns don't kill people, people kill people
If you're making shittier coffee with the melodrip, you're making shitty coffee with the melodrip. Tweak the recipe. Grind finer, agitate early in the bloom(and during the second pour if you want to push the extraction), drip gently after that. ~3x water to coffee on the pours. Simple. Repeatable.
> The distribution of water from a single bare kettle stream is done by depth infiltration while the melodrip focuses on water traveling through a higher volume of stable bed particles i.e. percolation. Both have their strengths and weaknesses which is why all of our recipes incorporate a mix between Bare Kettle Pouring, Melodrip, and Stirring.
If you're just replacing your pours with a melodrip, you're fucking up.

>> No.17670795

Remember when Prometheus stole the Melodrip from the gods and gifted it to man? I can't even imagine what sort of swill they were drinking before he did that. I heard the gods punished him by chaining him to a rock and forcefeeding him overswirled cafe du monde with coconut cream and sweetened condensed milk.

>> No.17670834
File: 44 KB, 444x516, Mlynek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>technological breakthrough to stepless grind adjustment
We started out at stepless moron. A knurled washer on threads.

>> No.17670895
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, Aeropress-WP Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Sprometheus ensuring we get our daily dose of microplastic in every V60

>> No.17670908

So you had access to stepless grinders, but an objectively inferior method was shilled by retards, came and went, and everyone went back to stepless? i.e. stepped was a passing meme fad propped up by dumb shills that will be forgotten soon? Kind of like the memedrop?

>> No.17670971

The fixed recipe morons(think housewives in the 50s) needed easily identifiable numbers to correlate with a known grind size. Pair that with the plastic manufacturers shifting into the consumer goods market after the war and you get a dimpled ring to hold the washer at a static point. As opposed to, you know, turning a wheel for slight adjustments that improve the cup.

>> No.17670978
File: 32 KB, 276x348, 1622022226783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a melodrip seething episode

>> No.17670997

I'm sipping spro and laughing pal. If you can't tweak a recipe or apply a concept to brewing, stick to pods.

>> No.17671042

You can make coffee in a teapot
just imagine your tea set is a coffee set too, it-ll be cute

>> No.17671067

Everyone is laughing at your desperate cope shilltard

>> No.17671072
File: 167 KB, 530x1035, 1625108849835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been drinking coffee from an urn at my job
never heard much about coffee urns, how do people feel about them?

>> No.17671076

So it was a passing fad then, kind of like the mellowshit?

>> No.17671101
File: 30 KB, 750x740, 277790304_5592943690720361_1860407442192866668_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean baratza is about to launch a new stepped encore. Expect it to be heavily shilled. It will replace the SGP in Lance's background.
I drink better coffee than you.

>> No.17671116

Just say you don't know anything and move on.

>> No.17671149
File: 954 KB, 1298x1360, 01justinstweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its crazy how small tweaks translate into the cup. I'm sure the plastic gaggia tamper is just as good though. Don't waste your money.

>> No.17671164

Why haven't you bought my crystals yet? It's amazing how much impact they have on the brew. Post receipt.

>> No.17671167

imagine living in 2022 and still listening to R. Justin Shepherd

>> No.17671183

Curved will reduce EXT, but not by anywhere near that much. Dude just has a hugely flawed test.

>> No.17671189
File: 115 KB, 2283x1719, Yxljaqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: We make really cool crystals, and post results! Okay, so this is easy, you should have all of the chemicals needed around the house! You'll need around 5 pennies (or copper coin from your country) and a straw, put these aside. Get a clear jar, scoop 2 tablespoons of salt into it, and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Now the first important ingredient should be in the bathroom cleaning supplies. Ammonia (any brand) Pour it in until the jar is 2/3 of the way full (as tall as you want the crystals to grow) The last ingredient is laundry bleach (careful not to spill on your clothes!) fill the rest of the jar. Now drop the pennies into the bottom, and quickly take the straw and blow bubbles onto the pennies to get the crystals going. You should begin to see stringy crystals from after about 30 seconds of blowing. That's it! The pink and purple some frm the production of copper-calciphate using the C02 in your own breath! (blowing until your dizzy actually increases the C02 in your breath, giving you better colors)
Attached image is after 10 minutes of blowing!

>> No.17671197

Wait wait wait. You're telling me MISUSING a tool gives off flawed results? If he would just learn to use said tool he'd have a better result and more normalized extractions? No way.

>> No.17671220

I'm the two-foot saucepan pour guy. That other guy isn't me. I don't have trouble pouring in a circle. I don't need to buy any more stupid coffee shit.

>> No.17671296

>If you have to follow step by step instructions from a coffeetuber go right ahead.
Wait, I thought that I was incapable of following instructions since that was clearly the only way that I was getting objectively inferior results with the cumdripper? But now I apparently follow step by step instructions from "a coffeetuber?" Which is it? Do I follow instructions or not?

>> No.17671372
File: 670 KB, 1311x891, butnooneoninstagramlikesit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recipes aren't static. They require tweaking.
You should be able to see someones technique, and then fine tune to better suit your exact coffee/taste. This isn't a hard concept. It doesn't really fucking matter if you can weigh out flour if you don't understand how kneading dough works.
>it makes you shortcircuit since you can't read
It seems like a physical demonstration you can rewind at any time is more up your alley. I've asked you several times what EXACTLY you're doing with the drip and you've never answered. Pretend you're a ctuber and write it out. If you're unable to type and think at the same time, I'll find you some speech to text software. Grinder, dose, output, time, pouring structure. Simple variables.

>> No.17671385

but I don't live in your third world country, there aren't any for 240V either. except a Garcon, it seems. I'm considering it

>> No.17671396

You have yet to explain how you believe that I do nothing but follow the instructions of "coffeetubers" but simultaneously don't follow the instructions supplied with the mellowshit. I'll wait for you to explain your doublethink.

>> No.17671405

Not sure how it works in other countries but don't they just have smaller breakers for 240 outlets?

>> No.17671419

You need a $200 kettle and $35 plastic showerscreen to even think about making a V60.

>> No.17671430

there are plenty of high watt kettles, the one I'm using is 2200w, but not goosenecks for some reason

>> No.17671452

You're locked into a single recipe and cannot deviate from the norm, because this single recipe worked before. If the melodrip improved your cup on the first try, you'd be fixated onto that, but it didn't so you retreat back to the familiar. Any additional steps or tools in this process fucks your brain so hard you're unable to make basic rational decisions like tweaking your grind size finer to play better with a different variable, in this case less agitation/particle churn. Somehow a retard with a "sitting in my truck with a hat on" amazon profile picture managed to figure this concept out. Now. Grinder, dose, output, time, pouring structure. And a picture of the resulting bed with a melodrip perched on top. Thanks.
>It works very well. It will reduce the agitation while pouring water into the coffee bed. Your standard recipes will need to change because the extraction comes from only the hot water and grind size. Since the coffee bed isn’t churning with each pour, you may need to grind finer since your dripper (V60, Kalita, Stagg X, etc…) will drain quicker due to reduced agitation. It works very well, it’s very cool to see absolutely clear water above the bed since there is no churning going on.
~Van Steel, Real American.

>> No.17671471

Is that coffeebabish?

>> No.17671522

>You're locked into a single recipe

>> No.17671536

>Now. Grinder, dose, output, time, pouring structure. And a picture of the resulting bed with a melodrip perched on top. Thanks.
Kill yourself faggot

>> No.17671539

>If the melodrip improved your cup on the first try, you'd be fixated onto that, but it didn't so you retreat back to the familiar.
Fuck man I bought these shapton stones and no matter how I rub knives on them they turn out dull. Fucking junk waste of money.
>Have you tried learning how to sharpen
Why the fuck would I do that the box says rub knife on stone=sharp.
>Now. Grinder, dose, output, time, pouring structure. And a picture of the resulting bed with a melodrip perched on top. Thanks.
And a timestamp.

>> No.17671543

Kill yourself faggot I am beyond tired of you shitting up every single fucking thread with your nonsense

>> No.17671556

Which one? There were 3. They're updated and slightly tweaked on the website as of now. Adapt these as you see fit. The world is your canvas.

>> No.17671565

Wait so I'm not suppose to follow the instructions now, I'm supposed to just make shit up? First I was incapable of following instructions, then I only followed the instructions of coffeetubers, and now you actually aren't supposed to follow the instructions at all? Your story changes more and more with every desperate coping shitpost.

>> No.17671572

Drinking a #cup

>> No.17671574

Recipes aren't static. Grinder, dose, output, time, pouring structure. And a picture of the resulting bed with a melodrip perched on top. Thanks. And a timestamp.
>I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas.

>> No.17671590

So I'm not supposed to follow the recipe given? You just had a 24 hour long tantrum over me "not being able to follow a recipe," but now I wasn't even supposed to be following the recipe to begin with? I was just supposed to know the secret formula and follow that instead?

>> No.17671609
File: 2.75 MB, 2616x1968, PXL_20220408_233554960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole lot of dodging going on here. Not sure why making a quick cuppa is such a big deal.
>which one
Grinder, dose, output, time, pouring structure. And a picture of the resulting bed with a melodrip perched on top. Thanks. And a timestamp.

>> No.17671613
File: 599 KB, 756x752, 1648667894844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get a fucking room already

>> No.17671632

>>which one
I already fucking told you dipshit, the first recipe listed on the fucking card. I threw the card away so I don't know which one that is on his gay faggot website. It doesn't matter since NOBODY ELSE USES THIS THING BUT YOU. YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON WHO IS OBSESSED WITH THIS FUCKING USELESS GADGET. EVERY NORMAL PERSON RECOGNIZES THAT IT IS USELESS AND IS LAUGHING AT YOU. YOU THINK YOU ARE SOME MISUNDERSTOOD GENIUS BUT YOU'RE ACTUALLY JUST RETARDED.

>> No.17671655
File: 51 KB, 689x472, 1644345524289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you can't post a timestamped picture of it and have zero clue how you used it? Weird.

>> No.17671671
File: 1.99 MB, 2285x2313, 20220408_195059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post le heckin receipt!!!!
>uh that doesnt count because uhh it just doesnt okay????
>post timestamped photo with shoe on head and include SSN, blood type, and mother's maiden name
Kill yourself faggot

>> No.17671676

Now was that so hard? It took months. Get a kettle going. I'll walk you through this.

>> No.17671679

Your address is visibly reflected, kiddo. I am contact tracing your IP as we speak and you can expect an unparalleled slaughter the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth mark my fucking words

>> No.17671685

>have zero clue how you used it

>> No.17671695

I'm not afraid of someone who can't even pour water in a circular motion without shitting himself

>> No.17671705

Cool. Grinder, dose, output, time, pouring structure. What do you think less agitation is doing to ruin your cups that can't be adjusted for with a finer grind and another stir? You've mastered the device, you should have some idea of its effect.

>> No.17671708

You ok? A curved tamper will never give more even extractions than a flat one. Why are you spazing out?

>> No.17671712

wait.... the Melodrip is made in China?

>> No.17671713

Delete this NOW

>> No.17671715

He's been spazzing out over the melodrip since October 2021

>> No.17671717
File: 45 KB, 800x463, 100834075_2921822691235999_3383773268140883968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy melodrip you support China #1 friend

>> No.17671723

bout to melodrip some microplastic onto my lilydrip so I can get trannytits

>> No.17671724

Do you think he's also the chinkgrinder shill? I wouldn't put it past a chinaman to be this vindictive and autistic over his sweatshop child labor products getting a bad review

>> No.17671727

A curved tamper you understand how to use will btfo a flat tamper you fuck up the puck with. Possession=/=experience.

>> No.17671737

I reduce every retarded poster I meet on here into the same schizotard so he's SGP anon as well

>> No.17671748
File: 75 KB, 1121x935, kin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the flair+kinuphoenixanon that tracked down the taiwanese shopee link showing kin is rebranded 1zpresso. The consensus at the time was it didn't matter, I was mad at 1zpresso, and china #1. The wug is being made in hong kong, but I'm not going to shill that until it gets here.
Weird when I bought it last march.

>> No.17671756

>Weird when I bought it last march.
Ok? You didn't start spazzing about it until I called it useless shit after I bought it in October as you could see by the receipt that I posted

>> No.17671779

You actually think you're the first one to call it useless shit? I've consistently posted about it for a year because I've consistently used it for a year.
>What do you think less agitation is doing to ruin your cups that can't be adjusted for with a finer grind and another stir? You've mastered the device, you should have some idea of its effect.
Still waiting.

>> No.17671804

I had a Coca-Cola Coffee the other day. By chance I found them at the local gas station. I got a Dark Roast and a Vanilla. The Dark was amazing, the flavours blended really well together; and I wanted to get some more. Only wish I could find Zero, since I usually take my coffee black.

>> No.17671807

>grinding with babish
not to be confused with grindring with babish

>> No.17671811
File: 2.75 MB, 2268x2268, 20220408_202521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow... so this is the power of the melodrip... look at that flatness... unparalleled consistency...

>> No.17671812
File: 42 KB, 603x303, Senku-cola-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how a diy espresso colo tonic would work.

>> No.17671816

Melobros... this can't be fucking happening...

>> No.17671841

The melodrip didn't do that. Your poor pour technique did. You can clearly see where you poured more water.
>requires a high learning curve
Practice makes perfect. You've got a picture saved to compare the next one to. Fix it. Now. Grinder, dose, output, time, pouring structure. Step by step.

>> No.17671850

Recipe A conical from the faggot's website. How did I pour too much water in one spot if the entire purpose of the fucking thing is to distribute you fucking stupid bitch? I moved the shower screen and the kettle in circles just as it said to do. Why is it so hard for you to accept that you're wrong?

>> No.17671859
File: 32 KB, 197x188, 1626597083717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck up your pour
>falseflag a melodrip

>> No.17671866

>it's impossible for the melodrip to be useless, you're just falseflagging!!!
You are so fucking pathetic, just fuck off already for the love of god

>> No.17671877
File: 3.60 MB, 4524x3024, PXL_20211025_025645127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it so hard for you to accept that you're wrong?
Why is it so hard for you to accept you're the cause of your problems. You have photographic proof you favored the center of the bed. Noone photoshopped it or affected it other than you. Your water should be clear enough to see the state of the bed in between pours. This is fixable now that you're aware.
>How did I pour too much water in one spot if the entire purpose of the fucking thing is to distribute you fucking stupid bitch?
You tell me? Why doesn't your bed look like this? Its not a magic stick that automates the process. You've purchased finer grain control over a variable. Its not a v60 drip assist or gabi master b. Turns out you can still crater the center of the bed with those if you pour more water into the center...

>> No.17671885
File: 2.57 MB, 1632x918, cofffeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only two anime pictures I've ever posted are the
>how dare you serve me this bad coffee
and now the cola recipe. You've got the wrong schizo, schizo. Oh and the trigun picture.

>> No.17671891

>Your water should be clear enough to see the state of the bed in between pours.
It wasn't because the recipe tells you to stir it with the fucking stick you goddamn retard.
>Turns out you can still crater the center of the bed with those if you pour more water into the center
Good thing that I didn't pour extra water into the center then. It's almost as if you are autistically attached to this useless piece of shit gadget for some reason. Where is your proof that was done with the melodrip? Grinder, dose, output, time, timestamped webm showing stirring and pouring structure. And a picture of the resulting bed with a melodrip perched on top. Thanks.

>> No.17671892

That has nothing to do with the tools. If you can use a flat tamper you can use a curved one. Yes, experience is the defining factor, but proper equipment will produce better results if skill remains the same. No reason to handicap yourself.

>> No.17671919
File: 11 KB, 442x442, 1647219526386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gentle stir
pourovers aren't that fucking hard

>> No.17671923
File: 136 KB, 900x299, 1637143308537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17671924

So Yirgacheffe huh? Love it with Natural Bliss Creamer

>> No.17671927

single origins are boring and inferior to blends

>> No.17671930

You just don't get it. You just don't know how to use the tool properly. You just have to follow the guide instead of following le heckin coffeetubers. But also you don't know how to follow instructions. But also if you follow the instructions and get poor results then you just need to invent your own method.

>> No.17671931

fuck you people are autistic

>> No.17671948

single origins are blends

>> No.17671954

>Kettle: Boiled
>Tabless Filter Paper: Wetted
>Grinder Manufacturing Tolerances: Weird
>Distribution Crystals: Charged
>Melodrip: Preheated
>Lilydrip: Lubed and inserted
>Scott Rao: Executed
>Meds: Not taken
Yep. It's V60 time. What will I think of it?

>> No.17671973
File: 93 KB, 1200x1200, 12950.0360_CWTF_TC_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes a better pourover than melotards ever will

>> No.17671976


>> No.17671995

you scald your when fishing your kettle out of the pot you boiled it on. you realize your lily went to far up your ass and you forgot the beans in your grinder and opt for instant coffee instead. it was delicious

>> No.17671997

melodrip is a tool

>> No.17672000

yes, melodrip bad

>> No.17672004
File: 2.96 MB, 1080x1920, recipeA18g.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recipe A. 208f. Preheated melodrip in an origami cup while I rinsed the filter. 18.13g in, 310g on the pour, pulled the cup off before the last few drops ran through. Kinu m47p at just under 4 full rotations. 60g kettle pour, stir, 100g drip, stir, 50g drip, 50g drip, 50g drip. Stamp on the table said ctg 4/2022. Why is my bed flatter?

>> No.17672014
File: 3.78 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220409_005712223[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, 4 cup cafec t90 medium roast filters.

>> No.17672015

I like how you hastily moved the camera away as the water level was going below that giant mound in the center to make it less obvious that your bed isn't even perfectly flat kek. I get flatter beds pouring by hand with a single swirl. It's not even physically possible to get a flat bed with just stirring and no swirling.

>> No.17672066

I use a Takeya for my cold brew

>> No.17672068
File: 2.16 MB, 2879x3332, PXL_20220409_012823538~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or to show the timer as water ran out.
>Giant mound
Yeah that .25mm divot really fucked the cup more than a microburst of water through the center.

>> No.17672085

So you made a pourover normally and pretended that you did it with the melodrip, and you didn't even do a very good job kek. No evidence here at all indicating that the water actually went through that thing and that you never once swirled it.
>I get flatter beds pouring by hand with a single swirl. It's not even physically possible to get a flat bed with just stirring and no swirling.

>> No.17672093


>> No.17672110

>provides no evidence
>refutes nothing
Try saying it again, this time without crying.

>> No.17672144

Yeah the melodrip poster took the opportunity to post without the melodrip. Makes sense. Meanwhile the guy who can't figure out how to pour posts evidence of him not being able to pour after months of asserting he knows how to pour.

>> No.17672160

I've already posted beds several times in the past, since every time you bring it up you start demanding that I post bed. Then when I do you just make up some desperate cope, accuse me of overswirling, or just stop replying. The thing is just shit. Accept it. Faking shit in an attempt to make it look better makes you look even more pathetic.

>> No.17672186

It looks like you dropped a lily in the center of your bed pal. Ray Murakawa didn't cause that. You've proved to yourself you're not yet past the learning curve and refuse to adapt out of shame. It's ok. I had trouble at first too. Slow your flow. Utilize every spout. You're not blindly slinging water at the dish. I generally do an outside pour then focus on the center.

>> No.17672196

Post some proof that the melodrip was actually used during that brew and proof that it was never swirled. I'll wait.

>> No.17672214

Oh so you want the whole step by step coffeetuber hand holding treatment? Like I've said all along? Too bad, not enough hands to drip and film and you're not worth rigging up a tripod for. Maybe once you learn to pour I could make it happen. Weird how your fucked up brew didn't include any shot of the md.

>> No.17672242

>I could totally provide proof, I just won't
Ok, I accept your concession.

>> No.17672265
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Cope. No yous for you. I'd be upset if I shot myself in the foot on 4chan too.
>Good thing that I didn't pour extra water into the center then.

>> No.17672283

>I'd be upset if I shot myself in the foot on 4chan too.
Yeah I would be pretty embarrassed too if my fake video got called out instantly and if I still managed to fuck up a pourover in the making of it. It would be pretty retarded of me to post a worse looking bed than what normal people can make with a bare kettle while trying to shill a chinese plastic showerhead. I might even be ashamed of myself and wonder what went wrong in my life that led me down such a path.

>> No.17672322

>Weird how your fucked up brew didn't include any shot of the md.
You've seen dozens of my beds over the years and you still try to pull this bullshit. Not to mention anyone else who has ever posted bed here, since nobody here except you uses the meme showerhead. You know exactly what a normal person is capable of producing with a bare kettle. It's even funnier that most of the beds I have posted (in response to you begging to post bed after I called your meme device shit) were done before I even got a nice kettle. I was pouring flatter beds than what the memedrip can produce with a cheap $30 piece of shit kettle. Cope.

>> No.17672328
File: 214 KB, 1280x1016, 1280px-Sedan_Plowshare_Crater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> post a worse looking bed than what normal people can make with a bare kettle

>> No.17672358
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, kekistan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was pouring flatter beds than what the memedrip can produce with a cheap $30 piece of shit kettle.

>> No.17672384

Still waiting for you to explain to us how you produced a flat bed without swirling once.

>> No.17672418

I poured water evenly through a bed that was stirred during the bloom and second pour. If the dripper was swirled at the end, there would be concentric striations in the bubbles and fines trapped on the wall. Instead you see the bubbles float from the water's surface and trap themselves against the wall vertically.. The striations would be very apparent on the bubbles on the "folds" or ridges. If you compare the webm to >>17671877
you see the same consistent level and "wave" due to the ridges.
> 60g kettle pour, stir, 100g drip, stir, 50g drip, 50g drip, 50g drip.

>> No.17672422

>> 60g kettle pour, stir, 100g drip, stir, 50g drip, 50g drip, 50g drip.
Why do you keep spamming this? It's the exact recipe that I used, dipshit.
>If the dripper was swirled at the end, there would be concentric striations in the bubbles and fines trapped on the wall. Instead you see the bubbles float from the water's surface and trap themselves against the wall vertically.. The striations would be very apparent on the bubbles on the "folds" or ridges.
What a load of shit kek

>> No.17672424

>>17664652 the Turks used these glass or wooden cups surrounded by a metal shell, I’ve seen quite a bit of variation between them and I think they’re quite stylish

>> No.17672440
File: 196 KB, 500x588, 1641201565100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just an Aeropress cap
Imagine getting this autistic over a piece of plastic

>> No.17672446
File: 38 KB, 640x853, 50xrzk2erbs81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just pour kettle water into a plant watering can?

>> No.17672447

No dude it's different. This one costs $35 and it makes your pourovers perfect every time (I struggle to pour consistently in a circle with a kettle specifically designed for pourover) and it distributes your water perfectly (I struggle to pour at a consistent rate when using a kettle with a rate limited gooseneck) and it sucks you off. Great piece of kit.

>> No.17672455
File: 3.10 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220409_030409519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same exact recipe. I did the kubomi spiral shit but no melodrip or stirring. Stagg ekg and swirling. ~50 second longer draw down compared to md+stir.

>> No.17672462

Anon, don't give out your million dollar idea for free
Patent that shit and shill to all the coffeetubers

>> No.17672468

Why would the group of people who didn't fall for the mellowpiss meme fall for the watering can meme?

>> No.17672477
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, swirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those holes are at least 4-6x larger than the melo's little nozzles. Craternon can vouch for that.

>> No.17672540

WAit.. is the Melodrip made in CHina?

>> No.17672552

So is the Lunar. And Fellow Stagg. Ode. All of Lagom. Espro bloom. DF64. etc.

>> No.17672557

wait. the Melodrip is made in china?

>> No.17672560


>> No.17672563

Even THE Kingrinder is chinese.......

>> No.17672577


>> No.17672593

>pouring your entire quantity of boiling hot brew water through chinkshit plastic just to make your coffee worse
Do gearqueers really do this? At least my crystals are 100% natural and cruelty free made in the USA.

>> No.17672618

There is no reason for a crystal to cost more than $30. Make sure you're breathing deep while you mix those cleaning supplies.

>> No.17672643

>thread ruined by a couple of autistic faggots

>> No.17672684

We could be talking about how many scoops to put the aeropress for a latte instead.

>> No.17672741
File: 942 KB, 500x281, 1620298229285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tuned them out ages ago. It's funny to read one sentence from each of their posts without any supporting context and imagine the slapfight. when it's gone on this long it gets pretty abstract when you do that.

>> No.17672746
File: 157 KB, 633x903, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can't operate a product at or above the level of amazon reviewers, you should neck yourself. If they can figure it out, you should probably be able to as well.
>Somehow a retard with a "sitting in my truck with a hat on" amazon profile picture managed to figure this concept out.
If you can't make perfect espresso for 4 people in 20 minutes with the Manual Coffee Bean Grinder with Adjustable Settings Patented Conical Burr Grinder for Coffee Beans Stainless Steel Burr Coffee Grinder for Aeropress Drip Coffee Espresso French Press by JavaPresse then you just aren't using the product correctly. Maybe stop taking coffeetuber videos as the word of god? You would think someone with your level of experience would be able to turn a crank without shitting yourself.

>> No.17672755

He's so mad he outed himself as queer and bad at pouring water. God that swirled cup was so much fucking worse. Turns out an extra minute of drawdown affects the cup.

>> No.17672760

>Same exact recipe.
Weren't you the same faggot whining about how you need to adapt the recipe to the showerhead? No shit it's going to be bad if you used your showerhead optimized recipe without the showerhead, dipshit.

>> No.17672769

>bad at pouring water
Yet you're the one who made a shit cup of coffee since you didn't have your precious chinesium hole to pour it through. It seems like you are the one who is bad at pouring water.

>> No.17672799

330 drawdown is what hoffmeme aims for so the swirl is still within reason. Its just much worse. If I changed any other variable than the kettle and stir, you'd be bitching that its not the same recipe. I was aiming to show the longer drawdown without md, and the clear signs of swirling. You can fucking tell what direction I swirled in.
>you didn't have your precious chinesium hole to pour it through
Do you think I gave it away in the time between posting it at 18:40:57 and using it at 20:18:03. Make up your mind schizo.

>> No.17672809

and you just know none of these anons compete in the aeropress world championship

>> No.17672812

>Make espresso with pourover ratio and grind setting
>It's shit
There, definitive proof that espresso is fucking dogshit. And don't tell me that I should have used an appropriate ratio and grind setting for the brew method, then you'd be bitching that it's not the same recipe.
>Do you think I gave it away
Are you actually genuinely retarded? Referring to the fact that you made shit coffee during your second attempt when pouring from a kettle (like everyone else does). Dipshit.

>> No.17672826

>buy espresso grinder
>the grind setting the manual tells me to use results in a sub par drink
>"Have you tried learning how to use it"
It. Fucking. Says. Espresso. Grinder. Why doesn't it grind espresso.
>shit coffee
Where did I say it was shit? It was just worse than the previous cup by a wide margin. You'd happily guzzle it down.

>> No.17672842

>You clearly don't know how to read instructions
>You can read instructions but only those of coffeetubers
>Actually you can't read instructions at all again
>Okay you can read instructions you just can't adapt them
>You can definitely read instructions now but you aren't supposed to read the instructions because that gives a bad result
>You're actually just supposed to learn how to use it
Is that your final answer or are you going to change it again?

>> No.17672870

>I was aiming to show the longer drawdown without md
Which is confounded by you grinding finer than normal for a pourover as you have already admitted
>and the clear signs of swirling
Which you failed to show, retard.

>> No.17672874

You posted clear evidence of a shitty pour pal. Looks worse than my melodripped cup and the kettle pour. Also never posted your grinder, drawdown time, or any proof it was actually melodripped. Not sure what to tell you. Seems like you have trouble over swirling to compensate for your shitty pours. Try harder or swirl later.
>You clearly don't know how to read instructions
>your meme device is literally designed to mitigate the effect of human error on coffee brewing.
You didn't understand how the fucking thing worked until yesterday. Nothing has changed in the past 32 hours based off that pour. Film it. Put it on youtube. Call it "cavity" style drip.

>> No.17672890

>>You posted clear evidence of a shitty pour pal.
>Follow instructions exactly
>Get shitty result
>"Uh you actually just poured shittily. Try pouring better next time."
Yes it couldn't possibly be the case that the thing is just useless. It's just that nobody else on earth except you and some amazon reviewers have noticed its genius yet. I'm sure that everyone else will eventually come around on it and you're totally not just fucking retarded or anything. It can't be you who is wrong, everyone else is!

>> No.17672907

>confounded by you grinding finer than normal
Makes sense that slower dripped water runs a minute faster through the same grinds right? Even with swirling the more aggressive pour to trap fines against the wall above the slurry keeping them from clogging lower in the filter.
>Which you failed to show
Yeah you can't see an uneven clockwise ring of bubbles here along with the fines trapped high on the walls.
Contrasted against the non swirled, relatively consistent ring of bubbles here, here, and here.

>> No.17672920

>Film it. Put it on youtube. Call it "cavity" style drip.
Or I could not do that, and I could continue to just make fun of you since nobody will ever respect your retarded meme device. I have nothing to prove to you and I don't owe you anything. I will continue to make perfect pourovers with a bare kettle and the shitpisser will go back on its shelf so that I can look upon it and remember your autistic tantrum whenever I am making coffee the way that every normal person does.

>> No.17672936

>Follow instructions exactly
>Ends up with melodrip wide crater in the cup
I can see you really tried hard, but it didn't work out this time. Give it another shot in the morning. From the clumping on the walls I can see you're flooding the center, raising the slurry, and continuing to center pour. Use those outside holes. Really focus on proving me wrong while that kettle shakes in your right hand for 2 minutes.

>> No.17672944

>From the clumping on the walls I can see you're flooding the center, raising the slurry, and continuing to center pour.
You can make shit up as much as you want but that's not what happened kek. If this is going to devolve into wild conjecture based on nothing then I assure you I can beat you at that as well.

>> No.17672948

>perfect pourovers with a bare kettle
>why do they keep telling me its overswirlled :'(
Hey pal. Good luck. I can tell you're going to need it. In other news, turns out bottom papers on espresso aren't a meme. Either. You can try that next october and I'll clown on you then too.
>I followed the instructions but I keep tearing the paper with my needles these things are junk.

>> No.17672953

Who is "they?" You and your other personalities?

>> No.17672977

>>your meme device is literally designed to mitigate the effect of human error on coffee brewing.
You're not even quoting me, that's an entirely different person kek. Have you seriously been under a false impression this entire time?

>> No.17673000
File: 1.23 MB, 2268x2268, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's not what happened kek
You mickey moused it buddy. Nothing in the instructions about that. You're telling me the same amount of water flowed through those "ears" as the "head"?
>Have you seriously been under a false impression this entire time?
I reduce every retarded poster I meet on here into the same schizotard, and boy you made the cut with flying colors.

>> No.17673018
File: 14 KB, 220x260, awoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17673020

>>Have you seriously been under a false impression this entire time?
>I reduce every retarded poster I meet on here into the same schizotard
hi not him, i'm the other guy that trolls you. these quotes are my toys and ctg is my sandbox.

it's so weird to think you've been arguing with someone you thought was me for 3 hours lol

>> No.17673023

>You're telling me the same amount of water flowed through those "ears" as the "head"?
The thing is a circle dipshit. There are no ears or head. Put it over the bed and pour circles. That's what it produces. There is no way you will ever get a flat bed with this thing since you are told to stir it up with the stick after the huge 60g bloom pour. When you stir the blooming bed instead of swirling it makes a fucked up bed that is then not properly evened out by the intentional lack of agitation or swirl.

>> No.17673043

Just say you don't know anything and move on.
I'm arguing with the thread pal. Usually happens when I bait myself into multiple late night cups. When someone else puts forth a disingenuous take, I use it against some other moron. We've been doing this for years now. I'm not the guy who gives tardpourer shit for overswirling, but when someone else does I hop on the train. Would you really be that shocked that I'm the one who got cumyourselfcoldbrewanon to freak out?

>> No.17673049

>I'm arguing with the thread pal.

>> No.17673056

I can't believe they've been arguing like this for hours now.

>> No.17673063
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>Put it under the shower screen and pull. That's what it produces. Its not my prep or failure to tune my machine at all.
I'm still laughing at
>yuge 60g bloom
Yeah. 2-3g of water per g of coffee is pretty standard.

>> No.17673073

Just say you don't know anything and move on.

>> No.17673116
File: 53 KB, 1076x265, ntih.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to create an environment that is so toxic

>> No.17673120

>You just... uh... didn't prep and tune the plastic disc correctly, yeah. Just prep and tune it next time.

>> No.17673147

Maybe if you stopped buying all this stupid shit you could afford an automatic espresso machine

>> No.17673154

>I just bought this new grill and everything keeps coming out burnt, yet raw
well do you know how to cook?
>fuck dude I read the instructions. Turn knob, punch igniter, throw shit in there
Maybe practice?

>> No.17673164

I wouldn't mind one of those mavam mms. Not sure I need two e65s but who knows.

>> No.17673184

>>I just bought this new grill
More like you bought some Ja/ck/-tier meme product and are treating it like you discovered fire. Meanwhile everyone in the thread makes fun of you for throwing tantrums over retarded shit.

>> No.17673188

Recently got into coffee after getting a moka pot
I usually like my coffee stronger and thicker but I want to try something different

What equipment should I get next?
Deciding between V60, french press aeropress and chemex

>> No.17673192

Join the Aeropress gang

>> No.17673198

Hario switch Lets you brew v60 style pourovers, paper filtered immersion brews like an ap, and if you snag an extra metal filter you can emulate a french press as well.

>> No.17673212

Ima buy an orea dripper next. Stay tuned.

>> No.17673224

Buy Flair 58

>> No.17673244


>> No.17673263
File: 353 KB, 389x659, 1649103115465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average Aeropresser (male)

>> No.17673273

s/he's got a lilydrip up there

>> No.17673276
File: 359 KB, 906x375, faggot4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ribbed for her pleasure

>> No.17673291

Anyone ever made s Decent shot of espresso?

>> No.17673295

Should I get an aeropress or aeropress go?

>> No.17673304

Just get a v60

>> No.17673308

The Go is way too small
Get the regular Aeropress

>> No.17673352

Think this will run under 10k?

>> No.17673368

what the heck I just bought a df64 and it doesn’t go fine enough for espresso

>> No.17673373

What are the tolerances like?

>> No.17673385


>> No.17673392

how do you mean? i zero via manual feel.listening and only have range from 0-3 on dial giving close to espresso grind

>> No.17673394

I did the springs, and zero…range is smalllll and I’m afraid to go closer to zero

>> No.17673400

Do I really gotta go with the ssp ?

>> No.17673401

Same guy. He fucking rambles so watch on 1.25x sry.

>> No.17673403

We warned you

>> No.17673409

true, and I ordered a set..but what the fuck I wasted 3-4 shots thanks to garbage stock burrs

>> No.17673411

Heck it’s more like 8 wasted shots damnit,

>> No.17673423
File: 167 KB, 1500x843, Burrs+selection+Guide+2021-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which did you order? P64 comes stock with the same italmills as Df64.

>> No.17673429
File: 205 KB, 1935x459, 65F87447-6133-4437-A2D1-9D63F9F05712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HU, will be here today!

>> No.17673430

But I like lighter roasts so might regret, hope not

>> No.17673452

Sick! Burrs apparently hold their value lol. There's always going to be someone wanting to try what they don't have and 64mm is super popular.

>> No.17673459

I didn’t realize there was a big secondhand market, can’t really afford to buy the ssp unimode too at the momentwvtkd

>> No.17673468

eaf discord

>> No.17673478

thanks anon

>> No.17673599

Melodrip autist is a janitor btw in case anyone was wondering

>> No.17673775

The black mirror I got is shit after all.
put on grinder on it, 493.6
tare and lift it up
50$ for this piece of shit...

>> No.17673777

Neat dilator collection bro

>> No.17674334

Are those butt plugs?

>> No.17674734

Anyone add minerals to their water for brewing coffee? I’ve been starting to experiment adding some potassium carbonate and magnesium sulfate to get yummy potassium and magnesium into my water. It seems to have really good results, even with the tiny amounts I add per litre:
>40mg KCO3
>220mg MgSO4
I even tried a cheap ”instant” pourover from the store today and it was surprisingly drinkable, while the bacth with filtered water I made after to compare tasted ashy and bitter, utter shit.

>> No.17674978

Where do you even buy potassium. Last time I asked a seller, she looked at me like I was some kind of domestic terrorist intending on making a bomb