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File: 306 KB, 2048x2048, pf-d72e3a94--DSC6036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17646040 No.17646040 [Reply] [Original]

If your bartender glittered your drink like this, would you still drink it?

>> No.17646045

Yasss i woulddd

>> No.17646044

No I'd throw it over him
Not queer, simple as

>> No.17646049

Why do you assume the bartender is a man
Why are you threatened by a glittery drink? Are you that worried that people are gonna think you suck cocks?

>> No.17646055

kinda interested in my glittery poops afterwards

>> No.17646084

It's just a faggot drink, has no business entering my belly.

>> No.17646089

I’d leave without paying. Cleary he doesn’t want my money

>> No.17646091

>Kosher certified

>> No.17646093

Is it kosher? Oh it is, then yes I would.

>> No.17646114
File: 68 KB, 1400x794, 1444928749-delish-glow-food-jekyll-gin-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I much rather think you'd prefer a Glow In The Dark cocktail

>> No.17646126

Yeah. Anyone who would care enough to give me shit about it is a closeted homosexual

>> No.17646172

Is this even true? Why does everyone repeat this?
I know two people who were closeted fags into college and both of them were really flamboyant. They would be drinking shit like this daily.
Also, since everyone "knows" that being scared to "look gay" is a sign of being closeted, wouldn't real closeted fags be eager to prove they're not gay by drinking the gay drink? If you refuse to drink the gay drink, everyone will assume you're closeted, which actually makes refusing the drink more of a sign of security in your sexuality

>> No.17646176

>spritzing cheap beer with glitter
I'd have a chuckle

>> No.17646190

>everyone "knows" that being scared to "look gay" is a sign of being closeted, wouldn't real closeted fags be eager to prove they're not gay by drinking the gay drink
Idk about you but there’s a lot of black guys everywhere I go and their obsession with not being gay is not this nuanced

>> No.17646209

>I know two people who were closeted fags into college
Well you wouldn’t know that they were closeted fags if they weren’t flamboyant...

I do avoid faggy shit, but not to an extent that seems suspicious.

t. Closeted fag

>> No.17646214

yes because I like that gay shit

>> No.17646227

Glitter is for poofs, everyone knows that

>> No.17646253

Fair enough, I'm just thinking about a cultural context where people say that being scared to look gay is a sign of being gay. Blacks probably don't use that argument on each other in the first place.

Sorry should have specified, I knew they were closeted because they actually came out as gay later. Though I did suspect it due to the flamboyance.
>I do avoid faggy shit, but not to an extent that seems suspicious.
This is what I would expect a smart closeted gay to do. But would you drink this glitter drink is the question

>> No.17646491

I don’t really drink, so I guess no. If I were in the situation though, it’d probably be preferable to just drink it and not make a scene.

>> No.17646516

No. I happily drink girly drinks, because some of them taste very good, but glitter is disgusting and I hate it in all contexts.
>not omophobic, just ate glitter. simple as.

>> No.17646583
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>> No.17646750

Only because it's purple. I just like the color purple.

>> No.17646763

It's hard enough to get glitter off the outside of your body, I'm not putting that shit inside too that shit will never come out.

>> No.17647007

Do you fuck women to keep up appearances?

>> No.17647013
File: 1.68 MB, 332x332, 36E43DEB-B0C9-42D6-8308-6586745673CB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s it make my pee/poop look like?

>> No.17647019


>> No.17647026
File: 88 KB, 1200x709, recreacion-fenicios-tinte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello my brother

>> No.17647033

My bartender only has warm coors lights and an old broken TV with Family Feud on perpetually

>> No.17647155

I can smell burnt toast

>> No.17647157

no thanks, i have enough plastic in my diet already from eating seafood

>> No.17647164

No thanks, dont need that shit ripping apart my urethra on the way out

>> No.17647227

I ordered an old fashioned.
If he glittered it at all, I'd dump it on the bar.

>> No.17647386

holy shit is that glitter lean???

>> No.17647418

depends if they puffed it directly out of their anus or not

>> No.17647435
File: 58 KB, 614x389, bartender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way you phased this makes it sound like I have a bartender bro/gf who's testing himself/herself to see if she can make faggy cocktails correctly and offering them to me to sample. If they offered it to me for free, I'd drink it. If I get glitter in my beer without them asking me anything or something equally autistic, I leave and never come back.

>> No.17647492

Only acceptable at a gay bar

>> No.17647648
File: 29 KB, 401x485, 1644504075345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't drink this faggy plastic laced drink you're a gay
what is wrong with the west?

>> No.17647671

if its edible.

>> No.17647682

To my knowledge, it's actually finely-ground mica.

>> No.17647706


>> No.17647713

More delicious than plastic.
Probably kills intestinal parasites, too. Did you know they used to feed aluminum shavings to people with tapeworms?

>> No.17647720

Only if the bartender is hot.

>> No.17647778

People say they like the color purple but no one ever wears purple, drives a purple car, buys purple products, decorates their houses purple or even uses a purple theme in windows

>> No.17647786

I never realized that actually.

>> No.17647793
File: 164 KB, 500x505, smug raven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one ever wears purple
I do

>> No.17647801

how to look like a big toddler

>> No.17647812

your boyfriend would get a fabulous little surprise on his d

>> No.17647816

It's kosher, but is it halal?

>> No.17647819

Take it back, I'm a big boy now.

>> No.17647855

Purple is a color traditionally associated with royalty due to its rarity in nature and its status as the highest color on the light spectrum. The usage of purple by non royalty was outlawed, and the stigma continues to this day (that royalty never went away). This is why pimps use a ton of purple, as a form of claimed royalty and rebellion against the powers that shouldn’t be.

>> No.17647867

I did not. Was it effective at all?

>> No.17647891

Will it get me drunk or a buzz? Yes

>> No.17647966

Only if I specifically asked for a glittery drink. If I asked for a martini or something and he glittered it without telling me, I would refuse it and go somewhere else.

>> No.17648880

So your boyfriends lumpy cum that you suck down your gullet doesn't count as a "faggot drink"?