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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 600x500, classic-beef-stroganoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17612695 No.17612695 [Reply] [Original]

This is their food, their culture
Beef, mushroom, creamy sauce and pasta
why are they like this?
whats wrong with them?

>> No.17612698

you already posted this

>> No.17612700

Looks good.

>> No.17612724

>Beef, mushroom, creamy sauce and pasta
This sounds great

>> No.17612727
File: 86 KB, 480x480, pastaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, Macaroni Po Flotski.

>> No.17612734

>Beef, mushroom, creamy sauce and pasta
Sounds pretty good.

>> No.17612739

Its very rich for me but I see the appeal. Brazilians do it better honestly.

>> No.17612743

why do retards here seethe when people enjoy things they hate?

>> No.17612752

Beef stroganoff is fucking good, you could have picked pretty much anything else as an example to criticize russian cuisine

>> No.17612781

That's almost always been the point of 4chan. To shit on others' opinions without consequence.

>> No.17612798
File: 1.61 MB, 1249x840, fukk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stroganoff is fucking elder god tier peasant food.

>tfw Biden and his team of obese brown cherokee bulldykes have made the cost of caviar almost double these past few weeks
Russian food is good if you like seafood and potatoes, because that's like 90% of it.

>> No.17612815

Stroganoff is not eaten eaten with pasta. Potatoes either mashes or boiled, rice in a pinch. Eating it on pasta is an Anglo thing.

>> No.17612821

It's also good, so who gives a fuck.

>> No.17612823

This states to god fucking

>> No.17612835

im drunk sorry

>> No.17612851


>> No.17612853

Russia is landlocked 95% of the year. They have no seafood, apart from Iranian caviar

>> No.17612888

Sturgeon are river fish, and Russia has major fishing operations on all of its coasts, you nitwit.

>> No.17612896

>doesn't like beef pasta and mushrooms
The ultimate tastelet.

>> No.17612898

It’s fucking delicious.

>> No.17612908

They literally have the world's largest inland sea. Did you fail geography class?

>> No.17612923

Interesting, stroganoff on potatoes actually does sound immensely better whereas noddle stroganoff is kind of meh imo.

>> No.17612926

Fuck off ukrop shill

>> No.17612940

google maps the western pacific ocean. then google king crab smothered in sturgeon caviar.

>> No.17612949

Bump limit soon.

>> No.17612996

He's probably american.

>> No.17613017

Fair enough. America's pretty big too and its geography is pretty complex. I couldn't identify half its major rivers on a map.

>> No.17613048
File: 105 KB, 846x658, Screenshot_2022-03-27 The Contiguous U S Rivers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I was right. I suck.

>> No.17613049

Beef stroganoff comes from Russia? I hate them even more now

>> No.17613097

They literally have a worthless inland sea.

What the fuck are you literally doing on an international board, let alone a cooking one?

>> No.17613116

This is bait.

>> No.17613125
File: 1.13 MB, 2352x2195, 3BDA2B32-97E2-47CB-9688-851193C4C93E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve always wanted to try the legit Olivier Salad from the Hermitage

>The exact recipe—particularly that of the dressing—was a zealously guarded secret, but it is known that the salad contained grouse, veal tongue, caviar, lettuce, crayfish tails, capers, and smoked duck, although it is possible that the recipe was varied seasonally. The original Olivier dressing was a type of mayonnaise, made with French wine vinegar, mustard, and Provençal olive oil; its exact recipe, however, remains unknown

>> No.17613186

Bro, what?

>> No.17613267

i hate russians but stroganoff is god-tier

>> No.17613353
File: 594 KB, 822x462, Boeuf-Strogonow-rozgrzewajace-i-sycace-danie-jednogarnkowe.-Klasyczny-przepis-krok-po-kroku_article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had the russian stroganoff and liked it a lot but i grew up in poland with a completely different version. it's a lot more soupy, has a darker colour, more meaty flavour, adds peppers and is usually served with bread. the name used was the same though. i can't find a single recipe for it that isn't in polish. anyone's familiar with this?

>> No.17613384
File: 1.15 MB, 923x650, Screenshot_2022-03-27 Beef-Stroganoff jpg (WEBP Image, 1200 × 845 pixels) - Scaled (76%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one says you guys put pickles in it, too. Is that true?

>> No.17613453

lol polak is like the discount retard tier of slavic food

>> No.17613457

Name one thing wrong with stroganoff

>> No.17613596

my grandma never added them but the ones i had at restaurants sometimes had them. not too much so it wasn't overpowering. the on e in that pic looks really bizzare, never seen one like that

>> No.17613638

fuck you, it's delicious

>> No.17613659

sure i'm certain it is but so is mcchicken

>> No.17613696

Stroganoff is served with kasha/grechka and is delicious. Russian food is great.

>> No.17613723
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 1646458016516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stroganoff is french

>> No.17613729

Bruh, stroganoff is based, the fuck are you on about?

>> No.17613730

>stroganoff is french
lol no.

>> No.17613737

Sure, it's no orange colored mystery slop served on rice with a side of roti and a touch of fecal coliform.

>> No.17613745

>The dish is named after one of the members of the influential Stroganov family.[2][3][4] A legend attributes its invention to French chefs working for the family
russians are subhumans and cannot into good food. that is why it is called stroganoff and not strogonov, it is a last fuck you to ugly disgusting slavs

>> No.17613752

heehee are u a seething ukrainian or an anglo?

>> No.17613765

>that is why it is called stroganoff and not strogonov, it is a last fuck you to ugly disgusting slavs
Nah, that's just a language thing. Like how in English we say "Warsaw" instead of "Warszawa", "Prague" instead of "Praha", "Kiev" instead of "Kyiv", "Moscow" instead of "Moskva", etc.

>> No.17613772

In Poland, it's "stroganow" and in Portugues it's "estrogonofe". Words have different spellings in different languages, my friend.

>> No.17613786

why are you talking to me? you're not human

>> No.17613790

Begone, schizo. This is autist territory.

>> No.17613835

>Words have different spellings in different languages, my friend.

>> No.17613850

I think he was specifically referring to proper nouns.

>> No.17613865

Then why did he use kiev as an example? It's not like ukraine is a real country.

>> No.17613869

why are u so butthurt over bean wrong on 4chink?

>> No.17613890

Do we need to go over what a "proper noun" is now?

>> No.17613896
File: 115 KB, 640x480, 56706558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, the rich can't eat horrendously expensive fish eggs! Whatever shall us people do?

Tell the rich to go drown their tears in their wine cellars filled with Chateau Rothschilds and Margeaux. Seriously, who gives a fuck. If there's one animal that needs a break form being slaughtered for one part, it's sharks for their fins, and sturgeons for their fucking eggs.

I'm no PETA fag, but seriously, what a fucking waste of time. Humans are cunts and we eat dumb shit for dumb reasons.

>> No.17613905

Do you think 'the bathroom' is a proper noun? That's basically what ukraine is, just an open sewer for rats.

>> No.17613915

What the fuck am I meant to put in my blini then asshole?

>> No.17613992
File: 2.89 MB, 900x1280, caviar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caviar is typically either non-lethally harvested or the rest of the fish is also sold as meat. Because sturgeons have long lifespans and take years to reach breeding, the former is becoming more common, specifically for farmed sturgeon.

The issue with sturgeons is overfishing. Americans nearly overfished the Hudson and Delaware river sturgeon to extinction before conservation efforts were put into place.

>> No.17614006

imagine the smell

>> No.17614024

you mean youre wrong?

>> No.17614052

What does fish pussy feel like?

>> No.17614268

It's not designed for penetrative intercourse.

>> No.17614294

in poland it's strogonow

>> No.17614408

Him spoot

>> No.17614425

In France it's strogâneauve

>> No.17614477

Sounds good to me. As long as there is no onions or garlic.

>> No.17614482

I’ll redesign it then. Be redesigning those fish guts I’m shoving in too

>> No.17614577
File: 309 KB, 750x581, EAAC7381-5AAA-48D6-AA04-D74C96F54698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? Looks good to me.

>> No.17615236


That's how I imagine Link reproducing with Princess Ruto in Ocarina of Time

>> No.17615246 [DELETED] 

Hate Russia, goyim. Victoria Nuland says so.

>> No.17615295

I think the fact that ukrainians consumed their own children during times of relatively mild starvation is a lot more grotesque than beef, mushrooms in a creamy sauce with noodles. Rofl.

>> No.17615306

keyed fishfucker

>> No.17615450

>soviet government confiscated all the food
>fruit and veggies rot LONG before getting redistributed
>trying to eat enough to survive

There's a reason a significant chunk of slav foods are "how many calories can I jam into this meal so that I don't die of starvation?" With whatever garnish you can scrounge up.

>> No.17615518

putin isa jew

>> No.17615524

Russian food is delicious and that picture looks like an excellent meal after a long day.

>> No.17615554
File: 48 KB, 400x582, 1308259935205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17615686

I prefer it on rice with lots of sour cream schhluuurrrp :p

>> No.17615776

Just because your povo family butchers it doesn't mean actual stroganoff isn't fantastic, freedom fries seethetard

>> No.17615806 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 465x467, D6092F1C-BBB8-4B09-9238-B1895C757D07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NATOtrannies seething even on /ck/

Kek fuck hohols. Z.

>> No.17615808

I've gotten it on rice a bunch of times, still good.

>> No.17615817

Russian food:
Ukrainan food:

>> No.17617138

You should be thankful

>> No.17617557

this post doesnt work without a nordic / bongistany flag.

>> No.17617619

omg so much this!

>> No.17617673

The fuck's that? They make a fucking good salad though.
I've had something similar to this, it also had pickles. Good shit.

>> No.17617710


>> No.17617775

>Macaroni Po Flotski.
sorry, the traditional way is spaghetti, dry af (lean) mince and some onions
t. russkie

compared to that, what you posted looks really nice

>> No.17618789
File: 58 KB, 266x200, 145464-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally one of the most delicious foods on the planet though

>> No.17620537

But you have to eat it with potatoes and rice if you want le heckin traditional authentic stroganoff

>> No.17620830

Idgaf about Portugal or my country (Estrogonof), i respect the origin

>> No.17620853

The Ukraine isn’t even a real country. Your tears are delicious though Alexi. ;)

>> No.17620862

Also, that's just a picture from a search engine I thought looked nice.
I was born in Russia originally. We're from a very traditionally soviet family from near kavkaz.
The way we make it for the past 20 years is not using spaghetti, but always making sure to add tomato paste to it. Sometimes a lot of garlic or grated carrot. Always using ground beef. Maybe it's not Russian-authentic macaroni po flotski, but it's really nice and tasty. Ground beef dishes are never bad.

>> No.17620865

That's broth. How else is it supposed to look?

>> No.17620868
File: 69 KB, 673x504, big_30054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna make me some Olivye salad.
Also russian cooking youtube is based

>> No.17621267

>ukrainan food
Oh yeah, I also love salted pig lard and, um..

>> No.17621282

That's delicious.

>> No.17621521

I like beef strokin' off
I add a little tomato paste, though.

>> No.17623094

Ukrainian borsch > russian borsch > polish borsch

>> No.17624206

This is the one I'm most familiar with, more like a stew. Very good shit.

>> No.17624236

polak "stronganov" isn't what anyone think about though

>> No.17625372

That is clearly rotini.

>> No.17625639

Russians call all pasta, except for maybe lasagna leaves or ravioli, macaroni.

>> No.17625885
File: 49 KB, 680x453, Borscht-Barszcz-Czerwony-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tastes like poverty

>> No.17625909
File: 50 KB, 664x442, gf-HN4A-N1om-6QHX_barszcz-z-uszkami-3-664x442-nocrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tastes like chrismas

>> No.17625944

Russian food is good and I'm tired of pretending that it's not.

>> No.17625973

that's what I make after a 12hr+ shift at midnight for an exhausted late dinner

>> No.17627152

>"relatively mild starvation"
>at least 3 million people (up to 10) dead of starvation in a single year
>caused by dirty russkies of course

>> No.17627154

this but unironically

>> No.17627176
File: 25 KB, 400x286, 2Q==(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a traditional Russian tea warmer known as a "samovar."

>> No.17627199

>beef, mushrooms, cream sauce and egg noodles or fried taters
Retard thread. Why’d I bump?

>> No.17627203

Heckin updooted and wholesome, take my gold!

>> No.17627409

it's better though

>> No.17627433
File: 22 KB, 360x240, 240_F_42675052_R1ExQ5GHBnkMYXWXs8DlKqzKMyVXw9FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid that's what I grew up with (amurskaja oblast'). we had it with spaghetti or picrelated maccaroni
on the other hand we had fucktons of mushrooms of all kinds, loads of fish, loads of vegetables we grew ourselves. my grandpa was awesome at foraging and at growing stuff.
kavkaz cuisine is pretty nice I have to tell, not plain at all. you guys traditionally use way more spices afaik, and that 's always a good thing.

>> No.17627451
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, 10294_f_quer.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it's an improvised one from a prison probably, but in its rudimentary form it still works, so why the fuck not. you can still buy picrelated all over the world.
I mean, americans don't have electric teakettles and anyone but them considers it to be barbaric.

>> No.17627470

...also, this is not a samovar, it's a kipjatil'nik
a samovar has this thing >>17627451 built into a container, which makes it a old style of kettle. heck, in the 00s we had an electrik kettle (in western germany) with this kind of heating element built in...

anon, I think you're pretty sheltered to look down on how people heat water for a cuppa. what works works, it doesn't have to be a kettle with "keep hot" functions and variable boiling temp that's also athermos and has different leds to show the temperature and it also needs wifi to be worked from your phone remotely while you watch your wife getting gangbanged by ten black dudes

>> No.17627481

>and it also needs wifi to be worked from your phone remotely while you watch your wife getting gangbanged by ten black dudes
Damn, Germany is a weird place.

>> No.17628308

>heem spoot
you had one fucking job

>> No.17630467


>> No.17630472

What the fuck is wrong with this. I don't even think this is centric to Russia I've made this shit myself

>> No.17630620
File: 429 KB, 1500x1101, stock-photo-homemade-jelly-meat-with-on-the-table-holodets-749985526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's chicken jello. The true sign of advanced culture

>> No.17630627
File: 61 KB, 739x604, holod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mm delicious peak Russian culture

>> No.17630638
File: 158 KB, 500x375, holodets-ed7f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing better than slurping down a cold spoonful of chicken jello! I like to smear a little mayonnaise and sugar on it as well

>> No.17630669

Jesus, that's the mostly absurdly rich food I can imagine. A case of the gout in a pan.

Probably worth it, though.

>> No.17630790

mushrooms are poison

>> No.17631123

Jellied eels are better.

>> No.17632689

looks good

>> No.17632757

I am actually hard looking at that plate of stroganoff. Haven't had some stroke me off in like 2 years, and I'm almost 4 days fasted. God I would slit someone's throat right now for a plate of creamy beefy goodness.

>> No.17633168

God, I wish that was me.

>> No.17634258

you're not the only one.

>> No.17636156

Someone share an authentic Stroganoff recipe (in english), I dont want to make the american recipes Im finding with google

>> No.17636359

Would love to see this too if anyone has it

>> No.17636694

Stroganoff is some good shit. I could really go for some borscht and stuffed cabbage right now. Maybe some of those potato pancakes stuffed with ground pork. Finish off with a few cherry pierogi. Whew Russian food is good.

>> No.17636707

I hate Russia but I do like sloppa

>> No.17636729

Yea this is definitely "grotesque" food, please don't eat it. Just give it to me <img class="xae" data-xae width="27" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1d3f2a13_happycat.png">

>> No.17637676

>buttblasted Ukrainicuck detected
Fuck off with your propaganda thread.

>> No.17637688

>all of this
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1e4d8dfa_PillowNo.png">

>> No.17638214

you can bitch and moan about how ackshually those dishes didn't originate in Russia but anyone outside of plebbit doesn't care about that cultural inferiority complex and they think
>borsch = Russian


>> No.17638286

I've eaten stroganoff without pasta, and with julienne onions and pickles. Served with rice.
Would recommend.

>> No.17638313

>getting mad about soup

<span class="xae" data-xae="wot">🤨[/spoiler]

>> No.17638333


>> No.17638366
File: 66 KB, 632x354, meat kvass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is THE Russian drink! bottoms up bratanki!

>> No.17638535

Most non-European, maybe even many Europeans can't point to Ukraine on a map. They can point to Russia.


>> No.17638924

lol no.

>> No.17638984


>> No.17638995

Lot of Russian food cuisine is basically a rip-off of American cuisine from WW2 era.

They wanted Soviet Union to appear prosperous and rich like US so they just copied a lot of that cuisine and started manufacturing processed foods like US.

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/9ecd704b_PepoThink.png"> <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/c69a1ef1_cia.png">

>> No.17639006

Why can't some other country make cheaper caviar then?

>> No.17639030

why would they when you can sell it for the same price?

>> No.17639529

>lasagna leaves

>> No.17641545

is good stuff, comrade

>> No.17641799

>ywn have a lasagna tree
bros... it's no fair