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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 1200x956, 1200px-Pizza_Hut_1967-1999_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17612494 No.17612494 [Reply] [Original]

Say what you want but their pan pizza is bretty gud

>> No.17612710

I prefer the Thin and Crispy over the pan.

>> No.17612716
File: 37 KB, 355x360, 1641432395158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an automated bot advertisement thread.
Please don't reply.

>> No.17612962

pizza hut is corporate shit.
any pizza joint that doesn't offer salami as a topping is shit by default.

All hail local mom & pop sole proprietorships that resemble Shakeys

>> No.17612992

This is a schizo post. Do reply.
Their personal pan pizzas are good. I don't like their full size pan pizzas though which are completely different for some reason. Had to stop ordering from them because my local Pizza Hut kept on running out of personal pan and then sending me a full sized pan pizza in place of the four little ones that I'd ordered. That and also their drivers really don't understand the concept of no contact delivery and always knock on the door or try to call my phone instead of leaving the pizza by the door.
(I don't care about covid; just really hate having to interact with delivery people when all they have to do is leave the fucking delivery by the door)

>> No.17613011

>when all they have to do is leave the fucking delivery by the door
not even ring the bell?

>> No.17613029

paid and protected advertisement thread

>> No.17613033

They have a phone app that tells you when it's arrived. Or also you could just see them arrive through a window.
A doorbell ring or knocking is pretty annoying even on its own but what makes it particularlt bad with Pizza Hut delivery drivers in my area is they continue knocking and trying to call until I finally talk to them.

>> No.17613044
File: 31 KB, 391x399, DUALITY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The duality of man

>> No.17613070
File: 813 KB, 540x599, 123654578887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they probably have some policy where the marketing team will post 3-4 threads a day while the /ck/ jannies have to protect the thread from being exposed/404ing.
It's easy because many on /ck/ are mentally challenged so they'll immediately bite.

>> No.17613098

Why isn’t blue

>> No.17613112

If you’re a cunt you can bully employees to give it to you because we’ve got salami on sandwiches

t loser who works at a pizza hut

>> No.17613137

I can't tell if this is a case of 'pretending to be retarded' bait or if he's actually convinced fast food threads on /ck/ are made by corporate marketers.

>> No.17613154

dumb newfag

>> No.17613199

I'm the hacker known as 4chin

>> No.17613539

Do people really believe that corporations are paying for viral advertisements for the 20 losers who browse this board?

And another thing, are there people here who genuinely believe that you cannot discuss food on the food and cooking board unless you couch it in completely generic terms or unless you are shitting on a brand?

>> No.17614487

>20 losers
How did you know anon.
Also maybe 1/4 of them are trans women.

>> No.17614586

>Only certain stores sell the Tastemaker now
Explain this bullshit.

>> No.17614596

Yes but those 20 anons are their core customer base

>> No.17614650

When I was young, pizza hut was my preferred pizza. It was just such a delicious mouthful of gooey cheese and flavorful toppings. These days it disgusts me and the prices are just ridiculous for what you get. I only get pizza about once or twice a year now, and when I do, it's Papa John's, the superior chain.

>> No.17614653

the only thing that even made them popular enough to become a chain the first place was their $12 all you can eat pizza in their sit-down family restaurants.

>> No.17614717

Papa John's marinara is too sweet.

>> No.17614777
File: 76 KB, 1540x880, papa-ginos-pizzeria-logo-promo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are truly spoiled with this chain in New England

>> No.17614915

Can you get them to put meatballs on a sandwich?
I never understood why you have meatballs for pizza, salami for sandwiches, but you don't do salami on pizza or meatballs on sandwiches.

>> No.17614947

Frozen crusts and sauce chubs. Yum

>> No.17615017

It was. And you know what? It hasn't been good since 1993.

>> No.17615126

If I owned a Pizza Hut franchise I would exclusively hire white and asian teen girls. They would be my pizza thot harem

>> No.17615134

they got rid of the only thing that made their crusts good and then jacked the price of everything up. pizza hut is dead to me

>> No.17615182

Papa Johns has been dead to me since they ousted Papa John for a blatant character assassination hitjob

>> No.17615222

Jokes on you, I’m a shill.
The fact is, the underage contrarian poorfag zoomer demographic of /ck/ is projected to be worth up to a dozen hundred dollars over the next 5 years.
You think my clients are just going to leave that money on the table?
Lol you poor naive boy.

>> No.17615797

>Say what you want about the company I work for but I'm obligated to say their product is bretty good.