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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17574778 No.17574778 [Reply] [Original]

With the possible nuclear war looming over us, it's time to prep for survival.
These are the recommended supplies that will last one person one year.
Can I get some recipes going here that can be made from this? Since after the nukes hit i don't want to just eat flour oil pancakes every day for years.
You can only use what is in the pictures, no other ingredients will be available for several years, until the radioactive fallout settles and I can go out to scavenge.

>> No.17574805

You're forgetting water. You need some way to extract water, or store water. Bottled water will only get you so far, assuming the microplastics don't kill you. I've been looking into those packets that you can pour into sewer water that makes it 100% drinkable, but I've also considered water filters for a similar purpose.

>> No.17574806

It will be almost impossible to rotate this kind of stock. So you better expect to sell it for pennies on the dollar after a year and buy new or put down an extra 200$/year for food. I'm not against prepping, far from it but this is just a massive waste of both money and food.Also boring as fuck to eat.

>> No.17574808

Based schizo bunkerfag thread
How many cans of beans?

>> No.17574813

If there's a nuclear war I think you'll have bigger problems that eating the same bland food every day.

>> No.17574815

>nuclear war

Lol fuck off.

>> No.17574818



>> No.17574819

just drink your own pee

>> No.17574820

Just go into the hilly woods and get the nice clean headwater.

>> No.17574827

dog if the bombs start dropping just pop a lead pill for your head

>> No.17574830

>You can only use what is in the pictures, no other ingredients will be available for several years, until the radioactive fallout settles and I can go out to scavenge.
With these ingredients only, your food is going to be boring. You'll have bigger concerns if there's a civilization ending war.

>Bottled water will only get you so far, assuming the microplastics don't kill you.
Some people drink multiple bottles of water every day for decades. I've never heard of anyone dying from it.

>> No.17574834

>You'll have bigger concerns if there's a civilization ending war.
not really, you will be sitting in your bunker and be bored to tears most of the time, so cooking tasty will be very high on every bunkeranons list, since it will be on of the few things you will be able to do for fun.

>> No.17574837

I hope you have yeast, baking soda and spices. Then
>cinnamon rolls
>vegan vanilla cake
>lentil fritters
>roasted garbanzos
>if you have semolina you can make pasta
>beans & rice
if you have the right bacteria you can create yogurt, cream and cheese from your powdered milk

>> No.17574870

i have a drilled well with an electric pump and backup power but i am looking into manual pump backup in case shit goes down
my nation is fairly peaceful and safe but i live near an international fuel terminal that could be a target idk

>> No.17574898

Do you think it takes years for fallout to settle?

>> No.17574960

it literally falls free from the sky and almost every house has a fucking rainwater tank on it

>> No.17574966

Hey, it's 4chan after all. /pol/ added the Ukrainian meme flag even before they added the Catalonian meme flag.

>> No.17574978

you can't drink it when it's glowing you genius

>> No.17574988

nukes aren't real

>> No.17575010

>almost every house has a fucking rainwater tank on it
Where do you live, nobody here has a rainwater tank and the gov't would tax it anyway.

>> No.17575238

I hate to break it to you but...
that won't do you any good if you live in a city.
joggers will kill you and clean you out.

do you really think people will be all civilized?

I keep a couple of month supply of food. any disaster worse than that you will have more to worry about than food.

>> No.17575325

You have no herbs, no spices, no seasonings. It is literally impossible to make anything that tastes good from what you have there.

>> No.17575348

>implying you'd "survive" a nuclear war with some food squirreled away
at best you'd just suffer for a bit longer than most in your shitty diy bunker

>> No.17575609

60 fucking pounds of sugar, is the goal to kill yourself from the betus within a year?

>> No.17575619

>illegal to collect rainwater
What in the ever loving fuck?

>> No.17575640

>The Federal Government does not have any laws or restrictions regarding rainwater harvesting
Idk what that retard is talking about

>> No.17575655

> the gov't would tax it anyway
> ctrl+F "tax"
> it's all tax credits

>> No.17575671

State governments though...

>> No.17575675 [DELETED] 
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prepping feels antisemitic to me desu
you're not antisemitic, are you?

>> No.17575700

if theres a nuclear war i'd rather die in the blast than suffer underground eating stone age food

>> No.17575778

>No spices
If I had to eat that shit for a year, I'd probably just kill myself.

>> No.17575815

>add packet to sewage
>remove nothing, filter nothing
>sewage is drinkable now
No. Just no.
You're the type of retard that believes it when a corporation says their product is safe.

>> No.17575831

Not with that attitude. Also you can filter water in a few different ways.

>> No.17575849

just because the water is still chunky doesn't mean it is not safe to drink
eating human poo water is safe if the bacteria are dead

>> No.17575854

are you the guy that posts "imagine the smell"?

>> No.17575871

If I can't eat Taco Bell and collect anime figures, what's the point of living?

>> No.17575904

Let's see,
>75000 cal from the oil
>95000 cal from the legumes
>14500 cal from the storage rack
>36000 cal from the powdered milk
>105000 cal from the sugar
>660000 cal from the grains
>985500 cal total
2700 cal a day
Pretty good.

>> No.17575923

Making sour dough would be an easy replacement for yeast

>> No.17575929

Some states in the US made it illegal to collect rainwater.
Don't cheat the tax man

>> No.17575943

>Let's ignore all the heavy metals and drug remnants in sewage
Christ. Filtering pond water through a coffee filter, then boiling, would be far safer to drink.

>> No.17575963

I'm saving this pic

>> No.17575975

Hey OP, nice prepping.
I'm just wondering: why not change up some of the legumes for beans/lentils/chickpeas?
You could also easily have dried pasta and canned fruit.

You could make refried beans, I guess.
Becoming good at bread making will be important. Maybe some sort of milk pudding?

>> No.17575979

>only drink bottled water
>the microplastics slowly replace my flesh
>eventually I am immortal

>> No.17575988

Peanut butter is the true prepper food.
>lasts forever
>full of protein
>calorie dense
>tastes good
>can do fun bedroom stuff with it

Why aren't you storing peanut butter?

>> No.17575990

If you truly want to prep in a way that is reasonable, learn to cook, buy canned ingredients to REAL RECIPES THAT YOU LIKE TO EAT and rotate them into your normal cooking in supplement to fresh foods, as they near expiration. In other words: cans cans cans. First in first out. Learn what you like. Survive.

>> No.17576019

>>14500 cal from the storage rack

>> No.17576073

>seed oil
i'd rather get bombed

>> No.17576099

ive had a small 1kg box of salt in my cupboard the past 13 years it still has prolly 10% or less still in it

>> No.17576110

Most peanut butter doesn't have a shelf life of even 3 years. Other stuff is spot on.

>> No.17576118

honey is the only food that can last forever
and that still only specific to the type of honey(how its made)

>> No.17576123

Refined carbs really aren't terrible if you exercise enough to burn them.

>> No.17576132

I live right next to the largest naval base in the world, either I'll be fine or I'll be very fucked, either way I'm not gonna hoard powdered milk like a schizo.

>> No.17576194

there isnt going to be a nuclear war between west and east--the Russo-Ukrainian war is a proxy for ideological-warfare between neoliberals and faux-commie autocracies at odds with their foreign-policy goals. /pol/ is a retard echo-chamber so if you listen to them with some regularity then your gonna think shit's getting real retarded but most people are better-grounded than they are both behaviourally & morally

>> No.17576293
File: 66 KB, 288x396, 1321632641108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't leave bunker because of radiocative fallout
>water's fine tho!

>> No.17576300

Anything with fat will eventually go rancid.

>> No.17576341

If everybody collected all the rainwater that fell into their property, what do you think would happen to the trees and rivers?

>> No.17576618

Wouldn't sugar store indefinitely as well?

>> No.17576659

Basically yeah, as long as it's in an airtight container and bugs don't get to it

>> No.17576781

I don’t know what 3rd world shithole you’re from but around here water comes out of a faucet retard

>> No.17576791

Powdered retards

>> No.17576797
File: 34 KB, 589x470, DKqYYqZXcAAGdPK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice, canned beans, flour, oil, sugar, salt, canned tomatoes, dried spices, etc. are all decent and regularly used in normal cooking. Honey is great as well. I want to get into curing/preserving my own meat too. I'm not a prepper at all though. I'm an heroing if nuclear war breaks out.

>> No.17576808
File: 66 KB, 539x360, gim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, Gim (roasted dry seaweed) has a really long shelf life. Just keep it sealed in a dry place. Probably want to pick up some silica gel packets for other purposes too.

>> No.17576838

Prepare for giardia, good ol beaver fever doesn't care if you think it looks clean.

>> No.17576887

Imagine trying to survive a nuclear war when your only available oil is crisco. at LEAST get Canola.

>> No.17576902

>Water supply breaks down due to WW3
>Water no longer comes out of faucet

>> No.17576918

t. big plastic

>> No.17576946

Where the fuck is the protein?

>> No.17576960

you know all foods (aside from things like pure sugar) have protein, right?

>> No.17576973

people wouldn't need to collect rainwater if the government didn't ruin all other water sources

>> No.17577252

>400 pounds of grain
>60 pounds of sugar
I see you horseanon

>> No.17577338

>Where the fuck is the protein?
Jogging through the city streets; fast-twitch muscle will still remain juicy and tender at temperatures needed to kill the bacteria that you no longer have access to antibiotics for. This is just a little advice from a helpful humanitarian.

>> No.17577958
File: 45 KB, 900x900, wood stove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're forgetting water.

You're also forgetting energy, to cook that 400lbs of grains, beans, etc.

>> No.17578005

Dont buy ja roby theyre shit desu. I bought one because its the only new stuff available in a decent price range but its assembled like shit, parts are half stamped out, missing handle in shipping been waiting on them to send one since 2 years, etc. Otherwise it's pretty performant for cooking which was a surprise since we didnt expect much and cook mostly on gas.

>> No.17578634

by government you mean big industry?

>> No.17578636

You don't need to cook them, you can just soak them in water for a while and they become digestible.

>> No.17578652

This diet does not look good. Obviously there are a lot of grains here, but can it make up for the shit tier diet so far? Let us see.

400 lbs of white rice
>pasta and rice have about the same number of calories, as do all carbs

That is 236,557 calories or 648 calories a day. basically a little over 3 cups of rice a day

So the totals are:
2 tbls of oil (208 kcal)
1/3 cup of black beans (254 kcal)
1 tbls of powdered milk (98 kcal)
1/3 cup of sugar (288 kcal)
3 cups of wheat (648 kcal)
>per day

Giving us a total of 1496 calories a day.
So the pic is total bullshit. Not enough food and very weird meal planning. Imagine making a meal with this stuff every day!

You would blow your own brains out before you even saw a mutant zombie biker!

>> No.17578658

tomato tomoto

>> No.17578663

just dont live remotely near a nuclear target
simple as
i live in ass-fuck nowhere Australia, a nuke would literally just knock over a couple of trees here.

>> No.17578671

have fun with the collapse of the ozone layer and many years of nuclear winter, I'd rather just die than live in the hellscape that awaits those who manage to survive.

>> No.17578696

We have all seen Mad Max and we know Australians will wish they were dead.

>> No.17578711

Fuck prepping and fuck trying to survive in a burned up wasteland of melted flesh and giga-cancer, I want the first nuke to go off directly over my head so I'm reduced to atoms before I even know what's going on.

>> No.17578736

This one survives the longest in the post apocalyptic wasteland.

>> No.17578782

It's also attracts a mega fuckload of mosquitoes

>> No.17578783

NO! I want to be dust in the wind, not foraging for twinkies in the zombie apocalypse

>> No.17579004

Nothing. The rain falloff from the surrounding areas is more than enough to keep rivers and trees healthy
- t. Civil engineer with expertise in rainwater management

>> No.17579009
File: 57 KB, 500x399, product placement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL eat the twinkies.

>> No.17579036

i hate this meme, twinkies actually have pretty short shelf life

>> No.17579291

I'm referring to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qZWMNW7GmE

It seems like a really good product to have when you can't find clean drinking water, buuuut it does sound too good to be true, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was just snake oil being peddled by conmen. The point is that I'm trying to invest in ways to ensure that we can't be screwed over incase they sabotage well water, or city pipelines, or what have you.

I'm already excessively paranoid about these things, so I like having some kind of contingency plan.

>> No.17579320

that will never make sewage drinkable
at best i will allow you to drink water from rain puddles.
If you want to safely drink raw sewage then buy a LyfeStraw
Lil' starving black children use it to drink sewage water in africa and other 3rd world countries and it works well as it filters out all bacteria and it is actually certified to work by med companies

>> No.17579471

Discounting the missing cases of water.
>no canned meats that can last 2-3 years, maybe a couple more if stored right
>no canned vegetables or tomato paste/sauce
>no canned fruits
>no boullion powders
>no spices or even soy sauce, only salt
>8bags of rice to 3 bags of beans
Get another 2-3 bags of beans and make sure they're not all just one type of bean, black and kidney at the minimum if you're not gonna buy canned vegetables and/or fruit for more vitamins.

Are you just trying to survive like a broke college student? If the world is ending and grinds to a halt for 5+years, what's money gonna matter, dumbfuck? Spend the extra $200 for more supplies.

You shouldn't have to go into survival mode right at the start the first few years and good nutrition helps keep your sanity in check. You'll probably blow your own brains out year 2 if you go with the bare minimum of that picture while being stuck in a bunker all day and all communication is cut.

>> No.17579503

>i live in ass-fuck nowhere Australia, a nuke would literally just knock over a couple of trees here.
>wind doesn't carry sand, dirt, or dust particles with radioactive material hundreds to thousands of kilometers away
>rain doesn't drop the above back down to the ground
>totally safe to just walk outside a few years after the splosions are done guys

Why the fuck do you think we bury barrels of radioactive waste with layers and layers of tarps and other shit on top of it before putting it into other types of containment areas?

>> No.17579739

To make tax payers pay more.

>> No.17579819
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These threads have shown me, because there was another one recently, that nobody who talks about prepping here has any fucking clue how to actually survive a nuclear war.

>> No.17581670
File: 12 KB, 265x190, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember you're talking about a land mass that's bigger than the continental US but where everyone lives in one of 3 cities on the east coast
australia's prevailing winds all go eastwards which is where the 3 cities are.
but you wouldnt nuke cities in australia, literal waste of time when they're so isolated from each other or anything that they'd be easy to starve out with some ground troops and a naval blockade
the only things worth nuking in aus would be Townsville and Darwin for the military bases, so any radiation would just go out into the pacific anyway.

>> No.17581680

there's a difference between "nuclear waste" and "nuclear weapon"
nuclear weapons make a big radioactive explosion but the radiation mostly dissipates after a couple of weeks
most aussies have water stockpiled because it's a place where you'll get no rain for 10 years then get 10 years worth of rain in 2-3 hours.

>> No.17581768
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> eating cold wet beans and oatmeal

Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.17581809

if a nuke goes off I think I'd rather die than be bored thank you very much

>> No.17581830

don't need it
don't need it
don't need it

beans and grain and water, that's it

>> No.17581904

>yuropoor has been programmed by the globohomo to think this is all he needs to survive