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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 720x480, peanutbutter-and-jelly-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17563050 No.17563050 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17563054

Tasty and shelf-stable

>> No.17563066

How do you put the peanut butter on the jelly without smearing the jelly all around?

>> No.17563075

Cut the crust off and I'd order that delivered by Uber Eats for $13.

>> No.17563076

13 dollars and an hour of wait time for something that takes 5 minutes

>> No.17563077

One spread per bread

>> No.17563079

Can't you just pb one piece of bread and jelly the other?

t. never makes these

>> No.17563080

You put peanut butter on one slice and jelly on the other. The trick is to use a spoon for the jelly and stir it around a bit to break it into little chunks that can spread. Also if you cut the sandwich, always go diagonal

>> No.17563083
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>Cut the crust off

>> No.17563111

Peanut butter first, then jelly. Peanut butter goes on both slices, and lay it on thick. Just use a small amount of jelly, and pick something a little tart like raspberry. This is primarily a peanut butter sandwich, everything else is just there to support it.

>> No.17563393

For me, it's peanut butter & apple jelly.

>> No.17563423

I need that time for masturbating anyways. It only take 4 minutes for me to order the pb&j so it's faster than making it myself in terms of my own time being wasted on making food.

>> No.17563454

I used to eat peanut butter and mint jelly sandwiches as a kid. I don’t know why. It sounds disgusting to me now. Maybe I should try it again.
The other kids would make fun of me for eating a sandwich with nuclear green goop on it though

>> No.17563512

Yeah you put pb down first and jam the top of it

>> No.17563518

They buy jelly and peanut butter together in a container and that's how it spreads. How they make it is a closely guarded secret.

>> No.17563541

If it takes you 5 minutes to make PB&J you ARE retarded.

>> No.17563552
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It is shelf stable but expensive for what you get. Also...


>> No.17563569

am i the only chad that mixes the pnut butter and jelly together in a bowl first. its how my mom always did it

>> No.17563573

very strange seems good though will have to try it

>> No.17563579

>wanting to clean up the mixer

>> No.17563621

my mom used to make it like that too for whatever inane reason. it makes the texture of the peanut butter and jelly grosser and its more work, it adds nothing good to the sandwich. when i broke from the family tradition and starting putting the pb and j on the two slices of bread instead of mixing them first i found them to be much better. fuck you mom!

>> No.17563624

Dutch "invention" I'm afraid. They stole the jelly (confituur) from their southern neighbours and the peanut butter from their Indonesian colony.

This Frankenstein monster isn't American at all.

>> No.17563631

I mix it together too by making the sandwich regularly then chewing it up in my mouth into a bolus.

>> No.17563684

mint jelly? where do you even get that, i want it

>> No.17563732
File: 2.58 MB, 2016x1512, 548D5A61-AD63-4C60-9AC9-DC7DDD765E74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had it served with lamb, it's good

>> No.17563768

Who here /grilledPB&J/?

>> No.17563776

>t. never makes these
You need to cut the cord already and learn to do this yourself. Mom won't be there forever--at least, not always in a state wherein she can make your pb & j.

>> No.17563784

I did this once with crunchy peanutbutter, blackberry jam, and dark chocolate chips and I immediately realized I could never make such a thing again because it would quickly become the only thing I ever ate.

>> No.17563797

I'm pretty sure that's lime

>> No.17563803

> /grilledPB&J/
those and grilled pb&honey

>> No.17563832

I've had a PB&J quesadilla before.
It was pretty good, but I probably shouldn't call it a quesadilla all things considered.

>> No.17563833

So damn good. Specially with some thin banana slices

>> No.17563835

Ok mom if it bothers you then give the crust to local crack dealer

>> No.17563860

If you cut the crust off, how is the bread supposed to survive?

>> No.17563891
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Praise it!

>> No.17563907
File: 41 KB, 230x219, 1569445137986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't cut the crust, what would you give to the poor?

>> No.17563923

Crowbar to the neck or if more bold, a bullet to the head.

>> No.17563925

i glob a ton of ‘nut ‘ter on one side and then jelly the other so one side is more wet :)

>> No.17564025

Or a fluffernutter sandwich fried in butter. Really good; immensely unhealthy.

>> No.17564395

This anon knows what he's talking about. The only thing I'd change is using preserves instead of jelly. Those chunks of tart raspberry goodness elevate it.

>> No.17564429

I'm 100% certain that it's mint.

>> No.17564454

>ruining lamb with mint jelly

>> No.17564548

I'm and I've been having one a day since elementary school

>> No.17564551

Meant to say 26

>> No.17564569

Looks and sounds disgusting. However in this country retards put butter and honey on white bread, and you know what, that shit was great.

>> No.17564612

Marshmallow Fluff + Peanut Butter + Nutella go surprisingly well together.
Throw in some slices of banana to be all healthy if you must.

>> No.17564725
File: 215 KB, 1500x609, Big As Your Fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs some banana and bacon.

>> No.17564823

Just had one so I can confirm that you should try it again

>> No.17564831

I thought it was an American meme until i tried it for myself, and that shit is good. In hindisght it should've been obvious because sweet & salty is a great combo.

>> No.17564834

Put a little minced lamb in there too

>> No.17564838
File: 83 KB, 474x811, download (72).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you know about this right here?

>> No.17564839
File: 152 KB, 550x550, THUMBNAIL-2-grilled-peanut-butter-sweet-pickle-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ctrl f
>no one has mentioned the forbidden pairing

>> No.17564843

I once ate a whole jar of this when I was a kid then hid it from my friend's Mom.

>> No.17564958

I don't think there are many pregnant women on /ck/

>> No.17565031

They are delicious regardless of pregnancy.

>> No.17565056
File: 110 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a girl that used to like peanut butter and cheese.
No. Not that kind of cheese. Cheese whiz canned cheese.
It smelled awful when she made it and I nearly gagged when I saw her eat it.

>> No.17565060

Keep your vinegar soaked cucumbers away from my peanut butter

>> No.17565063

>grainy whole wheat bread, toasted
>very VERY thin spread of mayonnaise, both sides
>thick layer of crunchy peanut butter, both sides
>thick-cut pickles arranged in every bite
It just fucking works.

>> No.17565064

I had it at a restaurant, I just put a little bit of it on my bites and it was good

>> No.17565065

sounds good desu

>> No.17565094


>> No.17565149

that is just making more dishes unnecessarily

>> No.17565194

sometimes I make a pbj with flour tortillas
I invented it in high school when I was fucking hammered and I still make it every so often if I have the materials

>> No.17565220

Skip the middleman. Just dump croutons in the bowl and easy the whole thing with the spoon you stirred it with.

>> No.17565232
File: 117 KB, 800x704, 6D339DC5-9D53-4B32-882F-E2B69F7B5CB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is superior in every way
Nothin personnel.

>> No.17565246

Honey is great and I'll usually make one of these on the side when I'm having chili.

>> No.17565288

Imagine living in a region without Fluff lmao

>> No.17566093

ur welcum

>> No.17566118

this guy pbjs

>> No.17567392

this + banana is unmatched, add nutella if you're insane

>> No.17567577

sounds like a keeper

>> No.17567598

easy. you spread pb and j in a roughly square shape on parchment paper and freeze it for 30 minutes. when its solid enough, you cut it fitting to your bread pieces, then microwave to get the pb creamy again

>> No.17567635
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x1125, 1423703561471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the superior grilled PB,Honey & Nanner

>> No.17568026

Flour is shelf stable, and you can get bread dough just by adding yeast (can be easily acquired by making a sourdough starter) and water.

>> No.17568044

>Flour is shelf stable
...And other famous misconceptions promoted by the USDA! Unless it's cooked, most flour will go rancid in under two years.

>> No.17569501

Any grocery store. A lot of normies serve it with lamb to cover up the gamey flavor

Based anon, glad I mentioned it now

>> No.17569612

Peanut butter on a grilled cheese sandwich isn't that bad

>> No.17569776

Peanut butter and jelly evenly spread on freshly baked bread with a cold glass of whole milk is seared so deeply into my mind from childhood that at least twenty times a year I freshly baked bread just for it.

>> No.17569810

Read some takes on here... I will only be discussing the traditional.

How can you possibly not give a thin spread of peanut butter on both slices? Maybe more on one slice. This will prevent the jelly or preserves from leaking through the bread. All spreading a small amount of honey on the jelly side is mandatory. Must be triangles.

>> No.17569818


>> No.17569830

Here's your problem.
If you're not using chunky, you're doing it wrong.
When you do chunky, the layer is exactly the depth you need it to be to make the whole sandwich.

>> No.17570403

>that's what the scab kid at school gets

>> No.17570531

Honey is gay.

>> No.17570722

Legit thought you were zoomer speaking like
>I am and I have

>> No.17571213

Nigger it takes at most 1 minute.
Eat shit, uber eats shill.

>> No.17571320

Its good for the first few scoops. Then it becomes disgusting as it mixes together more and more.

>> No.17571326

I'm going to make a gourmet le eco friendly pb n j shop. Cheapest will be 20 bucks. Premium will be 40 bucks. Difference? Not a God damn thing. But thanks for the 20 sheckles goy.

>> No.17571857

Much like great minds think alike, turns out greedy jews also think alike. They beat you to the punch https://youtu.be/eponJ-3LHAk

>> No.17571870

>he eats the sloppy nana

>> No.17572246

The worst pb&j you could possibly buy.

>> No.17572773
File: 522 KB, 853x1000, 1644939685926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brother

except im 30

>> No.17572782

peanut butter and jelly on a hotdog is a surprisingly good combo

>> No.17573136


>> No.17573144
File: 104 KB, 500x496, +_03e930b7e853cc4a15d6e7da8e0fc32e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but with no banana

>> No.17573147

Dunno why people post the ugly old rough looking boomer all the time.

>> No.17573437

Oh no no nonono hahaha

>> No.17573603

My men.

>> No.17573663

Peanut butter and jelly sucks
Peanut butter and butter is way better.

>> No.17573676

ausfag here what the fuck is jelly? Is it just an american word for jam?

>> No.17573683

Peanut butter and onion is even better.

>> No.17573688

Patricians choice

>> No.17573690

you have to mother-bird-feeding-her-chicks it. you know what i mean

>> No.17573701
File: 58 KB, 512x410, 1637940188388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i used to love these back when i went to school. i ate one recently and almost threw up from how sweet it was.

>> No.17573727

I knew these sucked even when i was a kid. Just make a pb&j yourself, lazy.

>> No.17573729

i liked nibbling off the chewy crust

>> No.17573732

Specifically jam that is smooth and with no seeds.

>> No.17573736


>> No.17573737

my school had that but it was sunflower butter and honey. shit was ass

>> No.17573741

That was always the worst part

>> No.17573743

fuck you pal

>> No.17573749


>> No.17573755

How about you nibble the chewy shit crust off my asshole buddy?

>> No.17573800

>the sloppy nana