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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17560065 No.17560065 [Reply] [Original]

Too old to do much, live to far from town to go places.

>> No.17560069

>Too old to do much, live to far from town to go places.
Are you talking about you or the horse? Want me to call a butcher for you and ask them the question?

>> No.17560078

The horse is too old to walk to town. I can call one myself thank you.

>> No.17560199

Unless you really love horse meat, it's better to sell it and use that money to buy cow and chicken meat. The world needs glue, and if the meat is any good they will ship it to Canada where selling horse meat is legal.

>> No.17560200

horses aren't clean

>> No.17560206

DIY? Maybe tan the hide, too, and make a smithing apron?

>> No.17560231

I don't think I could get it shipped to Canada, I'm a few miles away from Mexico.
Mine is.

>> No.17560248
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>Mine is.
not to eat, at least if you care what God has to say on the matter. it's your choice.

>> No.17560256
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isn't horse popular in japan?

>> No.17560264

You don't ship it yourself. Ask around at the feed store or your farmer friends. There are companies that buy sickly horses specifically for this. Some go to the glue factory here, and the ones they think will survive get shipped to Canada for meat processing.

Personally I'm not a fan of horse meat and if you aren't too, you'd be paying the butcher for meat you don't really like. It's just so much easier to sell lame horses to these companies.

>> No.17560272



>> No.17560273 [DELETED] 

Stop wearing wool and linen.

>> No.17560277

Picking from a gigantic herd of dying horses which ones you think will survive a train journey to Canada to be slaughtered for their meat and which ones should be executed on the spot and melted into glue sounds like a pretty bad job. I would not like to do it. This is because I like horses. Bankers, on the other hand

>> No.17560286

The idea of eating it just strikes a cord with me. Becoming one with it.

>> No.17560290

stop getting triggered by the mere mention of God

>> No.17560297

It'd be a nice send off for your horse I guess.

>> No.17560299

I don't believe in God, and most religions are not against eating horses.

>> No.17560384

hm I never understood people that dont eat pork until I just considered eating horse. I dont think I could eat horse unless I really forced myself to.

>> No.17560644

leave him to rest a year so he can enjoy his last moments on earth and then sacrifice him.

>> No.17560655


>> No.17560706

I'll give her time to relax and eat. She's the type of horse that'll do anything for food, and would eat all day if she could.

>> No.17560712

>Unless you really love horse meat, it's better to sell it and use that money to buy cow and chicken meat.
Horse meat is real good for you

>> No.17560722

don’t eat the horse you degenerate

>> No.17560754

>butchered for real life consumption
As opposed to like online consumption?

>> No.17560812

Why is that degenerate?
I originally tried to ask this in a related thread on /d/. They told me to fuck off, and gave me a warning.

>> No.17560835

>Too old

It won't taste good
My in-laws in Kazakhstan buy a new borne in spring and have it butchered less than a year later


>> No.17560945

I have eaten horse. It is an agreeable sort of meat with nothing particularly dramatic to set it apart from other meats.

>> No.17561230

i am poster from /an/horse
the answer is no

>> No.17561244

OP do you love your horse?
Is it your friend?
Nothing wrong with eating it, just curious.

>> No.17561249

Getting some serious dead hooker vibes from this post

>> No.17561283

Why would you want to eat your horse?

>> No.17561295
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>My in-laws in Kazakhstan buy a new borne in spring and have it butchered less than a year later

Cool story bro, but OP was asking about horses.

>> No.17561298
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That dude is JRHNBR.

>> No.17561339

Yes, and yes. Planning to buy her horse treats.
Lol why?
She costs me money, and she's at the end of her life.

>> No.17561351


>> No.17561359

how does horse meat taste?

>> No.17561365

Post horse

>> No.17561375

I did, I'll get a new picture of her tomorrow.

>> No.17561376

thats oddly sweet to me honestly i'd be rather eaten myself on my deathbed and brig life into people by nourishing them than rot underground

>> No.17561397
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She really likes trying to destroy the fence.

>> No.17561407
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>> No.17561419
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>> No.17561421

Not really popular, but you can find it in a handful of places. My dad and I hunted down a place some many years a go to try it. It's served raw very thinly sliced. Not bad. Nothing I'd go out of my way to eat again, but not bad.

>> No.17561433
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A picture of her with her previous owner.

>> No.17561576

you lose the kino when you removed the food menu popping out from the side

>> No.17562156

anon... did you buy a horse just to kill it and eat it?

>> No.17562160

Horse is common and accepted in the Netherlands in the form of a steak or cold cuts or pate.

>> No.17562260

I've train on since I was 13.

>> No.17562273

I've trained under a crazy horse lady for tears. Now she has left and I bought the farm. She took her minis and gave me everything else pretty much.

>> No.17562302

It's kinda tough. I don't really know what the objection to it is, it's not like it's a dog or something the average person can relate to

>> No.17562677

Horse meat has been eaten by people for centuries. If you don't mind eating it then get the horse butchered.

>> No.17562685

See: lamb vs. mutton.
If you kill an old horse the meat will taste like crap, and the only thing you will ever make are grim eurasian horse stews.
You can raise horses to eat- but eating random horses is not a good plan.

>> No.17562705

Eating your horse is shameful, it's something only a barbarian would think of doing — besides you'll need that horse for when gas reaches 10$ a gallon.

>> No.17562709

Idk why westerners are so buttthurt about eating horses, it's not a taboo in eastern europe

>> No.17563039

She can't even walk to town.

>> No.17563139
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why not set it free you absolute monster?

>> No.17563146
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>its ok when the euros do it

not always

>> No.17563222

I love in a desert, and a previous gave her a brand. She would go the the nearest field, get caught, and I might get in trouble.
Also eating her sounds nice.

>> No.17563639

let the old fucker have her merited pension.

>> No.17563694
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>> No.17563745

>I bought the farm
More like that horse is about to buy the farm

>> No.17563766
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>> No.17564556
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What? I don't have her money.
I don't understand

>> No.17564577
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>> No.17564586
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>> No.17564594
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What's the best cut?

>> No.17564775 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 358x511, 3458 - cum female_horse horse horse_pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fried horse pussy

>> No.17564801

Ew why?

>> No.17564867
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>Too old to do much
Not for food either tho. Old animal meat is not good. Even ages ago, unless it was severe famine, which was pretty normal, humans would only resort to eating old animal meat exclusively in case of life or death. Don't be a petty fool, let that neigher die in peace.

If you are asking about how can you scratch a few dolary doos then glue factory or if its a good breed...well... time to pump mayonnaise.

>> No.17564952

Honestly, this idea is now partly symbolic. A rider and a horse united forever, having her live on through me.
I don't like the idea of shipping her off to a glue factory, scared by the strange people. Buring her seems like a toxic waste.
I wish she could be bred, but the last couple times a stud tried she didn't settle.
Besides her tough meat could make jerky, and I'll be the jerk jock jocking jerking jerky.

>> No.17565575

Why don't you get some sub sandwiches and have a fun sandwich party with the horse?

>> No.17565656

Turn her into jerky and stew meat that'll get heavily seasoned like chili. You could also try mixing her meat with pig fat and make some sausage, I do that with deer and it turns out pretty good, same idea might work with horse.

>> No.17565670

The Bible doesn't say shit about eating horse, it's purely a cultural taboo from days when they were your main source of labor as a farmer. It was to stop people stealing and killing them, like livestock theft but twice as bad.

>> No.17565712

Leviticus 11:3
“Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat.”

>> No.17565775

>Old Testament
So then by your dumbass logic we're not allowed to eat pork or wear shirts woven with more than one fabric and God wants us to burn cows in churches. Whoops, I mean G*d because we're still following the OT and only the OT because nobody else came along to give us new rules to follow. Especially not some prophesised messiah who gave their life for our sins.

>> No.17565805

Your post is kinda not kosher.

>> No.17565832

Corinthians 7:25
For he who eateth the flesh of thine horse shall not be a friend of Christ and be thought of unkindly by his brethren

>> No.17565836 [DELETED] 
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>I wish she could be bred, but the last couple times a stud tried she didn't settle.
Try harder

>> No.17565843

Rev 2:9

>> No.17565847

Corinthians 7 is all about marriage. Verse 25 is specifically about virgins. Try again.

>> No.17565914

Old animals taste like crap
But better than letting it rot i guess
Sounds a little psychotic

>> No.17566342
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I don't know, this video makes it seem like older animals have more flavor.
I'm no a psycho. You wouldn't call a man drooling over a donut a psycho, or a horse pawing at the dirt for alfalfa.

>> No.17566361

>where selling horse meat is legal
Do Americans really?

>> No.17566372

In America it's illegal to sell horse meat for consumption. I don't know if it's the same for selling them to make glue.

>> No.17566379

America really is a dystopian hellscape.

What reason could there be to ban horsemeat other than making people their lives miserable and wasting food?

>> No.17566382

Let it live out its days. It looks like its been a good horse.

>> No.17566385

Serious question: why are all horse girls fucking insane? Everyone I’ve met is that weird, shy, but talkative and quirky kind of unstable.

>> No.17566387

It's not taboo in Western Europe either, except with you-know-who's

>> No.17566388

Fucking hell, I don't know. I had to fight the crazy horse lady when she wanted to get more wild horses from a auction when she hasn't even the the ones she got a month ago.
If you find a way to fix them let me know. If I find a crazy animal lady, it's going to be a chicken lady.

>> No.17566407

If it's a boy horse, then it's a huge waste of horsecock.

>> No.17566416

I've sometimes had thoughts about a horse's meat

>> No.17566493

I wish I could. I used to work with a horse girl and she had a wedding to go to but didn’t have a date so I offered to go with her. Didn’t expect to end up at a wedding full of them. They’ve all got that weird thing where they’ll look miserable but then bring up horses and you can’t shut them up. It’s a shame too because they’re usually pretty cute and riding pants look great on them, but their personalities are insufferable. I’ve met crazy cat ladies more stable than many of them.

>> No.17566512
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I get called a psycho for liking the idea of eating a majestic animal when there's literally horse fuckers here.

>> No.17567088

We use a lot of drugs on horses that would make you sick if you ingested them. No FDA standard either.

>> No.17567144

is that why you give them the drugs; so people won't be inclined to eat your horses?

>> No.17567159
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>We use a lot of drugs on horses
And yet companies get away with monster cows on heavy diet of drugs.

>> No.17567200

the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning

>> No.17567207

that's a lot of beef

>> No.17568494

Welcome to 4chan!

>> No.17568514

She knows your plans. She's trying to escape. Honestly though meat from old animals is rarely any good. You probably won't find it tasty.

>> No.17568532

Lol this taken before I got this idea.

>> No.17568536

Female autism.

>> No.17568542

That's a genetic disorder that prevents the normal breakdown of muscle tissue and promotes growth. It's found in many animals, including humans.

>> No.17568560

It's cool that you've got a farm. You raise and sell horses, then? Bet margins are tight. You could give her a quick death and if you've got a big enough compost pile you can get her buried under that. If you can legally do it you can also burn her before she goes rotten. It smells so fucking bad when a rotten corpse gets torched, but only mildly gross if it's fresh.

>> No.17568565

My point still stands, cows in factory farms are fed a ton of drugs and served everywhere, but the government banned selling horse meat. This is fishy, and smells a bit like corruption.

>> No.17568608

First clarification: there is no federal ban in the US on selling horsemeat, only regional ones. You can very legally purchase horsemeat all around the country, however...
Second clarification: the problem instead is that you cannot sell meat for human consumption in the US without USDA certification, and the USDA lacks a branch or standards regarding horse. This is mostly because there has never been a major formal operation raising horses as livestock for human consumption in the US.

As a result, the market for horsemeat in the US is largely based on older racehorses or quarterhorses. Compared to livestock raised as food, the drugs and medications fed to these horses are not required to be standardized, scheduled, or recorded.
Yes, both animals take lots of drugs, but the difference here is that you don't know what drugs and how much of them have been given to the horses. There's no authority over it. Even if someone did write down every single drug and when it was taken by a horse, that wouldn't make a difference.

>> No.17568849

I see, I just looked and you're right on the money. I was wrong.

>> No.17569953

Trying to tame the 2 wild horse the crazy horse lady left. I work as truck driver so money isn't a huge deal, but I don't really got the time to sit in their pen all day to tame the two wild ones.
It's less a farm now, and more a homestead. I prefer chickens because they don't take as much feed or resources. And they're a lot easier to down size. Growing potatoes with an automatic waterer. Growing citrus trees and pomegranates that have been on the property before I was born, growing a lilikoi vine. I'm making Hawaiian springtail cultures and germinating seeds in it too.

Horses are nice, but they are not profitable or needed for most farms these days.

>> No.17570013

meat is meat

>> No.17570139

Wouldn't old horse be good for braising?
Nothing wrong with this map.
Land of the "free"

>> No.17571657

Cool shit man. Sounds nice.

>> No.17571711

Kill yourself OP. Thats the best option

>> No.17573168
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I swear I didn't teach her this. She started doing it after I stopped giving her treats.