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17553314 No.17553314 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder if you can make egg salad that doesn't taste gross.

is it possible?

>> No.17553317


>> No.17553319

yeah, you just gotta add mayo, potatoes, onions, garlic, salt, peppers, etc, etc.

>> No.17553322

Just use tuna instead

>> No.17553338

more for me

>> No.17553356

Have you tried smoked paprika and powdered mustard?

>> No.17553384

I have smoked paprika but I need to buy mustard powder - thanks for reminding me.

I kinda of want it to be pure in the sense of no potatoes.

Maybe I can make it spicy or flavored to mask the egg taste?

>> No.17553428

That’s really on the bread, OP.

>> No.17553438

No, unfortunately it comes down to the fact hard boiled eggs are disgusting and there isn't really anything you can do about that. You would be better off hard frying the egg and adding it to a BLT sandwich. Much better results that way.

>> No.17553440

well eggs taste like shit either way, the potatoes are a buffer to calm the sulfur flavor down.

>> No.17553441

I like both egg salad and devilled eggs
if you don't overcook the eggs so they get sulfurous I think it's hard to mess up that bad

>> No.17553581

Why would you make egg salad if you don't like fuckin eggs?

>> No.17553584

there must be a potato-free way

I wonder if eggs from the farmers market would be less sulfurous - sometimes I have them but not currently

>> No.17553589

I like the platonic ideal of egg salad.

I think the eggs could just be a good creamy conveyance for other flavors. Maybe all-yolk egg salad?

>> No.17553599

>hard boil eggs
>throw out the whites
>just use yolks for egg salad
is it madness?

>> No.17553603

If you don't like eggs then you would want all egg white.

>> No.17553605

Maybe you and this guy should coordinate together >>17553599

>> No.17553615

Absolutely heretical

>> No.17553622

they don't have to be hard boiled for egg mayo

>> No.17554037

>platonic ideal of egg salad
Piss off you sophist

>> No.17554079

Best way to make egg salad is to use pickled eggs

>> No.17554086 [DELETED] 

Add a bunch of ham and cheese. Corned beef and egg salad is pretty good tho.

>> No.17554091

>well eggs taste like shit either
>t. ngmi manlet

>> No.17554104

>egg mayo
lmao stop calling it that

>> No.17554770

How do I pickle eggs? Why is it best?

>> No.17554811

>pickled onions
>Bacon or ham
maybe add an egg to it if you like, never tried it

>> No.17554814

that's potato salad

>> No.17555107

nipponese mayo

>> No.17555135

>pickled herrings
>spring onion
>sour cream
>black pepper
simple as, delicious as fuck

>> No.17555184

the key is making your own mayo. some people like store bought and that's ok but homemade mayo is an obvious step ahead.

>> No.17555239

boil eggs for 4 minutes and half so the yolks keep mostly soft
mash the yolks with some mayo, mustard and whatever spices you like
chop the whites finely and mix with the cream
wa la

>> No.17555424

make savory not sweet or tart, that's it.

>> No.17555471
File: 1.49 MB, 2448x3264, 59A67D03-23B0-441F-8186-50C2CD9675E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellman’s Mayo, French’s mustard, eggs simple as and delicious

>> No.17555485

real question is how to screw up a egg sandwich so bad its not decent

>> No.17556185

yeah, exactly. because eggs suck as a main ingredient for a food item.

potatoes will solve all your problems.

here's your "you"

>> No.17556388

If you don't like egg salad, you will probably never make one that you like. If you're just making terrible egg salad, then there is hope that you figure it out.

>> No.17556394

>hard boiled eggs
>yellow mustard
>salt & pepper
>pickled relish
>green onion


>> No.17556437

Why do I love deviled eggs, but hate egg salad?

>> No.17557228

yes, except relish wtf no

>> No.17557343

I'm not using potatoes and you can't make me.

I'm going to be making my own mayonnaise - that's a bare minimum.

>pickled herrings


>> No.17557400

i don't need to make you, you'll come around on your own eventually. someday you'll put in potatoes and think about how foolish you were to refute them to begin with.

>> No.17557506

Nope, there has to be a better way. I will find it and report back eventually.

Potato salad and egg salad are two separate, discrete entities.

>> No.17557528

>Just ADD tuna instead
FTFY. It's the best of both worlds especially with some onion, jalapeno, and miracle whip

>> No.17557537

My dad doesn't like tuna.

I won't eat raw onions, jalapenos are disgusting, as is miracle whip.

Does ANYONE here have an ounce of creativity?

>> No.17557541

Picky family, weak genes

>> No.17557543
File: 18 KB, 800x356, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does ANYONE here have an ounce of creativity?
Says the guy who doesn't like eggs, and wants to be spoonfed an eggless egg salad recipe. Maybe stop being such a fussy bitch and eat something else, like a handful of buckshot.

>> No.17557750

I use eggs in all sorts of stuff - it's just that eggs by themselves can be kinda overpowering.

>> No.17557760

I pray you're underage because it would be extremely sad for a grown adult to have the palate of a picky child

>> No.17557783

I'm in my mid 30s

>> No.17557846

So don't eat fuckin eggs then.

>> No.17557854

Geez I don't mind eggs i just want them to be offset by other ingredients.

>> No.17557884

Add other ingredients then. Fuckin call us uncreative yet you're too lazy to pull your finger out of your ass and try something for yourself, cunt.

>> No.17557891

Maybe others have tried it and had successes with particular ingredients. You know this is a board to talk about food and cooking yeah?

I haven't made egg salad in years.

>> No.17557910

They're the same thing if you're slavic. Egg, potato, mayonnaise, mustard powder, onion and pickle go in, one salad comes out.

>> No.17557913

>I haven't made egg salad in years
Keep it that way unless you want me to poison you with cyanide, gay bitch.

>> No.17557915

>I wonder if you can make egg salad that doesn't taste gross.
Curry powder

>> No.17557926

My dad doesn't like curry powder.

>> No.17557933

Fuck your faggot dad.

>> No.17557943

there is no need for homophobic slurs here

>> No.17557955

There is truly no hope for your family of tastelets

>> No.17557957

You're right. You and your homosexual father should take turns sodomizing each other until you can decide on egg salad ingredients you both enjoy.

>> No.17557958

>there's nothing you can add to egg salad but potatoes, pickled herring, raw onions, or curry powder
>I'm the tastelet

there's a WORLD of ingredients beyond those...

you just have to use your brain!

>> No.17557978

You're the one with the picky family, use YOUR brain. What do you like? Red pepper? Green onion? Sriracha? Oregano? Garlic dills? A lot of things go well with egg salad. What kind of flavour are you after?

>> No.17558046

mm none of those honestly

i was thinking something more experimental like fruit or a weird spice or herb or nuts or I dunno

just something wacky that threatens the very egg salad orthodoxy as we know it

>> No.17558069

Walnuts or almonds, fresh dill (or cilantro [leaf] if that's your thing and dill isn't), fried capers, thinly sliced plum, and a bit of malt vinegar, with a bit of coriander [ground seed] and lots of black pepper.

>> No.17558073

Hmm so I just take jarred capers and dunk them in hot oil?

This intrigues me.

>thinly sliced plum

now you are talking

I have fancy sorghum molasses vinegar to use up and that will be going in regardless. I guess I will try coriander + cilantro. He doesn't complain about that herb.

>> No.17558083

Dry them off first, or you'll get spattered. But yeah, a bit of oil or butter in a pan, and give them a slow stir fry / reasonable sautee until they've got some texture to them. A little citrus zest to finish off doesn't hurt.

>> No.17558085

Fuck I hope a Hurricane attacks your house and wipes your retarded family from existence.

>> No.17558086

Ok I'll get some capers and plums and cilantro and report back in a week or two. Watch this space.

>A little citrus zest

too far :^)

I guess I was also thinking of like adding ingredients that add bulk - not just seasonings - that are not potato to balance the egginess.

>> No.17558118

The capers lose acidity when they're fried. It's still there, just not as potent - easily made up for with the vinegar, but a scraping or two of grapefruit, lime or lemon zest can help bring them back to life.
Pumpkin (or other cooked squash), cucumber, zucchini (raw or cooked), and eggplant (roasted) work well in egg salad, depending on the overall flavour - light seasonings work well with cucumber, middle-eastern/iberian-ish ones work well with squash and eggplant. Cooked barley's a bit of overkill if you're making sandwiches, but it works well instead of potato in slavic egg salad... takes forever to cook though. Nuts are good filler - sliced almond, walnut, cooked chestnut. Just keep in mind that the egg is going to be the cheapest part by volume of this whole thing.

>> No.17558137


>> No.17558147

eggs are gross, so no

>> No.17558148

thanks anon!

you will never guess - but dad abhors pumpkin (I know he's picky, I could probably include it and he might not care) but I might try sauteeing some zucchini or eggplant that sounds nice.

I wonder if I can find those bags of already roasted peeled chestnuts they sometimes sell. Those are delicious.

I have a pressure cooker so barley wouldn't be a problem. Reminds me to make beef and barley soup sometime.

I think people have bad experiences with poorly prepared food once and they blame the ingredient instead of the technique and preparation and get wary of it unnecessarily.

>> No.17558184

What to which part? I'll redditspace for extra clarity -

Frying capers gives them a bit of crunch, but makes them less sour. The recipe I gave had vinegar in it to offset this, but a litle bit of citrus zest added just before the capers come off the heat will also help to liven the flavour back up.

Cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin and eggplant are decent fillers in egg salad, but each has its own flavour, and goes better with certain herbs, spices, alliums, etc. Cucumber goes great with dill and shallot. Pumpkin/squash and/or eggplant go well with cumin, coriander, ajwain, curry powder, etc.

Barley's also a good filler in egg salad, and can take the place of potato if you're doing the whole gherkin-potato-egg-mustard-onion-beet, Slav salad. Unfortunately, it takes a long time to cook.

Nuts are also good for bulking up egg salad, but I state that bulking up an egg salad increases its price, as eggs are generally the cheapest thing you'll put into an egg salad.

My stepdad's the same way... to the point where I'll cook dinner when I visit; he'll ask what's in it on his second serving, and stop eating when I tell him. Obviously he's not allergic or anything, just... food racist, I guess.

>> No.17558243

You are doing a good job that anon is just being a troll. I will take your advice and report back.

I want to research some Japanese style egg salad recipes and see what their take is and then hybridize that approach with the ingredients you suggested.

>> No.17558260

the main thing's going to be kewpie mayo - amazingly weird shit. It's not the same at all, but if you don't like miracle whip, you might not like it.

>> No.17558270

I can make my own mayo with only egg yolks and add msg.

I don't mind homemade mayo I just don't add nearly as much as most people would - I try to use it somewhat sparingly. I do mind mayo with egg whites in it - shit's nasty.

My food processor makes beautiful mayonnaise with little work due to the drizzle tube.

>> No.17558308

I think there's dashi or at least worcester/anchovy in Kewpie as well... there's something briny in there.

>> No.17558315

I have dashi concentrate I could add.

I assume they also add sodium inosinate and guanylate to potentiate the monosodium glutamate which is perhaps what you are tasting. I haven't bought that yet but I really should.

>> No.17558320

If you've got dashi and MSG, there's probably not much point... but you could. It takes a while to go bad.

>> No.17558334

I made my own dashi concentrate from kombu/bonito, and I keep it in the freezer. I should order the other additives when I have the money just to play with them.

I want to try to make "cool ranch" doritos flavored homemade crackers and I think for that and many other snack applications the sodium inosinate and guanylate really makes a difference.

>> No.17558465

They can definitely turn meh flavours into things that you'll wolf down anyway.

>> No.17558516

it's MSG

>> No.17558534

what's the ingredients list?

>> No.17558699

i'm part slavic and grew up in a slavic coutry and there definitely is a diffrence. i love egg salad and hate potato salad.

>> No.17558736

My adoptive Slav family (half of the denizens of my apartment building is some species of Slav, and they all seem to think I'm Ukrainian or ex-Yu... I don't get it) very rarely makes one or the other. It's usually both, and it's great.

>> No.17558740

OP here. Dad is pureblood slav. I didn't really grow up with a lot of recipes. Grandma made a mean bread, chicken with rice, flaky thin dough with pumpkin, ground beef and onion, spinach and cheese, or just cheese filling, bean soup, and chicken soup with lemon

would love to hear more about slav recipes...

I'm mainly just trying to think up salads I can make and bring for picnic type lunches.

>> No.17558751

No as it contains mayo.

>> No.17558754

Why add more shit when soft-boiled eggs on toast is based. Just mash them up with some butter and salt and pepper. Smear it on the toast and you're good to go.

>> No.17558760

Well, the point is I make my own mayo with only egg yolks and I don't use a lot of it.

I agree commercial egg salad with loads of mayo is gross and that is why I am trying to improve upon it!

>> No.17558765
File: 29 KB, 128x128, pepedevil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fun allowed

>> No.17558766

Soybean Oil, Egg Yolk (9.5%), Distilled Vinegar, Salt, Rice Vinegar, Water, MSG, Spices (Contains Mustard), Antioxidant 385

>> No.17558769

>no fun allowed
A lot of people hate egg salad but if you give them soft eggs on toast they love it.

>> No.17558778

I'll check with Aunt Ben and Uncle May tonight (Beata and Mikhail next door), they'll probably have some pretty serious pastry recipes.
I'm bringing them a small keg of my Baltic Porter, and it sounds like they have a metric fuckton of borshch and chicken stock for me.

>> No.17558784

Fry the fucking egg

>> No.17558786

I usually make scrambled eggs with cream and tarragon on toast.

But my purpose is to make non-disgusting egg salad sandwich for lunch, not just eggs on toast.

sweet lemme know

>> No.17558806
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Man, I don't know what's wrong with your eggs. Totally plain egg salad with just boiled egg, salt and mayo is utterly delicious.

>> No.17558869

The real secret ingredient is melted butter. When you chill the egg salad, it will hold it's shape on a sandwich instead of falling out. It's also tastier, because it's butter

>> No.17559615
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Ah hurr hurr I churn my own butter

>> No.17560650

Curry powder, paprika, black pepper, tiny chopped up celery, slivered almonds, kewpie mayo. Simple as.

>> No.17561150
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>hate potato salad.
get out