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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17538948 No.17538948 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans si fucking scared of salt?

>> No.17538953

competing interests among the grabblers

>> No.17538988

No seriously, ive never seen any other people getting triggered by salt so much...
They eat absolute fucking garbage mostly, but for some reason they are really hung up on >muh sodium intake
Even seeing some MSG makes them scream in terror, wtf?

>> No.17539029

>scared of salt
He's never seen the salt in a big mac and fries

>> No.17539032

Says who?

>he needs MSG for his food to taste food

>> No.17539034

Because the sugar industry teamed up with the American Heart Association to blame salt for Americans dying of heart disease

>> No.17539060

Because they've told that adding salt to their food will make them get a heart attack

>> No.17539159

Salt seems to be the new cholesterol for retarded boomers and soccer moms to panic over

>> No.17539250

first it was fat
then it was msg
now its salt
whats the next thing to be demonized to our detriment?

>> No.17539257


Based terminology.

OB fan?

>> No.17539260

Americans are extremely obese and therefore are already at a very high risk of hypertension. Sodium compounds this risk.

>> No.17539262

Retarded boomer here. After hibernating in my coof cave for almost 2 years my blood pressure was 150/100 and cholesterol was through the roof. I'm now on a handful of pills to try and keep my ticker from crapping out while I drop weight and exercise back into some other shape than round. The cheese omelettes I cooked were fantastic, but I'm paying for them now. So switch to a Mediterranean diet and throttle back on salt and other things that can spike blood pressure. Also fish oil pills, Yum!

>> No.17539266

>he takes rancid concentrated pufa oil

>> No.17539273

they've been trying to take down red meat too for a while

>> No.17539279

It's doctor recommended. My cardiologist suggested I take them.

>> No.17539299

yeah i know but its a jewish trick, i used to take it too. just take a baby aspirin.

if you got the goy jab disregard anything i say, i cant convince you of anything

>> No.17539394

>if you aren't a schizo retarded faggot don't bother taking my half cooked brain nursing home advice
got it, I forgot that the russian bots on /pol/ know more than doctors

>> No.17539401

Salt isn't inherently bad, but it's still possible to have too much. Most processed food has too much salt, and most Americans eat a lot of processed food. It's easier to just focus on the salt content instead of giving up processed foods altogether.

>> No.17539412


>> No.17539447

They're like slugs. They'll shrivel up and die while shitting even more profusely than usual.

>> No.17539449

>all doctors agree and if they dont theyre russian puppets

>> No.17540567

Honestly, I suspect it was their sugar industry trying to deflect attention away from the obvious problem.

t. worked as a doctor in two other Anglo countries, neither of which give a shit about salt as long as you don't have organ failure

>> No.17540576

> t. worked as a doctor
What kind of doctor? a dermatologist?
Salt reduction is a 10 year old recommendation in every part of the first world

>> No.17540703

emergency, so I'm not lying when I say I truly do not give a shit about your brainwashing.

>> No.17540729

once I slightly oversalted dinner and my dad got into a huge huff, asked if I was trying to kill him. if you try to argue this belief at all with him, he shuts the conversation down with an extremely firm "well salt killed my father"

>> No.17540740

"no it didn't you fool"
lol, get fucked

>> No.17540750

I am not going to call my father a fool or condescend to him about things that happened in his life when I was a mere baby

he's wrong but I still owe him respect

>> No.17540767

You owe it to him to call him out on bullshit when he's being an idiot and potentially harming himself with bullshit salt fear

>> No.17540772

I disagree with him all the time, but "calling him out on his bullshit" is not the appropriate way. he's not my buddy, he's my father

>> No.17540842

Calling the last 10 years and more of nutrition science consensus "brainwashing" makes you a retard actually

>> No.17540854

ketards chimping about sugar... the cycle continues. meanwhile Peaters know the truth

>> No.17540879

Colombian here, we are not scared by salt at all, not all americans are scared of that, ask Bolivians, they are not scared also. What the fuck are you talking about. Mexicans aren´t scared by salt either.

>> No.17540881

nutrition science consensus said eat 10 servings of pasta and cereal 10 yrs ago lmao

>> No.17540882

The same American Heart Association that advises against excessive sugar intake? Why are ketotards like this?

>> No.17540903

Because they need to pretend that health authorities somehow encourage sugar consumption so that they can say "well, if they are telling you to eat sugar, which is harmful, then they can't be trusted when they advise against excessive meat/salt/fat intake".

>> No.17540913

>it's another "fattie doesn't understand the food pyramid and blames it for the health issues of people who don't follow it" episode

>> No.17540922
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>> No.17540958

it's just "ketards", actually

>> No.17541242

Because everything we eat is already packed to the brim with salt we can't afford to take in any more

>> No.17542071

I don't think they are, judging by how much of it they consume on average.

>> No.17542417

I'm American and I have to eat extra sodium so no fear of salt but I'm sick of the taste. Shit sucks honestly.

My doctor even prescribes potato chips.

>> No.17542471

I use it everyday

>> No.17542485

A lot of your personal doctors probably want to keep you from ever seeing your feet, and keeping your diabetes uncontrollable.
It's called "job security."

>> No.17542505

Everything is a conspiracy to Chris Chan

>> No.17542632

Is your doctor named House?

>> No.17542661

Not diabetic or overweight

I wish

>> No.17542666

What kind of problem do you have that you have to increase sodium intake?
Do you have low blood pressure?

>> No.17542675
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the fuck are talkin bout? i put like around half a salt shaker on my popcorn, i had heart palpitations halfway through but i stuck it out and followed through

>> No.17542942
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>nutrition science

>> No.17542959

I hate to point it out, but DailyMail editorial articles aren't "science", and PubMed citations aren't proof of actual research.

>> No.17542980


I hate to point this out but you'll get the same bullshit from the AMA.

>> No.17542981

neither are peer-reviewed articles

>> No.17543014
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>> No.17543348

That's exactly why scientific consensus is more important than publication

It's not that hard to understand you cretin

>> No.17543373

Were you eating a lot of other junk food? Drinking lots of soda or alcohol? Cheese omelettes can be high in calories but I've never really seen anyone binge on them to the point of gaining a lot of weight compared to junk food/alcohol.

>> No.17543484

I drink four cans of PBR an evening, does that count?

>> No.17544091
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i buy stick pretzels just to nibble the salt off and throw out the pretzel, sometimes i pretend i'm a beaver while doing it

>> No.17544093

Yes, that's 600 calories.

>> No.17544101
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not him but one time i survived off of nothing but bud light and raisin bran for two months because i was snowed in.

>> No.17544108

all of our processed food is filled to the brim with salt so when someone tries to cook theyre scared and think any salt at all is bad

>> No.17544123

If Americans eat as much fast and processed food as the rest of the world jokes about, they're always eating an excess amount of salt.
Heart disease is a top killer in the states.

>> No.17544170

We don't move enough to discrete to sodium out of our body.

>> No.17544174
File: 31 KB, 656x679, b0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salt liberally
I don't think so bud.
I'm not a fucking LIBTARD.

>> No.17544771

You should use half salt and half msg in your cooking like in China to be honest

>> No.17545021

their hearts are weak so any slight increase in blood pressure might kill them

>> No.17545080

Salt lowers the risk for 80% of people. My fellow Americans are just all retarded sheep who trust the science.TM

>> No.17545081

I'd rather be a libtard than a stupid frogposter any day of the week.

>> No.17545129

>Salt lowers the risk for 80% of people.
[citation needed]

>> No.17545140

Fine. A little exaggeration from memory. https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/abcs-of-nutrition/salt-and-our-health/

>> No.17545145

Seed oils

>> No.17545168

I only salt reactionarily

>> No.17545622

yeah, so it's 30%. And we are talking about a writeup of a single study.
To be clear, I don't give a shit about the health aspects of eating sodium but it's funny how you rant about people being "sheep" and still manage to post stupid shit like this. Most people think of others just like you and they are fucking retarded just like you.

>> No.17545639

you yanks still shitting yourselves over salt in here?

show me a meta-analysis that demonstrates a non-insane salt intake causing a blood pressure rise of 10mmHg in healthy individuals and I'll, well, laugh at your brainwashing again...

>> No.17545680

>show me evidence and I'll laugh and ignore it anyway
Why even admit that in the same post

>> No.17545693

>replies anyway
you. you are the reason.

>> No.17545709

You defeat yourself in your own post

>> No.17545713

I've literally seen a never convincing meta-analysis posted by you scared little dudes, and yet you can't help but reply. brb, salting my toast.

>> No.17545724

>healthy individuals
Salt makes you an unhealthy individual. It raises blood pressure which is not good for the heart in the long run and makes your veins like water hosepipes. And fucking kill yourself.

>> No.17545725

I wouldn't doubt you have and just, like you said, laughed it off

>> No.17545731

I'm not scared of salt

>> No.17545734

>salt makes you an unhealthy individual
honestly, the shit you worried yanks come out with. salt is waaaay down the list of what's wrong with your diet over there. worry about never eating fresh vegetables, or eating tree the calories and ten times the recommended sugar intake first. worry about salt when you can buy groceries without using a mobility scooter.

>> No.17545739

never seen one, my man, and I've been in these threads for years and practising for longer. seen a lot of angry fat people without sources, though, and that's what I'm here for.

alright, I'll check back in in a couple days, have fun in here.

>> No.17545740

Disinformation and the useful idiots peddling it.

It's almost impossible to eat so much salt that it actually fucks you up. You have no real way of storing sodium in your body long term, and your kidneys just filter out any excess you consume. The true cause of heart disease will never become mainstream knowledge because preventing disease is less profitable than pretending you're treating it.

>> No.17545751

I've read it doesn't affect everyone the same way. And that about 25% of the population is sensitive to salt in that way, 50% only experiences that at much higher levels of salt intake, and some people can eat all the salt they want with no effect.

>> No.17545755

>That's exactly why scientific consensus is more important than publication
And neither are worth a dime.

>> No.17545763

>You have no real way of storing sodium in your body long term, and your kidneys just filter out any excess you consume
This applies to pretty much everything you eat, including sugar. It's the damage done when your body is trying to sort it out is the problem. Do that 3 times a day for decades and you develop health problems.

>> No.17545768
File: 10 KB, 350x234, m1750135-atherosclerotic-plaque-science-photo-library-arrow-high[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The true cause of heart disease will never become mainstream knowledge because preventing disease is less profitable than pretending you're treating it.
I think they've figured it out, bro

>> No.17545770

Heavy salting was used as a preservative for an awfully long time, but heart disease only became a noticeable issue at the start of the 20th century.

>This applies to pretty much everything you eat, including sugar
Sugar is just a carbohydrate (see: glucose (see: energy)) which your body is extremely good at storing, anon. Around 500g between the blood, liver, and muscle tissue, and the rest goes straight to adipose tissue.

>> No.17545785

>Sugar is just a carbohydrate (see: glucose (see: energy)) which your body is extremely good at storing, anon. Around 500g between the blood, liver, and muscle tissue, and the rest goes straight to adipose tissue.
It doesn't stay sugar then, it converts to fat if not used. I'm saying the damage of sugar comes after the meal when your body is getting the excess out of your blood. This is also the case with salt and fat. It's the postprandial effect that fucks things up. This is true even separate from salt's effects on blood pressure.

>> No.17545789

But what causes that buildup inside the walls of your arteries? I heard a really interesting theory from Ivor Cummins that the plaque buildup actually comes from outside the artery, not from the inside.

And most of what gets built up is foam cells, which are just immune system macrophages that have eaten damaged cells that were filled with fat, and now that fatty macrophage is stuck there for whatever reason until your HDL clears it. The root question is what damaged cells are the macrophages eating, and what damaged them. The answer is they're lipoproteins damaged by glycation/oxydation which can no longer return to the liver, so they're left floating in your body to eventually be scooped up by macrophages.

This then leads into discussions about the effects of glucose (see: carbs) and highly processed (see: oxidised) food on the body.

>> No.17545818
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>But what causes that buildup inside the walls of your arteries? I heard a really interesting theory from Ivor Cummins that the plaque buildup actually comes from outside the artery, not from the inside.
I don't understand why people search the depths of the internet for the most retarded medical theories when there are resources out there to actually learn about this stuff.
Heart disease isn't a mystery. A lot of research has gone into it. They've experimentally induced heart disease in dozens of animal species and it works the same in all of them.

>> No.17545869

Have you ever seen Americans at a dinner table and there's only one salt shaker?

Not pretty...

>> No.17545875
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>> No.17545890

Research didn't stop in the 70s. Their reasoning is on the right side.

>> No.17545915


>> No.17545952

Whose? The pic is not from the Borén paper, which agrees that oxLDL is necessary.

>> No.17546745

I'm American and even I don't get why so many of my fellow burger-land residents are so repulsed by it. They treat it with the kind of disdain and anti-reverence as if you said you were literally eating powdered cancer.

>> No.17547918

Checked and reichpilled.

>> No.17548456

the fuck are you talking about?
americans are salt fiends, everything here is absolutely loaded with sodium

>> No.17548482

Because Americans don't drink water so even a gram of salt can cause serious complications. Took me forever to realise i was getting cramps all the time because I drink 5L of water a day. Once i started adding even more salt to everything i eat it sorted itself out

>> No.17548499

>he fell for mainstream media shilling
there's tons of salt in most food and the majority don't give a fuck.

>> No.17548544

>eating rocks
do yuropoors REALLY?

>> No.17548551

But they dont know about that, it's just from the can. That's why they had to be trained to think that salt will kill, because any more salt in their diet will kill them

>> No.17548591

we're not but I can't ingest too much anymore due to high blood pressure.

>> No.17549178
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>> No.17549290

cool it with those digits hitler

>> No.17549316

The government tells us to. Just like how they told us to be scared of sat fat.

>> No.17549326

kys frogshit

>> No.17549329

Salt rottens the marrow in your bones, anon.

>> No.17549341
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Cry more tranny