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17532414 No.17532414 [Reply] [Original]

Tenmoku and Jian ware Edition
This thread is for discussing teas, tissanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

Previous thread: >>17505477

>> No.17532462

I'm not surprised that the puer picked up flavor more quickly, that balled oolong is probably rolled up pretty tight.
I can also imagine the puer flavors being more complementary to the coffee flavors.

>> No.17532469

Thanks for making a new thread, i keep failing to stay on top of it

>> No.17532480

What's a decent jasmine tea from YS? I'm generally not a fan of added flavorings but I want to give it a fair shot without being overpowered by low quality perfumed tea.

>> No.17532482

the end of my butt plug looks kind of like that lol

>> No.17532500
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I have received most the order for the Vahdam vs Upton comparison, but due to Vahdam's weird "splitting up orders" shipping method, I'm still 4 teas short, so it will likely be delayed until next thread, since I want to post it all at once.

A reminder for those who weren't in previous threads or just forgot: Since Vahdam got shilled into the pastebin, I'm doing a comparison with Upton to see if they're really decent enough quality to recommend. I'm doing a comparison between;
>Upton Original Earl Grey vs Vadham Earl Grey Citrus
>Upton Organic English Breakfast Blend vs Vadham Classic English Breakfast Black
>Upton's Season Pick 2021 First Flush Darjeeling vs Margaret’s Hope Muscatel Darjeeling First Flush
>Upton's Season Pick 2021 Second Flush Darjeeling vs Margaret’s Hope Muscatel Darjeeling Second Flush
>Upton Halmari Estate GFBOP 2021 Assam vs Vahdam Halmari Clonal Assam Second Flush Black Tea
>Upton Old South Meeting House Breakfast Blend vs Vadham Nilgiri Breakfast Black
And also categories of 3 of Upton's specialized blends (FInest Russian Caravan, St. Isaac's Blend, CTC Irish Breakfast) and Vahdam's 10 Tea Chai Sampler. I will also be comparing their freebees they give out. I also got the Earl Grey Extra from Upton and Spearmint/Peppermint for myself, not part of the tasting, and the Smoky Souchong from Vahdam (which hasn't arrived yet)

The total cost was $89 for Upton (everything on the silver side) and $128 for Vahdam (the green side, missing 4 teas)

>> No.17532504

I like the cheaper one with flowers in it, but I REALLY like the punch of jasmine.
I think all his jasmine offerings are good, the more expensive ones are more subtle

>> No.17532508
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>Thanks for making a new thread, i keep failing to stay on top of it
not a problem, i like doing it when i am around.

>> No.17532526

are the quantities the same?

>> No.17532532

you can start the comparisons now, unless you were planning to do every tea in a single day

>> No.17532546

I don't think the dong ding seems too tight, but your explanation seems reasonable. It was not especially flavorful to begin with compared to the shou either, so that is perhaps something to consider. This experiment is inspired by an accident with some tieguanyin I stored for some unknown, vast period of time in a sealed paper bag next to several large portions of aromatic coffees within a cupboard (including these same grounds). Said oolong was quite pleasant despite being just an ordinary 'who'-name brand from an Asian supermarket, certainly stored in a variety of poor conditions.

If nothing else comes of this, it would be nice for us to discover just how far we can affect our teas and their development within abnormal storage conditions. Just imagine a sweet white or fruity pu'er stored in a wooden casket of dried fruits, or a wine barrel. Something similar is done with citrus/chenpi balls, after all.
You're an absolute mad lad, anon. How are you going to execute the thorough tastings of so many teas anyway? Various isolated sessions of comparison testings? Take care to not blitz through and harm yourself just to report to the anons here. You might as well enjoy the process.

>> No.17532576

>im thinking of trying to look around and see if i can find any more dian pu tea factory cakes maybe from pre 2006 boom and hopefully at a more reasonable price
good luck with that "dian pu" is an unknown brand at least in the west so you may have a hard time with it. i am not sure they are even still in business. you may have to go to the Chinese side of the internet to find out more.

tuochatea is legit though they don't restock anymore and are just kind of running down the business inventory. that bamboo sheng looks interesting and is well priced but i cant guarantee that it will taste like the other tea you got from moychay.
if you do get it here are some guides on how to open bamboo puerh

>> No.17532589

No. Vahdam doesn't offer smaller sizes so I had to get everything in a standardized size. As you can notice, most the teas for tasting on the Upton side are samplers (full size is stuff I genuinely wanted to drink long term)
I'm probably going to start the notes and comparisons today but I will be posting all the information and scoring at once.
I got 2 identical* teapots and 2 kettles, I plan to brew at the same time and taste both side-by-side. The strainers for the pots can definitely fit in a teacup though and if this proves too cumbersome I plan on during 1 cup brews (I have a teacup set so it'd still be identical quantities)

*The teapots should be identical, same amazon page, but 1 has a slightly higher/better spout that makes filling it full easier. I have no idea why there's a difference

>> No.17532603

>but I will be posting all the information and scoring at once.
why not go tea by tea and a final summary?

>> No.17532620

I think you misunderstand. When I post the results I'm going to make 8 long posts with pictures of the tea dry and the liquor in the cup. It's going to be tea-by-tea and kinda spam the thread. I just want it all back-to-back in one place and not strung between 2 or 3 threads

>> No.17532631

Thanks for providing some content and im really interested to see how it turns out. At this point Upton might actually be on the chopping block, just because i keep seeing really meh opinions of their teas in the thread. It seems like the stuff they do the best are the ones you are sampling so if they don't perform in this area they end up in a pretty tenuous position.
I know at least one regular really likes uptown but at this point they are almost a legacy listing and i don't know if they would get included under the current standards that i usually look for in vendors. Then again vahdam is lacking harvest dates too except for the single origin stuff.
I still wish there was an easy vendor i could suggest to anyone starting out without reservations but they all have their quirks and issues.

>> No.17532644

I still keep meaning to experiment with chempi. I will try and break up some cheap ripe and mix it in with some this summer.
When i got my bag of chempi i put it in my tea pumidor without thinking and i had to air it out they next day because the whole thing reeked of citrus.

>> No.17532679

It certainly does grow and develop quickly, at least if my own homemade peels are to be the reference for that claim. I haven't had them since storing them, but I smelled them once or twice. Despite being lemon peels, they smelled quite sweet, yet pronounced, almost like that of oranges. The odor was potent enough to be easily detectable from outside the plastic bag I'm storing them in. I am considering moving them to a glass jar today instead, but I am not sure if the lower oxidation environment will be preferable or not. The better seal will likely keep the aromas better contained, though. Let me know if you intend to go through with it though, and we can compare notes.

>> No.17532705

Right now I'm storing my chempi in a resealable plastic bag that it came in, i thought about putting it in jars but i was hesitant, i don't want it to get musty and i don't really know if there is widely known humidity parameters for dried fruit peels i can look up somewhere

>> No.17532713

Note to self: Running 2 kettles pops the breaker

>> No.17532829

I don't really drink this sort of tea that often, but I'm curious to see what does well in this category, so I can have some more "traditional" tea to keep around.

>> No.17532849

Well you should be in good shape in that department. I never get around to buying them but im quite fond of second flush Darjeeling.

>> No.17533006

I have just finished the first tasting and writing my comparison.
No spoilers but the first tea had a very clear winner and I'm hoping that the next few will be tighter comparisons.

>> No.17533249

Okay the 2nd tea was tighter, this may be interesting

>> No.17533292

Nice this should be fun

>> No.17533316

why 2 kettles? can't you just double the water on one kettle?

>> No.17533339

Warm the pot and then more for brewing

>> No.17533768

Go for the jasmine bi luo chun or silver needle

>> No.17534067

I want to try some of the freshest teas possible this season, how should I do that

>> No.17534102

Wait for Japanese green teas to get in stock, buy them from Japanese vendors. You can also check the indian sites for their earliest first flush Darjeeling's. But assuming you are in the US japan is going the have the fastest shipping without paying out thw ass for express
That's about as fresh as you are going to get.

>> No.17534520
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I had the idea to mix two of my lower grade whites together to yield some complexity. Ripped chunks from the lowest, and some from a slightly better one. Depacked all of them, blended, sifted some of the last bits, and stored. Smells pleasant and sweet, going to infuse shortly. I even found a little factory souvenir; jealous, anons?

>> No.17534576

it looks like the bottom of a compost bin

>> No.17534597

You realize half the people here regularly pay top dollar for leaves that have been kept optimally wet and decomposed over the course of decades, right? That looks significantly less composty than what I drank today. Just your average shou mei (gong mei? I can't tell)

>> No.17534618

Yeah, just very cheap whites. They're pleasant and light, so they'll make for easy sipping and coldbrewing.
Low-end shou mei and a big of yue guang bai sprinkled in for complexity. It is noticeable and pleasant. I just wanted a good way to use up the cheap shou mei.
>Tfw no one appreciates the shard of unknown material the Chinese have bestowed upon my leaves, though.

>> No.17534625

As far as foreign objects in tea goes, a twig is pretty tame. The worst I ever got was a pebble, but I think people in here could probably tell some horror stories.

>> No.17534642 [DELETED] 

Ah, it may not be easy to see since the face is white (on a white table), but it appears to be some sort of man-made flooring or packing material. Here is the reverse side. Been a while since I found any presents.

>> No.17534647
File: 213 KB, 1466x936, 20220309_200118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, it may not be easy to see since the face is white (on a white table), but it appears to be some sort of man-made flooring or packing material. Here is the reverse side. Been a while since I found any presents.

>> No.17534649

Oh, the white part of it was camoflauged with the background, I thought it's edge face in the shape of an "L" was the "twig." That's actually pretty significant, nice haul.

>> No.17534723

Nice, yeah it looks like some plasticx floor tile or maybe some of that plastic corner molding

>> No.17534730
File: 117 KB, 1276x339, firstflushhojicha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I an idiot or is there zero point to first flush hojicha. It's blast-roasted stems, there's no nuance to pick up on. Is this just a dumb marketing thing? Why would you even waste first flush on this?

>> No.17534749

>I think people in here could probably tell some horror stories.
i had a cigarette butt float to the top of my gaiwan while i was brewing tea once. i just pulled it out and continued with the session as i had already drank a couple infusions and figured it couldn't do any more harm at that point. my second best find was a few small metal shavings pressed into the surface of a brick. additionally i got a decent sized chunk of concrete out of a cake once which i almost wish i had kept.

>> No.17534755

>Why would you even waste first flush on this?
I mean they have thr first flush, and they way they harvest the tea means they end up with stems, so they are going to do something with them. Is it worth paying more ofr "first flush" roasted tea stems? Eh maybe. I would have to compare something like roasted stems from shaded sping first flush to roasted stems from summer 4th flush and see how much of a difference there actually was.

>> No.17534771

i meant that I would assume the sensible thing is to use first flush for kukicha and other derivatives, but I suppose if there is no real difference by harvest time and hojicha is selling better...

>> No.17534885

Post more jian wares. I wanna get one

>> No.17534994
File: 139 KB, 720x720, tenmokuware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.17535156
File: 506 KB, 636x480, ShinyCup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more

>> No.17535200

I gotta shill this shop i found on etsy a while ago.
They mostly focus on that style of teaware and they seem to have decent prices for what they are selling.
Of course the high end stuff gets much more expensive but i think most of what these guys have is solidly a notch above the typical mass produced stuff in this style.

>> No.17535524

already had it in my favorites lol

>> No.17536097
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying a new tea. It's astringent as fuck. I got lucky to receive a reasonably fresh box so it's plenty malty and floral.

>> No.17536193


Yesterday I posted about Liu Bao that was left stored in a plastic bag and no longer had a weird musty taste. Today I tried the same tea but stored in mylar, ~6 months since the last time I drank it. In comparison to plastic bag storage, this tea definitely still had some of the musty taste, but in comparison to its former self it's way more tolerable, and now a somewhat enjoyable characteristic. I have to really push the strength to make it taste similar to how it did in the past. It seems like the difference in storage helped accelerate a mellowing process that was already happening. Going forward I think I'll split the leaves 50/50 between plastic and mylar, so that I can enjoy both aspects. Both plastic and mylar were kept away from light and in the same cabinet.

>> No.17536250

>(((organic)))(((fairtrade))) teabags of african nigger-made dust
>unbleached paper to cut the costs even more
god bless you you dumb bitch, don't post here anymore.

>> No.17536265
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Ordered a lychee green tea from a major seller of import products and it arrived all handmade……. Like someone hand sealed these little snowflake packages…. I dunno

>> No.17536268

oh so bleached paper is a good thing now?

>> No.17536270
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Can says “mushroom storm tea 4 seasons”

>> No.17536286
File: 33 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave him alone.

>> No.17536290

it has always been. removes all the shitstains from the toilet paper and ink from supermarket brochures that it's been made of. personally I'd never steep some paper in hot water and drink it, but with the gun to my temple I'd go for the cleanest one.
but that is not the point here, what's in those teabags is more frightening.
again, now with a nylon pantyhose teabag. this one looks redeemable though if you dump the contents straight into the pot.
you from the same dilation station? go fuck yourself.

>> No.17536299

It's not even actual paper. It's made of banana leaves and PLA, for the daily dose of environmentally friendly climate conscious bio-degradable carbon neutral microplastics.

>> No.17536498

>you from the same dilation station? go fuck yourself.

god dammit
am i tranny for drinking loose leaf and LARPing as a chinaman, or for defending an anon posting his shitty teabags? make up your mind.

>> No.17536508
File: 289 KB, 400x225, 1622412578069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop drinking teabags.

>> No.17536655

pure PLA is actually safe so long as it does not have any unsafe additives. its made out of polymerized lactic acid which is something that breaks down in the body just fine (we make lactic acid naturally) and is not an endocrine disrupter. we actually use PLA for some medical implants that are bioabsorbable and intended to break down.

>> No.17536967

That's cool. I should try eating one of these tea bags to confirm it doesn't taste like anything.

>> No.17536985

I am dumping it straight in the pot

>> No.17537035

>pour some Shoumei into my Gaiwan
>first infusion tastes different than usual, more complex flavors
>second infusion tastes normal

>> No.17537050

I have that happen. Check for mostly intact leaves if possible, and infuse eitger more gently or with flash infusions. Cheaper shou mei don't have the best longevity.

>> No.17537067

Is it normal to have a headache after drinking white tea?

>> No.17537436

Drink water and take iron supplements

>> No.17537613

took a break from 24/7 gramps style to actually gongfu some tea
My observations
I should use clay more often, it really helps sweeten up some of my mediocre teas
Holy shit this hits like a truck, I'm pacing circles around my living room

>> No.17537635
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Does anyone know where i can get a yixing mug that is made with decent quality clay? Something that is actually half handmade with thick clay and not slipcasted like the cheapo aliexpress stuff?
I never see them on any of the recommended yixing vendors sites.

>> No.17537684

I'll probably buy whichever earl grey you recommend between the two. As long as your reviews come before my current stash runs out.

>> No.17537736

while not technically yixing i would at the stuff made by Lin’s Ceramic Studio
here is there official site:
here is a western vendor that has some of their mugs (a number of other shops carry their work):

>> No.17537798

here are the actual product links:
larger but no lid

>> No.17537867

I have a question for you tea snobs, i bought some tinings mint and imperial gunpowder tea, im really liking it but im wondering uf jasmine blened teas would be my thing. Asking because i dont want to shell out £15 and not like it

>> No.17537999

Opinions on canned tea?

>> No.17538023

I should have it out by the 16th. If thats not soon enough I have already done the Earl Grey comparison

>> No.17538030

How are we supposed to know if you like it?
Jasmine is one of my favorite teas and I haven't met someone who hates jasmine, so go for it, but don't complain to me if you don't like it.

>> No.17538064

no, did you have too much caffeine perhaps?

>Opinions on canned tea?
are we talking premade tea or tea leaves canned for storage? if its the former i have no strong option and if its the latter i think it is a nice way to store roasted oolongs longterm.

>> No.17538154

Ladies and gentlemen: how do you store tea? Containers, organization, how many sealed tea pouches do you open at once, etc.

>> No.17538256

Yeah ive seen the stuff from lins ceramics before. I have read mixed opinions on their unglazed stoneware so im hesitant to pick some up. Thanks for the suggestion

>> No.17538262

It's nice if it comes in resealable mylar bags you can just leave them in there. If it doesn't keeping it in mason jars out of direct sunlight works well.

>> No.17538360
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That's a really good idea. It's got that homesteader aesthetic. Tea tins always seem to pick up a smell that's impossible to remove. I would use the amber tinted jars. Foods are such light-sensitive little shits.

>> No.17538366

So many cheap tins that tea come in aren't airtight at all. It's really annoying

>> No.17538381

>I have read mixed opinions on their unglazed stoneware so im hesitant to pick some up
whats wrong with it?

>> No.17538404

I'm glad resealable pouches are common now. Those tea tins are chintzy product packaging like your shortbread cookies come in, not a real storage solution.

>> No.17538419

Some people on fourms said it makes their tea taste like shit. It's not much to go on but that and the fact that they don't sell overseas directly and their authorized dealer in the UK was expensive was enough to put me off. I did email a guy who used to do proxy teaware buys in Taiwan but he said he wasn't doing it anymore.

>> No.17539109

i use those exact same jars for tea.

>> No.17539203

>Tea tins always seem to pick up a smell that's impossible to remove.

I have a Harney tin that I've been waiting to 'air out' for like 9 months now. Still reeks like cloves. I think its time for me to throw away, or maybe just throw some cheap black tea in there for lols.

>> No.17539353
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I do this

>> No.17539365
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I should probably separate everything, but i don't know a good solution

>> No.17539428

>I do this
Are the little colored bags oolong? I appreciate it when oolong comes in little single serving packets.

>> No.17539462

I almost forgot that grandness tea existed, they are a lot like fullchea, so definitely some pretty mediocre tea on there if you buy noname stuff. But they have lots of sea dyke and wuyi star oolong and a decent selection of puer. Ive bought from them in a few times in the past and i think i remember shipping taking ages but other than that they were fine.
I read somewhere that this xiaguan big snow mountain ripe is nice for a cheap ripe.

>> No.17539500

Ya its from old ways, I hadn't tried them before and got the oolong sampler, its pretty cozy having them all in their own packs.

>> No.17539520
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They also have a 100g dayi nuggies for $20
I know that was being discussed recently so here is a denct way to try it if you don't want to spend $40 on a brick.

>> No.17539674

I've tried so many teas, and I still only like orange peko. The gingerbread herbal tea is the only thing that came close. Also, earl grey, and black tea + rose petal are alright.

>> No.17539819

What's a good sized gaiwan (in milliliters) for one person who doesn't want to urinate six times a day?

>> No.17539854

Just get a common standard porcelain gaiwan around 100ml, +‐10ml. Any lower and you'll be choked, much higher and you'll be using more leaf and water, which will lead to increased urges to urinate. You could also just fill less with a larger one, but for someone just wanting a little, it doesn't make nuch sense.

>> No.17539858

You think 70ml would be too small? I'm not sure how much capacity the leaf matter itself takes up.

>> No.17539861
File: 137 KB, 1500x958, www.ubuy.co.it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dumb is it to use paper filters (the ones used for filter coffee) to filter tea?
I have a problem where some thin (almost) transparent dust gets in my tea and makes it look disgusting, and I tried using that filter and it went away.

>> No.17539863
File: 145 KB, 406x507, DankTea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KTM order just arrived

>> No.17540458

For higher quality tea the leaves are generally intact and dust is minimal. What dust you do get will sink to the bottom of the pouring vessel pretty quickly, so you can just decant the tea. I usually use a mesh strainer though to catch the bigger bits just as an added measure, but for broken leaf tea I have used coffee filters to make homemade teabags and it works fine. By making them yourself you give the leaf plenty of room to expand and you choose what leaf goes into them, so it's much less controversial.

>> No.17540583

>grandness tea
they carry some mini Shi Liang Cha bales that i want to try but i should probably check what the prices for the small Baishaxi one are on tmall are first as i suspect it may be a bit over priced. as with most vendors some of their inventory looks better priced than other parts. its good to know how to comparative shop. i just wish more western vendors had a better selection of non puerh big factory heicha.

>> No.17540599

new teas on w2t

>> No.17540600

>You think 70ml would be too small?
depends on how much tea you intend to drink. you could probably get away with a 70ml one if you don't anticipate brewing more g or so grams of tea at once.

>How dumb is it to use paper filters (the ones used for filter coffee) to filter tea?
you can if the dust bothers you that much. its harmless so i just drink it myself because i don't want to bother with filtering it out.

>KTM order just arrived
got anything cool?

>> No.17540606
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teafags be like
>hmm yes this 50 year old pu-ehr brick is quite scrumptious let me just write the notes of dried dung and old chinese woman hair on my 500$ tea journal using my tea pen made out of hollowed dodo bones and written in purebred squid ink
meanwhile matefags be like
>haha this mate is like 10$ for 1 kilo, time to gulp another couple liters while I go weed my plantation

>> No.17540641
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found the source on /r/tea
also found this
holy shit I was just shitposting

>> No.17540652

Woman moment. Also
What did you expect?

>> No.17540654

I would just like to note that every time I see this thread in the catalogue, I'm briefly confused because I think OP's picture is an MR16 dichroic halogen lightbulb. That is all.

>> No.17540672

How come mate is prepared by doing that weird mountain on the side, instead of simply doing grandpa style?

>> No.17540768
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>that weird mountain on the side
You're thinking of this (chimarrão)? That's basically the matcha of mate.
Every other mate can be brewed even in a kettle if you were so inclined, even though bombilla+gourd is still the traditional method.

>> No.17540793

>go to reddit
>it's reddit

>> No.17540806
File: 212 KB, 526x405, mate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm just bad at describing it.
Basically, if I watch videos of people preparing mate in the gourd, after filling it, they turn it diagonally like in pic related, and then they put the straw and the water.
Can't you just throw the mate inside and put water the way you would do it with tea?

>> No.17540814

Don't make me dig up the post in the last thread about anon using an expensive fountain pen with expensive ink to write his thoughts about the taste of fish and dirt in his tea
> after filling it, they turn it diagonally like in pic related, and then they put the straw and the water.
Oh, that's to get rid of the particulates. The vast, vast majority of mate is full of very small broken leaves that get clogged in your bombilla otherwise.

>> No.17540820

I saw the step where they remove the dust, but that doesn't mean you need to leave the mate sideway to pour water no?

>> No.17540823
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ok I read that wrong twice then, I give up
I don't know what the sideways thing is

>> No.17540838
File: 312 KB, 604x653, mate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the step where they remove dust, they seem to press the mate against the wall of the gourd (they added some room temperature water, very little) then they put the straw next to the "mountain" and they pour the hotwater.

Anyway, I'm just trying to understand how this drink is made (because I'm considering buying it) so how do you go about making it?

>> No.17540849

Oh I don't even bother with the gourd
I just use a 1 to 1 tea ratio in a 1.5 liter teapot, 250 ml = 2.5 grams of mate, so I just throw 15 grams of yerba in the kettle and just keep it steady at 80 C° for about 15 minutes and then just take it off the flame, let it cool and drink the thing in the course of a couple hours

>> No.17540856

That sounds based, I think I'm gonna try. Does it get ruined if it boils?

>> No.17540909

Flavor-wise it sorta turns into burnt grass if you go over 80C° unless you're using one of the really mild ones and you're trying to get more kick out of it or if you're using one of the really strong brand (that do taste like burnt grass by default)
80C° is the ballpark you want to stay around for most mates
I'd even suggest just heating up your kettle beforehand and just throwing the 80C° water in there without too much ceremony, this way it won't brew at that temperature for too long. Later on you can try different temps and see what suits you best.

>> No.17541040

What's the best pu'er tea?

>> No.17541066
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My boyfriend bought me this young sheng, happy Friday

>> No.17541196
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>> No.17541217

Payment due: 1 BJ

>> No.17541218

I assume every single word out of his mouth is a lie, and his site / channel are full of new age TCM bullshit. Does not actually know that much about tea. Some of the tea is pretty good though and it's priced moderately, in some cases. White2Tea for oatmilk starbucks hippies.

>> No.17541230

Way oversells it with the tasting notes and presentation, but his videos helped get me interested in gong fu and experimenting with more exotic teas (never bought from Mei Leaf though) so for that I'm thankful. He's a salesman but that doesn't mean everything he says is bad.

>> No.17541257

Large vessel, or just small leaf bits? Looks creamy and fresh.
Has some useful insights, and rolls an entertaining showcase, but heavily plays the role of a salesman (which he is) by implying a lifestyle with his products. Arguably much too far-reaching with his flavour/aroma notes. A decent means of getting newcomers excited about tea in a space where most drinkers discussing it will putter on in a dry manner for 15 - 40 mins.

>> No.17541264
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I just got this little Hario single serving cup, how much and what time should I try for my oolongs?

>> No.17541330

It depends on the type of oolong you are brewing.
Oolongs belong to a very wide oxidation spectrum, so they can be almost green tea and almost black tea - so the brewing methods for different oolongs are obviously different.

>> No.17541394
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Some cakes recommended by a nice anon
Lao Cha Tou was mentioned a couple of threads ago and i thought the cake looked cool
Dirt cheap drinkable raw
Cheap white

>> No.17541650

You can get a fine mesh strainer to pour your tea through to take care of that. Just a fine kitches strainer is fine line the ones they use for yogurt

>> No.17541675

Yeah i was looking at those yesterday, just like fullchea, their dark tea seems to have gotten expensive for reasons i don't understand.
Especially the three cranes liu bao

>> No.17541693

For western style brewing assuming we are talking roasted oolongs.
1g per 20ml full boiling water, 3-4 minutes for the first brew, add 2 minutes for the next brew, and another 2 minutes for the third and it will probably be about spent.

>> No.17541698

Nice, man i miss that 2006 lan cang that was pretty nice for some cheapish old tea.

>> No.17541764
File: 149 KB, 736x562, Level-1-Snow-White-Jasmine-Flower-Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tealet here, I bought tea exactly like this and it was amazing and really sweet-tasting, then I bought some dark looking dried up yasmin flower tea and it tastes nothing like this at all, what gives and how do I get the sweet taste again?

>> No.17541836
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ur nigga is tryin to get into some matcha over
i'm not going to go full autist into with with the bamboo whisk and antique ceremonial bowls and shit, i'm just casually interested in the health benefits and making some tasty hot beverages.
that being said, what powders should i be looking at from a value standpoint? can't afford to spend 150 dollars on some ceremonial grade first-pick powder, but i don't want bottom-of-the-barrel quality either.

>> No.17541850

It was a whole cake

>> No.17541871

The whisk makes it not ass to mix, get one

>> No.17541879

The whisk isn't autistic, makes it not clumpy
anyhow just try ippodo

>> No.17542068

>i'm just casually interested in the health benefits and making some tasty hot beverages.
then just drink hot water with teabags in it. Matcha isn't something you can just half-ass.

>> No.17542140

Good question, the original tea you bought was Jasmine flower too? You probably just got a bad or old batch the second time, unfortunately i don't know a good source for teas like that.

>> No.17542162

Look at the Japanese dealers in the pastebin, or one of the American dealers that only sells Japanese tea assuming you live in the us. Just get their cheapest matcha that isn't called cooking matcha. As long as you are getting it from a good shop the quality will still be very good. I was going to suggest the one from o-cha.com but their website seems buggy today

>> No.17542177

Also you don't need to spend $50 on a whisk made my some 4th generation Japanese bamboo whisk master. You can get a really cheap Chinese one on ebay or similar or you can get one of those cheap $10 pen style electric milk frothers and use that.

>> No.17542196


>> No.17542224

Okay i have a confession, 5+ years ago i got a YouTube suggestion for a meileaf video about raw puer. Seeing that inspired me to order a teapot of the nicest one they had at my local teahouse and through some miracle it was actually good tea and that's what got me into drinking tea seriously. Ive never watched another video from him because i thought he was creepy.

>> No.17542474

I started drinking tea last week and I like him. I only watched his videos, I don't know anything about price and quality of what he sells

The big complain I could make is that videos are objectively too fucking long for people who are still new into teas, it's really shit having to go through 36 min video just to learn the basics

>> No.17542491

I would also fuck relentlessly the girl who appear in some of his videos. I presume she's his wife or something

>> No.17542506

She is and I'm so jealous.

>> No.17542540

She really gives slut vibes and he looks like a guy that thrust looking up with his eyes closed the whole time
lucky for him I guess

>> No.17542725

Are you guys talking about the slampig with the fat titties or the asian qt?

>> No.17542750

The fat semen demon

>> No.17543070

ok you guys have convinced me. how do you clean it? just run it under hot water?

ok seems fair. i was hoping some of the amazon brands would get an endorsement, but i figured as much. from what little i know, matcha seems like vanilla in that it's expensive, and if you're not paying a decent amount, you're not actually getting vanilla.

thans for the help, bros

>> No.17543096

I got white needle tea dried on jasmin flowers, it’s pretty fragrant and tasty

>> No.17543111

tell us how the white tea is when you try it. i always like hearing about bargain teas because its harder to know what to expect.

>> No.17543178

Nah don't touch amazon
Matcha has become high demand due to people wanting to drink it for health reasons. 99% of the matcha on the market is nasty bitter garbage. Half of it is just random ground up Chinese green tea that has nothing to do with what macha is supposed to be. It needs to be relatively fresh and stored properly so you really need to get it from a decent store that sells a lot and knows what they are doing, even little tea shops that mean well with have some tin sitting on a hot shelf for years and it wont taste like anything when you buy it.
Anyway matcha is the most difficult tea in this regard, most other tea is easy. But shipping from japan is cheap again now and it's really not hard to buy some, just look at the vendors in the pastebin and find something cheap.
Especially if you want to drink it for heath reasons, all these studies they are doing is on the good stuff not tubs of ground tea on amazon.

>> No.17543198

i'm gonna get some from ippodo-tea probably. is it a bad idea to order 100g at a time?

>> No.17543205

It should be fine, as long as you will drink it within 8 months to a year. I guess it might be an issue if you decide you don't like matcha but otherwise go for it.

>> No.17543210

word. thanks, anon.

>> No.17543288

I've never tried it, but a white tea with jasmine is definitely on my next order list.

>> No.17543291

I’ve never heard of yellow tea before, what are your experiences anons?

>> No.17543335

>how do you clean it? just run it under hot water?
yeah pretty much. Just right after your whisking run it under water and let it air dry (those little buttplug things they often come with is so it keeps its shape while it dies)
Let it sit out too long and the tea won't come off and it'll get moldy and warped over time

>> No.17543405

Yellow tea is kind of a meme, there is very little made every year, it's hard to find fresh and the nice productions of it tend to be very expensive.
Like see the two that this higher end tea shop carries, one is 75¢ per gram and the other is over $1 per gr
Is it worth it? Dunno i havent tried any. The cheaper yellow tea you tend to see from Chinese tea dealers are more accessible but less likely to be processed in a way that makes it noticeably different from green tea.

>> No.17543413
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Cozy Friday grandpa brew of some 2021 lesser evils. Anyone else snag the ripe snoozefest today?

>> No.17543434

Stop taunting me, i ran out of ripe yesterday and now everyone is posting about it.
But seriously that material looks interesting, how is it? Has it had long enoigh to air out at this point or does it still have a hint of fermentation funk?

>> No.17543481

Smooth sweet thick and slick. No funk at all, just a little bit of dryness on the finish which is't unpleasant. I can only imagine it getting better with a bit more time in the pumi. Its def better than 2021 hokum and I really liked that too.

>> No.17543506

i think tea is just ok

>> No.17543565

>new teas on w2t
my thoughts: their smoked teas sound interesting but are a bit spendy, their laochapo looks interesting and is well priced and i may get some at if they still have it when i order from them next, the Peak Vulture limited edition shu was tempting and i was almost considering getting it but its out of stock now so i guess the decision was made for me. their non-puerh heicha selection is really starting to shape up.

>> No.17543579

>limited edition shu was tempting
I bought 2 so you couldn't get any sry :3

>> No.17543601

>I bought 2 so you couldn't get any sry :3
its not a big deal, i probably was not going to get it anyways. i have enough shu as it is and i have already spent this months tea budget anyways. it was tempting though. I hope you enjoy it. please tell us how it is when you get it.

>> No.17544016

anyone else enjoy drinking tea

>> No.17544051
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depends on how many infusions you plan on doing, very short means more total volume. so for me its usually100ml x12 but i usually start with 10-20sec and add 5sec each time, longer steeps you'll get less infusions
>I'm not sure how much capacity the leaf matter itself takes up.
this changes based on what type of tea, oolong expands a lot! ripe puerh not so much

>> No.17544282

>100ml x12
You are the Tinkleman. This is exactly what I, and my bladder, fear.

>> No.17544293

yeah but if you did longer steeps that will cut the number of infusions, so you could half that volume simply by adding 30sec instead of 5sec. also thats over like 4 hours and tea is all i drink

>> No.17544501

I got a sample of white darjeeling tea in my recent order, can i brew it gongfu style or do i have to do western like other darjeelings?

>> No.17544505

How long am I supposed to steep Oolong? It's a "generic" kind of green and black leaves. I used freshly boiled water and had it steep for 3 minutes before it started to actually darken the water. Drinking it now it barely tastes like anything. Should I leave it in 5+ minutes? I have a feeling it doesn't turn bitter even if left in a pot for an hour.

>> No.17544535

Try using more leaves rather than more time, how many grams per ml of leaves were you using?

>> No.17544541

Roughly 5 teaspoons for 1200ml water. They did bloom and fill up the entire strainer though so it didn't appear like it was too little.

>> No.17544544

i dont think indian teas are processed the same way as chinese even when they're the same styles, if its only a sample do you really want to blow the whole load on a single session?

>> No.17544554

I always do 4-5 minutes for western brews

>> No.17544613
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>recommending white people's youtube channels on tea drinking.

>> No.17544689

I've had two yellows, and they were nothing alike.
One was a cheap (~$.13/g) Yunnan Sourcing offering that looked and tasted like a black; tasty, but nothing special. The other was "Solar Isle" from Taiwan Sourcing, which I just finished my bag of this morning; that was one of the best teas I've ever had. Tasted like a snickerdoodle cookie. That one was around a dollar a gram though so it's no surprise it was the superior tea.

>> No.17544736

There are some pretty good white people tea videos. Ones made by chinese tend to be difficult to access since they aren't supposed to post YouTube videos and if you watch videos on chinese platforms they are not going to have captions.

>> No.17544824

that's a poor excuse. to fully immerse and appreciate the origin and originality of tea drinking, you must learn the language just as many on this board strive to learn japanese to enjoy anime and manga at a deeper level. it becomes clearer when you understand, that white people taint their videos with fluff and more often than not, wrong information. 再见

>> No.17544893

Ah yes and Chinese language tea videos aren't full of weird TCM hoddoo and shilling.

>> No.17544982

how do i avoid water poisoning when i wanna drink a bunch of tea in a day? in my tea sessions i usually drink 1-2 litres of tea so if i do 3 a day am i not risking getting that? do i just do max 2 per day then?

>> No.17544994

Water poisoning is a meme, don't worry about it. The only way it happens is if you drink so much water so quickly you are in immense physical pain. Your body isn't that stupid.

>> No.17545033

You probably eat too much sodium like most people so you're not going to get tea potomania.

>> No.17545061

What's the most flavorful or sweetest tea? I've tried green tea and it was quite good. Now, I need moar.

>> No.17545065
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im so fucked up on tieguanyin and my prescription adderall right now. just spent 3 hours refusing to take my eyes off a study on meditation.
wish someone could just give me a hug and tell me its ok

>> No.17545123

Now I recall having water drinking contests in ground school. Not in secret or anything. Most started puking after a while but we really forced ourselves. Good to know someone might have at least gotten some kind of serious condition from it.

>> No.17545142

I regularly drink 5 or more litres of water in a day, its fine. Most people don't drink anywhere near enough water.

>> No.17545148

Thats a fun combo. I love starting the day with caffeine and nicotine

>> No.17545360

my fullchea package tracking finally updated. its in Wuhan now....

>> No.17545375

>Plane allegedly lands in docks, tracking updates to reflect this.
>Package doesn't receive updates for almost a week.
>Suddenly new update, 1:1 copy of the previous shipment email.
It will arrive when it arrives. It will be here when it is here.

>> No.17545460

>One was a cheap (~$.13/g) Yunnan Sourcing offering that looked and tasted like a black
if that's the organic yellow tea from YS you are talking about then it tastes like a black tea because it is more or less a black tea (and not a traditional yellow tea). i am pretty sure its just a bit less oxidized than a traditional black tea. kind of like some of the first flush darjeelings or many of the Indian oolongs.

>> No.17545494
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Finishing off some dong ding oolong this afternoon. I forgot i still had a couple brews of some taiwan oolong kicking around. Good excuse to use my dirty ass porcelain teapot.

>> No.17545591
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Third brew
Pretty tasty stuff, sweet, floral tangy. Too bad greens and lightly fermented oolongs do a number on my stomach.

>> No.17545596

Anyone know where i can get good osmanthus oolong? The place i used to buy it from doesn't have any.

>> No.17545723
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Hey anon that got all that roasted oolong, how is it? Ive been craving it lately.

>> No.17545757

Do y'all have a tea you buy in bulk and drink routinely, or do you have a variety and have something different daily? How much tea do you keep on hand? How many grams of tea per day?

>> No.17545813
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today's tasting notes:
tea: "2008 Ripe Pu-erh Tea Brick, Jinggu Factory" from yeeonteaco

dry leaves: coarse lower grade material with stems and a few seed pods, no sign foreign debris though
brew parameters: 15g/100ml @ 212f in porcelain gaiwan

earthy, sandy loam, peat moss
cooked beet roots, beet cellar, geosmin
savory, something a bit bready
perhaps a very faint wisp of smoke
possibly a bit of traditional chinese medicine character to it
smooth mouthfeel
lightly cooling exhale, long aftertaste
no bitterness, very lightly drying and astringent
tastes clean by shou standards, no obvious wet pile taste

conclusion: a nice clean fairly typical tasting ripe with some nice "beet root" HK cellar storage flavor on it. it also seems to have a bit of some sort of nebulous "aged" character to it. the coarser than typical material has not had any negative impact on the taste and its still seems to have decent longevity. if you don't like shou this wont convert you but if you do like shou i doubt you will be disappointed with this tea at its current price of $20/250g. i am not a huge fan of shou myself but i still found it to be a pleasant enough sip.

>> No.17545900

I usually buy some tea in bulk just to keep around, usually a kilo or two, but that's puer and other stuff i can store long term. Then i usually buy 2 or 3 200-350 gram portions of tea when i put in an order and daily drink that untill i get through it. Usually 7-16 grams per day. I keep some samples and other random stuff around to change things up when im bored and if i have two servings of tea in a day i drink two different teas.
Also odds i drink more tea, evens i have.something herbal

>> No.17545901

I buy in bulk but usually a mix of greens, oolongs, reds, and whites, I have a lot of pu'erh and fu and it takes me forever to finish a 357 gram cake because I don't drink the same thing daily,
I drink between 7 and 15 grams a day depending on the day. Now during lent I drink a LOT of tea.
I have about 3 to 4 kg on hand right now, going to probably add another kg once the greens I like come in

>> No.17545904

What-cha got some stuff in for spring, have other vendors started also? I have never bought right at the start of the season. Who should I try?

>> No.17545906

Nice, thanks for the write up, i gotta hurry up and get some tea from that guy

>> No.17545929

How long do yall find you can keep teas before they lose quality? And what about puerh storage?

>> No.17545949
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Busting out the 2009 gao jao shan wild tea fu brick. Arent those leaves just beautiful?

>> No.17545956

Black teas don't loose quality before I drink them, they last like 4 or 5 years before anything noticable, same with oolong.
White cakes last forever, loose white lasts a year or two.
Green loses it's flavor noticably after about a month, but it's fine, it gets really stale after about 16 months.
I just keep my pu'erh in the bag and don't do anything special

>> No.17545962

How do I make hibiscus tea?

>> No.17545991
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>How long do yall find you can keep teas before they lose quality?
Green tea and green oolongs, a year, two is pushing it, black tea, 2-4 years if kept sealed up well, puer indefinitely.
Puer storage depends a lot on your climate, you want a airtight container of some sort. If it gets dry in the winter a few 55% boveda humidity pouches are needed. If it's humid enough in the summer you can leave it out on a shelf out of sunlight and away from any strong odors.
I personally use a large cooler but that's not really necessary until you want to keep a half dozen cakes or more.
One of those cheap Styrofoam cooler they sell online that fits a couple six packs might be a decent starting point. Or some food storage tubs, if you can find ones that don't stink like plastic. I originally bought sone plastic tote bins from wallmart, and after a month they still stunk of plastic so i couldn't use them.

>> No.17546010
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First brew, has a nice flavor, very creamy and coats the tonge, almost has the mouthfeel of eating a spoonfull of whipped cream. Good flavor but hard to describe, tastes like some other wild hei cha ive had, really reminds me of this tian jain i got from chawangshop.

>> No.17546017

Since tea is dried you can put it in the freezer without ice crystals damaging it. It will last literally forever in there.

>> No.17546042
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Second brew, i let this go a little bit too long, i forgot this infuses very quickly since its all chopped material. Got a bit bitter on me, still good, bitter, very woody.surprisingly considering how material looks this tea doesn't tase loamy or have any wet storage on it. I could probably get away with brewing this in my clay teapot, i don't think it would taint it with any strong odor or flavor. Maybe i will try that next time and see if the clay sweetens it up some.

>> No.17546047

Don't put tea.in the freezer, what made you think that was a good idea?

>> No.17546088

I buy a lot of dianhong black so I have a steady supply of it, since it's the tea I drink most often. Can't go wrong with a malty black tea. I would like to know any recommendations of Sri Lankan or Indian teas, if you folks have any. :-)

>> No.17546109
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For green tea since it gets fukkin rekt at room temperature

>> No.17546315

The problem is that you can store tea in the fridge or freezer but it needs to be in heat sealed mylar bags with a bunch of those moisture absorbing packets. When you take the tea out of the freezer you have to slowly bring it up to room temperature while sealed. If the packaging isn't heat sealed 1. Your tea is going to smell like your fridge or freezer 2. When you take it out of the freezer a bunch of condensation will form on the tea which will subsequently ruin the flavor, especially with repeated freezing and condensation cycles.
So yes you can store tea in the fridge or freezer but you need to do it in a very specific way. You cant just keep a ziplick bag of tea in the freezer and grab a few spoonfuls everyday for your cuppa. You have to keep a portion in a heat sealed bag and then once it comes out of the fridge it doesn't go back in.

>> No.17546382 [DELETED] 
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The other day an anon was asking about those collums of tea that are wrapped in bamboo matt.
I found some guy on ebay selling a 120g slice from a big collum for $14

>> No.17546421
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Check out the color on this Kenyan tea. The aroma is like Ruby 18, not basic bitch malty assam. I was not expecting that at all.

>> No.17546437

Nice, that's some red tea alright

>> No.17546459

I wasnt expecting to become a corporate shill when joining this hobby, but i fucking love farmerleaf.
Currently drinking a sample of their pasha small trees sheng puer, and the i've never tasted anything like this. It has a sweet floral flavour with a slight bitterness and it tastes very fresh even though its from last year's first flush. The smell of the leaves is the exact same as the taste of the tea, and now after nearly 1.5 liters of water it still tastes the same as the first infusion, i suppose this might be part of the Menghai sheng taste though i dont have much experience with sheng puers from this area. I bought a sample of their Nannou tea too so i might try it tmrw and compare since they are both grown nearby eachother.

>> No.17546477

okayti first flush darjeeling or himalayan breakfast are my favorite teas from vahdam

>> No.17546575
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Going to large East Asian grocery later, tell me what brand of tea to buy

>> No.17546788

i try to dilate regularly but sometimes life gets into the way. which teas (decaf) should I brew to ease the anxiety. i only have microwave oven and I can procure plastic cups from my daily fast food run. i hear matcha has most benefits.

>> No.17546938

Sea dyke
Also buy a couple two pound bags of poppy seeds and mix in a large bowl with just enough water to cover, add half a teaspoon of white vinegar if you have it on hand. Stir for 4-5 minutes gently, then strain. Retain the liquid and discard the seeds. Pour a pint glass of the liquid and consume slowly over the course of an hour. Repeat as needed.

>> No.17547361
File: 83 KB, 846x1000, Sunflower- brand-Jasmine-Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you like the taste of cheap jasmine tea get some "sunflower brand " jasmine tea. its the same stuff the Chinese drink themselves, its dirt cheap, and its sold basically everywhere. just be careful not to over brew it or it can get kind of nasty. i second what the other anon said and recommend trying some "Sea dyke" brand oolong if they have any that looks nice. none of my local Asian grocery stores do however. i will note that generally speaking Asian grocery aren't the best place to pick up nice tea as they mostly tend to stock cheaper commodity tea. you may get lucky however.

>> No.17547540

How do I prevent that from turning into a poppy pint per day?

>> No.17547652

I don't drink tea because I don't associate with the Chinese in any way, shape, or form and tea is a Chinese thing

>> No.17547772
File: 37 KB, 481x720, 0930B43E-B1CD-42B5-8306-E092FA5DAD4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to have to ask you to leave the thread now kindly please SIR. India will not tolerate this insolence sir. Thank you goodbye SIR.

>> No.17547785

Just do what the k001 k195 do, and speak/read exclusively in 日本語 while drinking your Chi-Japanese teas you infused in your gaiwa-shiboridashi. That'll stick it to 'em, 名無しくん!

>> No.17547788

Just don't keep buying it. Like just use it very occasionally in moderation, if you can't then don't try it.

>> No.17547802

What kind of liquid is produced from this? Is it some sort of euphoric concentration, ala opium? I wonder what exactly would result from the use of such a product.

>> No.17547814

Morphine, codeine, etc. Don't try this at home kids.

>> No.17547836

>a pint
hmm sounds gross

>> No.17547838

Thanks for letting me know, I'll keep my curiosity tamed. I'm interested in some herbal tisanes for the relief of some chronic health symptoms, so I like to read about these things sometimes. I will likely pass on poppy products, though ma huang and kratom are both things I'd like to test and examine personally. At least camellia sinensis is comfy and not especially harsh.

>> No.17547841

I can vouch that kratom has an excellent painkiller/intoxication ratio profile. Don't necessarily recommend taking it all the time but it sure as shit beats opiates.

>> No.17547930

I don't want to shift the thread too off topic, but if you don't mind:
>How often do you space apart doses?
>Do you find it impacting your general cognitive capacity or memory in any notable way?
>Any recommended vendors or strains?
I'm particularly interested in its potential as a combination anxiolytic and analgesic. I imagine there is some difference between strains, too. I imagine getting the aforementioned effects without excessive sedation could be a challenge.

>> No.17547946

I don't really take it regularly and haven't for years, I'm probably not the best person to ask. But at low doses if anything it acts as a mild stimulant in my experience. The "tea" it makes is one of the worst things you will ever taste though, and the nausea from consuming the leaf is a bitch, so start slow if you are going to experiment.

>> No.17548017

If you were going to take it as some sort of regimne for anxiety i would start at something like 1/2 gram 3 times a day with meals going as high as maybe 1 1/2 grams but thats probably excessive unless you build tolerance.
>cognitive impact
If you take a recreational dose (2-4 grams) you get a bit spacey especially the first time you take it in a day but i don't think it really effects my cognitive ability to anywhere near the degree that weed or alcohol do.
Lately ive been using https://superspeciosa.com
They take regular credit cards / debit cards without the weird processing issues some other vensors have had and the product ia very good quality, they do testing for contamination and heavy metals and such and make that available.
The most sort of relaxing type they have is red borneo, the most potent is the "super speciosa" but if you over do it it can be a bit stimulating, give you a bit of a too much coffee vibe.
I don't find it sedating at all. Relaxing yeah but not sedating like cbd or some actual drugs.
And yeah stay away from the poppy tea.

>> No.17548870
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2018 white 2 tea Hype
Odds porcelain, evens clay

>> No.17548907
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The after the rinse and first brew the leaves have a bang on prune smell. The taste is dried prunes, fruits, long sweet aftertaste, again prunes. Some tartness, causing some saliva production.
Second brew, aroud 15 seconds, much more prominent bitterness, fruityness is less pronounced, more herbal flavor, pronounced drying on the tongue, bitter, dry

>> No.17548954

Anyone else gotten a clear glass tea pot just to see one of those flowers bloom inside as it steeps?
I did.

>> No.17548963


>> No.17548967

Foreign Agriculture Guzzler?
Why yes, aren't we all here?

>> No.17548986

Now that im on the 5th or 6th cup it's back to dried apricots, which is what i meant to say before, not prunes, apricots

>> No.17548993

those blooming teas dont really work, out of 10 i had only one properly opened up and it took ~10mins to do so, tasted like cheap jasmine tea with a dry dusty aftertaste from the pollen. wouldn't drink them but they do look nice, would work well as wedding table decorations

>> No.17549030

I went ahead and bought from Kong Mountain Tea and my order got here yesterday, the first tea I tried was Old Tree Mi Lan Xiang. Here's my tasting note

Old Tree Mi Lan Xiang from Kong Mountain Tea (2020)
6.67 grams in 100ml gaiwan
Dry leaf smells subtly of dried fruit and roast. As soon as water was poured on them the leaves emitted a much stronger aroma of fruit and pine resin. Interestingly after being poured in and out of a pitcher, the smell at the bottom was more floral and creamy, with a bit of honey note.
Brews 1-3: I flash brewed it using 208f degree water. The first sip was a bit subtle, but it had a bright, lingering fruit note (like peach or apricot) with a lingering, "sticky" sweetness. The roast was present and even had a pine note like the smell, but it was not overpowering or bitter. It didn't have a very thick body but it was smooth.
Brews 4-6: Upping the brew time to 10 seconds and adding a few with each brew, the tea developed some sharp bitterness in the finish, which I might add was pleasant. In addition to the fruit flavors I started noticing floral notes in the background. It also gradually developed some astringency which made my tongue feel just a bit dry, which actually complimented the fruit flavors and reminded me a little bit of candy, like them peach ring candies. You all know what I'm talking about?
Brews 7 and onward: The taste remained fairly consistent from here on out, if only the bitterness and astringency waning a bit. The other flavors remained strong and I got 17 brews, finishing with a 2 minute and then 5 minute-long brew.

This was high roast dancong and damn maybe I should have tried some sooner. It was a nice change of pace from the lighter roast ones.

>> No.17549039

Mine was fine. Didn't have any odd taste but sure it took a good while before it had bloomed fully. Definitively more than just a decoration you look at.

>> No.17549041
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Snipped open a couple teabags to see what's inside.
Also drank a lot of tea with and without milk for Ringtons, Clipper, and loose leaf Golden Tips Assam from Tao of Tea.

Malty simplicity
Milk required
Surprisingly complex flavor like beeswax rosewater licorice
Better with lots of milk but I drank the whole cup plain without disgust since it's only about as bitter as beer
>Golden Tips
Malty with some warm spice
No bitterness so it can be drank without milk

I'm not especially impressed by Clipper, it's fine for a breakfast tea. Ringtons is legit good CTC tea that's maybe less drinkable but more flavorful than even some loose leaf Assam. It's a different flavor, though. I'll probably try one of their other blends after running out.

>> No.17549088

I tried this once as a free sample. 17 brews, holy moly, I think I got tired after 7 or 8

>> No.17549207

Why is African tea so muted in taste and caffeine compared to Chinese? Ahmad Earl Grey compared to Taylor of Harrogate's is surprisingly meh.

>> No.17549598

High roast oolongs truly are one of the top tiers of tea.

>> No.17549603

The ringtons looks like it has much better processing.

>> No.17549670

African tea replaced Indian and southeast asian tea as the cheapest bulk commodity tea on the market, so the vast majority of African tea is the lowest common denominator processed in the cheapest ways, mostly for teabags. There are a handful of plantations that do looseleaf that's supposed to be good, but i haven't tried any.
A surprising amount of Chinese tea still involves hand processing and manual harvesting.

>> No.17549710

>what i meant to say before, not prunes, apricots
i was wondering that as i read your first post. getting "prunes" out of young sheng would be rather unique whereas "apricots" is a fairly common flavor profile for young sheng.

>> No.17549833

Yeah, that's what happens when i write notes first thing in the morning. Overall I enjoyed that so i guess now i need to try some more W2T teas

>> No.17550297

i wish there was more tea related clothes or badges, even if theyre super gay. i cant even find a decent one with like the map of yunnan or some shit

>> No.17550519

>with like the map of yunnan
here you go
if you want something else you can probably get it custom printed somewhere.

>> No.17550523
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So if matcha is basically just ground green tea leaves, does any other kind of kind come in a powdered form?

>> No.17550528

Meant to say kind of “tea”.This is what I get for phone posting

>> No.17550545


>> No.17550550
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Most “tea” related clothes are usually either just cutesy shit like this or merchandise from well known tea brands like Harney & Sons

>> No.17550641

I don’t know about badges but there’s tons of tea themed enamel pins out there.

>> No.17550701

sencha and hojicha

>> No.17550923

My local tea store has 2 types of assam.
Assam Konghea and Assam Oakland, they are both loose leaf, neither of them is ctc, the quality of the leaves looks pretty good. But I don't know the difference between Konghea and Oakland.
Do you guys know the difference?

>> No.17550956

they are different tea estates.

>> No.17550991

that looked like crushed mice

>> No.17551295

There is such a thing as Song dynasty style tea, which is actually the precursor to matcha. I can't find much on what tea exactly they'd use or a good way to grind it, or I would try it. There is some info on the process though.

>> No.17551393

theres that hipster brand called mud thats essentially black tea matcha with malsala chai spices

>> No.17551663

>black tea matcha
I kind of remember YS having black tea powder a while ago(2019ish?). Was this a fever dream? Is the ma huang slowly doing me in?

>> No.17551671


>> No.17551717

Those are both green teas. I think anon was asking if ceylon or oolong come in similar forms as matcha

>> No.17551748

Yeah i think they have had black tea powder, know ive seen it somewhere

>> No.17552045

USPS says the last package should arrive tomorrow. bit worried because I'm still missing one item from the shipping info and I hope they didn't leave something out

I will try to have everything ready for the start of next thread

>> No.17552076

Nice, im excited to see the results

>> No.17552133

At least you're getting updates. Mine just took five days to repeat the same notice and went AFK for several days again now. There is no rush either way, just enjoy the sessions as yoy get to them. If any tea is missing, that is valuable info, as you can note a vendor's carelessness.

>> No.17552151


I got this one awhile ago and it was very sweet and chocolatey, burned thru it fast. Might not be great for iced tea or something like that, but its a very cozy cuppa.

>> No.17552164

Tea culture is the only Chinese cultural thing that I really enjoy. The people growing and processing these leaves are humble, decent people. I have no problem throwing some cash their way.

>> No.17552428

Whats a good tea to get if I want an buzz from it
Alertness or relaxation is fine I just want a tea that I can enjoy nature with

>> No.17552453


>> No.17552459

Thank you anon

>> No.17552513

works as a social lubricant and mild stimulant as well as being naturally cozy and warming. tastes great as well, only tea i pay more than $18/100g or so

>> No.17553509

sipping on some cold brew dayi sheng the morning.

>> No.17553888
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Will consuming this product make me a real woman?

>> No.17554177

Is Ceylon a type of tea? Thought it just referred to Sri Lankan tea in general

>> No.17554203
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I found it!

>> No.17554217

No, it isn't pu'er.

>> No.17554220

And that's a good thing.

>> No.17554345
File: 38 KB, 425x425, 9C3875D6-D4D8-4941-A1CA-0099FE60FB2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used pic related to make my Arnold Palmers yesterday. Hope it’s not gonna be as malty as the version I made with Scottish breakfast tea. Also made the tea with only one teabag. Just kept reusing the same bag while I brewed each bit of the tea in the mug. Let’s see what I’ in for...

>> No.17554353

Gonna be ready any time soon? I need to put in an order.

>> No.17554386

>homosexual male
>enjoying black tea and bumming batty bois
>one day someone recommends I try Puerhh and gives me a sample
>try it
>now I like women

>> No.17554689

i have about 100 grams of sencha that i got for christmas but i dont really drink green teas, is there any way i can drink a bunch of it fast instead of possibly having to throw it away if it gets old?
theyre from spring 2021 harvest i think, i rarely drink sencha and when i do i usually only use 2 grams per session of it so it will prob take me a long time to go through it all normally.

>> No.17554697

Today, I'm prepping the last tasting right now

>> No.17554702
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Sick, looking forward to it.

>> No.17554717

There are a few good options. I'd recommend consifering the following:
>Reserving some in a few mylar bags or airtight containers for later consumption.
>Coldbrewing a concentrate which you can dilute to drink as desired.
>Mixing with herbs you find palatable to make a nice tisane blend.
Coldbrewing is the easiest option, and coming into the hotter seasons, it may be quite pleasant to have on hand.

>> No.17554728

You could try roasting it to hojicha which would change the taste and also reduce the caffeine content a bit so you could drink more in a given session.

>> No.17554740

Technically, is Darjeeling oolong?

>> No.17554752

ive been a bit curious about tea processing recently, ive wanted to try to press my own tea cakes since the method seems fairly easy. This sounds interesting, do you have any good guides to go on? or do i just roast it in a wok like with the puer kill green method?

>> No.17554816
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need to replenish my supplies.

>> No.17554818

I am also tired of waiting. The last of the tracked packages shipped and one of the teas is missing. I'm not going to wait for Vahdam's customer service to reply to me, I'm just going to mark it against them since their shipping method is on my nerves as it is.

>> No.17554853

I'm really confused about why 1st flush Darjeeling isn't oolong but supposedly it's processed exactly the same way as the other seasons. It doesn't oxidize as much for some reason related to the timing it's picked.

>> No.17555054

Guess I made the tea too weak. It’s overpowered by the lemonade. Eh, still better than the Scottish breakfast, still better than Jack in the Box iced tea.

>> No.17555057

Fook off. Tea's'tea.

>> No.17555058

Tbh most tea categories are pretty loose. It's probably just not oolong because the English don't want oolong

>> No.17555113

Does anyone know the word limit per post off the top their head? I want my posts broken up coherently

>> No.17555137

2000 char.

>> No.17555148

Probably would work pretty well for arnold palmers but needed more teabags

>> No.17555155

Thanks sister, I can never remember

>> No.17555342

After my first puerh, I finally sprouted a hair on my chest.

>> No.17555397

As we're so close to the bump limit, I'll post at the start of the next thread.
I am finished writing

>> No.17555437

What study were you reading?

>> No.17555442
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Is coffee a tea?

>> No.17555449

Ended up not getting the last product from Vahdam, then? How many have you tested for this run anyway, and how many grams total ordered?
No, it is not camellia sinensis, so it is not 'tea'. You can make a tisane infusion with coffee grounds, though.

>> No.17555464

In the case you are not memeing, coffee has dedicated generals. >>17544105

>> No.17555497

>Ended up not getting the last product from Vahdam, then?
Yup, tired of working with their customer service rn and just want to finish this
>How many have you tested for this run anyway
13 from Upton, 18 from Vahdam.
>How many grams
1,150 from Vahdam, 734 grams from Upton. Total 1,884 grams

>> No.17555610

Can non-pu'erh tea improve with age, or is fresher always better?

>> No.17555619

White teas, especially the caked ones get better with age

>> No.17555622

white oolongs and puerh benefit from aging, blacks and greens do not

>> No.17555654

