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17525700 No.17525700 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever had real tonkatsu ramen? I never have. I've been to knock-off Japanese restaurants who serve mushy slop they CALL tonkatsu ramen, but nothing like the shit so good you can smell it through YouTube. I hope one day I am so fortunate.

>> No.17525757
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That's not a tonkatsu ramen. This is a tonkatsu ramen.

>> No.17526307

tonkatsu ramen is not that good... definitely not worthy of the hype a bunch of weebs give it.

>> No.17526396

It is called tonkotsu ramen you fucking retard.

>> No.17526501

there's barely any actual flavour in the broth, at most it's because the bowl is loaded with spring onions, garlic, vinegar, etc.
you will mostly taste salt from whatever fermented bean paste that is in there
they don't use shallots in the pork broth, and that is incredibly stupid

>> No.17526502

I made tonkotsu from pigs feet a couple of weeks ago, had it boiling for about 24 h. Was pretty good.

>> No.17526503
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Yes, I always get extra rich broth with it. Any other ramen I've had has not compared to the pork broth here, and I've had a lot of ramen. I've been to some of the 'best' ramen places, including places like Ichiran (feels overrated, and I'm not a fan of the very thin noodles), but the best I've ever had was in a local small town place in Taiwan.

>> No.17526519

t. has never tried ramen in an asian country
If my only experience was eating it from these chain restaurants in the city then I would've thought that it's overrated, but having genuine, rich pork broth is the best.
Also why is your bowl being filled with garlic, etc. when those are always optional? I have never had vinegar in my broth either, where do you eat your ramen?

>> No.17526525

>I always get extra rich broth with it
so.. they ladle in extra lard and (maybe) salt?
I will assume you don't know the answer.
And Taiwanese ramen will taste different from Japanese ramen. But desu, Chink and Taiwan ramen with chives, and broth from dried seafoods and mushrooms blow Japan ramen out of the water

>> No.17526530

Yes. I always order extra meat and an extra egg. Asians have perfected the art of cooking perfect golden eggs. They usually serve the eggs cold, but the trick is to split it in half and put it in the broth to warm it up, the broth mixing with the yolk is amazing. Probably one of the most filling meals, thoughs. After a bowl of ramen I could skip the next meal easily.

>> No.17526531

Ramen is overrated

>> No.17526533

It is called tonkotsu not tonkatsu and it is really good. Shoyu ramen is the best though.

>> No.17526553
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>t. has never tried ramen in an asian country
nigga I'm literally living in an Asian country and I've had ramen, from both chinks and nips.
the multi-generation family-run ramen stalls ran by chinks will always be better, has deeper flavour, and actually rich taste with some pungency from the ,real alkalinity of the noodles.
picrel isn't mine, but I've had ramen there twice. Both time, I found them wanting.

>> No.17526568

Maybe if you didn't order the extra meat and egg it wouldn't be so filling

>> No.17526569
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once again, not my pic, but I've had ramen here before, I didn't have Tsukemen, but stardard ramen with extra Menma and ajitsuke eggs
was it delicious? Yes.
Soft and tender cha su? Yes.
Better than chinks in terms of flavours? Absolutely. Not.

>> No.17526573

why is jap food so cringe? why is everything either autisticly complicated or shit like tendies in le soup?

>> No.17526575

>have dedicated ramen restaurant near me
>quality of noodles and toppings is great
>broth is chicken because I live in a European caliphate
life is suffering

>> No.17526600

>>broth is chicken because I live in a European caliphate
chicken broth is incredibly delicious, tastes cleaner than pork if you know what to do

>> No.17526603

I gotta say, the hard boiled egg dropped into the broth always seemed unnecessary to me. Isn't there enough shit floating in that broth already?

>> No.17526620

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.17526628

because they succumb to the asian richman fallacy. Whole asian culture is about face. Different gook breeds aproach this in different ways. Chinese make absurd amounts of meat to show their wealth, koreans eat the most disgusting shit to prove they are cool and japs focus mostly on looks and havin a squad of cooks willing to waste their time with pointless shit.

>> No.17526644

what do koreans eat that you think is so disgusting?

>> No.17526658

wine made from human shit, dog testicles, spoon worms, live octopus, silk worms and of course rotten fish with garlic

>> No.17526686

Yeah there are some very good ones in singapore ramen restaurants.

>> No.17526754

>chives (optional)
>bamboo (optional)
>bean sprouts (optional)
i dont know what kind of ramen stack you get, but it's just meat and noodles with vegetables, and the vegetables can always be taken out. all i'm adding is an egg?
do you also enjoy your ham burgers without vegetables, sauce, cheese, and seasonings? because more than 2 ingredients in a meal is too much?

>> No.17527165

I had tonkatsu ramen at a tiny hole in the wall in Kyoto that maybe seated 5 people. One of the best meals i've ever had in my life and I think it cost about $6.

>> No.17527235

If you have never been to Japan then you have never had real tonkatsu rame.

>> No.17528851

>keeps talking about tonkatsu
>posts tonkotsu
Do you not know the difference, amigo?

>> No.17528885

Holy shit I’d have to kill myself if I were such a tastelet

>> No.17529329

I found a place nearby that delivers some nice ramen. I never had ramen before, and going through the options I decided to pick the bone broth one, which was the tonkotsu. What a wonderful meal.

>> No.17529898
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There are a couple of really good noodle places near me but they're overpriced. I make my own pretty often, it's simple but a time consuming process although well worth it.

>> No.17529899

damn dude you eat good

>> No.17529904
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For me it's chicken ramen, though

>> No.17529945

Cooking is the only thing I've ever excelled at for whatever reason and I'm basically a househusband so, whatever my old lady wants to eat for the week, I'll make.
Is this shoyu broth? Looks really good.

>> No.17529979
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>they ladle in extra lard
Not the poster you responded to, but at Naritake (a popular shop near me) they actually do take a sieve and scoop up a bunch of melty pork fat floating at the top of the broth pot, then bash the sieve to send tiny chunks of pork fat sprinkling over the top of the soup. It's glorious.

>Shoyu ramen is the best though.
What?! No way. Miso/Tonkotsu > Miso > Tonkotsu > Karamiso > Shoyu > Shio

Pic related, Miso Aburi Chashu ramen from Tadokoro Shoten

>> No.17530177

and yes, it's pretty good.
if you want the real good shit you have to go to places like Ramen Stadium in Hakata or one of the other regions/cities famous for tonkotsu ramen

>> No.17530369

>my old lady
thats cute

>> No.17530413

The egg is optional too, dipshit. But the three things you listed as optional contribute more to the flavour than the egg does. You also forgot chili paste and nori, both of which I'd put into my ramen before bamboo.

>> No.17530686
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Here is the true *tonkatsu ramen, It called pako ramen(排骨麺)!
this is from mansei on japan.

>> No.17530689

whats your stock recipe?

>> No.17530738

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.17530969

Y-you too Anon.
It’s the serious eats recipe except I add a smoked ham hock, 2 scotch bonnet peppers to the mirepoix, use lard instead of oil, and finish with powdered gochugaru. It’s really good man, try it some time.

>> No.17530982

It looks tasty. I bet you have to eat it super fucking fast though, or else those breaded cutlets get soggy.

>> No.17530990

thank you very much for the advice.

>> No.17531234
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desu ramen has gotten pretty boring. Pig's feet tonkatsu and chashu tsukemen are the only ramen left that still interest me. Chinese and SEA noodles are just so much more interesting.
t. almost 2 years in Japan