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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17524784 No.17524784 [Reply] [Original]

You must create a weeks worth of dinners using the ingredients shown
>ez mode: one person, 1 meal per day
>normal: two people, 1 meal per day
>hard: family of three, 1 meal per day
>nightmare: family of four, 1 meal per day
>Dante must die: Family of four, 2 meals per day, no leftovers allowed

>> No.17524809

>chop up paltrow into steaks

>> No.17524810

damn that looks delicious

>> No.17524831

>a millionaire that hasn't cooked in decades tries to shop like a poor person
Go insert another vagcandle, bitch.

>> No.17524839

notice the whole stack of limes, the one ear of corn, a fucking avacado...
she's legit retarded.

>> No.17524841

Based and positivity pilled.

>> No.17524847

Yes, I too can see the picture.

>> No.17524855

scrambled egg, black beans, rice and salsa 7 times a week

black beans, rice, peas, and salsa 7 times a week

wa lah

>> No.17524918

I don't get the hate for the 7 limes, you have to get your acid somewhere, it surves an important purpose in the kitchen. I guess vinegar is more economical but vitamin C is a consideration.

>> No.17524953

i always laugh at this troll picture when you consider she's complaining about the price of the shit she bought when
>tomatoes are $9/kg right now
>limes are $4 each
>you can grow most of those other veggies yourself
bitch needs to cut her margarita habit out of her life, it's costing her like 2/3rds of her grocery bill

>> No.17524978

>make a big pot of bean stew
>eat it with 2 fried eggs and tortilla chips with lime
>every night for a week

I ain't no chef but I make it work.

>> No.17524999

>6 limes
Kek. What would you even do with 6 limes and the rest of those ingredients? I don't see any tequila on her grocery list.

You only need like 1 lime to brighten up the flavor of the beans and rice.

>> No.17525012

there is a lot of portions of beans and rice there, not to mention the salads

>> No.17525125

>Dante Must Die Mode:
Day 1, Meal 1:
>cook half the rice pack with cilantra and a bit of garlic
>cook half the pack of beans again with cilantro and garlic
>serve with a tortilla per person, lettuce and spinach, and a bit of lime juice
Day 1, Meal 2:
>take two scallions, cut the white parts, finely chop it, save the green parts
>brown the scallion whites slightly, add water, add corn ear
>wait until ear is basically cooked
>remove corn from ear, put the ear back in to add flavor
>cut two tortillas into pieces, fry the pieces, reserve
>add cilantro, the scallion greens, and lettuce to the soup
>add tortillas and corn back in, remove ear
Day 2, Meal 1:
>fry a tortilla per person, serve with a fried egg, lime juice, cilantro, garlic as seasoning
Day 2, Meal 2:
>fry scallion whites, thinly slice scallion greens
>add water, wait for it to boil
>cut the yam
>boil it until enough water evaporizes for it to be a stew-like consistency
>add half the pack of peas
Day 3, Meal 1:
>servethe last of the rice and peas, again seasoned with garlic, cilantro, lettuce and spinach
Day 3, Meal 2
>make bean stew with the jalapeno and the spinach and a dash of lime to wake things up
Day 4, Meal 1:
>fry 2 tortillas and scallions
>make a 3 egg, scallions and 2 fried tortillas omelette and split between 4 people
Day 4, Meal 2:
>lettuce soup, with scallions and 2 fried and chopped tortillas added in
Day 5, Meal 1:
>2 eggs and 2 tortillas migas, split 4-ways
Day 5, Meal 2:
>caramelize half the onion, then lime juice and water and spinach to make a soup
Day 6, Meal 1:
>greens salad
Day 6, Meal 2:
>dice the tomato and the rest of onion, add garlic, cilantro, lime juice and water for a soup/broth
Day 7, Meal 1:
>avocado and 3 eggs in an omelette with scallions
Day 7, Meal 2:
>spinach and lettuce stew, add wasn't used in

>> No.17525158

not bad

>> No.17525176


>> No.17525208

how are you supposed to get your candles then

>> No.17525223


>> No.17525307
File: 993 KB, 290x198, 1645582382483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol dante must die mode is impossible,there's no way a family of 4 can have 2 meals a day for a week with this

>> No.17525476

This dumb broad really thinks that's all you get on food stamps? There's a reason people sell their food stamps 50 cents on the dollar, because almost everyone gets hundreds of dollars more than they need on it. I'd still French kiss her asshole though

>> No.17525729

based effortposter

>> No.17525763


>> No.17525771

Aren't lemons cheaper tho?

>> No.17525776

What retard taught you how to count?

>> No.17525791

Cook rice, beans, and every vegetable other than avocado into a sloppa. Crack eggs on top before reheating so they cook in the sloppa juice. String limes together and use as anal beads, with smashed avocado lube.

>> No.17525795

How fucking dare you. My boy is not a bot and neither am I.

>> No.17525825

Wouldn't get the corn, wouldn't get all of those limes, I grow my own coriander and spring onions, I have a lot of frozen chillis
I cook my own corn tortillas
I prefer canned tomatoes
I don't buy avocados
Canned fish would probably be good, frozen vietnam shit fish is good also
I'd buy the cheapest rice

>> No.17526188

This bitch is retarded. SNAP is supplemental (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). It's not all the money you have for food...

>> No.17526240
File: 422 KB, 1290x616, walmart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17527151

>This is how she spends $29 because she's some rich bitch that never once struggled or learned home economics. A fucking avocado alone is like $3 where she lives.
Jesus Christ it's not hard to buy some onions, rice (or bread), beans, and whatever meats are cheap/on sale (Pork/dark meat Chicken are often in the range of $2/lb) and subsist off of actually sustaining meals. Use the rest of the money to snag some cheese or additional vegetables like potatoes, cabbage, corn, and other dirtshit cheap foods. Canned tomatoes open a world of curries and sauces too
Frugal does not mean starvation. Especially when SNAP can easily be supplementary if the recipient isn't a fucking parasite and still works and can shell out even $5 more per week to create much higher quality meals.

>> No.17527158

>no meat
Mate I ain't torturing nobody.

>> No.17527163

>no bread

>> No.17527170

Sounds good, what's the rest of the family going to eat?

>> No.17527173

Who the FUCK eats any green colored food? Is this for a pet goat or is a human eating this?

>> No.17527278

Idk whatever they want
I got mine

>> No.17527330

This is fucking retarded because I'd never buy the garbage in that photo if I had $29 for a week. Instead I'd get
>massive bag of rice
>massive bag of uncooked beans
>massive bag of frozen veg mix
>bottle of hot sauce
>spend rest of money buying whatever is on clearance / special offer

>> No.17527378

that's a bogus amount. in 1983 my mother was on food stamps she received $289 ($830 in todays money) for a family of 8. 1 adult 7 children.

that's $96 per week ($275 in todays money).

The last time she was on food stamps she received $600 ($1092 in todays money) in 1996 for 2 people.

generally with 8 people we had enough food to last a month. mostly generic stuff, lots of hamburger, bread, spaghetti, peanut butter, 5 gallons of milk a week etc.

as of 2019 a person on snap could get $239 per month or $59 per week so...

>> No.17527400

$29 would get me a months worth of instant ramen lmao

>> No.17527486

in the us, yeah
in the rest of latin america limes are cheaper
actually free because every backyard has a tree, that woman is retarded

>> No.17527516

Okay, the lettuce is arguably a waste of money. Should have opted for cabbage. If spices are fair game, cuban black beans (jalapeno/onion/garlic) with rice. Mashed peas. Grilled/steamed corn. You could make tortilla chips and salsa, though that's not exactly a meal. The tortillas are a bit of a waste without protein, but if they're flour you can make bean burritos. Sauted greens. Baked sweet potato, or mashed. Eggs every morning, avocado where it needs to be. Cilantro can garnish most of these dishes. Stretching beyond two people for a week is starving core though.

>> No.17527519

I figure. My sister used link when she had a baby and would get a few hundred per month.