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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17503511 No.17503511 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like authentic Chinese food?

>> No.17503534

No, I like Canadian Chinese food better.

>> No.17503539

I'm guessing that's pretty much the same as American Chinese?

>> No.17503546

Doubt it.

>> No.17503551

Most of the Canadian Chinese are the Taiwanese types, ie. the real China.

>> No.17503555

I never had Taiwanese food but 3 cup chicken looks really good

>> No.17503560

Not even on the list

>> No.17503562

Yeah I'm pretty sure most Chinese in Canada are Mainlanders

>> No.17503581

The list of what?

>> No.17503586

Now, yes, that is correct.
>The majority of Canadian-born Chinese during the 1970s and 1980s were descended from immigrants of Hong Kong and Southern China, and more recently from mainland Chinese immigrants since the 1990s.

>> No.17503630

I'm interested in making Chinese influenced food. Things like soup and stir fry but with some ingredients we think of as western.

>> No.17503632

Turtle porridge with ginseng. Hell yeah

>> No.17503642
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Yes it's the best. I get it at least once a week, sometimes more.

>> No.17504542

What I remember about Chinese food as a young kid growing up in Hong Kong was not really that it was “bad” (which it often was, of course) but that the stuff my parents ordered for us was almost all frozen, and that I would generally throw out whatever that they brought home. This was in the days before a proper kitchen, and there was a tiny freezer unit that could only hold what was on the top shelf, and often that was some random combination of Chinese or Indian takeout. A couple of times a week we’d have what seemed like the best of everything, but the rest of the time it was pretty terrible: a frozen piece of some meat and whatever was frozen with it, a tub of rice, and maybe a can of green peas, and maybe a can of baby corn. There was a few times in my childhood when we were treated to something really good, like fresh fish that one of the waiters brought home in a plastic bag. So for my first couple of decades, I never actually ate a lot

>> No.17504547

Chink here. Some of it makes me feel sick, some of it is delicious, some of it is edible but boring and I wouldn't go out seeking to eat it. Americanized chinese food is very delicious in my opinion. Very sweet too.

>> No.17504550

yes this is the good shit.

>> No.17504562

i only eat mcdonald's

>> No.17504573

Ate a lot of bizarre shit in Shenzhen but pan friend dumplings were somehow exactly the same as they are in the West. Was weird.

>> No.17505579

>a lot of bizarre shit
do share

>> No.17505758
File: 3.21 MB, 4032x2268, mapo tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, had some mapo tofu at a restaurant today, lovely

>> No.17507130

the only authetic gook food I have had was thai, and it was pretty good.

>> No.17507334

Like what? Dog?

>> No.17507345

I tried out some of these recipes
also I love these guys

>> No.17507347


>> No.17507349

Most of the "authentic" stuff is this dry for me - what region has more wet food and sauces?

>> No.17507354

oh yeah
Lu Rou Fan is amazing

>> No.17507714


>> No.17508067

Don't eat your friends!

>> No.17509248

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.17509257

Yes I very much enjoy general cho's chicken

>> No.17509500

The problem with 'authentic' chinese made by chinese chefs on the web these days, is that 90% of it has become some combination of oyster sauce, light soy, dark soy, shaoxing, a bit of sugar, and so on. Even the laowai demystifyingchinese channel is guilty of this. I don't like all the processed condiments, and I respect cuisines like mexican that season with fresh ingredients.

>> No.17510318

Chink here. Shut the fuck up you fucking virtue signaling faggot. No other chink I've ever met gives a shit. We bitch at each other for cooking shit wrong but if some gweilou wants to praise chinese food we're all proud of it because we have a working cultural identity. I don't care if you're eating noodles or scallion pancakes or mapo tofu or fucking orange chicken, if you like it then I feel good because I know my culture's food is good. I'm not even from mainland china, are you going to tell me I don't get to eat paigu rice because I'm from the wrong square of dirt?
Fucking retard. Chinese being a big fucking place with a million local cuisines doesn't mean it isn't all chinese food. I hate you faggots so much.

>> No.17510338

god authentic chinese food looks so good. I dated a chinese girl once, but she was raised in Canada so we never had this.

>> No.17510348

>if you like it then I feel good because I know my culture's food is good.
you sound like a woman

>> No.17510353

It's just pasta, ignore it

>> No.17510368

It's basically westernised Cantonese food with some unique local variations

>> No.17510385

Also newer restaurants (last 20 years) are more like south east asian 'Chinese' food that kind of adopted the dishes of westernised restaurant food
I've also noticed that there's more mainland restaurants opening up especially near universities but the food there is pretty shit

>> No.17510407

>guy lives in the province where oyster sauce, light and dark soy are made
>ticked off guy uses them
Mexicans also use processed ingredients like vinegar, chocolate tablets (loads of sugar), cheeses, chorizo, etc. You'd probably be surprised to find out most Mexicans use store-bought mole as well. People need to stop giving a shit about authenticity and need to stop romanticizing other cuisines.

>> No.17510434
File: 525 KB, 1080x752, Screenshot_20220304-182936_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh.. ok

I don't know how chinese ppl find their deep fried "bread" (youtiao) any good. literally 0 flavour and unhealthy. might as well turn it into a real doughnut for brekky.
baozi on the other hand. ohh mamma. got some from a restaurant in an apartment building similar to this on in hangzhou when I visited

>> No.17510445

It's not unhealthy you stupid fucking idiot

>> No.17510456

Anyone know any cookbooks that are just no bullshit traditional food? I want shit peoples great great great grandmothers would make. Any culture/country.

>> No.17510465

>deep fried flour
>not unhealthy

>> No.17510485
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what's not to like?

>> No.17510502
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their dessert is pretty good too

>> No.17510515

I was referring to roasting peppers and making a fresh salsa compared to mixing sauces out of a bottle. And it's not just wang gang either. From beijing to shenzhen, youtube to toutiao, everyone is getting homogenized. It's a just a phase, like koreans/japanese putting shitty cheese on everything, but still deserves to be called out.

>> No.17510539

I love authentic Chinese food.

>> No.17510610 [DELETED] 

no, i dont like eating human babies or dogs.

>> No.17510669

I'm just not seeing it. The two youtubers you mentioned, Wang Gang and Chinese Cooking Demystified, are nothing alike in style or ingredients. Wang Gang uses ingredients I'd never see in Cantonese cuisine like Sichuan peppers, chili peppers, rapeseed oil, doubanjiang, etc. The Cantonese recipes the Demystified videos likewise use ingredients Wang Gang never touches like straw mushrooms, dried flounder, ground shrimp powder, Jinhua ham, peanut oil, etc. Sure Chinese cuisines all use soy sauce and shaoxing wine, but that's no different from all Mediterranean cuisines all sharing olive oil, tomatoes, wine, and cheeses.

>> No.17511842

based pedo and dog fucker

>> No.17511857

>Demystified, are nothing alike in style or ingredients. Wang Gang uses ingredients I'd never see in Cantonese cuisine like Sichuan peppers, chili peppers, rapeseed oil, doubanjiang, etc. The Cantonese recipes the Demystified videos likewise use ingredients Wang Gang never touches
I literally just watched CCD for the first time tonight. and they were making toppings for tofu that consisted of all those sichuan ingredients lmao

>> No.17511906
File: 52 KB, 396x586, Bat_AIDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Their soup is to die for.

>> No.17511914
File: 45 KB, 680x436, bat_soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uma delicia!

>> No.17511925
File: 673 KB, 750x433, steamed-cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Cat is delicious!

>> No.17511930
File: 839 KB, 300x273, seasoning_a_turtle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese turtle soup is also pretty good.

>> No.17511934
File: 162 KB, 1213x820, Dog_Meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is dog.

>> No.17511956

I disagree with your point of processed condiments but it is true that China (despite being massive) seems to have pretty repetitive ingredients in its cuisine.
I watch Chef Wang and most of his dishes are pretty much the same ingredients but with a different type of protein.

>> No.17511959

chill out chang, nobody cares that you eat dog, we just like to joke about it.

>> No.17511964

lol you must not watch CCD very much, he makes a ton of Szechuan/Hunan stuff with all of those ingredients
But CCD makes stuff from all over China while Wang focuses mainly on Szechuan (meaning most of his dishes have the same ingredients)

>> No.17511971

If it's going to be repetitive, it's better to use less processed ingredients as your building blocks. Prevalence of preserved foods, not spice, is why east asian countries all have high rates stomach cancer. India and thailand for example have pretty low rates despite heavily seasoning their food.

>> No.17511977

So soy sauce, hoisin sauce, shaoxing wine, oyster sauce, etc. are bad for you?

>> No.17511980

Not specifically those ones, but the studies say lactofermented pickles and salted fish are bad for you.

>> No.17511990

>lactofermented pickles
I watch a ton of Chinese cooking videos and I don't recall seeing that
They do use pickled chilies a lot but I think those just brined in salt water

>> No.17511995

i have a surprise for you. look up how to lactoferment vegetables

>> No.17511996

It's not every lactofermented food either. LF dairy like yogurt is apparently good for reducing cancer. But concentrated salty foods probably fuck up your stomach lining no matter what
Lactofermented vegetables is made from salt water.

>> No.17512014

Regarding Chinese vs Mexican food:
Chinese food has the advantage of using a lot more vegetables (Mexican food doesn't feature a lot of true vegetables), but Mexican seems to have a greater variety of ingredients despite being a smaller country, and I find that their dishes taste consistently better.
Chinese food can be excellent however I have came across more dishes of that cuisine that I would consider bad to medicore than I do with Mexican. Sometimes when I get authentic Chinese food it stinks like either feet or playdough

>> No.17512056

Which part of China has the best looking girls?

>> No.17512096

Isn't it due to the high salt content, and in the case of korean cuisine, a shitton of nitrates?
Post recipes

>> No.17512117

I'm afraid of Chinese poultry dishes because of how many bone shards are in them
I love bone in chicken but I'm afraid of chipping a tooth or choking with those Chinese chicken dishes where they cut the chicken into 100 little bony pieces

>> No.17512881

you could benefit fromeating with chopsticks. it's more like surgical dining that anything. you'd know what you're putting between your teeth

>> No.17513141
File: 3.44 MB, 3456x3456, 20220305_102341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soymilk time

>> No.17513172

my neighbors upstairs have an annoying ass toddler cried several times for hours throught the week. I WILL blend the soybeans an extra 2 minutes to make sure this turns out well.

>> No.17513193

americans have never tasted good soymilk
that store bought crap is literally filtered sewer water

>> No.17513210

ok cool and after that you can direct yourself back to www.reddit.com

>> No.17513218
File: 616 KB, 1080x1039, Screenshot_20220305-105050_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an easy solution to the sideways photos might be to screenshot photos. let's see.

anyways, put too much in the first round.

>> No.17513267
File: 533 KB, 1080x1041, 20220305_110258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad I have this massive steamer pot. time to boil.

I don't have a thermometer or cheese cloth. boiling and bitterness checks should take care of the lectin issues. a strainer, although rendering a low yield, will be good enough for a cheese cloth replacement

>> No.17513314

Just use a dish towel on whats left in the strainer

>> No.17513372
File: 2.96 MB, 3456x3456, 20220305_112138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably what I'm going to have to do but I am slightly worried about a bunch of Lent getting into the soy milk.

Just finished cleaning up this mess that was a lot of work. The worst part about cleaning is just not knowing where to start or what tools to use to make the mess disappear.

>> No.17513412
File: 569 KB, 1080x1004, Screenshot_20220305-115628_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So despite boiling debt over 30 minutes still tastes better. I think I should just buy some for $0.30 at the chink store

>> No.17513418

lmao Google's stt can't detect "this" and "bitter" but is can recognize chink

>> No.17513460
File: 3.00 MB, 3456x3456, 20220305_120518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tossing all this shit out. way to bitter to be drinkable. fucksakes. what a waste of 2 hours.

>> No.17513580
File: 3.11 MB, 3456x3456, 20220305_124140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 hours in the kitchen and now it's time to eat. I ditched the s o y shit and went with some safe biang biang noodles.

>> No.17513646

I've never wanted to touch the real stuff, I've always assumed it's like grilled rhino testicles, and fried sheep uterus.