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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 1498x1500, glass_butter_dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17498188 No.17498188 [Reply] [Original]

Can I leave butter out at room temp for a week or two safely or will it give me diarrhea?

>> No.17498196

Is diarrhea unsafe?

>> No.17498202

your immune system is a muscle that needs to be exercised just like all the others. A little 'rrea is just the weakness leaving your body

>> No.17498227

I've left mine out for a month and it's fine

>> No.17498257

Pre packaged butter is full of preservatives etc, it’ll be fine desu

>> No.17498259

What if I packaged it myself

>> No.17498262

I mean store brought. If you churn your own you should refrigerate it desu

>> No.17498270

What if it's cultured?

>> No.17498280
File: 214 KB, 800x1200, 3DC47D8E-2D31-42C0-B59F-3D8E7D75CBC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Store bought: fine to leave out
Homemade: keep in the refrigerator

>> No.17498282

Is that like how if you play plants music they grow more? What do they do to make the cows more cultured?

>> No.17498303

Bacterial cultures anon, butter made from partially fermented cream

>> No.17498311

Why would anyone eat moldly butter

>> No.17498323

Not moldy, just has probiotics, like yoghurt

>> No.17498357

HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES ARE WE GOING TO HAVE THIS MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKING FUCKING THREAD? Yes, you can leave butter on your counter. No, I will not refrigerate my butter. No, I'm not buying a butter bell. FUCK YOU.

>> No.17498453
File: 17 KB, 400x198, Byford_Dolphin_Accident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, I'm not buying a butter bell
Damn right.
You can't trust those fucking things.

>> No.17498491

Salted butter keeps pretty well at room temp.
Unsalted / no preservatives will generally pick up mold which tells you it is no longer good.

>> No.17498537

>Can I leave butter out at room temp for a week
never had a problem but then the butter gets used long before then.

>> No.17498634

As long as chicken washers have internet access, we’ll keep having these threads.

>> No.17498637

oops already posted

>> No.17499255

If you don't cover it you'll get the butter flies.

>> No.17499271

Even the cheapest store brand butter only has cream and salt as the ingredients. Salt can act as a preservative though.

I've left butter out and it's fine, but it's pretty warm where I live and if it sits out for over a week it starts to taste slightly rancid. The chance of it spoiling and making you sick is pretty slim, it just starts to taste bad. You can make ghee or clarified butter which can lasts for months at room temperature since it has no solids or water left in it and it's basically pure fat.

>> No.17499275

Why are you hurting yogs? Also what's a yog?

>> No.17499298

Whites invented the internet. We will always have access to it, and I don't care what you say we will sterilize EVERYTHING.

>> No.17499309
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, Durian on Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some white guys invented it. You on the other hand didn't invent shit.

>> No.17499331

dis nigga can't even get over a butta bug. if no flies or bacteria begin growing it on then you're gucci you big baby.

>> No.17499336

> diarrhea?
If you want to lose weight try the diarrhea diet. Only eat foods that give you diarrhea. You will lose a lot of weight

>> No.17499829

Idiot. Ghee is solid at room temperature

>> No.17500337

u mad wugga?

>> No.17500358

A personal favorite Wikipedia article, ain't no horror movie can beat this:
>The blood of the three divers left intact inside the chambers likely boiled instantly, stopping their circulation.
> Hellevik, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient and in the process of moving to secure the inner door, was forced through the crescent-shaped opening measuring 60 centimetres (24 in) long created by the jammed interior trunk door. With the escaping air and pressure, it included bisection of his thoracoabdominal cavity, which resulted in fragmentation of his body, followed by expulsion of all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen, except the trachea and a section of small intestine, and of the thoracic spine. These were projected some distance, one section being found 10 metres (30 ft) vertically above the exterior pressure door.

>> No.17500520

Imagine being filtered by butter.

>> No.17500554
File: 53 KB, 1280x978, 1621421032160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17501662

what would it feel like if all of your blood instantly boiled? would it be painful or would you die instantly?

>> No.17501664

How else would you store butter?

>> No.17501682
File: 77 KB, 649x647, 1635632050749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use either amber glass or better yet an opaque butter dish, uv from sunlight can break the double carbon bonds and speed up making it rancid. pic related

>> No.17501751


>> No.17501816

>would it be painful
They were big guys...

But no, they never stood a chance.


>> No.17501829


>> No.17501892

Wow. Just wow.

>> No.17502466

That's what I grew up doing only one person has ever told me it's weird

>> No.17502470

Delta P is a unforgiving mistress

>> No.17502944

It's a singular yog. Short for Yog Sothoth. And I wouldn't be worried about him getting hurt, he's a big guy.

>> No.17504177

Cut 1/4-1/3 off, depending on your daily butter use, and have that on the counter to last 2-3 days. Keep the rest in the fridge. Then cut off another block when you need to.

>> No.17504191


>> No.17504366

instant unconsciousness thankfully

>> No.17504765

are americans really obsessed with the idea they'll be poisoned by unrefrigerated eggs and butter?

>> No.17504775

Chinese moment kill yourself tenda spencer

>> No.17504904

christ /ck/ must be the most retarded board on this site. fat doesn't rot or go mouldy or otherwise dangerous like meat or vegetables would, it will just turn rancid and taste bad at which point you will notice assuming you have working tastebuds

>> No.17504953

Butter could also melt on a hot summer's day if you don't have air conditioning.

>> No.17505359

I said it has no solids, not that it isn't solid. Milk solids are little bits of protein and lactose.

>> No.17505376

our eggs are treated differently and actually will rot at room temperature in a couple days.

>> No.17505379

I have never refrigerated butter ever in my life and I am completely fine

>> No.17506757

No milk solids, but solid butter is a solid in the butter

>> No.17507367


>> No.17507400

wtf... butterbros... how could this happen to us

>> No.17507423

I'll give you diarrhea you FOP