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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.00 MB, 2720x3220, Fuck crusts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17471807 No.17471807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The only proper way to eat a za

>> No.17471833

It's never proper to hold your knife in your left hand.

>> No.17471851

Wtf is "za"

>> No.17471860

I like to dip the crusts in aioli mayonnaise (but only if it's garlic flavor)

>> No.17471869

Stop saying "za", please.

>> No.17471870
File: 132 KB, 800x600, italian food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating pizza with a fucking steak knife
>wasting the crust
This guy deserves the Funky Town treatment

>> No.17471893

I'm left handed and even i approve this post

>> No.17471907

Zoomerspeak for pizza.

>> No.17471910

I disagree. R*ght handoids get what they deserve.

>> No.17471941

righthandoids eat weird
when using a knife and fork, your fork hand does all the dextrous work while the knife is just a simple sawing motion
when using a spoon or just a knife, then the utensil goes in your dominant hand

>> No.17472251

a child not liking crust is mostly excusable, but if you are a grown man and you still refuse to eat crust then you are low-t and need to go to a doctor to get it sorted out. there is no other explanation.

>> No.17472396

I have not known a single person of my generation to ever refer to it as "'za".

>> No.17472399

I leave it to a case-by-case basis. The crust almost always gets eaten, unless it's absolutely god-awful.

>> No.17472411

or hold your fork like an Irish labourer in an early victorian novel

>> No.17472608

Pizza without the crust tastes bad, even on the frozen stuff.

>> No.17472669

Agreed, your doing knives and forks wrong.

>> No.17472724

>This guy deserves the Funky Town treatment
I really wish I didn't understand the reference

>> No.17472778
File: 53 KB, 336x219, 1645652779992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it 'za ironically and it spread to all my friends. After that SNL skit we started calling it 'suh, which makes more sense at least. It is a peet-suh after all

t. born in mid 90s

>> No.17472823

Right handed here and couldn't agree more, people who try to argue that the knife better suits the dominant hand are retarded. Fork in left and knife in right is a class signifier, and it wouldn't be a very good one if that were the natural way to hold them, would it? Half the dishes you eat will be with a spoon, fork or chopsticks in your right hand only. Even when eating with a knife you spend more of your time piercing, scooping or holding stuff in place with your fork than you do cutting with your knife.

>> No.17472874
File: 24 KB, 474x266, download (52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet za

>> No.17472878

depends on the crust. Most of them are horrible, but when the pizza is light and the crust is airy and soft I eat it

>> No.17472935

pizza made by pajeets is either really good or exceptionally shitty

>> No.17472951

>Using a shitty butter knife to cut food
Give me a single reason I shouldn't use a steak knife for everything

>> No.17472955

>shitty butter knife or steak knife dichotomy
Get better knives you silly person you

>> No.17472969

I do it's called a steak knife and it cuts everything

>> No.17473024

I really think the spread of "za" is largely due to coverage in articles about unusual words used in scrabble

>> No.17473035

Good evening sirs. I am having pizza for you :)

>> No.17474385

go to the doctor and get your testosterone checked. you probably need to get on TRT

>> No.17474549
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1635831537040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You use the fork with your dominant hand because it requires more intricate muscle movement. Knives just cut, all you need is pressure and pull.
But hell, as an ambidextrous chad, you two will be lesser than me no matter what you say.

>> No.17474794

You need to go back.

>> No.17474842

stfu faggot,crust is fucking disgusting

>> No.17474917
File: 323 KB, 1200x1775, 1558082335584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ambidextrous i do that and you can eat my dick faggot

>> No.17474937
File: 2.01 MB, 760x720, mama mia thats a fresh pie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only proper way to make a pizza

>> No.17474994

>that'll be $29.99 plus tip, please!

>> No.17475069

im literally not even joking dude, get your testosterone checked. it is probably low and making you feel like shit.

>> No.17475074

I'm not your dude, faggot.

>> No.17475090

alright, go ahead and feel fatigued and sad all the time, it’s your life dude.

>> No.17475145

>fork hand does all the dextrous work while the knife is just a simple sawing motion
what 'dextrous' work are you doing with a fucking fork when you are also using a knife
you only use it to either hold the food in place as you cut it up or as the device to move food into your gob

>> No.17475329

knife is even easier and doesnt go anywhere near your face
you have fallen for a societal trap

>> No.17475513

made pizzas for a few years, he and I would be having a talk in the walk-in if I saw this shit

>> No.17475594

it is sunnah to eat with your right hand, anon

>> No.17475599
File: 23 KB, 501x213, etiquette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right handoids will put the knife into their right hand/fork into the left, cut their food, set down the knife, switch fork hands, then eat
>they will defend this to the death
Brothers... when will we cull these brainless swine?

>> No.17475601

you also mix the foods to get the appropriate amounts of sauces or whatever it is youre eating

>> No.17475603

. Shut your dumb fucking mouth

>> No.17475728

I would eat it like that. The crust is just bread and carbs and more carbs just make me fat and constipated

>> No.17475995

>I really think the spread of "za" is largely due to
the retarded userbase of 4chan and reddit.

>> No.17476216

>not wearing the crust crown while priming up for an N-word barrage