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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17430722 No.17430722[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you coping with the food shortages?

>> No.17430724

I’ve unironically been hoarding when I find something that I like, because I’m not sure it will be there again next week.

>> No.17430726

By not living in flyover land.

>> No.17430727

By shopping at Costco and not Walmart like a pleb.

>> No.17430730

What shortages? I live near a port on the east coast.

>> No.17430732

What do you mean, comrade? There are no food shortages! The inflation was temporary and transitory!

>> No.17430734 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 240x240, yagiyui-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy any food I'm mentally ill with an ed so the food sheotagwa don't bother me

>> No.17430737
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I love our legitimate and democratically elected president!

>> No.17430738

ausfag, the food shortages are somewhat over, things are slowly getting back to normal. toilet paper is still really hard to get. The last ~5 times I've been to the shops in the past month or so, only once was there any of it, and I got the 2nd last pack on the shelf and kind of regret not getting both of them as that was 2 weeks ago and I still haven't been able to find any more.

>> No.17430745
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I haven't noticed a shortage of anything. Maybe a slight uptick in prices.

Beef is definitely way more expensive.

I do my shopping at Costco, a local Co-op and a mom and pop grocer/butcher.

These photos look like they were taken at the beginning of covid when people were hoarding everything.

>> No.17430747

Taken last Friday night actually, in Houston Texas.

If the fourth largest city in the country is experiencing it, I’m guessing it’s even worse everywhere else.

>> No.17430748
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I'm a moo cow Midwest flyover BTW.

>> No.17430755
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Dang that sucks! Is the shortage just at your Walmart? Or all your stores?

>> No.17430759

I haven't been to a grocery store in over 3 years. Usually just get them delivered and never had a messed up order or missing/broken items (whole foods, albertson's and walmart). Every time the last year or so the wife actually goes to the store to get a few fresh things, she comes back and mentions some new BS such as, "they didn't have carrots, red onion, etc. or there were some empty shelves". Thanks for reading the ol' blog, faggots. Tldr: have your bitch or wagies do your shopping. It will save you hours, gas, time, etc.

>> No.17430760

No shortages in alabama.
Winn-Dixie, Publix, Aldi, Costco, don't seem to have any problems getting product.
Got all the stuff I need.
Quit watching fake news.

>> No.17430761

All those q truckers just got executed so they'll finally be clearing up

>> No.17430764

It’s mostly Walmart. I still ended up leaving with about half of what I needed, but there were things I wasn’t able to find.
>no cream cheese for my bagels
>no chili for hot dogs
>no taco sauce for tacos
>no green onions
>no bacon for breakfast
>no steak cut French fries
>no tilapia
I’m not going to starve because of it, but I really wanted to make those dishes.

>> No.17430768

pacific northwest here, TP hasn't been scarce since hoarding it was a meme 1.5 years ago or so.
it is hard to get specific brand items. I haven't been able to get Tyson chicken tendies, they're only in stock once every couple of weeks. every once in a while stuff like bacon or certain cuts of chicken will be entirely missing from stores.
Other than that it's not so bad but everything is a lot more expensive.

>> No.17430774

>quit watching fake news
I took that picture myself over the weekend lmao

>> No.17430781

Flyovers are the ones seeing no shortages at all doofus

>> No.17430801

>If the fourth largest city in the country is experiencing it, I’m guessing it’s even worse everywhere else.
Not here.
I shop at ALDI, an IGA, and sometimes Walmart in a rural Midwest area and only the ALDI had any items missing, which actually has been occurring with various ALDI brand items since at least November.
I've noticed people hoarding in that same ALDI several times since winter started, usually eggs, chicken, beef, etc.

>> No.17430823

>I’ve unironically been hoarding

>> No.17430826

Unwashed ammonia-smelling peepee colored chink hands typed this

>> No.17430829

No shortages of anything in LA except for cream cheese for god knows what reason

>> No.17430832

Is this the seasonal section?

>> No.17430854
File: 88 KB, 900x775, CAECF3DD-977C-40D6-AF96-C3AD4DF94BD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornucopia here in Southern California.

>> No.17430869

all me

>> No.17430898

The last time I went to the grocery store it was filled with food.

>> No.17430909

I was just recently in the store and they had no cream cheese either. Happened when I was actually in the mood for bagels in the first time for a couple years too lol. Plain Greek yogurt is a pretty close substitute though.

>> No.17430915

im up in DFW and while there is certainly a noticeable lack of stock, its never gotten that grim

>> No.17430916

yeah we had similar here, like one time I went and there was almost no vegetables, next time I went most of the meat was gone except for chicken drumsticks, another time there were no tendies.

>> No.17430946 [DELETED] 

do you have a discord?

>> No.17430951 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 240x240, yagiyui-1j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a tranny don't bother

>> No.17430954 [DELETED] 

that's good i'm a chaser

>> No.17430957

I'm black. We get free priority food parcels.

>> No.17430962 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 240x240, yagiyui-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not mtf and straight

>> No.17430967 [DELETED] 

Why do tranny retards always avatarfag?

>> No.17430971 [DELETED] 

i thought we could be friends...

>> No.17430974 [DELETED] 

Sorry I won't do it anymore, I just wanted to be autistic and felt he was accurate to emotions right now.
Lies, kys

>> No.17431027

Enjoy it since this is the last time it will be. The supply chains are fucked. Grocery stores won't have anything in under two weeks.

>> No.17431035

no shortages here out of 50 items on my list they might not have 1 or 2, west coast usa

>> No.17431112

Only thing consistently missing here is pasta or rice, everything else is rather easy to get.

>> No.17431124

Oh look. Another pol thread. Kys loser

>> No.17431128

Why does the next aisle over have fully stocked shelves?

>> No.17431136

Stfu. don't blow his larp

>> No.17431160

Probably is, the seasonal aisle is right behind cereal in our walmart too

>> No.17431162

Stop ruining the fun asshole.

>> No.17431164

the other isle is full to roof.
oh no, not the shit dry trash pasta!

>> No.17431206
File: 147 KB, 933x853, 41zjq4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as someone who worked in grocery i feel like people have a zero percent tolerance for empty shelves, like clearly our shit sells out on a regular basis otherwise there would be rotting produce everywhere. it's just that it's insta-replenished so most people don't notice. seeing empty shelves isn't shocking to me because it could easily be something like "oh we missed a delivery today" and not the absolute apocalypse because you don't have fresh food from every corner of the planet in your no name dying town for a single day. half the time people were outraged over an empty shelf or missing product i'd get a little jaded because it's such entitlement to expect some fresh shit, out of season, from across the country in the middle of winter but they do not recognize that.

>> No.17431220

Didn't see any shortage in my part of commiefornia.

>> No.17431227

>No shortages in alabama.
Where in AL are you? I'm in the northern part of the state, and my stores have similar shortages to what OP posted.

>> No.17431229

How has no one else noticed that OP's pic is a planogram reset? You can even see product placement diagrams and a pallet of stock.

>> No.17431248

You really expect these people to be able to hold a job? Most of them post from their mother's basements.

>> No.17431251

>How has no one else noticed
4chan users are mostly retarded Narcissists

>> No.17431313

Never seen any where I live
t. Coasty

>> No.17431326

I'm in the great plains and there have been no shortages here outside of some frozen food/tv dinners in the shitty grocery stores

>> No.17431334

Out of curiosity, did you get pissed if people asked whether an empty shelf meant you were completely out, or if you had more in the back?

>> No.17431336

publix was out of hashbrowns for about a week but that's all i've seen desu. weird that they still had french fries but no hashbrowns, figured it was a supply chain issue and not an actual shortage lol

>> No.17431367

Prices are up a bit, every now and then an item or two is unavailable, but my "shitty flyover state" has had no issues. Biden inflation is real, and the supply chain is busted in a lot of ways, but food is still abundant. Im also surrounded by farms.

>> No.17431414

Kind of, but not really because we get asked that several times a day, not about empty shelves (because that's extremely extremely rare in my store) but about product not on the shelf. I don't even live in a busy area and it was a slow store but people ask the same exact questions multiple times a day. You think you're unique asking about this peanut butter sale but no, you're the third person today who missed the huge display in the front. It's like asking if the store is open, from inside the store, like I'm not gonna get upset if three people ask me in a row that same stupid ass question. Yes, sometimes we do have it in the back but that's the exception, not the rule. If we thought we had it, we would have it out. What's worse is the 1 out of 3 of those people get upset and ask me why or some shit like that, that is when I get pissed.

Also yes 99.99% of the time I go back there it's all theater, I know we don't have it. Part of my job was recording what we didn't have in stock, and half of the time I did that after stocking what we got in that day. There is no boomer customer who in any universe would ever be satisfied with an authentic answer like that from me though, even if I just did this same song and dance not even an hour ago. And they know it's fake.

>> No.17431561

there are none here and there never have been any
try not living in a shithole

>> No.17431601

the shelves are being rearranged

>> No.17431606

No shortages where I live any more, just everything is so fucking expensive now.