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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17411710 No.17411710 [Reply] [Original]

post recipes you invented

>> No.17411719

Why? So you can STEAL it?!

>> No.17411722


>> No.17411733

i always follow a recipe desu but desu sometimes ill add or subtract from the recipe desu i wouldnt say thats inventing a recipe but rather just going youre own way with a recipe desu

>> No.17411755

End of the World Stew
adjust the recipe for your area
1 pound of tapertip onion bulbs and greens
1 pound of sego lily bulbs
2 lbs peeled acorns pre-soaked
Handful of young sabebrush weeds
2 sprigs of pickleweed
Handful of Sumac seeds (more if your meat is fish)
Handful of dried elderberries or golden currants if you have them.
If you need to stay awake and don't mind it being bitter throw in some ephedra sprigs as well.
Catch and kill a turkey, trout or salmon if available. clean and add that to your caldron.

>> No.17411763
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>sumac seeds

>> No.17411774

mix bolognese sauce with mac and cheese & eat over the sink 10/10 experience

>> No.17411778

store brand frozen nugs deep fried in one of those small cheap deep fryers
take tupperware container and place nugs with store brand tomato & basil sauce and store brand grated parmesan
put lid on container and shake thoroughly
because I was gifted one of those deep fryers it was good extremely cheap trash drunk food
my brother nicknamed it 'parmegenius'
never had it once sober so I guess add booze

>> No.17411784

breakfast dumplings
>fry your last two strips of bacon in a pan
>mix flour and water together into a pancake like paste
>pour onto hot grease and cook until it looks edible
don't make this. It's terrible.

>> No.17411786

Bacon grilled cheese:

Make grilled cheese but with cheddar cheese and put bacon bits in it

>> No.17411790
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were you born with an extra chromosome or something? Sumac is awesome. Great in Hummus and great as a fun colored lemonade substitute

>> No.17411795

Peanut butter
Sliced Granny Smith Apple
On Sourdough Bread

This is my OC, do not steal

>> No.17411900
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based sumac enjoyer. I can see why it would be an acquired taste though, I love it but it is sort of acidic and sharp tasting. Also good on shirazi salad and sprinkled on kabab tabei or koobideh

>> No.17411908

I'll have to try some of those out. Little hard to get in my area since I'm about as far from Iran as you can get but plenty of sumac growing around here, just seemed shameful not to use it

>> No.17411918

>trailer park pizza
>grilled cheese with pepperoni and tobasco

>> No.17411930

I don't even have a name for it but I practically lived off this shit in college (along with 1 dollar mcdoubles).
>about 2 cups of cooked rice
>a large can of hunts tomato sauce
>some of those fake bacon bits
just add it all in one saucepan and let that shit simmer until the bacon bits are soft. Tasty, simple and (importantly) cheap as fuck. I liked it with a bit of 'chup.

>> No.17412028

its not really a recipe but after I cook a frozen cheese pizza I put those jarred sun dried tomatoes on top and its really good

>> No.17412164

I invented the pizza, and also bank notes with a horizontal 8 (representing infinite denomination)

>> No.17412170

Hey can I have one of those bank notes friend? You can do butt stuff to me

>> No.17412201
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my dinner before i close at work
add bacon grease to croutons
eat in a togo box sitting on top of bags of flour

>> No.17412207

>yellow tomatoes
>ground chicken thighs
>ground shrimp
>steamed, blended yellow peppers
>lemon and white wine
i call it summer sauce. imagine a meatsauce with pork and beef but chicken and shrimp instead

>> No.17412223
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>Ground cafe du monde (or preferred coffee. Cheaper coffees require no cold brew hot bloom and can be directly cold brewed).
>Star anise (~2 pods/1 teaspoon),
>Vanilla extract,
>Cloves (2-4 cloves to taste; you can always add more at the end but you can't take away!),
>Cinnamon (about 1/2 to 1 stick, or, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground),
>Ginger (4 teaspoons),
>Nutmeg (1 teaspoon. Remember that nutmeg is sweet and you're adding sweetened milk, this recipe makes 4 servings!) to taste,
>1/4 cup coconut cream (NOT CREAM OF COCONUT, that is sweetened), 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (total, so 1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon per drink, of each),

Cold brew, hot bloom your coffee: pour about 1.5 cups of hot water over the grounds, shove your spices and vanilla in while it's still hot, allow to bloom for 30 seconds, then pour over the rest of your water. Let steep in the fridge or at room temp--covered, obviously--overnight. Let those flavors get to know eachother and mingle. You can add your 1/2 cup coconut cream and 1/2 cup S.C. milk now, or 1/16 cup each, per drink, when you are serving it. I prefer now.

Take that bitch out, filter it through a fine meshed sieve. Drink it.

>> No.17412227

My dad invented it when we were poor. It's like a frittata made with chicken and cabbage, made the day after having a roast chicken
>Slice quarter of a cabbage and put in a microwave safe bowl with a slice of butter
>Microwave for 5 minutes
>Dice leftover chicken
>Dice and onion and some garlic
>Fry onion in skillet
>Add cabbage and fry until brown
>Add chicken and garlic and season
>Beat 6 - 8 eggs in a bowl and our over
>Cover with grated cheese and bake
I don't think he used garlic. I do though because I still make it frequently. Sometimes I'll bake chicken breast just so I can make it.

>> No.17412230

i invented the recipes for:
>clams casino
>the cobb salad
>lobster newburgh
>eggs benedict
>huntsman's stew

>> No.17412231

>post recipes you invented
>My dad invented it

>> No.17412234

Go back to Middle Earth, gayboy.

>> No.17412236

Sounds good. I grew up poor so am familiar with this style of cooking. I miss it sometimes

>> No.17412242

It fits the realm of the thread you single digit IQ mother fucker.

>> No.17412246


>> No.17412253

jelly on bread, untoasted

>> No.17412432
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honey cashew white cheese sandwich. toast a piece of bread with the white cheese of your liking, honey, and crumbled cashews inside, and voila. I never ate that tho I just made this up because I liked your thread op.

>> No.17412440

I can't tell if this is disgusting or if it would actually be good. . Like if you used the right bread and made a spread from the cashews and honey and then put the cheese on top and broiled it, it might be really good

>> No.17412461

Very nice caterpillar OP

>> No.17412470

Nice so here's my puck sandwich recipe:
2 Boca Burger patties
2 slices white bread
2 bacon slices
1/4 red onion
hot giardiniera, macroni brand

Cook the bacon and render out the fact, saute the onion in that after you've cut it into slices. Fry the bread in the remaining fat, take it out of the skillet and then add the boca burger patties (the pucks). It's not supposed to be a subsitute for beef, it is its own unfaggy thing. As they're cooking, slather up one slice of bread with mayo and the other with mustard. Add the pickles, onions, bacon to the bottom slice, save the giardinera for the top of the patties since it'd make the bottome slice too moist. Once they're nice and crispy (keep in the freezer so they don't thaw out until its time to make them), take them out and finish building the sandwich. Add the giardinera to the top of the patties and crown it with the top piece of bread. Best quick drunk/high food I can make for myself, with very minimal clean up and a flavor palette perfectly tailored to myself. Sometimes I add in a fried hashbrown if I have it.

>> No.17412476

oh yeah forgot to add pepper jack cheese, knew i was forgetting something

>> No.17412478

I did that once too. I agree it was terrible.

>> No.17412557

Oh god no.

>> No.17412639

1 pkg edamame in shells
Pour into boiling salted water
While edamame is boiling (3 minutes max for precooked edamame) in a large nonstick fry pan pour 3 tablespoons of shoyu, 1 tablespoon honey, 2 teaspoons of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of onion powder and add crushed red pepper flakes if heat is desired.
After 3 minutes drain edamame
Move frying pan to hot burner and reduce heat to medium. When ingredients start to simmer stir to combine and add drained edamame. Toss to coat and continue until liquid is barely there. Dump frying pan if edamame into bowl and serve hot with beer. Tasty and better for you than French fries. Don't and any butter or sesame oil! That just make them greasy.

>> No.17412657

diarrhea wrap:
flour tortilla covered in a blend of peanut butter and nutella
add five marshmallows
microwave until marshmallows melt
spread the marshmallows and mix with pb and nutella into unholy diarrhea sludge and wrap that shit up.

>> No.17412666

i didn't invent this recipe but my mom did. i love her cooking.
Get 2 slices of cheese and sandwich them in between two slices of bread. then butter the bread on both sides and cook it on a skillet until both sides a golden brown. it's so good.

>> No.17412744

Mixing grape juice and orange juice

>> No.17412790

My parents called this "Spanish Rice" (sans the bacon, but with some actual seasonings added in you animal)

>> No.17412823

I fill up my big gulp with 1 generous squirt from each soda, plus icees in there too

>> No.17412826

>saving a tranny edit of this pic
not liking this very sudden uptick of incredibly transparent tranny posts on the board, lads. does not bode well.

>> No.17412830

Kimchi sourdough pancakes

Blend up some kimchi and its juice with some oyster sauce. Add sourdough starter and flour. Wait until it starts to rise, then whisk in an egg. Fry in small pancakes. Serve with kewpie mayo, togarashi, and bonito flakes.

>> No.17412837

Calm down Gordon the grilled cheese was enough

>> No.17412839

Chill dude it's just a way to use up sourdough discard.

>> No.17412846

that sounds nice

>> No.17413420
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Pretty sure that's a Chainsawman reference.