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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17383331 No.17383331 [Reply] [Original]

Goddamn dudes, I motherfucking love eggs

>> No.17383335

Me too junko

>> No.17383654

Today, I'll be having eggs. Perhaps two or three

>> No.17383656

eggs do be good

>> No.17383661


>> No.17383677

Me too! I'm gonna eat some for breakfast tomorrow.

>> No.17383720
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Samesies. Just a met a guy today who has 14 chickens and has to feed them scrambled remains since they lay 12 eggs a day each. I can drive around the corner tomorrow to the outdoors store and buy 14 chicken for about $60.

>> No.17383813

Maybe even 4 or more

>> No.17384375

I have 7 or 8 eggs for breakfast every day plus other stuff. Today was 8 eggs, 6 rashers of bacon, and plum tomatoes.

>> No.17384385

>12 eggs a day each
How in the absolute fuck?

>> No.17384389
File: 242 KB, 832x609, Screenshot_20220205-091436_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you a ln eggcellent weekend my eggie ckbro's. with the nutrition from one of the world's most divine ingredients, I know for a fact you're gonna make it! all of us egg bros will! Now let's eat!!

>> No.17384395

You think this is a motherfucking joke?

>> No.17384402

I'm gonna have an egg mayo salad sandwich in a minute.
Eggs are fucking awesome.

>> No.17385882

me to
eggs are the fucking shit.

>> No.17385890

Had an egg allergy as a kid. Recently found out I'm not allergic anymore. Pretty sweet being able to eat a normal breakfast now.

>> No.17385896

2-3 eggs a sitting is ideal

>> No.17386200

They are one of my favorite protein sources. You can do a billion different things with them, from savory to sweet.

>> No.17386324

>savory to sweet
lately I've been putting a couple over easys on top of my sweet grits and I cant get enough.
or eating over easys with french toast
or toss a couple extra eggs in my french toast dip and cook the left over scrambled
but when I was young the thought of even adding a little garlic powder to the normal salt and black pepper. anything other than salt and pepper was unimaginable to me
I like this, puts a smile on my face.

>> No.17386875

right back eggcha bruh
>go to local country kitchen place
>been the rave of the town
>spend 15 minutes driving in a circle looking for it
>find it, go in, seat myself
>milk magically appears on my table
>cheese curds, tasty
>gravy eggs over-easy on toast
>ordered a reuben and cheeseburger to go
>get check - $28
>dollar tip and some change
>left without my to-go order
she was a phenomenal waitress too

>> No.17387976

>gravy eggs
gotta get a photo of this and share it in the next egg thread, my eggy bro.
did you go back and get your togo order? shame if you didn't.
also, is 28$ good for all that? 2 sandwiches and a orser of eggs if I understand correctly?

>> No.17388036

my ass is not going back there for a while, and i didn't think to take a picture because i had serious munchies.
and yes, i want to say $28 was a good deal, but i never saw the burger or sandwich. maybe a dollar for the milk, 4 or 5 for the curds, 6 for the hobo platter, and 7 each for the togo order.

>> No.17388087

eggs are probably my favorite food. they're so versatile, good with basically anything and on their own. you can use them for baking, for deep frying, with rice, with ramen, on a sandwich, have them boiled, fried, scrambled, deviled, or in an omelette with all your favorite stuff in it. truly God tier food, we are blessed to live on the same planet as it. God damn, I already had eggs for breakfast this morning, but now I want them again. thanks for reminding me of how good life can be, OP

>> No.17388099

enjoy you're high cholesterol

>> No.17388155

i'm thinking we could start a little discord where we coordinate a bunch of relief efforts for the homeless around our cities.
label it, give this board a bit of an honest and noble image. you guys cannot even imagine how much sexy little daddy-issue christian babes love a charity guy.

>> No.17388213

post the EGG webm.

you know the one...

>> No.17388429

The flavor of eggs lend themselves to such combinations. The richness of the egg tones down the sweetness of things like sweet grits or french toast while still allowing them to contribute to the final dish.

>> No.17388435


That has been thoroughly debunked.

>> No.17388884

Ketoschizo cope, enjoy your hair loss

>> No.17388893
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god theres so many tho

>> No.17388906

me too!

>> No.17388926
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>> No.17389098

>my ass is not going back there
wherever is goes, update the losers online please. they love it!! t. posting for a friend

>> No.17389695

I'm not a ketofag, I enjoy sugary foods regularly.

>> No.17391021
File: 953 KB, 2080x3432, IMG_20220206_114006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, we talkin eggs in here boys? I eat those fuckers almost every day

>> No.17391280
File: 46 KB, 850x567, Larry-Holmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like eggs. A lot, Howard. I love eggs. I loooove eggs. I go into the coffee shop in the hotel and I love eggs. I order over easy eggs, (I like the eggs over easy). They never come over easy that's a hard egg to order, the over easy, if they're under easy they're disgusting. I only got one tooth there and if they're under easy they run down my face. So that's why I order a omelette."

>> No.17391401

You fags really need to shut up with your gay 1980s junk science

>> No.17391409

made some biscuits from aldi, that means im going to be eating biscuits and gravy(with eggs ofc) and eggs benedict for days

>> No.17391451
File: 286 KB, 1102x2080, 8BB930F3-3F84-4126-85AF-D3A06BBA799C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me a runny yolk eggbros

>> No.17391469
File: 406 KB, 1440x1361, 1644193950242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goddam I motherfucking love
go back or kys

>> No.17391542
File: 620 KB, 2729x1664, 0205221336_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Based. Except today was a bagel

>> No.17391550
