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File: 209 KB, 1000x613, Chhattisgarh-Liquor-License.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17362821 No.17362821 [Reply] [Original]

Is liquor an acquired taste? I want to learn to enjoy it

>> No.17362828

I unironically started drinking whiskey after watching Boardwalk Empire. BTW alcoholism starts this way (drinking alone)

t. Alcoholic of 6 years

>> No.17362831

I like bourbon but always with ice. It's too strong without it and I can't taste anything but the burn.

>> No.17362915

is that a good show? i'm not much of a tv person.

>> No.17362920

Certainly depends on what you've already tried. Since your pallette will be different to anyone else's, just saying "liquor" by itself is too vague to base any further opinions on desu

>> No.17362926
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Liquor is not an acquired taste. From 13 onward I've always loved it. I think it's genetic.

>> No.17363023

yes, but you dont do that by spending $50 on every bottle
well you can but you dont need to
drink a few ~$20 to $30 bottles first, these are good enough to be enjoyable, but dont break the bank
These allow you to get used to the base line of the spirit, what it should taste like
Boubon: Makers Mark, Four Roses, Old Forester, Wild Turkey 101
These specifically also allow you to try out the more expensive versions from the same distillery down the line

>> No.17363026

yeah, I would even go as far as to say that there is no liquor in this world that tastes “good” in any normal sense of the word, you just become a freak that enjoys drinking poison

>> No.17363155

>Is liquor an acquired taste?
In general? Yes.
That said, there's going to be shit you just don't like. Don't try to force yourself to like one particular drink.
Some tips:
>just because it can be sipped straight doesn't mean it should
Simple mixes, or even just ice, can be game changers.
>ingredient quality matters in mixed drinks
A margarita made with basic bitch tequila and green sugar water is going to taste as appetizing as it sounds.
>the same things usually don't taste the same
Even one of the most simple, vodka, can have great variations between other brands and its own batches.
>start with easier drinks
Probably going to have an easier time with fruitier drinks at first. Mixed dranks, sweeter wines(not "dry"), brandy, rum, etc. It is VERY POSSIBLE to go too sweet.
>drink lots of water
I'll let you figure out this one on your own.
>prepare for disappointment
You will find a good drink and it will be altered/discontinued at some point (RIP in peace Bacardi 151). Someone will tell you they found the best drink ever and they will insist you try it, put on your best bad-birthday-present face.

>> No.17363179

If you have any interest in the 20’s and prohibition, it’s probably the best portrayal of it out there

>> No.17363329

3 Oz of dragonberry rum, 3oz of pineapple juice, splash of OJ and Cran, top off with ginger ale

>> No.17363421

Buy Wild Turkey 101 and sip on it neat until you like it, might take a few weeks.

>> No.17363768

Try some different brandy. I hate every other liquor, but brandy is actually nice sometimes. I think if you like wine, you can enjoy brandy too

>> No.17364006

The liquor I drink is certainly an acquired taste, but that doesn't mean you should be trying to get here. Enjoy your bourbon and coke or 40% abv entry level speysides while you can.

I think "Step 1: enjoy whisky so much you can drink unsippable trash like everything in your list" is far more out there than "Step 1: drop $50 on something you may not even like."

I certainly wasn't enjoying myself when I was at those price brackets.

>> No.17364983

I started drinking whiskey just because it's easier and less volume than mixed drinks. Eventually it stops being so bad.

>> No.17365116
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if you that the most popular bourbons are unsippable than you dont like bourbon. $25 is not a small amount to spend on liquor.
>a scotch fag
that explains it
>The liquor I drink is certainly an acquired taste
Enjoying peat bomb scotches all the time are the IPA lovers of the whiskey world.
Pick up Lagavulin after watching Parks and Rec, didnt ya bud?

>> No.17365135

anon, thats great and, but could you post the proper sauce of this breedable little shit.thatd be great

>> No.17365181

I liked how it tasted pretty much immediately
Irish genes I guess

>> No.17365950


>> No.17366533

I'm Australian, so $25 is far less than the minimum you can spend on spirits.
>a scotch fag
Yes, but there are good bourbons and I'd make the same claims about NAS speysides or any other scotch below $60 ($42USD). And even then you're not getting a particularly enjoyable experience. The game starts at $80 ($57USD) where you are spoiled for good choices.
>peat bomb scotches
Cask strength. I don't think peat is particularly acquired, or if it is it's because people acquire it through smoked ham or something like that at a very young age.

>> No.17366614

>I'm Australian
i honestly stopped reading right there. i wish /ck/ had flags so i could skip abboposting entirely.

>> No.17366680

this desu, aussies are such shit for liquor choices they have no clue what theyre talking about
you talk like a fag and you dont know anything

>> No.17366908

>aussies are such shit for liquor choices
Wildly inaccurate. What we have is a compressed lower end price bracket and some issues getting rarer Bourbon explicitly (but none of the ones mentioned). But it's not like you're spoiled for choice when it comes to Australian whisky, which as a whole is pretty fucking good.

On my self now I have a Tomintoul Peaty Tang 15, Tomatin Bourbon and Sherry 8, Glenlivet Nadurra, Glenkinchie 12, Clynleish 14 (a returned gift), Smokehead High Voltage. With Arran Port and Boutique-Y Benrinnes 10 on the way. And I probably got them all cheaper than you can with straight currency conversion despite the tax differential.

Inb4 you're in an allocated state with shipping being illegal. Faggot.

>> No.17367071

The only thing you "acquire" from slowly tolerating/enjoying liquor is alcoholism. All beer universally disgusts me, some ciders are okay, and pretty much all liquor is fucking awful unmixed. If I want to get drunk, I mix vanilla rum and vanilla coke. Cheap, effective, and it doesn't make you a fatass like a lifetime of drinking beer will.

>> No.17367089

i think if you rub it in your skin, some of it would end up in your blood stream

>> No.17367142
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im not reading any of that cause youre still writing like you suck dicks for money

>> No.17367196

No you.

>> No.17368132

Don’t. Alcohol is a blight on this fucking earth.

>> No.17368160

How much do you normally drink?

>> No.17368189

i drink til i fall on floor

>> No.17368201

yeah just drink more

>> No.17368208


>> No.17368215

Based. I can't remember the last time I remember actually getting into bed.

>> No.17369271

Yeah its a good show, definitely worth a watch

>> No.17369393


>> No.17369398

Based aussie making r/bourbon seethe.

>> No.17369750

Life just hasn’t shit on you enough yet. After about 3-4 major setbacks, you’ll be sipping the fine spirits with ease and delight. For now enjoy your poof seltzers. Cheers laddie!

>> No.17370104

start with sweet liqueurs, when youre more used to the burn buy cognac, its the easiest to drink

>> No.17370206


>> No.17370765
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Unfortunately I cannot. But he does remind me of my first boyfriend. A Norwegian strawberry blond with the cutest freckled bubble ass I would glaze at every opportunity. Great memories.

Currently drinking the shittiest Chianti I've ever had. Why are they so hit and miss bros?

>> No.17370788

This, Wild Turkey 101 is the king of cheaper bourbons.
If you want something more in the $50+ range I’d recommend Old Forester 1920 and Woodford Reserve Double Oaked.

>> No.17370790

no it always tastes like shit

>> No.17370844

18+ website

>> No.17370905

Most suck, pricey wiskey are a vast joke, enjoy sipping your money away.
t. Former scotch enjoyer

>> No.17370951

I drink liquor 1:2 with Pepsi, never had to acquire it. You could try that

>> No.17371174

You’re supposed to like it right away desu. Start with something easy and light. Pick up a cheap blended scotch at 40% abv and drink it.

>> No.17371195

i "acquired" the taste through addiction

>> No.17371201

Start with low proof and sweet. Everyone likes sweet.
Start with liqueurs at a low abv.
Then move on to a low abv bourbon. Then graduate to scotch.
Then your fucked.

>> No.17371211

What’s a good liquor to mix with sprite?

>> No.17371221
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keks @ former scotch enjoyer who quit sipping "wiskey" because it's a vast joke what's the % of imbecilles on 4chan? there's not one single comment thant make sense in this discussion.
you have to be a boomer to enjoy whisky!!!!

>> No.17371234

Kek he became an alcoholic and can’t afford good whisky.

>> No.17371235
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>> No.17371250

Wiskey isnt bad, it's just too damn expensive for the experience. Spending more than 30 dollars for a bottle is retarded and try hard cringe. Same goes with champagne and cigars.
>Inb4 poorfag
I just bought plane tickets to Vilnius for the price of a Big Peat

>> No.17371252
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>> No.17371286

liquor is for faggots, literally poison, drinking is cringe, if you want to be manly eat beef heart and liver, drink full fat milk, eat 10 eggs per day, your testosterone will explode, you will stop having cravings for shit food, you will have an overwhelming desire to fuck women and work, WORK imagine that

>> No.17371293

Post jaw

>> No.17371298

>your testosterone will explode
no it wont, why do you niggerfaggot think people shoot test in their veins when they could just eat liver and drink milk?

>> No.17371302


>> No.17371303
File: 97 KB, 794x1024, 29128E6F-F5A2-402F-AE84-4F1F1378B910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad doesn’t lie.

>> No.17371312

Post hands, face, apartment, censored bank statements, and gf/wife.

>> No.17371337
File: 167 KB, 375x500, 3321829085_d7c38f2efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat beef heart and liver, drink full fat milk, eat 10 eggs per day

>> No.17371349

>Tell liquor is gay and cringe
>Get dozens of seething tranny replies
Sure hit a nerve here

>> No.17371352

Post hands, face, apartment, censored bank statements, and gf/wife.

>> No.17371364
File: 52 KB, 862x861, Murray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? how long have men been drinking alcohol you fucking incel trash?
go back to >>>/r9k/

>> No.17371405

You're in the liquor thread on the drink board. Go away if you don't like it.

>> No.17371442
File: 90 KB, 600x693, 8C9F0DA4-26FD-48A2-9CCD-587A33201447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God i love scotch.

>> No.17371505
File: 35 KB, 622x541, 1621959464557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried drinking it like a man?

>> No.17371513

>drinks only neat
your life must be boring.

>> No.17371603
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Nah just kiddin bro,as long as u dont drink tennessee trash ur good

>> No.17371611

>I want to learn to enjoy it
No you don't. lol If I had all the money back from drinking, I wouldn't be a neet right now.

>> No.17371642

Thanks fren
>tennessee whiskey
Not even once

>> No.17371688

I love liquor. I can’t drink wine or brandy though. Something about grapes makes me gag.

>> No.17371698

I like Jack Daniels whiskey desu. After a few shots you don’t taste it anymore kek

>> No.17371715

If you drink like that, why not just get a cheap vodka?

>> No.17371732

I don’t care much for vodka and I actually like how jack tastes desu.

>> No.17371781
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>i like how jack tastes desu

>> No.17371837


>> No.17371841

based self-care chad

>> No.17371973

I'll drink one or two shots but I really can't stand the
taste. If alcohol disappeared off the face of the earth
I honestly wouldn't notice.