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17333858 No.17333858 [Reply] [Original]

So during the month of February my mother and I are starting this diet to reverse her heart disease (trying it out for the month). Essentially we're going vegan and not allowing any refined foodstuffs (sugar, oil, refined carbs). Do you guys have any recipies or foods that you'd recommend? I will allow a small amount of olive oil as cooking food on a pan without it sticking is almost impossible without.

>> No.17333867
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>> No.17333969

I wonder if carnivore would achieve the same results.

>> No.17333984
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No, never will because saturated fat and cholesterol is what causes heart disease.

>> No.17333987

Lmao no it wouldn't. Sean Baker is proof of that, his blood work is abysmal and yet he tries to pretend that his physiology is somehow different because he doesn't eat plants. Hes somehow prediabetic while only consuming meat

>> No.17334003

Kek, it's all genetics, average environmental factors barely affect your health

>> No.17334007

Bean and Rice Burritos
Potato and Broccoli Soup

>> No.17334049

>Hes somehow prediabetic while only consuming meat
Gluconeogenesis. Body conversion of excessive proteins to glucose. Same reason why too much meat kicks you out of ketosis.

>> No.17334067
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Get it, follow it, live a longer and healthier life anon

>> No.17334287

Get inspired by those nations with the most vegan dishes. India for example has very good sloppa.

>> No.17334309

Look into serrapeptase and nattokinase for her bro (also d3k2)

>> No.17334350

Oil like olive and canola oil are healthy because of the omega 3 and other components (olive oil). Eaten cholesterol and saturated fats get veins clogged and chronic inflammation in the arteries causes plaque. Whole grain especially barley (beta-glucan in barley) lowers cholesterol. Fruit, veggies, berries help against cholesterol and chronic inflammation. As does aerobic exercise raise good cholesterol and reduce chronic inflammation. But those don't compensate all the bad stuff you get from eating cholesterol, salt or saturated fats if you eat them. So people just need to eat them as little as possible. That doesn't mean zero amount. But as little as you can.

>> No.17334369

Just do a prolonged fast if you want autophagy, why add a starvation diet?

>> No.17334517

>Why starve? Try starving instead.

>> No.17334581

I refuse to believe these threads are earnest.

fuck you OP and fuck your fake ass mother.

>> No.17334646

>I will allow a small amount of olive oil as cooking food on a pan without it sticking is almost impossible without
look into water frying or use ingredients with a high water density to begin frying, that way you can avoid oils.

>> No.17334713

> Kek it's genetics
I guess clogged pipes are included too when you buy a new home.

>> No.17334718

You dont starve during a fast as long as you have body fat friend

>> No.17334734

Canola is not high in omega 3.
Fish and egg yolks are.
You should be eating that multiple times a week.

>> No.17334751

OP didn't mention anything about calorie restriction though, and obviously if you're getting enough calories you won't be starving either.

>> No.17334975

We are supplementing our consumption with lots of flax seeds. In general yes some oil has omega 3s but oil itself is a refined food stuff and not a health food. It only looks like a health food when it replaces animal fats. I will use some olive oil when I saute veggies or to toast spices for dishes, but not the liberal amount I used before.

>> No.17335009

Use a nonstick pan retard
Is this what causes the meat sweats? I sweat sometimes when I eat too much meat.

>> No.17335630

its not 1960 anymore you can stop with the shit analogy

>> No.17335744

Research omega 6 and its consequences. You will never eat canola, soybean, vegetable, sunflower oils, etc ever again.

>> No.17335977

Atherosclerotic plaques don't exist now?

>> No.17336013

>saturated fat and cholesterol is what causes heart disease
That's just... not accurate.
t. Doctor

>> No.17336060

What did OP mean by this?

>> No.17336075

>it's all genetics
classic fat people cope

>> No.17336086

They do but if you think it's as simple as "whatever you eat just ends up in your arteries" then you need help.

>> No.17336156

Canola oil is shit
Coconut and avocado are god tier
Olive isn't as good as most people think

>> No.17336241

You are not a doctor, I'm a doctor.

>> No.17336251

Just stop frying you fucking retard
And increase high quality saturated fat intake from organic animal sources

>> No.17336280

my father is obese, diabetic, smokes two packs of cigarettes a day since he was 12, and he likes to drink wine. Now he's 76 and he's still in relatively good health. His father died at 99.