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17307443 No.17307443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"At Mars we believe that in the world we want tomorrow, society is inclusive," the company said in a statement Thursday. "And, as one of our most iconic brands, M&M’S is announcing a new global commitment to create a world where everyone feels they belong."
>The company added that the "refreshed M&M’S brand will include a more modern take on the looks of our beloved characters, as well as more nuanced personalities to underscore the importance of self-expression and power of community through storytelling."
>One of the changes being made, according to CBS News, involves the green M&M character swapping out her white heeled go-go boots for "cool, laid-back sneakers to reflect her effortless confidence."
>Additionally, the green and brown M&Ms will begin to foster a more friendly relationship to act as a "force supporting women."
>The red M&M will ditch his bullying tendencies and be kinder to other M&Ms and the orange M&M "embrace his true self, worries and all" in solidarity with the more "anxious" Gen Z generation.
>Mars will also begin to use imagery of different shapes and sizes rather than one body size and will no longer use prefixes from characters' names that assume gender.
Well I say it's about time!

>> No.17307449


>> No.17307455
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I hate incels
Incels did this because they want sex

>> No.17307460

I used to think they were insane, but Westboro Baptist was right all along, and I was the crazy one. Slippery slope isn't a fallacy, it's an understanding of human nature. I wish I had listened.

>> No.17307487

If there's one good thing about the slippery slope of degeneracy, it's that at the bottom of it lies the sweet spike pit of reactionary puritanism.

>> No.17307494

Really makes you think

>> No.17307502

I don't want that either, but I guess that's the lesser evil at this point. Things were fine in the 90s, up until about 2005 or 2006. I just want a world where people are encouraged to mind their own business, busy bodies are told to shut the fuck up, and people still have enough sense to understand how ridiculous it would be to care about the pronouns of a fucking M&M. We had that once.

>> No.17307505

unironically where is the fucking bottom

>> No.17307506

Thanks for the optimism

>> No.17307514

>swapping gogo boots for tennis shoes is a slide into degeneracy

>> No.17307527

Imagine being in a room with other corporate marketing folks.. or better yet in a virtual Microsoft Teams calls.. and talking about this shit.. and making $122k per year. fuckin a.

>> No.17307528

>Mars will also begin to use imagery of different shapes and sizes rather than one body size
They're fucking normalizing those defective weird-shaped M&Ms now? Did their QA staff take on a few too many diversity hires?

>> No.17307533

How do I get into a gig like this? For 120k a year work from home job I will be the biggest lefty in the world. Do they actually have to do laborious work or think hard? I could easily name a hundred ways to make fucking m&m’s more “inclusive”

>> No.17307534

So they're basically just cutting production costs?

>> No.17307543

Well this is dark

>> No.17307547

Corporations are going woke despite seemingly no financial motive because of ESG scores.

>> No.17307550

Be black or a woman

>> No.17307553

checked and get a 4 year psychology/marketing/humanities degree and start applying to jobs anon. I pulled 120k out of my ass but I would image mid-upper level marketing folks are making at least low six figs at a company like Mars. I swallowed the STEM pill and while I enjoy it, I work a lot. (though a lot of STEM folks, especially programmers, seem to hardly work at all).

>> No.17307558

I’m 1/2 Mexican, can get pretty dark in the summer. Maybe I’ll get some brownie points if I say I’m a trans queer whatever the fuck (they won’t force you to suck a dick or cut your dick off, you can say whatever)

>> No.17307562

is there any relationship between high ESG scores and making more money? if not.. why would companies want to raise their ESG scores? for Public Relations purposes? that would tie back to making more money.. e.g. the better PR a company has, arguably the more money it could stand to make. e.g. if DuPont had better PR they might make more money?

>> No.17307570
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Not my hecking CANDIES. They have gone TOO FAR this time. This is hecking WHITE GENOCIDE.

>> No.17307574

PR is not about economics. It’s about psychology. Why did people give millions to the Church of Scientology? It’s not like that helps them.

>> No.17307592

I work from home in IT, though only $108k a year. I work maybe three hours a week usually, and mostly just fill my outlook calendar with bullshit and play video games, jerk off, post here, etc. You'd think it wouldn't last for long, but its been working since before covid. I think the key is that most of everyone else is doing it too.

>> No.17307600

>is there any relationship between high ESG scores and making more money?
Not directly.
It's basically a social credit. If your company is all about virtue signaling this stuff, then other big companies and governments will want to work with you because your company is less of a risk for their own public perception. It doesn't matter if the majority of consumers like this type of message or not, most people really don't care and will still buy your product, even if they hate your commercials. But there are a small number of people that are just waiting for a chance to sue or publicly accuse your company of being bad, or of willingly working with evil companies, which might cost you business in the future. This is all designed to keep all those people at bay.

>> No.17307614

>is there any relationship between high ESG scores and making more money
Revenue, no, stock price, yes, there is an entire caste of SJW investor that is doing more to drive this kind of thing than all the redditors and facebook blacks in the world.

>> No.17307617

get a bullshit marketing degree and ask for a job from your college roommate whose dad is vice president at a fortune 500

>> No.17307634

Wow, sounds bad. What should we do? Shall we round up all the gays and execute them in death camps? Hm

>> No.17307643

>all these posts
>no sauce
>not one person asking for sauce

>> No.17307657

It's retarded enough that it doesn't really matter if it's real or not.

>> No.17307660

Because the discussion isn't the story itself, its the world in which everything in the story is perfectly plausible. Is it true, is it bait? It doesn't matter, because it's authentic in spirit.

>> No.17307666

This is satire, right?
Nobody can write or say any of this and feel good doing it, right?

>> No.17307681
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yes it's fucking real
i didn't even have to check because i've seen worse things passed off as "press releases"

>> No.17307689
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>> No.17307693

Whatever happened to the blue one?

>> No.17307700

Sauce is in the OP. Learn to Google, retard. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/mars-inc-announces-mms-characters-resigned-more-inclusive-progressive-world

>> No.17307707
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>they put sneakers on the green M&M
>the green and brown M&Ms will get some more screen time
So basically all they did was pic related

>> No.17307710

>different shapes and sizes


>> No.17307716

tl;dr instead of universal personalities they're going to make everyone a nigger, spic, and/or chink

>> No.17307723

Yeah I'm hung up on that. The language implies the M&Ms characters need to be more representative of fat people so fat people feel included, like they've got a seat at the M&Ms table. Are there any fat people on earth who felt like M&Ms were excluding them? It's so fucking funny.

>> No.17307725

Actually the orange one has anxiety now
That’s it

>> No.17307733

Orange has always been anxious, they're going to make him "accepting" of it somehow.

>> No.17307739

>it’s another speculation over the headline instead of discussion over the actual body of the article thread
m00t was right
la ilaha illm00t hiroshim00tdur rasulm00t

>> No.17307746


>> No.17307772

Based schizo poster. The body of the article is (mostly) in the OP.

>> No.17307775

You laugh but this is how it starts

>> No.17307778


>> No.17307830

This just makes me want to start putting bodies in the ground. How much longer before we can just wholesale exterminate these unthinking societal parasites?

>> No.17307856

Yes, and it is absolute degeneracy. Bring back the wholesome nymphomaniac or I burn society to the ground.

>> No.17307910

remember to cite the m&ms as your main motivation in your manifesto

>> No.17307915

kys you pathetic troll. crapitalism is rightwing bullshit. it is all your fault.

>> No.17307936

the crunchy m&m was always anxious because people were always trying to eat him

>> No.17308054

They left Nascar for this?

>> No.17308449

Just like how they were all going "its only happening on tumblr calm down". And now those tumblrites are in positions of power.

>> No.17308457

Explain how capitalism is right-wing. For muttmericans, the lines are so distorted that the "left" supports corporate profit based on identity politics and the "right" supports the government building infrastructure.

>> No.17308461

Child prostitutes and bestiality just like in Weimar Germany

>> No.17308482

because the government used to build decent, racist infrastructure

>> No.17308537
File: 1.25 MB, 1342x710, DB9C92A2-59B2-43CA-B9BC-133DF65F502B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a STEM prof and we were having meeting after meeting over Zoom about George Floyd, white fragility, racialism in college, LGBTQ2 and more. It’s gotten ridiculous since Floyd.

One meeting a colleague beside me said “you know at some point we need to actually get work done” when everyone was brainstorming what the next woke workshop should be. Everyone stared at him and you could hear a pin drop it. There was a mix of horror, annoyance, a couple people with blank expressions and a couple others gently nodding. But mostly it was horror.

It was the funniest exchange and I joked to him afterwards that he’d be sent to the gulag soon. I wish I could have taken a picture of their faces from our side.

>> No.17308540
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Welp, looks like I'm never buying M&Ms again. Probably better for my health this way. That was the intent, right? To lose customers?

>> No.17308544

Ok, 30+ year old single incels were never the target market. No loss.

>> No.17308549

Manchildren are the reliable sticky customers. Most children grow out of wanting sweets.

>> No.17308566

Yes this will surely get people to buy m&ms on days other than Halloween I’m sure of it.

>> No.17308575

None of this matters, anyone getting bent up about branding/mascot shit is pathetic and so is every company that panders in bad faith for money.

>> No.17308582

>effortless confidence
they have meltdowns making eye contact with the gas station clerk buy m&ms lol

>> No.17308591
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>> No.17308595

I can't even tell if it's real or parody anymore just by reading the OP.

>> No.17308620

wtf I'm buying smarties now

>> No.17308626

gay marriage was a slippery slope and this shit will keep happening until we correct the mistake

>> No.17308649

They target children year by year. That's why it feels like it's moving too fast.

>> No.17308663
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>> No.17308688

Nobody wants to go first, and be left standing alone. We're all waiting on (you).

>> No.17308699

>a group of characters of literally all different colors was not diverse enough

>> No.17308706

Wow, the same dog fucking argument you guys have been making since the 80s. Must be embarrassing for you to see it still not transpire after 40 years.

>> No.17308709

Things take time you know. It's coming close to happening. Or worse, children will be first.

>> No.17308713

they made mike and ike gay now they want the red M&M to be nice? what the FUCK is happening to this country?

>> No.17308717

This really shows how disconnected the boomers running these companies are. They're milinenial social media managers show them how strong pride is, despite the fact a small amount of people make up most of social media posts. Instead of doing actual test markets to see how this would all go, they approve. Unfortunately they have the power to not care. Because a majority of people don't care. They'll buy it anyway. Someone will claim they won't buy said item anymore, for someone else to say they'll buy twice as much now.

>> No.17308718

what was the blue m&m's gimmick supposed to be?
he's like a jock or a black person or something? i don't get it

>> No.17308797

This is me. I work about the same. 125,000$k a year as a sysadmin. Agile methodology is based because it actually makes everyone more inefficient somehow. I have a family though so I usually don’t Jack off. Instead I’ve been putting some sweat equity on my house and renovating my basement.

>> No.17308804

Nooo not my sexy canderino

>> No.17308846

>purposely being obtuse
Thankfully, reactionary puritanism is usually accompanied by purges

>> No.17308955

>trying to make you mentally feel good while eating junk food that is physically bad for you

>> No.17308999

whats wrong with just stopping in the middle? you have to fuck over these reasonable guys just because showing them any respect might give the wrong idea to fringe groups?

>> No.17309007

do you know how many people are employed in idpol industry? there is no end here