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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17291949 No.17291949 [Reply] [Original]

Is drinking the broth degenerate behavior?

>> No.17291959

Is using the seasoning packet on other foods degenerate? I can't stop.

>> No.17291960

Learn to cook noodles from scratch retard.

>> No.17291963

No, the broth is part of the meal. I only drink the broth if it is exceptionally good, though.

>> No.17291968

Why do you niggers always insist on making everything yourself

>> No.17291984

4chan is filled with young people who are just discovering new shit. The first thing people tend to do when they become proficient at something is to believe that they can do everything themselves. Once you actually gain some experience you realize that doing everything on your own is for fucking idiots and you should cut corners or ask for help whenever you can.

When it comes to cooking you can spend all day making shit from scratch, or just buy some premade shit from the store and make a better meal in 30 minutes.

>> No.17292910


>> No.17292915

well ramen is a food so first things first your eating the broth not drinking it

>> No.17292926

I only drink the broth if I eat it at work after doing manual labor and drinking tons of water. If you have a sedentary job you're giving yourself hypertension if you drink the broth from instant noodles. It's fine to drink it from a restaurant that makes the stock themselves.

>> No.17292932
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>> No.17293150

Depends how drunk/high I am, which is usually when I make something easy like ramen or mac and cheese, but most of the time I at least have a few sips of it because I just like soups and broths generally and it warms me up and make me feel cozy.

So I say, no, not degenerate.

>> No.17293240

Honestly doesnt matter, just personal preference.

>> No.17293246

It is what is done in jail and prison to make the less edible food more edible. And also to make the already good stuff even better.

>> No.17293457

>shotgunning 1500mg of sodium doesn't matter

>> No.17293462

If you wanted to be healthy you wouldn't be eating instant ramen. It's part of the meal.

>> No.17293524
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Yes. You're supposed to give the broth and the bread you use as a plate away to the poor.

>> No.17293740

I came up with this ""recipe"" while living in an extended stay hotel trying to spend as little on food as possible

>smash up a pack of ramen
>bring it to a boil with just barely enough water IN A PAN, by the time theyre just soft enough to eat there shouldnt be really any water left at all (im not gonna tell you temps I was just turning shit up and down as needed using a hotel coil burner)
>add oil or maybe even butter you dont need super high temp
>add 1/2 seasoning pack for each pack ramen, save this for usage on other stuff later because you are poor
>add additional seasonings like dried chili flakes or whatever
>add any vegetables you would typically enjoy stirfried
>'fry' the short ramen noodle and veg a bit
>crack some egg in, stir it all around let egg cook
And done
I liked to make it really spicy, sometimes I wouldnt go for spicy but would add a bit of cheese and get a cheesy egg fried ramen mess. It was a great way to cook a lotta sloppa for stupid cheap and very easy to switch up. I did get absolutely sick of it after eating this like 4 times a week for 2 months

>> No.17293751

If it's the cheap ramen it is.

>> No.17293766

real noodles and the stuff that comes in packets are not even the same food, retard

>> No.17293963

there's a difference between having an unhealthy snack and knowingly fucking your blood pressure up for the next 24 hours. you can eat some unhealthy shit here and there but sometimes the small actions make all the difference in your long term health.

>> No.17293992

Does it?
Japanese seem to have a high sodium diet and looks like they are doing fine in terms of life expectancy and things like that.

>> No.17293998

Making threads like this is degenerate behaviour so what are you worried about?

>> No.17294038

Why would I throw away half the food

>> No.17294041

yeah, high sodium is fine if you're not a fat fuck

>> No.17294048

They also live a much different lifestyle than what most American's live. Sure, if you're busting your ass and got water to drink, that extra sodium will help you out, but all these desk workers / neets don't need that extra sodium.

>> No.17294366

You invented Korean style instant noodles

>> No.17294434

i lap the broth up with a spoon, usually there is some gritty stuff at the bottom with cup noodles so i don't want to swallow that.

>> No.17294594

I make the broth myself usually, so it's fine.
Noodles are too much for me to make.

>> No.17294855

The opposite. Not drinking the broth is for Amerilards because the broth is the most filling part of the meal, and drinking it makes it far less likely you're going to binge on some other garbage an hour later.

>> No.17295011

I used some ramen seasonings in a soup broth today. Veggie chicken soup with noodles. It was 8/10 for sure

>> No.17295033

The proper way to eat these noodles is by breaking them up into small chunks in the bag, adding half or so of the flavor packet, shaking so it's all covered, and eating as a crunchy snack.

>> No.17295039

You see, in Japan they make an actual soup the noodles go in

>> No.17295051

>shaking so it's all covered
More like, shaking so it all settles at the bottom.

>> No.17295063

that makes no sense at all. the excess is all going to settle at the bottom anyway, that's why it gets shaken to cover the broken noodle bits.

>> No.17295096

Granular convection causes finer particles to end up on the bottom when shaken instead of improving the distribution. It's also known as the "brazil nut effect".

>> No.17295175

not if you keep revolving the bag

>> No.17295206

anything spicy
anything lime
roast beef
creamy chicken

>> No.17295213

I found a packet of the Nongshim red in my work bag. Did I too drunk at work, and make flavorless ramen?

>> No.17295271
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Does anyone else just mix the powder into the noodles without the water?

>> No.17295314

No, just watch your sodium intake unless you enjoy napping afterwards

>> No.17295422

Does sodium help you sleep? Is it a good idea to chug a bunch of broth without the noodles an hour before bed?

>> No.17295433

>>Is using the seasoning packet on other foods degenerate? I can't stop.
This is peak consumerism.

>> No.17295505

good hours long broth with pepper is great drink, especially in cold winters. Its basically strenght-juice.

>> No.17295584
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Is making my ramens "prison style" with hot cheetos considered degenerate?

>> No.17295596

no, it's just basically what they call a "food coma", I don't remember the technical shit but I guess maybe it has to do with dehydration as well. I remember one time I was being a fat bastard and finished two bags of chips in one sitting, and I eventually fell asleep and woke up feeling like shit cause I didn't have any liquids

>> No.17295653

I see, dehydration definitely makes you feel like shit sometimes. Too bad it lasts for a while even after you wake up.

>> No.17295674

To add onto this a lot of unhealthy foods have very little water content and a lot of sodium. This can cause a whole slew of problems. Remember if your food has low water content be sure to drink some water along with it.