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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 333x500, pol_pl_Modernist-Pizza-119556_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17258606 No.17258606 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone has this? Kinda looks like a conversation piece with pretty pictures, I'm wondering how much actual insight it gives, compared to other books regarding pizza (which are several hundred times cheaper btw). Obviosuly ignoring the history parta

Also, if you have a google drive link to a pdf, much appreciated

>> No.17258618

Lol fuck that.
It can’t possibly contain arcane knowledge that will shift the paradigm of pizza as we know it.
If the writers had such knowledge, they wouldn’t put it in a book. They’d open a consulting service.

Other than having a nifty shelf piece that will make people think you have a shitton of disposable income when they look it up on Amazon, there’s no way it has anything to offer which would make it a worthwhile purchase.

>> No.17258624

A fool and his money...

>> No.17258649

Nah, don't want to buy it, checking out a pdf would be the most I did. I'd rather burn that much on whiskey or sth. Doesn't change the fact that I wonder *what* does it actually contain

>> No.17258651

their original cookbook set was cool, novel, and had enough breadth to maybe warrant its novelty price
these spinoffs are obvious cashgrabs, a 400 dollar bread set, then a seperate 400 dollar set for bread with toppings, lol

>> No.17258679
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MC is decent, not sure i'd buy MP though

>> No.17258710

I'll buy it when I see it at a second-hand shop for $20.

>> No.17258716

I doubt that'll happen unless someone that owns it dies and their kids just don't give a fuck about their shit and just give it away or throw it out

>> No.17258737

There was an *original* set? Care to send a link?

>> No.17258757
File: 198 KB, 1000x846, 1629354621551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modernist Cusine is the original

I believe after that came Modernist Bread, and then Modernist Pizza is (I think) the newest.

>> No.17258776

I didn't get a feeling that bread/pizza were taken out of this series

>> No.17258806
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What do you mean?

The original series doesn't touch dough/bread at all really.

>> No.17258810
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>> No.17258814

my buddy's got this. its incredibly high quality, excruciatingly exacting, and very well documented. if you wanted to know absolutely everything about modern pizza-this is it.
the price tag is a bit ludicrous though.

>> No.17258817

Is Modernist Bread any good?

>> No.17258828

It's trash aimed at rich hipster morons that rarely cook.
You can learn more from a youtube video for free.

>> No.17258833

I've got it. It's pricey, and most probably not worth it for most people. It does have some really good insights and recipes though, like recipes for homemade kebab, sauces, and such.

>> No.17258847

I didn't like it.


>> No.17258848

Not like that is an uncommon occurrence. Sifting through all the junk in a deceased estate is tedious.

>> No.17258852

>modernist pizza
>recipes for homemade kebab
shit book

>> No.17258862
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dead link

>> No.17259003

this is such a rip off for above average earining redditors

>> No.17259018
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Working just fine here

>> No.17259071

>fundamentals of fucking 'za
It's a food circle with cheese

>> No.17259083

Is it really that hard to buy and use a scanner?

You can tell just from those thumbnails it's been done with a handheld camera.

>> No.17259123
File: 560 KB, 1064x797, Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 19.24.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really that hard to be grateful for someone who took time out of their life to photograph an entire book FOR FREE?

>> No.17259124

Don't read it and go buy the original then

>> No.17259138

Lol holy fuck this seriously shows what lazy entitled pieces of shit frequent this board.
>Couldn't this person who did something for free have done a better job FOR ME?
Maybe your zoomer ass could offer him a “”””living wage”””” to do it.

>> No.17259139

I own Modernist Bread, not really the most scanner-friendly books…

>> No.17259280

Not really, there are scans of Volume 2-5 easily found online

>> No.17260107

Modernist Cuisine At Home came after MC. I have both.

>> No.17260114

You’re a stupid poorfag who has no ideal who and what nathan myhrvold is.

>> No.17260120

> cashgrabs
Fucking moron.

>> No.17260123

Archive.org has a copy of modernist cuisine. It's got good stuff but it's not worth the $600 price tag. the first few chapters are fluff and every 3rd page after that is pictures and diagrams.

>> No.17260130

It looks like a gimmick to sell books to college chef wannabe kids, to gouge away at their student loans with high cost textbook expenses.

>> No.17260134

More likely a kid buys it and moves, dies, or goes to college, and the boomer mother sells it at a garage sale without his consent. My best friend is an ebay reseller and he makes over $80k annually from yard sales which are mostly the aforementioned scenario. Boomer mothers LOVE selling their kids' valuables and don't know how to Google prices.

>> No.17260140

Considering I dropped a grand+ for a polyscience sous vide professional and more importantly the time it takes to yield a sous vide dish I consider acceptable, the 600 odd dollars is very much worth it.
600 bucks is chump change compared to the ingredient and time costs for this type and level of cooking.

>> No.17260175

French Grannies can outcook you any day of the week and they didn't need to drop hundreds on some fags recipe book. You are pathetic as fuck give me your wife's tinder.

>> No.17260188

You’re a dumb shit.

>> No.17260229

I don't know what the difference is between that and my $90 circulating stick. Are the results good? What kind of stuff do you make?

>> No.17260260

I bought it when MC first came out. At the time there weren’t really any consumer devices and the Polyscience is basically a full blown small scale commercial unit. It can push A LOT of water and I swear it’s rated for like over 1kW. Results are good but I honestly didn’t use it much because it was a bit of a hassle. I own an Annova Precision Oven and their pro immersion circulator with matching tub now and I cook sous vide much more often. I cook mostly protein, I did like 20 lbs of 37 hour chuck in the last 3 weeks.

>> No.17260429

i didn't realize they found someone to type for you, cleetus. who's reading ck for you, another helper?

>> No.17261629

Ever heard of kebab pizza?

>> No.17263154

who the fuck are you responding to?

>> No.17263166

Don't respond to him, it's just a copypasta.

>> No.17263173

I’m very close to buying a Rational combi oven…

>> No.17263238


Rational's are the best ovens money can buy, if I could upgrade the ventilation system in my place and have a couple of grand laying around I'd buy one in a heart beat.

>> No.17263259

for a home kitchen? Nigga u be BIG PIMPIN'.

>> No.17263418

Yeah, home kitchen.
My parents used to own a pretty big catering business so I’ve been used to pro kitchen equipment since I was old enough to roam their kitchen (we lived upstairs).

>> No.17263448

Modernist is a synonym for dogshit for anything other than digital technologies. Modernist "food" could only be toilet-grade garbage.

So no, the term "modernist pizza" is a giant red flag that denotes shitty quality.

>> No.17263591

>t. retard

what's the Rational gonna run you?

>> No.17263625

>olive oil
so hard!

>> No.17263858

Not sure yet, depends on the size, a few options/accessories and exchange rate if/when I place the order.

>> No.17264029

Anyone have a pdf?

>> No.17264341

Pizza is for poor fags dipshit

>> No.17264695

>t. a worthless dumbass
it's about the mastering of a CRAFT, you worthless sack of shit.

>> No.17264712
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>> No.17264751

I bet you live in a minimalist house with too much white decor and post on 4chan from a fucking mac, you moronic fuckwit.

I can smell the hipster on you through the screen.

>> No.17264786
File: 225 KB, 898x1136, 71UhaVb+7+L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trash. This is all I needed to learn to cook and then I just went from there.

>> No.17264789

I bet you suck my dick out of pure enjoyment.

>> No.17264793
File: 2.11 MB, 4032x2268, 1638723072452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a digital copy of modernist cuisine.

I also have plenty of older books like La technique as well.

Nothing wrong with either.

>> No.17264800

>read two books just to get to the recipes
fuck that

>> No.17264812

They're over priced. I got my La tecnique for like 15 dollars at a small book store. And when it was brand new it was I think 25 dollars.

>> No.17264836

Oh i agree, that's why I downloaded a copy.

I would never pay $500+ for a single cookbook, even one as expansive as MC.

>> No.17264859
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, SCAR20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try again, bitch

>> No.17264866

Virtue signaling

>> No.17264881
File: 167 KB, 375x500, A8940FA4-3378-46AF-99D1-91462E9DEE1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these for college courses or some shit?

>> No.17264903

Well I identify as a herm fox, so you're not too off the mark

>> No.17264927
File: 1.74 MB, 1266x1023, dickmeasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting a massive cock measuring contest

>> No.17264938

>he actually bought cuisine, bread, and pizza

lmao what a cuck

>> No.17264947

>not able to afford cookbooks
explains why I'm able to fuck 17-year olds still, and you're not

>> No.17265024

I have plenty of cookbooks, I just don't think wasting money on retardedly expensive cookbooks like that is worth it.

Again I have digital downloads of MC and MB (Not MP cause I simply don't care about pizza).

They're decent resources, but you're a legit cuck if you ACTUALLY bought them at ANYWHERE near full price.

>> No.17265058

Difference between us then is that I don't give a fuck about the expenses concerning these cookbooks. I bought them, read them, consult them from time to time. It's not a big deal. The cost of them is negligible to me.If you think that's cucky, then maybe you have some money/status issues to deal with?

>> No.17265084

It's $1000+ that I could spend on literally anything else

>> No.17265086

I kneel

>> No.17265094

Hard to remember when I've seen this much insecurity from two people in just one post each. Bravo.

>> No.17265096

You’re poor. We get it.
Now swerve!

>> No.17265111

lmao, i just don't waste my money on cucked bullshit.

Even if they were hand painting the pictures in those books I still wouldn't pay that price.

>> No.17265114

Please do. I'm willing to admit that I'm theory cuck. I absolutely advise people to just read up on basic stuff via Google and learn cooking from there; my interest goes "slightly" deeper from there, obviously.
oh no, you managed to expand my sphincter just slightly enough to fit the very tip of your non-erect penis

>> No.17265122

>cucked bullshit
You’re a poverty ridden shitstain with the sophistication of a mumbai public toilet

>> No.17265135
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>> No.17265140

>No complete Bocuse

Not gonna make it.

>> No.17265153

goddamnit, my collection is still "in progress" - I've focused more on my wine cabinet lately

>> No.17265158

>I bet you live in a minimalist house with too much white decor

>Posts exactly that with a bunch of useless metal projectile machines.

>> No.17265171

>female home decor
hello reddishit

>> No.17265179

Why are you complaining about this shit then?

>> No.17265210

Look into Jaime Oliver Does Italy cookbook as well, don't let the annoying brit sway you against it, Gennaro Contaldo his mentor had a heavy hand in it. And he goes around Italy talking to old Nona's about their heritage recipes.

>> No.17265214

Don't, eat's the absolute worst cookbook in existence and only serves as a penis extension. The recipes are retarded as fuck, ordered by "year they were served" and just straight up explained without any context.

>> No.17265218

what the fuck, I'm not an italian, I swear on my grandmother I wrote "it's"

>> No.17265220

you could download or buy this ridiculous tome of books on bread OR just watch chainbake on youtube and get all the info you need to make bread.

>> No.17265264
