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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 225x225, KFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17252571 No.17252571[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It really isn't about animals anymore and is just one giant ego waving contest over who can one up the next person with starving themselves pretending to show how "compassionate and caring" they are for the enviroment, isn't it?

>> No.17252575


why are you like this OP?

>> No.17252584

op didnt say that though

>> No.17252586

Because they don't have the slightest hint of a moral high ground to stand on so the best they can do is tell you that you must have a shady ulterior motive. They can't argue that abstaining from eating meat is better for the environment and for animals so they resort to questioning your personal motivation.
You could argue that eating a vegan product from a company that sells meat is wrong but no, what OP is bothered by is vegans.

>> No.17252590


I like vegetables though it's not really the healthy food either they are marketing to pass off as healthy when it's worse than regular fast food

>> No.17252593

Isn't that exactly why people eat this shit? Because they don't like eating actual vegetables unless mummy hides them in the Bolognese or whatever

>> No.17252621

meat yummy, anon kun ;3

>> No.17252622

>Ahaha, look at me on the high ground! Look at me on my high horse! Ohoho everyone look at me look at me!
Why don't you go back to getting railed by your boyfriend you obsessed moralizing vegan faggot?

>> No.17252633

I mean of course they have a motive, that is simply profit, there's a growing trend for vegetarian options and a large profit-driven company is trying to get a piece of that growing marketshare.

Can't imagine the type of person who'd get mad online over a new vegan product, you know you can still order regular fried chicken OP

>> No.17252648

Why is it that the people obessed with vegans also seem to be fixated on homosexuality? I mean, there's something odd about the idea of not eating meat somehow making you think of men having sex with each other.

>> No.17252656
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>> No.17252660

I would like to try this, chickens are really cute and I feel kind of bad eating them

>> No.17252671
File: 342 KB, 1280x720, download (85).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree chickens are cute and smart (my poultry of choice is rapist ducks) they will not feel bad eating you.

>> No.17252693

Don't care. Gonna try it out of curiosity anyways.

>> No.17252752

>zoomzoom's first food fad

>> No.17253031


>> No.17253052

There's billions of investment being pushed into creating a new market, not catering to a growing trend. Top down consensus faking has been common for decades now.

>> No.17253054

>plant-based product comes out
Why are /pol/tards like this?

>> No.17253067

Veganism is unhealthy, pushed by big business and actively damages health, small farmers for no discernible actual benefits.


>> No.17253068
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because all conservative ideology is a bait and switch. its all about how their ideology can't work because some libcuckcommie somewhere was evil enough to think a thought that did not synch with conservatives and thus magically renders all conservative policy nonfunctional.

literally like actual communists in how they whine that people just arent jerking off hard enough to their ideology to make it work as advertised. "just gotta keep cutting them taxes! for real! and then send another 50 bucks to president trump the billionaire so he can be president again"

>> No.17253070

i had an impossible burger for the first time and it was amazing for being made of plants. ofc it's not meat but i was amazed at how good it was. way too expensive though so i dont think vegans eat them on a regular basis.

i imagine these things (KFC nugs too) are healthier so why are you opposed to having a broader range of products available?

>> No.17253074

Good bait

>> No.17253078

we must live in different realities because plant based diets are slowly gaining traction among people

>> No.17253081
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>It really isn't about animals anymore and is just one giant ego waving contest over who can one up the next person with starving themselves pretending to show how "compassionate and caring" they are for the enviroment, isn't it?

>> No.17253085

This anon gets it

>> No.17253086

Only because people are being brainwashed by the Big Vegan industry propaganda. Nobody would ever actually eat a plant of their own free will if they could be eating a delicious tasty meat instead.

>> No.17253089

Listen hear faggot it's totally about egos
Link very fucking related
p.p.s. vegans eternally btfo.

>> No.17253095

i like to think they're doing this so peta can finally shut the fuck up and not come down to their factories anymore so they can keep doing their fucking jobs without those retards screeching every time [insert big fast food chain here] look at them funny

>> No.17253098


Opinion discard, go shill your alt-right trash news elsewhere

>> No.17253101

Just like transgenderism right? It's not like groups like Stonewall are funded overwhelmingly by Government departments and corporations to lobby... the government and corporations or that practicall all youth transgender lobbying groups are funded by multinational foundations and given free legal lobbying services by the world's largest law firm, is it? There's no way that consensus can be manufactured and public perception altered through astroturfed movements and media presentation.

There is a difference between eating plants or even plant based dishes and becoming vegan and eating meat replacement fast-food or, like more and more restaurants are doing, slowly phasing out meat from their menus, like Wagamama's, while not actually making proper vegetarian based dishes.

>> No.17253110


You're joking, right? It's full of Guardian writers, socialists and other left-wing writers.

>> No.17253120

>literally like actual communists in how they whine that people just arent jerking off hard enough to their ideology to make it work as advertised.
to be fair, literally everyone does this

>> No.17253129

Can this processed-to-hell-and-back shit even be called a "vegetable" anymore?

>> No.17253132
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>KFC Beyond fried chicken
this is going to be as bad as their actual fried chicken, on god.

>> No.17253142


>> No.17253145

you faggots never get that cocky in real life

>> No.17253148
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Simpsons did it

>> No.17253154


Typical vegan mentality - lacks reading comprehension and makes wrongful inferences from what is not said. Must be the lack of a healthy, well rounded diet not supplying their brains with the necessary nutrients.

>> No.17253162

>They can't argue that abstaining from eating meat is better for the environment

But there is actually a healthy balance between animals being reared for slaughter and paying back into the farm ecosystem you retard. Just because the scales have been tipped so heavily doesn't mean we must completely abstain from meat or indeed that 'meat-free' is the best scenario.

>> No.17253201

what i think is going on here is that you have a "give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile" mentality. you see this diet and subsequently a group of people being catered to just a little and you won't stand for it because you think it's a slippery slope that threatens your way of life for some reason. you have the idea that both things can not exist simultaneously so you hyperbolically smear the rare plant based options and ads as a huge conspiracy of sorts since in your head meat based diets must be on the chopping block if this antithetical diet gains ANY popularity.

I'm not going to entertain your ludicrous comparison. stay on topic.

>> No.17253212

lol you really struck a nerve on these fat schizos

>> No.17253245

This makes no sense, you stupid fatass. Meat production is INHERENTLY more wasteful than the production of directly edible crop. Even if you killed only 10 cows in a year, the amount of crops you that goes into obtaining a pound of meat is way larger than the amount of crops you need to grow to obtain a pound of edible crops.

>> No.17253248

Vegans are healthier than carnists by pretty much every metric.

>> No.17253257

>Nobody would ever actually eat a plant of their own free will if they could be eating a delicious tasty meat instead.
LMAO imagine being such an ironic disgusting fatass that you think people are FORCED to eat a fucking vegetable

>> No.17253320 [DELETED] 

It is literally jews trying to humiliate gentiles into eating bugs.
That's all it ever was.

>> No.17253340

Meat eater here. These tasted exactly like mcnuggets. Just ate them five minutes ago.

>> No.17253366

No, it isn't because you literally cannot grow crops in suitable decency on most of the land animals use in my country. What, you want farmers to spend billions of pounds making hillsides and swamps into terraces that can be machine farmed?

>> No.17253374

The comparison is simple; you argued that veganism is a natural occuring phenomenon where market forces are driving multinational corporations to finally cater to it. I suggest that this isn't true, and that rather billions of dollars is being spent by multinational corporations and investment funds to create new markets of extra-processed food stuffs out of a blend of corporate greed and weird political ideologies which are rampant amongst the corporate leadership at the moment; manufactured consent is a real phenomenon, especially when actual vegetarian food does not require the processing or to be marketed as meat.

>> No.17253375

You retard. You've prove him right.

>> No.17253392

Its just shitty looking nuggets.
Who'd spend money on this.
It doesn't even look crispy.
At least the beyond burgers looked good.

>> No.17253393
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>We need to turn all of this into heavily controlled GMO monoculture cropland for industrial farming because ANIMALS ARE BAD.


>> No.17253459

Regenerative farming is a joke. They feed chickens with corn from normal farms (with fossil fertilizer) then let them shit all over the soil they raise a couple cows on which they sell overpriced meat from to idiots ... and hey presto "regenerative farming". Just ignore the fossil fertilizer inputs.

Microbes are perfectly capable of reducing all non usable plant matter back to nutrients. Animals are not needed except for their tasty flesh. This cope from carnies that animals are necessary for soil is a bigger sin of logic and common sense than anything they attribute to vegans.

I eat meat, but taking some moral high ground over it is fucking retarded. Soil is a substrate with inputs and outputs, that's it ... cows don't have some magical fusion plant in their gut creating new nutrients.

>> No.17253464

Are you saying the average person eats 10 cows per year?

>> No.17253483

The only time I ever hear or read anything related to veganism, it's from /ck/ bitching about vegans being loud special snowflakes. Funny how it is.

>> No.17253496

>extra-processed food stuffs
>especially when actual vegetarian food does not require the processing or to be marketed as meat.
personally i felt this was your best evidence illustrating your point. that's the only weird thing going on here. i dont believe its weird for corporations to be greedy. businesses exist to make money. i dont think you can fault them for that and you almost seem to suggest that businesses are usually morally driven philanthropic entities of some sort when everyone knows that isn't the case.

since veganism is in the minority i would agree that it probablynisn't immediate current market forces driving the catering at least for the time being. i imagine they're seeking a long-term payoff. we could agree that some sort of profit scheme based on future performance (or current? im uninformed of how well these plant based options fare in sales for companies) is responsible. again, just as companies are expected to behave.

>weird political ideologies which are rampant amongst the corporate leadership at the moment;
you lose me here. this at least smells of schizo.

>manufactured consent is a real phenomenon
and that may be at play here but i still dont see the problem. you've successfully assassinated the character of corporations in your pursuit of painting them the evil color of black (referring to the color of being profitable) but what is inherently bad about vegans being catered to again? or is your only point that nears validity is that companies are profit driven?

>> No.17253501

The amount of calories that supplies is irrelevant. That's going to swing the amount of land necessary for crops less than a percent.

On the other hand, you could stop taking the animals away from the land and shitting the nutrients stored in their flesh down the sewer. All rangeland is overgrazed and getting mineral poor ... it will all go to shit this century.

>> No.17253514

Whether the land used for cattle is suitable for growing crops is completely irrelavant because I'm not talking about whether such land could be used for growing crops but about the crops that are grown elsewhere to feed cattle and could feed more people directly than they feed indirectly (by being used to feed cattle).

>> No.17253525

The schizo believes that fast food CEOs are scheming to make you vegan or some shit like that, even if it costs them money.

>> No.17253538

Bugs are animals and therefore not vegan. Try again, retard.

>> No.17253563

No? I'm saying that all meat production, regardless of its scale, is wasteful.

>> No.17253658

kek vegan schizos always get btfo in these threads with empirical evidencd. Vegans always resort to emotion-driven rants and insults

>> No.17253666
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Crop production is also pretty wasteful. I mean most crops, the ones that get eaten, generally have a ton of waste products, and thats not even going into spoilage loss. The waste products like silage, husks, oil cakes, distillers mash, etc, are best suited for giving to livestock rather than putting it in a landfill. And then we take the manure and use that as fertilizer instead of relying on mining for artificial fertilizer.

Food production in general requires both plants and animals to be done at the highest level of efficiency with the least amount of waste.

>> No.17253875
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>> No.17253878
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>It really isn't about animals anymore
It was never about animals.
Like all pozzed shit, it was only ever about money.

>> No.17254032

But why promote such an unhealthy lifestyle?

>> No.17254246

I did today to try them out/as an experiment since I have an intelligent and inquisitive mind.
Tasted exactly like a mcnugget but more filling, more weighty and dense than a mcnug, and without all the nasty chunks and shit that keep appearing in the mcnuggs lately. I'd recommend trying them bro you might be surprised like I was. Literally could feed someone a mcnugg and then a beyond nugg right after and they wouldn't be able to tell the difference I bet.

>> No.17254274


>> No.17254389

>And then we take the manure and use that as fertilizer instead of relying on mining for artificial fertilizer.
What do you think happens to crop waste which isn't fed to animals?

Regardless of composting and animal manure, you will always need artificial fertilizer for intensive farming as long as all the nutrients we shit down the sewer are wasted. It's not a closed cycle.
Hell you even need artificial fertilizer it for range grazing (it's needed but not supplied, which is why range grazing is going to crash and burn slowly but surely).

>> No.17254461

you got a problem with the free market, commie?

>> No.17254543

These things are the literal definition of processed food, and they're doing it masquerading as a health product. Holy fuck.

>> No.17254727

Yielding to terrorist demands generally isn't a good idea, anon.

>> No.17254762

>It really isn't about animals anymore
Maybe it's better this way. This violent and ignorant opposition to vegetarian and veganism comes against compassion and care for the other and all that stuff. If corporations manage to decouple vegetarianism from it's ethics then maybe people will stop their whining and bitching about the coming bug food and tofu products.

>> No.17254796

Not achieved by consuming ultra processed nonsense like in OP's pic, surely
The point is that corpos are all jumping on the bandwagon to stroke their egos, not about the vegan message

>> No.17254850
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if anything, the free market makes shit more communist than having literally just 1 or 2 laws to stop this shit

>> No.17255469

who cares? let them lower demand for things i demand

>> No.17255481


I don't get brain dead threads like this. If its bait, its stupid, if its sincere - No corporation gives a single fuck about doing anything but making money. They will do what makes them money. All their messaging and stances are insincere and will always be the option that their data shows will make them the most money. Here adding new products may increase profits so why not have both meat and vegan shit so you get the most people? Done and dusted.

>> No.17256188

fpbp, people who are triggered by vegetarian/vegan food are literal manchildren.

>> No.17256338


>> No.17256363

I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, but If I was I wouldn't be buying anything from KFC. Here's your vegetarian nuggets that we definitely cooked in a seperate fryer.

>> No.17256379

>everything that I disagree with is bait

>> No.17256386
File: 126 KB, 550x662, B20592A2-EE29-4325-94CD-299305741714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big vegan propaganda
Holy fucking lol. Because big dairy and big beef have never produced propaganda at all. It’s all “da joos n veegins”. Zoomers are too young and naive to be allowed to have opinions.

For the record, I’m not a vegan, but you’re some kinda special if you think it’s just the vegan market pushing hard.

>> No.17257837


>> No.17257855

You know you can eat meat and vegetables like a normal person right?

>> No.17257956

The only way I'd ever order this is if it tasted identical or better to real chicken AND it was cheaper. Both things will never be true so I guess I won't have to worry about it.

>> No.17258007

Except they don't. You have people who literally own their companies and have sought nothing but profit get thrown out by hostile investors for not adhering to progressive poltical ideology despite the fact that no negative impact was seen on their profits or intake. The idea that the only thing corporations care about is money is ridiculously outdated. If this was the case, the huge sensitivity consultancy sector wouldn't be a thing, because no one would care what you did as long as money went up. Instead, you have to adhere to specific political and social paradigms in order to be part of these corporations. There are literal hedge funds that will actively try and fuck you over if you go against them ideologically even if there is no impact on profits. The big publishing houses are purging itself of authors and rejecting content that goes against their political beliefs, even when this actively damages them by shrinking their markets. We can go on and on and on, but the facts remain; corporations are not just about the money anymore. They already HAVE the money. It's about the imposition of ideology by managerial elites on those they see as their charges, both employees and customers in conjunction with activists, who they fund and governments, of which they are part of as a class, passing between both effortlessly.

>> No.17258025

>That last sentence
Tell that to the regenerative grazers who have been doing it for decades.

>> No.17258041

Tuesday is Soylent Green day.

>> No.17258062

For that attitude, I'm gonna eat / waste twice amount if meat now.

>> No.17258080

Yeah, yeah, we get it. Corporation owners are actually Marxists who want men to be vegan trannies and white genocide, yadda yadda. Now please take your medication and refrain from doing a mass shooting.

>> No.17258139

All that bullshit you came up with because you are a shittier person. I'm not a vegan but I'm not a manchild who thinks morally better actions that you are responsible for are meaningless. And I don't make up pseudophilosophical bullshit to cope with the fact. Kys you waste of space.

>> No.17259129

Why not eat fucking vegetables then? Why do you have to fake meat? This shit is the epitome of processed foods. It's not even vegan.

>> No.17259187

Why is everyone implying that vegans have to eat this kind of fast food garbage? There are healthy, natural, unprocessed vegan protein sources as well

>> No.17259196
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>> No.17259323


It's always the unhealthy stuff like Beyond or Impossible they are trying to pass off as healthy when they are thousand times worse than regular fast food


Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?

>> No.17259808

friendly reminder fake shit has been pushed more and more because we cant sustain the demand of human fatfuckery and shortages in supply chain

>> No.17260391


>> No.17260401

trannie mad

>> No.17260731



>> No.17260927

anyone old enough knows its about profit, shrinkflation, etc... These companies don't give a shit about your health or the environment. They can literally pivot their entire highest cost factor to something else. In 30-40 years they won't sell meat at all. Thats how this works.

>> No.17260989


>> No.17261054

This. I'm fine with eating vegetables on their own, why do people have to pretend it's meat?

>> No.17261170

It's not about animals it's about opening a market for vegans who want fast food by making cheap, artificial chemical junk. It's about the MONEY. They see it working and want in. Remember the chicken sandwich wars? Capitalism is dog eat dog, and cat and mouse.

>> No.17261186

>way too expensive though so i dont think vegans eat them on a regular basis.
Veganism is a rich people thing.

>> No.17261199

Regenerative farming is a fucking scam, the chickens eat corn from fossil fertilized farm. But there are no such chickens for rangeland, which is just slowly getting destroyed.

Cows do not have fusion plants in their stomachs. If you eat the cow and shit their nutrients down the sewer they are gone from the soil. Only carbon and nitrogen come from the air, everything else needs to come from the soil and replenished by erosion of rocks ... which isn't happening nearly fast enough for current levels of extraction.

>> No.17261219

bait is gonna bait

>> No.17261232

That's gay as fuck but fuck people with debilitating allergies like that

>> No.17261237

It's not 100% animal free though

>> No.17261248

always has been

>> No.17261265

I see it as being a fun gimmick, I eat meat but I have no problem with it
Growing up I was into the whole magic/trickery thing with food and having meat that tastes kind of like meat but isn't actually meat is fun for me

>> No.17261280

which only account for about 11% of the cradle to grave consumption that animals do
the rest we can't physically eat

>> No.17262480


>> No.17262491

Completely irrelevant considering that whether cows eat 10%, 30% or 70% of those crops, the issue at hand is that the land used to grow crops to feed cattle could be used to grow crops that will feed more people.

>> No.17262521

completely irrelevant considering how good cows taste

>> No.17262615
File: 218 KB, 1100x618, Hill_Farming_5625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how you're going to make this productive agricultural land that is going to be sustainable for the farmer doing it?

>> No.17262676


>> No.17262715

*India enters the conversation*

>> No.17262857

It's over, meatchuds.


>> No.17262860

why are the sheep dyed?

>> No.17262869

didn't realise looking like skelator and dying early were the only metrics that mattered...

Plus you know when they're vegan because they can't help but tell you!!!

>> No.17262890

why only twice, man up, start eating human as well :D

>> No.17262927

>didn't realise looking like skelator and dying early were the only metrics that mattered...
Vegans have lower rates of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and mortality. I do see why a sack of lard would think vegans are 'skeletors' though, it's a matter of perspective I guess.
>Plus you know when they're vegan because they can't help but tell you!!!
If unironically using this Facebook-boomer-tier quip weren't cringy enough on its own, there's a huge irony in saying this in a thread started by someone butthurt at vegans and the majority of posts being in it being of the same nature.

>> No.17262930

Only around 25% of Indians are habitually vegetarian, most of which are in the upper castes. Vegetarianism is seen as admirable but not mandatory in the eyes of most people. Typically only upper class people and religious ascetics are full-time vegetarians, while the average Indian might sometimes abstain from meat for religious holidays or such.
It's a very common cultural misconception, like saying Sikhs don't drink when many Punjabi Sikhs do drink.

>> No.17262964

Helps identify the flock and keep track of their breeding cycles. They'll leave a sack of dye dangling from a ram which rubs off whenever it mounts an ewe. In larger flocks, they'll even use specific colours to identify how frequently a particular ram is breeding.

>> No.17263018

That's really cool, thank you anon

>> No.17263047

We need something like this for humans

>> No.17263071
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>> No.17263077

oh no no no veganbros we got too cocky

>> No.17263098

Does it have bones?

>> No.17263100

Meh vegans will still gobble it up, you're not talking about the brightest bunch of folks. We are talking about people that live in a time when food has never been more plentiful and accessible in mankind's history, and instead they purposely choose malnourishment because they belong to a retarded death cult.

>> No.17263117

A death cult that has lower mortality rates than people outside it. Really makes you think.

>> No.17263157

I mentioned it in another thread, but it's basically Kentucky Fried Seitan+Soy Protein. The result isn't chicken, but I think people could appreciate it for what it is if they didn't fucking try to pretend it was chicken.

>> No.17263160

Wasn't this the origin of the two soy jaks pointing?

>> No.17263162

Someone should start a company that makes plant based bones to put the chicken on

>> No.17263171

KFC's beyond meat isn't vegan, it isn't even marketed as being vegetarian. It's covered in meat oils and juices from the disgusting deep fryers they have there. They even specify that it isn't vegan due to this. Don't let that stop your retarded culture war thread though.

>> No.17263176

>A death cult that has lower mortality rates than people outside it. Really makes you think.
Apparently not you. Everyone dies you retard.

>> No.17263179
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>> No.17263183

Just form it around a cornstalk or bamboo.

>> No.17263186



>> No.17263187

> feed more people
Maybe there are too many people.

>> No.17263190

Not the worst idea.

>> No.17263193

Is this a pun or you are actually this stupid?

>> No.17263212
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>> No.17263216

Maybe you should kys to help reduce overpopulation.

>> No.17263234

I heard that the mortality rate for vegans is 100%.

>> No.17263235

>corposhill fails a meme
Fuck, even Spanish KFC knows how this shit works.

>> No.17263236
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Nice try.

>> No.17263292


I think people in western and first world countries have latched onto Veganism as a way to seem like they are part of the upper class and elite. Same sort of people who buy cars, or go on holidays out of their price range to look better off financially when they can barely afford the lifestyle they want. They saw Veganism is as the new rich person trend thanks to social media so they want to monkey see; monkey do.

>> No.17263303

Would be perfectly fine just eating a veg soup or a aubergine curry.
Mimicking meat is nothing more than a conversion attempt
>We have this thing that looks like meat so you don't have to eat meat anymore, literally no reason.
That's all veganism is now, borderline religion trying to convert people

>> No.17263325
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>> No.17263337

>know you can still order regular fried chicken OP
For now, if fake meat become popular enough with the populace you can be sure there will be a puch to make real meat more and more expensive

>> No.17263365

What in his post say that the pro-vegan lobby is the only good related lobby I existence, you projecting retard?

>> No.17263376
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>reviewbrah is depressed

>> No.17263385

Most grass fields used to feed cattle couldn't be cultivated on, on top of that cattle eat maze leaves and other food byproducts that humans can't eat anyways

>> No.17263388

>It really isn't about animals anymore
It never was

>> No.17263851

>chickens eat corn from fossil fertilized corn
Yeah idk how we grew corn before the haber-bosch process. it's not like organic corn is a thing.

Also what do you think happens to human feces? Do you think it isn't processed?

>> No.17263871

They are already trying to do that. Look into the tax Joe "the kid fucker" Biden is trying to put on beef.

>> No.17263872

Yeah speaking of this classic meme Ive been confused. When they said they made beyond kfc I was like "didn't they already do this???" Do they just release it and repeal it and repeat the cycle hoping eventually it will catch on or what?

>> No.17263893

Water, Enriched Wheat Flour (Wheat Flour, Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Soy Protein, Enriched Bleached Wheat Flour (Bleached Wheat Flour, Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Expeller-Pressed Canola Oil, Wheat Gluten, Salt, Breadcrumbs (Wheat Flour, Distilled Vinegar, Sea Salt, Sodium Bicarbonate, Inactive Yeast, Spice Extractives), Natural Flavors, Contains 2% or Less: Yeast Extract, Garlic Powder, Potato Starch, Leavening (Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Aluminum Phosphate, Monocalcium Phosphate), Spices, Rice Flour, Salt, Pea Fiber, Citric Acid, Chili Pepper, Titanium Dioxide (for color), Spice Extractive, Onion Powder

It's not even a vegetable, it's the usual wheat/soy slop with some pea thrown in there.

>> No.17263909

Literal vegan velveeta.

>> No.17263921
File: 51 KB, 1106x237, queen of cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mama gail has chimed in on this and blessed us with a recipe.

>> No.17263925

But, it's got a green box!

>> No.17264024


>> No.17264069
File: 30 KB, 671x243, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, love your channel brah.

>> No.17264077

So what is the reasoning behind this whole "vegans don't care about animals, they are just virtue-signalling" meme? For all I know, you could argue the same thing about literally any altruistic cause in existence.
>People cooking for the homeless? Virtue-signalling
>Veterinarians? Virtue-signalling
>Helping the disabled? Virtue-signalling
I mean, not only you're arbitrarily assuming without any evidence that these people don't believe in their cause but you also arbitrarily apply this logic only to the vegan cause.

>> No.17264309

No one is advertising these as a health product. They're advertised as a meat alternative.

>> No.17264369

do you really think a corpo cares about the environment when they're not profiting from it.

>> No.17264380
File: 996 KB, 1155x781, chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17264409

This image is soul-crushingly unfunny. I'm really glad 4chan moved away from cringe Xillennial humor like this.

>> No.17264420
File: 67 KB, 500x817, Skeletor-Masters-Universe-cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking like skelator
who is fucking jacked, btw. If that's what vegans look like I'm gonna be vegan.

>> No.17264428

It was never about the animals.
Since the start, it's always been women trying to one-up each other, and men trying to fuck said women.

>> No.17264521

Shut the fuck up you pot smoking infantile faggot

>> No.17264544

heres a review

>> No.17264560

>those fat hands

>> No.17264582

C'mon, Fat.

>> No.17264624

>After reading some of the comments I do want to point out that being vegan has nothing to do with being healthy, people choose ,not to eat meat for either a physical reason, they dont like the taste of it, or for moral reasons...or who knows maybe other reasons but its not necessarily a healthier option than eating meat
lmao a literal obese person lecturing you on health

>> No.17264626

I don't even drink alcohol. I hope pot is made illegal again and all pot smoking faggots like you kill yourselves.

>> No.17264643

>durr the guy who called me a pothead is actually the one who smokes pot

Jesus, you're both unbelievably retarded. There's no possible that you said that without cringing afterwards, or do you seriously lack all self-awareness?

>> No.17264650

Holy shit, did you just virtue signal back to the guy insulting you? Lol holy fucking crap, that's fucking hilarious!

>> No.17264657

Why does weed make incels so angry?

>> No.17264665

Lmao, three potheads got triggered, and all within a few minutes of eachother. Can't make this stuff up.

>> No.17264673

So? Now that you've triggered us, are you happy? Are you happy that millions of people are in jail for doing something as harmless as smoking pot?

>> No.17264678

What's the white stuff?

>> No.17264682

Baby wanna bottle?

>> No.17264698

You can eat a vegan diet combining Asian, Italian and middle eastern meals that already exist you don't need this processed soy crap, you deserve as much respect as some guy who survives of dollar menu items from McDonald's

>> No.17264701 [DELETED] 

I would be more angry at you if I wasn't so high as fuck right now.

>> No.17264705


>> No.17264758

>Are you happy that millions of people are in jail for doing something as harmless as smoking pot?
Every one of you guys off the streets is a win in my book.

>> No.17264770

That's a muscular hand,,somehingI you unhealthy nalnourushed low T veganbcucks obviously lack

>> No.17264780

People from all walks of life (college students, professionals, sportsmen, etc) smoke weed. Your le icky scary junkie prejudice is ok if you are an 80-year-old religious nutjob or something but assuming you are in your 20's, it shows that you are socially retarded and never go out.

>> No.17264797

>because dairy and beef have lobbies, soybeans must not

u wot m8?

>> No.17264806

I hope all this was just one person, otherwise this is just kind of sad.

>> No.17264837

hey theres no sawdust and radiator fluid in it at least.

>> No.17264869

Fast food places always demo a new product at select locations before adding them to the standard menu. The recipe has probably been adjusted since whenever that was. And now it's available nation wide.

>> No.17264985

The round about way in which organic farming gets its fossil phosphorus and nitrogen inputs is a nice smoke and mirror game all in itself. Sewage sludge is frequently too polluted to use and forbidden in organic farming. Way back we used our own shit, then we just started destroying soil, then we started using peat/guano/etc and then we started using fossil fertiliser.

If regenerative farming was all about closing the loop using human shit I'd respect it, instead it's a scam.

>> No.17265143

lets be real, steak is not that great

>> No.17265175

underage and/or gay

>> No.17265225

>dude weed lmao
go back

>> No.17265324

>classic weed delusions

>> No.17265371

Your other videos disprove that but you are from Jersey so I guess it makes sense.
At least your beyond nuggie came out better than reviewbrahs.
Maybe you can send reviewbrah a new knife to make him feel better.

>> No.17265561

Wow gee I didn't know all farms worked exactly the same. I mean its not like humanure is ever spoken about in permaculture or regenerative ag.

>> No.17265784

>having an autistic fit over more options that you can simply ignore if you're not interested

>> No.17265787

Veganism is mostly virtue signaling. You know how you can tell if someone is vegan? They'll tell you. They'll typically carry themselves with a holier than thou attitude because they genuinely believe it is a moral righteousness to abstain from eating essential nutrients because it is the result of the death of another living organism. Spoiler alert, almost all food we consume comes from living organisms.

>> No.17265825

at the point now where /pol/ gets triggered by plants lmfao

>> No.17265826


>> No.17265970

i've seen enough sam & cat to know i don't want one of those chucked at my head

>> No.17265972

At least they made them right. Reviewbrah always gets really fucked up shit sometimes

>> No.17266016

maybe he's referring to wild fruit?

>> No.17266018

>3 gallons of butter
>32 sticks of butter
that's a big fuckin' cookie

>> No.17266024

>*96 sticks of butter

>> No.17266136

Lul. You think you're a clever bastard but you're really just a thin skinned cocksucking pot head that got triggered. Die mad faggot

>> No.17266140

Shut the fuck up pot nigger

>> No.17266141

Why are potheads so sensitive. Is this what pot does to people? I thought it just made you lazy.

>> No.17266154

Weed is supposed to make you more calm, so the ones that are responding to you probably had extra anger management problems to begin with.

>> No.17266157

>I thought it just made you lazy.
That's a myth. Pot sometimes makes people more paranoid/angry.

>> No.17266164
File: 121 KB, 1600x900, 33fa09444e97b928dec6494fc47a3150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still seething he's being called out for his faggotry
Well I did tell you to die mad so

>> No.17266167

>Are you happy that millions of people are in jail for doing something as harmless as smoking pot?

>> No.17266185
File: 30 KB, 640x480, EDVK4ftUcAsys6M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy when my girlfriend says she loves me.

>> No.17266238

You're a terrible person if innocent people going to jail makes you happy.

>> No.17266246

thread really was over at the first post

>> No.17266260


>knowingly and intentionally breaks the law
Tell me how well that holds up in court, bud.

>> No.17266269

How about I knowingly and intentionally break your face?

>> No.17266270

you're a terrible person if random people on the internet are a good exercise of your impeccable judgement, but if it makes you feel morally right and correct, then know that the thought of you being murdered for fun makes me happy :)

>> No.17266274

That sentence has attention deficit disorder.

>> No.17266292
File: 1.64 MB, 444x250, EvilCarefreeFireant-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't go to the link just reading the url was nuts

>> No.17266297
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooooon your side

>> No.17266348
File: 70 KB, 735x478, when-the-doctor-says-youre-in-cardiac-arrest-but-you-don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, we don't have exoskeletons and gain nutrients only obtainable from dark matter like scorpions benefit from eating living food
>youtubes petite asian chick muckbanging 10 live octopi
it's a tentacle thing, i swear

>> No.17266354

You can just not eat it, you know. You don't have to if you don't want to.

>> No.17266361

you should smoke more weed

>> No.17266363


>> No.17266418

How weak is this lanky faggot lmao can't even pull apart a nugget

>> No.17267603

Everyone has gotten so tired for Vegans now they are turning on themselves trying to one up each other who is the most Vegan. It's kind of hilarious.

>> No.17267608

Why? I graduated from high school already years ago.

>> No.17267650


I don't have evidence and I don't work at these restaurants, but I can guarantee you there are psychos out there that will request the cook to put their nuggets in the microwave instead so they don't get a microscopic amount of chicken juice on their beyond chicken.

>> No.17267767

why not kill you instead.

>> No.17268112

The posterboys of regenerative agriculture are all scam artist who hide their farm's indirect fossil fertilizer inputs and a nitwit who goes around spreading fantastic tales of soil magically accumulating organic matter from cows grazing on it without external fertilizer inputs.
Fertilizer is the secret to generating productive soil. Agriculture which recycles crop waste back into the soil, while adding more externally supplied fertilizer is the secret to regenerating soil.
Animals are tasty and you can put them inside that loop, but they are otherwise irrelevant. They are not a necessary component.
You yourself are proof that their scam misleads. You said regenerative farming proves range grazing works ... but range grazing has no external inputs, the animals are however an output. It's an open loop.

Range grazing is degenerative.

>> No.17268146

So you think veganic farming works despite the words and experiments of thousands of individuals who produce food on scales varying from large farm to backyard gardener, some of which are vegetarian or vegan, saying otherwise?

Do you grow anything or do you just fuck around on 4chan?

>> No.17268181

>50000 different ingredients, including various gums and binders (carragenaan, xanthan, etc.), exotic plants chosen for their qualities that will may fuck up the local ecosystem(they're extraneous) and may have to be grown on one continent just to be shipped to another continent on a fucking ship, seed oils, multiple chemical enhancers and flavors, preservatives and colors, etc...
>more environmentally friendly than a steak coming from a locally-raised cow fed grass
i do admit that the meat industry has its own skeletons in the closet, but at least i can choose.
are you going to create some Beyond Meat® in your fucking bathroom?

>> No.17268288

"I love you."

>> No.17268289

If you consider fossil fertilizer veganic then most existing agriculture is an easy proof. Only about 5% of farms even use manure ...

Of course veganic farming without external inputs is as much of a pipedream as regenerative farming. If they fail at it, it's only because they are more honest than regenerative farmers.

>> No.17268513

Dude do you even grow anything? You bitch and moan about how the system is fucked up because of our overreliance on a finite recourse that is quickly becoming more expensive to use with each passing year, but you do nothing but bitch. Regenerative agricultural methods may not be perfect atm but it's leaps and bounds better than conventional ag, and certainly in the right direction when this whole petroleum dependent system inevitably goes to shit. But you are just bitching and moaning and doing nothing.
You don't like petroleum based fertilizer? Go grow something then.

>> No.17268656

LMFAO rekt.

Stop eating their garbage. That is why you should be here. Switch to whole foods while you can. They are never going to give up trying to control what we all eat and telling us their profiteering on slop or slurries is totally noble.

>> No.17268664

The US could easily feed itself on what it exports. The corporation being attacked in this thread will spend limitless resources attacking us back. They aren't even human anymore, fuck them.

>> No.17268670

I have no problem with fossil fertilizer, I have a problem with magical thinking.

Range grazing is open loop, it's degenerative, not regenerative.

Regenerative agriculture uses foreign fertilizer inputs to regenerate soil, it's not magic fusion reactors inside cow stomachs.

TANSTAAFL, stop the magical thinking. Animals aren't necessary, they are just tasty.

>> No.17268706

>bitches about food memes
>"invests" all his weekly allowance and an extra tendy into nfts

we get it, it's a meme.
companies are doing it because they like profit. also free publicity. case in point: your post.

exactly the same as why there are so many shitcoins and why there are computer-generated images that look like garbage that "sell" for the price of a family home or two.
because people are retarded and they will spend money on memes.

>> No.17268777

If animals arent necessary for a healthy eco system, then how has this planet not degenerated into dust billions of years before humanity even started?

>> No.17268829

Did vegans break your brain? Are you so desperate to take a moral high ground that simple logic escapes you? Unnecessary != detrimental.

Nature worked before large grazers, it worked after large grazers ... animals are unnecessary, just tasty.

>> No.17268879


It's called an exploitative symbiotic relationship, both parties benefit in the end.

>> No.17268880

Most weed heads I know who smoke >1g per day show traits of addiction.
The more successfull smokers have better control. Less successful suffer from withdrawal symptoms, behavioural issues etc.
Good people, but their lives (externally) would be better without smoking as much and seeking proper help.

>> No.17268944

Because at best you are arguing with a single schizophrenic user of this site who uses all of the same phrases and has been doing so for years (ze bugs, Jews, population control, etc.). At worst you are arguing with a bot or industry shill doing his best to persuade you that the meat industry has your best interests at heart and not their profits (unlike those vegans).

>> No.17268998
File: 15 KB, 401x225, this is not actually food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone we can totally trust corporate food processors with our health. They have a track record of real success in our nation. Maybe you should stop being *insert ad hominem*.

Neoliberals are fucking CANCER. These shits have destroyed what little consumer protection existed in the United States. Fuck all of them. At least the neocons were honest about their evil bullshit. These fucks are ten times worse.

>> No.17269010

Ok commie cucks, let's hate on the people who invest millions or billions into making delicious high quality food and who provide jobs for people.

>> No.17269046

Because it's not about being good, it's about wasting resources in the most annoying ways possible.

>> No.17269092

Texture. High protein density. Sometimes while avoiding gluten and soy.