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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, 4F0266DA-FC50-475A-B9EE-9A64A57986AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17215394 No.17215394 [Reply] [Original]

This triggers /ck/.

>> No.17215401

I don't care.

>> No.17215404

I’m Mexican and I love making American tacos

>> No.17215407

I mean, at least you're trying to cook at home. That's a great start!

>> No.17215410
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, 724D3B79-2688-47A3-AA86-1A7DF5133496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, /ck/‘s greatest fear! A stainless steel pan!

>> No.17215412

I don't see any reason to be upset by your picture. Is cheese not supposed to go with meat and tortillas now?
Clarify the nature of your grievance.

>> No.17215426
File: 3.19 MB, 4032x3024, B2218D63-423F-4A6A-AAE4-10AC40E8F222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! Everything is going to stick!

>> No.17215475
File: 369 KB, 1280x958, D071EA76-A399-4893-BC77-68863F3D8CAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browning nicely

>> No.17215704

>shredded cheese
what the fuck is this
i thought people were joking about this existing
is this really a real thing?

>> No.17215936

Where the hell’s the finished product

>> No.17215972
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I hope you're putting them on a corn tortilla

>> No.17216513

Where's the lettuce?

>> No.17216524


>> No.17216542

>This triggers /ck
Idk about that but oc triggers jannies

>> No.17216549

I heard he got banned for posting oc

>> No.17216554

Pre shredded cheese is awful and full of powdery celluse to prevent sticking and caking

>> No.17216558

what the fuck are you talking about
you dont have a 10$ cheese grater?

>> No.17216563

Post some meals you've created

>> No.17216567

Nothing worse than trying to scrub cheese off a grater.

>> No.17216568

damn... he should have made a few kfc threads first to be safe

>> No.17216589

This doesn't trigger me at all. Rock on. I'm excited to see the final spread. Would eat/10

>> No.17216593

pre shredded cheese is not great but it's not horrible.

>> No.17216698
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Batty's only a 6

>> No.17216715
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It serves its porposise

>> No.17216722

don't talk shit about store brand mexican cheese

>> No.17216733

That stuff is great after hours, when things are closed and this is that. I say add some nacho sauce.

>> No.17216734
File: 3.69 MB, 4032x3024, 20190510_182553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some chili verde with rice and beans I made.

>> No.17216739

looks like diarrhea

>> No.17216743

kind of gross desu

>> No.17216754
File: 49 KB, 600x600, Herdez_Guacamole_Salsa-Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This herdez is good in a pinch.

>> No.17216773

What are you on about?
You're full of shit.

>> No.17216776

Seriously? I was looking forward to the tacos. I am disappoint.

>> No.17216781

That didn't happen. It likely either turned out like shit or he passed out.

>> No.17216782

It's comfy man. You're getting shat on by a bunch of people who don't even cook.

>> No.17216784

Don't be too disappointed, this is 4chan afterall.

>> No.17216789
File: 3.80 MB, 4032x3024, 43F88CA9-6222-40DB-813E-313274D1C068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I just got bored.

>> No.17216802

Apparently with a sloppa shit like that,

>> No.17216818
File: 3.55 MB, 4199x2973, 1620032080265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good

i made a breakfast burrito, it's got eggs, bacon, white cheddar and hasbrowns

>> No.17216832

Why season it if you're going leave in all the fucking fat the store adds to it? That looks absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.17216843

better have duncced that in hot sauce and sour cream

>> No.17216844

didn't have any sour cream, but you can bet there was plenty of hot sauce

>> No.17216846

i drain the fat after it's slow cooked in the seasoning for a while otherwise it will burn.

>> No.17216849

good lad

>> No.17216907

I used to make about ~50 of these for a month when my wife and I worked longer hours. I would get stoned on my day off and then watch old wrestling on my tablet in the kitchen and I'd make eggs, hashbrowns, sausage, bacon, potatoes o'brien, sometimes I'd use tater tots in place of the other potatoes, and then once everything was finished I'd make an assortment of burritos, wrap in parchment and foil, then I'd put them into freezer bags and then into the deep freezer. I keep a few in the fridge (only about 2 days) and with those I just wrap in a wet paper towel and microwave for like 45 seconds, then I brown two sides of it in a pan on the stove. the frozen ones I do the same thing except they get microwaved for about 2min.

>> No.17217035

Looks disgusting. Get your shit together. What's wrong withe you?

>> No.17217089
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I forgive the ingredients because you're watching Deep Space Nine

>> No.17217091
File: 714 KB, 1000x750, 1624594457971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.17217102

sounds like a great idea. how well do they keep?

>> No.17217111

We can keep the peace for some time.

>> No.17217134

Wander with me
Bonnie Beecher - Come wander with me

>> No.17217147

>how well do they keep?
very very well. like I said I'd make like 50 of them for the month for my wife and I, and by the end of a month you would have no idea they were frozen that long. some of them I've even had 2+ months in the deep freezer and they're still good then, but that is the longest I've kept them. I've even made ones with steak that held up just fine. they are best imo if left to thaw overnight, so for example on a sunday night I'll take 4 of them and put them into the fridge to have breakfast for monday and tuesday, then on tuesday night take out 4 more, etc. I did the math on them at some point and I don't remember exactly what they cost in the end to make, but it was probably something like .50c-$1 each at the most.

>> No.17217153

spoonhead cardy fuckface

>> No.17217186

I'll cardy face ya right here
David bowie-Sound and vision

>> No.17217541

God I hate how chili verde looks. Nice meal though, would make.

>> No.17217551

>tater tots in breakfast burritos
Fucking god tier shit right there.

>> No.17217610

I dont get it. Why do you have a tablet in your kitchen? Recipes?

>> No.17217616

for watching star trek whilst cooking dumbass

>> No.17217690

yeah it's pretty based. I stole the idea from sonic after I tried their breakfast burrito.

>> No.17217697

Pre shredded cheese is more expensive and actually less good, lol. I like old el paso tacos but shredding the cheese yourself will really make a difference and there's no reason not to it takes probably 40 seconds to grate and clean the grater lol

>> No.17217702

As soon as you're done grating run it under hot water. Now you'll not experience this you clown