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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17212824 No.17212824 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomer shit need not apply

>> No.17212826

deviled or pickled

>> No.17212828

>Best way
it literally depends on what sounds good at the time

>> No.17212830

Using hot rice

>> No.17212831

Fried so the whites are crispy and the yolk is runny

>> No.17212835
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>> No.17212843

soft boiled and scrambled reign supreme
poached but only if done right, miss me with your vinegar tasting amateur shit
if you gonna fry an egg it better not have any brown crispy edges because you might as well throw it out at that point

>> No.17212845

hard boiled and then eaten the next day from the fridge

>> No.17212846

I eat em raw, straight from the birds cloaca.

>> No.17212847

>no browning on whites
Why tho?

>> No.17212848
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>> No.17212868


>> No.17212871

scrambled lots of butter
or fried between cheese and bacon on a biscuit

>> No.17212873

>he eats transracial eggs

>> No.17212877

>he eats eggs that have yellow and white, thus making them transracial

>> No.17212881

>he doesn't segregate the whites and the yellows

>> No.17212900

Over medium

>> No.17212903

Fried with lard.

>> No.17212905

aurora borealis

>> No.17212930

Seething zoomer boil them you faggot

>> No.17212935

>Had wife do a taste test
>Made a bowl of scrambled eggs in the microwave
>Made another in a pan
>Told her the microwave one was the pan one and vice versa
>She says she can totally taste the difference and that the "pan" one was far superior

Should I just divorce her at this point??

>> No.17212955

she should divorce you for fucking with her

>> No.17212980

She didnt give a fuck about your test and wanted to make your autistic ass happy

>> No.17213075

Omelet hands down.

>> No.17213433
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>> No.17213448

I fry eggs industry style with the lid on, poach after straining the whites, steam steam in my rice cooker.

>> No.17213828

>boil water
>place eggs in for exactly 7 mins.
>place pot under cold tap for 5 mins.

>> No.17213904

No such thing. Eggs can be made so many different ways, each with their own unique appeal. They're also key ingredients in many other things, ie, mayo or cakes.

My personal favorite is fried eggs gently steamed so the whites are cooked with no crusty bits and the yolks are jammy and not quite fully set.

>> No.17213914

I don't know what a zoomer is or why you're using idiot reddit terms but I just use my wagner cast iron skillet that has an awesome patina on it. You might consider fucking off like the bitch you are.

>> No.17213919

>Do not flip
>Fry until bottom is golden brown and crisp
>Spoon hot oil on top of yolk a few times
>Serve on buttered toasted rye

>> No.17213935

Over easy is the only way

>> No.17213943

with heat

>> No.17213944

Scrambled or poached, salted and served on hot buttered toast

>> No.17213997

burned egg tastes like shit and any color on egg constitutes burning
the french are correct on this one

>> No.17214039


>> No.17214090

I like to fry mine, I put the lid on to steam the tops but you can leave it as is if you like a super runny yolk, I then serve it on some tomato sauce.

>> No.17214100
File: 87 KB, 1200x857, Bad-scrambled-eggs-compared-to-good-scrambled-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My aunt and I are the only ones in my family that likes eggs scrambled like the right, the rest of the family prefer the left.

>> No.17214138

Scrambled or over easy
Your family needs the death penalty

>> No.17214147

So that's what a fried egg is...
Most people think it's an over hard egg or scrambled

>> No.17214152

One of the best way to ruin an egg.

>> No.17214179

not a single wrong answer so far in this thread, good work fellas

>> No.17214199

I hate the left, but the right one could use just a little more time

>> No.17214215

>Fluffy white omelettes


>> No.17214234

omelettes are yellow, sir
definitely not browned though

>> No.17214398

Both are too extreme

>> No.17214481


>> No.17214507

I actually agree, but it was the best comparative image I found, if the left is 0 and the right is 100 I would want it at 80.

>> No.17214591


>> No.17214741

>he eats white and brown eggs at the same time

>> No.17214745

Aren't zoomers like 25 now

>> No.17214758

Fried egg is any egg that was fried in a pan as opposed to poached, etc. It could be over, sunny side up.

>> No.17215127
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Just eat them raw.

>> No.17215174

What the fuck would a zoomer egg be? What could someone a few years younger than us POSSIBLY do to an egg, to get you so ruffled?
Anyways, poached eggs are objectively the best. They taste the best, they're the healthiest, best texture, best to go with toast and hash browns, they're piss easy but still visually impressive, enough to make a girl think you know how to cook, and clean up is as simple as dumping out and rinsing the pot.

>> No.17215206
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Depends on what you're having with the egg but if it's just eggs on their own? Poached 100%, would happily devour an entire plate of these bastards.

>> No.17215304
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scrambled with spinach

>> No.17215308

Based spinach eater
I'm making a prime rib roast and having spinach as one of the sides

>> No.17215313

eggwhite "omelette"

>> No.17215336

Nigger, that's been a thing since before even the oldest millennials were even a twinkle in our daddy's eye. Just because you're a fat fuck, doesn't make it a zoomer thing.

>> No.17215385

Depends on what its for. Scrambled for omelet making is probably my favorite because of the innate versatility of omelets. Eggs alone though, I prefer fried over easy or medium depending on how much toast or hash browns I have to soak it with. If I'm just eating like bacon and eggs, usually fried them harder so there's less mess.

>> No.17215559
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Eggs Benedict

>> No.17215590

sunny side up, cook the bottom and put a little water in the pan and put on a lid, that way you get the white film over the yolk without flipping

>> No.17215606

Poached on toast with hot sauce or eggs benedict if I'm feeling decadent.

>> No.17215653

>stir table spoon of baking soda into pot of cold water
>add eggs to cold water
>bring water to boil
>remove from heat and cover
>let sit 5 minutes for soft boiled, 10 for hard
>remove eggs to ice bath

>> No.17215690

Scrambled, butter or bacon grease. Top with parsley flakes, salt to taste.

>> No.17215721

You know what I mean

>> No.17215759


>> No.17216020

>if you gonna fry an egg it better not have any brown crispy edges because you might as well throw it out at that point
Imagine being this wrong on the internet

>> No.17216387

Alright, hear me out. Either butter or bacon grease, then salt and pepper into the pan, then fry the eggs until they more or less hold a shape. Probably will take a minute and they should still be partially transparent at the end of this step. HOWEVER, this entire time you've had the sink running hot. You go over with the pan to put a little water in. Only a little, you don't want it creeping over the sides of the eggs too much. Then you put the pan back on the heat, season the eggs some if you haven't already, cover it, and wait until the yolks have clouded over. Call it cursed, but it's my favorite method. I hate the burned membrane that develops at the bottom of typical fried eggs and I also hate when eggs are unevenly cooked. This method prevents both of those from happening and leaves you with nice, soft, blemishless eggs.

Fuck off.

>> No.17216719


I profer low heat, eggs beat with a few oz of heavy cream per egg. Do the rapid method of whipping them on the heat to get them really fluffy for the scramble. As they start to set, add hand crumbled corn chips (crisps). When they're done (soft scrambled) add room temp salsa verde.

Eggs cooked like this:
but lower heat, because I'm usually cooking meat and bread or tortillas at the same time and need the heat lower so it doesn't get away from me while plating for the family.

>> No.17216795

you don't really need to run the sink, if you just dump in like an inch of room temp water it works the same

>> No.17217159

No, she wanted to make you happy so she did this retarded experiment so you could post about it on 4chan

>> No.17217237

fried with butter

>> No.17217276
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over easy please

>> No.17217901

right but 10-20 more seconds on the heat

>> No.17217917

Let them hatch. Then bread and fry the chicks.

>> No.17217981
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Over easy, runny yolks, in butter, suck my dick

>> No.17218003

In olive oil and or soft boiled :DDD

>> No.17218111

that's not how you conduct a proper experiment, there's a high probability that she told you that because of the placebo effect or because she couldn't taste any difference but she wanted to sound agreeable
at any rate you're a stupid idiot

>> No.17218249

I love crispy whites but not as big of a fan of the yolk.
Scrambled is my go to, been stirring less often lately so the curds are bigger, l feel it tastes better.

>> No.17218272

For breakfast I like my eggs
>over easy
>scrambled with lots of cheese and some cream in the scramble
>fried hard in an egg sandwich with bacon and lots of ketchup on honey wheat toast

For lunch or dinner
>fried hard on a BLT
>over easy on a burger

Eggs should never ever ever be served just hard boiled. That's gross and revolting.

>> No.17218284

runny over easy because I overload my egg pan too much to do the thing where you spoon hot butter over the top of the egg to cook the whites

>> No.17218501

extremely based

>> No.17218513


>> No.17218767


>> No.17218776

poached eggs swimming in Worcester sauce on buttered toast, 3 eggs 2 slices, yolks at a thick yet still runny consistency, salt and pepper.
You should try it, might change your mind about vinegar and eggs

>> No.17218782

You must be terrible at pan cooking

>> No.17218783

A teflon plan

>> No.17218789

These are good but whatever they are with the smoked salmon is better

>> No.17218830

And soak up that runny yolk with a slice of toasted sourdough. Heaven

>> No.17219577

Just boiled some eggs after reading this thread, ended up with the yolks slightly creamy at the center. Turned out better than expected.
Lately been putting fried eggs on toast, and occasionally throwing one on some instant ramen.
That's what's great about them, there's no best way to cook them and if you get tired of them one way, you can switch to another.

>> No.17219613

Splash a tiny bit of water in the pan and cover until the yolk has a layer of cooked white on it.