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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17173335 No.17173335 [Reply] [Original]

I’m sorry, but they’re disgusting

>> No.17173339


>> No.17173343

Theyre okay. I like white potatoes a bit more personally

>> No.17173359

>I’m sorry, but they’re disgusting
They're fine. Try them without the added sugar and spices, and just go salt/pepper and butter. Also roast them, not steamed. There's a nice natural caramelizing inside the skin when they are baked or roasted in chunks.

>> No.17173369


Those are yams not sweet potato

>> No.17173371

Whats the difference?

>> No.17173373

still disgusting

>> No.17173418

Yank detected

>> No.17173467 [DELETED] 

>wrap it in aluminum foil
>throw over charcoals
>add butter, salt and pepper
>serve with sausages cooked over charcoals

>> No.17173472

>wrap it in aluminum foil
>throw over charcoals
>when cooked, add butter, salt and pepper
>serve with sausages cooked over charcoals

>> No.17173473

They're almost as low as gem squash on my list of favourite veg. Have you tried the ones with purple skin and white flesh? They're even worse than the type in your pic. For me the most palatable way of cooking them is to grate them and make veg fritters, and that's quite a lot of effort.

>> No.17173481

>wrap it in aluminum foil
>throw over charcoals
>when cooked, add butter, salt and pepper
>cram it up your ass

>> No.17173487


>> No.17173494

fuck parsnips too

>> No.17173496

I’m sorry I doubted Big Yam’s ability to brainwash people into liking these

>> No.17173498

Kek, tastelets really are one of a kind

>> No.17173534

>tastelets really are one of a kind
no they run rampant and are mostly found on whisky and beer threads spouting off about imaginary flavors in booze.

>> No.17173582

those are sweet potatoes.

>> No.17174577

Uhh so apparently the ones with purple skins and white flesh are yams.
Oh wait, this changes nothing

>> No.17175053

>they’re disgusting
I feel the same about them. The taste and the texture are just weird. My brother once had a sweet potato dessert dish with raisins and he swears it was one of the greatest thing he had ever eaten, but he ate at friends of his and he didnt get the recipe.

>> No.17175187

It's true that sweet potatoes are gross. White is right yet again

>> No.17175208

I hate /polck/ posters

>> No.17175214

my grandma eats these things like its fucking nothing. literally just throws them in the oven and then eats them

>> No.17175215


You're not supposed to eat them, dummy. As the tapered end clearly indicates, they are designed for cramming.

>> No.17175223

Potatoe<span class="fortune" style="color:#11ec7f">

Your fortune: Your heart is two sizes too small.[/spoiler]

>> No.17175224

All vegetables are disgusting. I have to consume them in smoothies to get my nutrients.

>> No.17175236

lol board warrior

>> No.17175237

I like to steam them, then peel and slice, and cook in some oil or butter until they start caramelizing. Tastes pretty good. Try just using salt and cinnamon or clove on them. They're already pretty sweet and the preparations that use more sugary stuff end up being too much like a dessert.

>> No.17175298

OP, try Japanese sweet potatoes instead.

More mild, but still delectably sweet flavor. Throw in butter, salt and pepper with a small serving of shredded cheese and you're looking at a good time.

>> No.17175303
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How do I use these?

>> No.17175307
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whats the difference

>> No.17175332


they are the same

how do i use them

>> No.17175333

>son wrinkles nose at sweet potatoes for years
>no biggie, cook him idahoes instead
>sorry bud, ran out of regular ol potatoes
>takes a bite, "wtf these are good!"
>he thought sweet potatoes were like sweet tea, just the regular kind with a buttload of sugar added

>> No.17175461

sweet potatoes are not yams
yams are a different tropical vining tuber species
calling sweet potatoes yams is misnaming via generic terms
I grow true yams (dioscorea)

>> No.17175476
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>I’m sorry, but they’re disgusting

>> No.17175489

shut up tuber nerd

>> No.17175507

What's the difference?

>> No.17175582


those pictured are already cooked and thus good to eat directly out of the can, hot or cold.

if you wanted you could probably use them in some sort of casserole.

>> No.17175600

Based grandma I do the same. I like mine with salt and nothing else

>> No.17175619

you can fry them as french fries but you are too white and not ready to have this conversation

>> No.17175747

>put canned thing in casserole

t-thanks grandma

>> No.17175786


>> No.17175808

I haven't eaten one in years but that's how I did it as a kid. Although you had to foil them and/or put a tray under them because they'd sometimes leak caramelized sugar syrup in the oven

Just like "I'll eat this in an hour and half, time to warm up my family's oven from cold for a single 15 cent sweet potato"... it was pretty stupid now that I consider it

>> No.17175827

My girlfriend says you don't know shit and she doesn't care what you think.

>> No.17175834

tell her I said she has a pancake ass

>> No.17175846

She loled. She's also boiling yams right now for dinner tomorrow.

>> No.17176023

Weird, tried them for the first time a short while ago and I was absolutely blown away by how secretly great they were this whole time. I just ate them cut up and baked, nothing else added

>> No.17176031

sweet potato fries are tolerable, just vastly inferior to regular fries.

>> No.17176240


>> No.17176792
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>> No.17176814

Purple ones better<span class="fortune" style="color:#aad001">

Your fortune: You're on the naughty list![/spoiler]

>> No.17176818
File: 444 KB, 1638x2048, q1QY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17176843

That's like expecting /ck/ to know most "cantaloupes" aren't real cantaloupes at all, as they're all Cucumis Melo var . Reticulatus, and not Cucumis Melo var. Cantalupensis like the French heirloom melons

>> No.17176847

> literally just throws them in the oven and then eats them
Unironically the only good way to eat sweet potato. Wash/scrub the skin well to get rid of any grime, wrap in foil, stick in oven.
Add a tiny bit of salt when ready, and eat. Anything more complex is just a waste of time. Also, I tend to eat them as a dessert meal.

>> No.17176860

Based japanese sweet potato variant.

>> No.17176969
File: 59 KB, 500x333, yams-sweet-potatoes-is-there-a-difference-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because sweet potatoes are better. Your posted image is a yam. Get a sweet potato instead. They are sweet and good.

>> No.17176971
File: 2.62 MB, 2378x1230, Screenshot 2021-12-25 6.13.03 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple sweet potatoes are not sweet, but they are the healthiest. Yumskies.

>> No.17177062
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No need for foil as well as they have a thick skin. Just roast the fuck outta them and munch them while they're still hot. Only better way is to roast over fire or coal like these barrel things on the road in China.

>> No.17177123


I like to do a 50/50 russet/yam mix hashbrowns

>> No.17177260
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>> No.17177267
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>> No.17177279

I'm sorry, but you're a faggot.

>> No.17177286
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>> No.17177290
File: 447 KB, 1536x2048, cQS3V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17177318

Sorry for what?

>> No.17177322

I want candied sweet potatoes in ohio,usa.

>> No.17177335

for being right

>> No.17177387

Apologizing for being right? Must be a white person thing I don't get it

>> No.17177772

The mealy texture and nauseating sweetness filters me and I'm not by any means a picky eater.
weeb detected

>> No.17179154

I just do them like fries