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17168873 No.17168873 [Reply] [Original]

Is Veganism just s social status thing for dumb middle class trust fund kids, why would anyone get enjoyment from this lifestyle?

>> No.17168877

I don't really care what other people do unless it directly affects me.

>> No.17168884

you're just spreading their lifestyle by whining about them

>> No.17168885
File: 149 KB, 600x1092, MeatfagsBTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17168909

It's practically a religion.
>Your life revolves around it
>Actively bring it up at the slightest notice
>Try to convert other people to it
>Refer to it as a belief
>Even if it's hurting you ignore the problems.

>> No.17168924

You don't get enjoyment. It's just the responsible thing to do.

>> No.17168927

I've been eating plant based for 5 years and I enjoy it. Before that I was a reckless alcoholic who mostly ate instant noodles and I felt like I wanted a change of lifestyle. I once got scolded by a vegan because I told her I do it for health reasons and not because I like animals (fuck animals). You'd be surprised how much in-fighting there are in these circles because of arrogant assholes who always tries to one up each other.

>> No.17168929

well shunning ovo-vegetarians is based because eggs are definitely meat. but elitism among vegan diets is cringe autism.

>> No.17168960
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But don't you see young padawan, you derive enjoyment from the feeling that you're being responsible (and let's be honest, telling people about it and talking about how it's the only moral choice, and feeling better than the great unwashed)

also, cowe

>> No.17168985

if you listen carefully only the vegans that are politically left are that type of crowd that behaves immaturely, and fanatically. They treat food how they treat politics, and they're the number 1 buyers of those imitation meat vegan junk foods that aren't healthy. usually the vegans that are more conservative are happy to just roast up some yummy veg in the oven and just enjoy eating it.

>> No.17168987

they get enjoyment by feeling righteous and above the rest of the world with their cultist shit.

>> No.17169002

vegan here. I don't want anyone to change their diet, but it would be nice if cows lived a nice happy life and then when killed, if it was quickly and painless. It's just sad because they live in really bad conditions and then most of the time their death is slow and painful because the methods used are not always effective. It's not pretty but at least if most or all of the suffering was avoided if at all possible, the world would be just a little bit different. that's all I ask for people to consider.

>> No.17169003

no. gb2/pol/

>> No.17169020

I think you are upset because I told the truth.

>> No.17169028

>lmao u mad doe, white? yeh u mad
you are cancer.

>> No.17169036

Vegan here, they do it because it's a philosophically correct position, and yes, all vegans do think they're better than you. Wouldn't you? Imagine living in a society where everyone beats their kids and you're the only one who doesn't. Even the vegans who say they don't care what you eat think you're a weak-willed retard and laugh at you behind your back.

>> No.17169057

ketolard here
I jerk off to tranny porn

>> No.17169083

>alcohol and instand noodles
You were already eating plant based

>> No.17169085

>Vegan here, they do it because it's a philosophically correct position, and yes, all vegans do think they're better than you. Wouldn't you? Imagine living in a society where everyone beats their kids and you're the only one who doesn't. Even the vegans who say they don't care what you eat think you're a weak-willed retard and laugh at you behind your back.

100% sure this is not a real vegan, it's just too troll b8

>lmao u mad doe, white? yeh u mad
>you are cancer.

>> No.17169090

>eating animals is bad because....it just IS, OKAY?!

>> No.17169098

you're in every vegan thread autistically spouting your left/right political profiling propaganda. even if you're not the same person it's cancerous behavior.

>> No.17169101

I wish niggers weren't so violent.

>> No.17169161

>you're in every vegan thread autistically spouting your left/right political profiling propaganda. even if you're not the same person it's cancerous behavior.
I just think it's biased how the left is allowed to spew 900 billion metric giga shit tons of propaganda and lies all day every day while also pretending that they own veganism when they don't, but the moment that someone points how that hypocrisy and says "hey actually some of us vegans are not like those other ones" suddenly, that's not okay with you. I find that to be incredibly disingenuous and unfair, so I'll tell you what, you keep doing whatever it is you do, and I will keep doing what I do. eating vegetables and telling the truth, even if you don't want me to. alright? okay have a good one.

>> No.17169167

What are you on about, retard? Most mentions of veganism here are posts lile yours derailing threads by sperging out.

>> No.17169175

Look, a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle has been a core tenant of many religions and philosophical schools since around 500 BCE so that should come as no surprise.
The word here should be ideology not religion.

>> No.17169180

Unfertilized eggs?

>> No.17169187

Pigs and chickens have it pretty fucking bad but cows actually get treated ok a lot of the time, they're only confined in feedlots shortly before slaughter and prior to that are allowed to graze normally

>> No.17169188

I've never seen vegans actually going out of their way to tell others they're vegans. What I do see very often are people who feel guilty about their habits but don't want to give up on them so they cope by resorting to spouting the same old tired bullshit claims such as vegans being rich, vegans being unhealthy, vegans pushing their lifestyle, etc.

>> No.17169192

The problem is humans don’t live nice happy lives. We have to change the whole world not just our diets. Most humans are trapped in cars commuting long distances, trapped in factories, trapped in prisons, and they are treated very inhumanely. Once we solve the problems with the way we treat people, more people will open their eyes to the problems of how we treat animals.

>> No.17169230
File: 111 KB, 805x851, 110011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a secular religion
>DUDE LIKE, there is no such thing as objective morality, but like, we GOTTA STOP eating the animals because like, it's CRUEL 'n stuff, and like, we gotta SAVE THE PLANET BRO, anyone who isn't a VEGAN is OBJECTIVELY EVIL

>> No.17169245

I tried it for health reasons years ago. I did it for three years (vegan, no salt, no wheat, no oil, no soy). It was brutal and I about lost my mind. I seem to need meat to stay sane. I do intermittent fasting keto, now, and it has been helping my autoimmune bullshit a lot more than the vegan crap did.

>> No.17169252

The universe is hostile, and doesn't give a shit about your feels.

>> No.17169259


>> No.17169277

but there are people who exist in the universe that do care

>> No.17169298

But they are apart of the universe. So this should be taken as merely a tact so that you let down your guard, until they have proven otherwise.

>> No.17169389

>I do intermittent fasting keto, now, and it has been helping my autoimmune bullshit a lot more than the vegan crap did.
i found that just fasting helps more than any particular diet with that stuff. although on a vegan diet i end up craving protein more often and not feeling fully satisfied with what i've eaten.

>> No.17169421

So you're saying since I eat meat I should beat up kids too.... I'm thinking this guy is kind of based. What else should I do since I eat meat?

>> No.17169442

Yes, the truth is that we all need to stop distracting ourselves, and learn to listen to our bodies telling us what it needs.

>> No.17169475

>Pigs and chickens have it pretty fucking bad but cows actually get treated ok a lot of the time, they're only confined in feedlots shortly before slaughter and prior to that are allowed to graze normally

>he hasn't seen the documentaries
and you shouldn't if you want to avoid depression

>> No.17169489

You are unbelievably based. My brother went vegan but not for health reasons. He actually thinks he’s helping to save the planet by not eating meat.

>> No.17169502

you can actually go visit irl farms, you know that right?

>> No.17169518

>The problem is humans don’t live nice happy lives. We have to change the whole world not just our diets. Most humans are trapped in cars commuting long distances, trapped in factories, trapped in prisons, and they are treated very inhumanely. Once we solve the problems with the way we treat people, more people will open their eyes to the problems of how we treat animals.

very true, but I have come to realize that shit is fucked, and that's putting it lightly. there's always some good people, and a shitload of bad people, and nothing ever gets better in a permanent and measurable noticeable way. all of human history is a giant downward spiral and the only thing we have to show for it is some technology that is horribly misused and wasted in it's potential, and often used against good people by the evil ones and we're still miserable. The ONLY thing getting us out of this sugarcoated hell we're all stuck living in is GOD, which is above and beyond all religions and ideologies. every day I wait for GOD while chewing on my vegetables. I just wait patiently, no joke. just waiting for GOD to finally show up and take us good ones up rapture vacuum style so we can finally be happy and safe forever in heaven with GOD. the people that made this world hell can have the world and eat their rotten cake they baked for themselves. they grew it, they poo it.

I'm just so tired frens. so so tired. I wake up and ask why, like why God, did you make this hell world? I try to sleep and my mind fills with the horrors of the memories of life, mistakes, regrets, and lost potential, of despair for humanity. tasty vegan recipes are one of the few things I look forward to. Sometimes I just don't even know why I post anything.

but keep on chugging bros, we're gonna make it. God is gonna come save us one day, and the bad guys wont believe it. kek

>> No.17169525

>you can actually go visit irl farms, you know that right?
oh because the ones where the cows suffer don't exist right gotcha

>> No.17169531

So... are all lions going to hell?

>> No.17169538

They do exist, but you can always go visit ones where the cows dont suffer and then buy the beef from them instead of taking a blind leap of faith in a supermarket.

It's like, there are bad dog breeders, but good ones exist too so maybe like meet your dog breeder and make sure they breed dogs properly. Or like you know some babysitters/nannies are abusive so maybe interview them and make sure they aren't psychopaths before having them alive with your kid.

>> No.17169565

>DUDE LIKE, there is no such thing as objective morality, but like, we GOTTA STOP eating the animals because like, it's CRUEL 'n stuff, and like, we gotta SAVE THE PLANET BRO, anyone who isn't a VEGAN is OBJECTIVELY EVIL

if you replace every word about animals or veganism with political subjects, it becomes instantly clear that this is the argument style of the leftist perspective. it's soy for a good reason and it is not a coincidence. the left wants to pretend it owns veganism, and then it wants to ruin its image because they want to turn everyone else off from anything even remotely healthy or vegetable related so they can further the anarcho--globalist-communist-satanist dystopian agenda.

they will eat cream filled cookies and drink soda and call it vegan, they don't give a damn if it's healthy or not. it's about making veganism permanently unattractive by mixing it with leftist politics and behavior to push everyone away from veganism forever.

this is why they worry people will make the distinction between politically left vegans and plant BASED conservatives, because it lets veganism remain attractive and survive as a concept.

>> No.17169570


>> No.17169579

>So... are all lions going to hell?
very funny, but I didn't say all vegans or non vegans are automatically going one way or the other. I said good people. and yes I know there are non-vegans that are good people. I'm not one of those people who instantly think anyone non-vegan is evil. The world is complicated as hell, because it is hell.

>> No.17169591

>They do exist, but you can always go visit ones where the cows dont suffer and then buy the beef from them instead of taking a blind leap of faith in a supermarket.
That is true, and part of me kind of wishes that was the only option, so as to remove any and all doubt and possibility of suffering from the process.

>> No.17169598

>Look, a vegan or vegetarian
Lies from another rotted brain vegan. NOT ONE, NOT A SINGLE religion or philosophical school has VEGANISM as a main tenet. Vegetarianism, maybe can be argued for. Definitely not veganism tho. Just goes to show you how pozzed vegan brains (or lack of) are.

>> No.17169600

you only need me to take your blue pills, because I'm already taking the red pills.

>> No.17169607

>Lies from another rotted brain vegan. NOT ONE, NOT A SINGLE religion or philosophical school has VEGANISM as a main tenet. Vegetarianism, maybe can be argued for. Definitely not veganism tho. Just goes to show you how pozzed vegan brains (or lack of) are.
not them but I vaguely remember hearing mentions of different monk like monasteries in the past having been completely vegan, sadly I can't remember what they were called, however stupid that makes me look. I also remember hearing about these dudes that only ate yogurt too.

>> No.17169619

>not them but I vaguely remember hearing mentions of different monk like monasteries in the past having been completely vegan, sadly I can't remember what they were called, however stupid that makes me look. I also remember hearing about these dudes that only ate yogurt too.
>cult retards
>somehow a legitamate religoun or school of philosophy.
Yeah bro, gnostics and PEGans drank semen for nourishment. Whats your point?

>> No.17169640

It wasn't a cult it was some ancient monk monastery or something eating vegan food a long time ago

>Whats your point?
different things exist

>> No.17169645

>It wasn't a cult it was some ancient monk monastery
No it wasn't. It was a cult, faggot. Just like how veganism is and always has been filled with cult followers.

>> No.17169665

>No it wasn't. It was a cult, faggot. Just like how veganism is and always has been filled with cult followers.


>> No.17169686

Vegans have a higher IQ than you. This has been actually researched unlike your shitty attempt at banter.

>> No.17169715


>> No.17169769

>v-vegan here but I don't mind what you guys are doing

Shut the fuck up you spineless faggot. The only reason omnikeks and meatcucks continue to exist is because they have poor self control and could literally not imagine a world without Big Macs.

>> No.17169819

>Le God will save you
Like clockwork

>> No.17169847

hear me say this - not one of those who were invited shall attend

>> No.17169891


>Vegan Civil War

I feel like this legit could be hilarious. I think everyone has grown numb to their bullshit so they've found excuse to turn on each other

>> No.17169902

>Is Veganism just s social status thing for dumb middle class trust fund kids, why would anyone get enjoyment from this lifestyle?
Upper middle class white kids love feeling superior to other countries... the whole condescending shit about eating meat is bad & all us brown people destroying the environment. Fuck you. Not everyone is wealthy enough to care about luxuries when alot of us can barely afford meals due to massive inflation... party caused by you white people.

>> No.17169977

taking the red pill means transitioning, dumb faggot

>> No.17170008

Why does abstaining from eating animal products brings so many raging posters out of the woodwork? It's like they are personally offended because one does not want to eat meat.

>> No.17170018

>the whole condescending shit about eating meat is bad & all us brown people destroying the environment.
What vegan says anything about brown people destroying the environment?

>> No.17170070

I mean all you can really do is educate people on how/where to source high quality meat. Most people are more open to that than vegans making a public fool out of themselves trying to shock people into not eating meat because it -GASP- is from dead animals.

Idk its also kind of retarded to expect perfection from a beautifully imperfect world. There's nothing wrong with livestock serving their purpose.

>> No.17170096

meat chad here. I havent eaten a big mac since the 90s.

>> No.17170217

>shows no proof
>throws a conniption fit instead
typical malnourished vegan response

>Vegans have a higher IQ than you
>no proof
>trust (((muh science)))
Vegans have IQ of a turd out in summer heat. I doubt you fags could even research who's cock you got stuffed with last night, faggot.

>> No.17170226

No one is personally offending if you want to be a malnourished soy goblin. We're just tired of your fucking evangelists pushing your shit cult down our throats. We won't eat ze bugs, We won't eat ze fake meat. We will continue to kill and eat ze animals.

>> No.17170393

If I were you, I'd be more concerned with having my schizophrenia medication than having a steak to trigger the libs.

>> No.17170401

I do believe in an objective morality. That's why I'm vegan: to not violate the NAP. I'm "right" in America.

>> No.17170413

Just seems like an unnatural thing, only people who are mentally unstable gravitate towards a vegan diet. I immediately lose respect of anyone who is vegan.

>> No.17170455

The absolute mental gymnastics in this thread. Just save my time and say "I don't care about killing animals"

>> No.17170535

>soy goblin
Funny you should say this considering that vegans have higher test levels btw

>> No.17170560
File: 71 KB, 672x670, mr skeletal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your vegan cult leader that cherry picks all these studies for you. The epitome of masculinity and health, Dr. Michael Greger M.D. He's 47 in this picture btw.

>> No.17170565

Wait till you see the absolute majority of omnivores.

>> No.17170570

im not even vegan but losing your respect is a net gain in my eyes.

>> No.17170576

>those smegol hands

>> No.17170579

it is when they're complete fatasses regardless, but veganism does have its benefits
but i dont agree with the "save the animals" meme
monks are proof of this

>> No.17170580

You don't really understand what meat is do you

>> No.17170581

He probably does feel guilty but doesn't want to change his habits, which is why he gets so defensive at people not eating meat and tries to rationalize his lifestyle by sperging out like that.

>> No.17170583

how do you drink now (if at all) compared to then and what about your tastes

>> No.17170586

>social status
i've only ever been harassed and attacked for it

>dumb middle class trust fund kids
veganism is cheaper than eating meat

>why would anyone get enjoyment from this lifestyle?
i never have to hurt animals, it's excellent

>> No.17170591

Who the fuck cares about killing animals you dumb faggot

>> No.17170592

i live in kansas and every cow i've seen has been raised on a farm, the only things you're probably seeing is at the end of their lives when they're taken to a butchering facility

>> No.17170594
File: 86 KB, 660x400, pest control to protect vegan crops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17170595

I've never hurt an animal in my life, what kind of third worlder has to hurt an animal to buy a steak?

>> No.17170620

>veganism is cheaper
Stop fooling yourself. Vegans have to eat enormous amounts of plants every day.

>i never have to hurt animals
Ever heard of crop deaths? You passively kill hundreds of animals every year while in that same time a meat eater could live off the meat of a single cow that was grass-fed.

>> No.17170667

Seriously, I can see why a vegan would feel superior when you retards bring up the same shitty talking points that have been debunked for fucking ages.

>> No.17170680


>> No.17170739

Other than the beef , pork , poultry , seafood , eggs and cheese I eat I’m 100% vegan and I’m pretty insufferable so I can understand you being irritated by vegans .

>> No.17170876

nigger-tier nonsense

>> No.17171393

Its more like "YOU CAN JUST EAT RICE BEANS AND POTATOES" and while yeah thats cheap it also is completely nutritionally void. You can supplement with produce but that will also add up depending on where you live and the time of year, then of course there are other deficiencies that can only be fixed with supplements so that also adds to your bill, and then of course you might also get fucking sick of eating rice and beans with produce and supplements so you will buy some vegan animal product surrogates and that is more expensive than the real deal. It just all adds up.

>> No.17173241

bitch please. I eat fake meat, real meat, bugs, salads, literally whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.17173276

i love you anon :3

>> No.17173278

Exactly what's the difference to other meme diets like keto?

>> No.17173287

bold of you to admit you love a tranny on 4chan

>> No.17173295

Keto wont cause nutritional defficiency and malnouroshment without supplements but vegan will

>> No.17173299

> middle class
> trust fund

>> No.17173303

That's a great position to take, unfortunately telling the bullies that won't make them stop picking on you

>> No.17173315

>$1M trust fund
>$40k annual salary job
yeah, that's pretty solidly middle class

>> No.17173316

By trying to point out the flaw in his argument, you've actually undercut your own position.

>> No.17173322

>part of me kind of wishes that was the only option, so as to remove any and all doubt and possibility of suffering from the process.
you wish you were a child and all decisions were made for you?
Adulthood means grappling with the shitty parts of life and figuring out how to deal with them, not just stomping your feet and demanding that other people fix things for you.

>> No.17173326

Oh wait you're serious
let me laugh even harder

>> No.17173329

>laughs voraciously
>fractures an anemic rib
you okay anon you look a little unwell..?

>> No.17173366

rent free

>> No.17173918

It's easy to be vegan, just be depressed and not eat anything. Bumping this thread because janny deleted mine over it

>> No.17174169


This is why I don't like Vegans much. They put on this very fake, and transparent, and pretentious act how they are this deep individual for being depressed for feeling the suffering of animals, when their whole facade is a complete fraud just so they can brag and give this image to themselves they are on the same level as Jesus Christ. Vegetarians I have no issue with. They aren't as preachy, and some of them I've met have been pretty chill.

>> No.17174268


>> No.17174272

veganism is just another mental illness, you're deluding yourself into believing you're a good person while simultaneously harming your health while claiming it's healthy

>> No.17174273

This is how faggots are created. Then they start pushing for children to learn how to use dildos at school. Same with vegans, they push anti-meat goyfeed the government wants you to eat.

>> No.17174276

keto a meme diet, eh? well you do you then lol

>> No.17174280

It affects their children growth.
It has been shown to prevent them from reaching their full height potential and weaken their muscle and bone structure.

Literally child abuse

>> No.17174327
File: 40 KB, 641x527, pol-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why the west has fallen, kek

>> No.17174377

I've been vegetarian for years and only bring it up when people explicitly ask. I don't care about how many tendies you eat or your opinion on what other people should eat. >>17168873
Why are you faggots so obsessed with this shit? What does it matter to you?

>> No.17174378


it will eventually affect you, they will advocate against you

>> No.17174416


mental disorders should be called out for what they are

>> No.17174505

Veganism doesn't inherently make you a good person but it definitely reduces animal suffering and pollution. You already know this and it makes you feel feel guilty but you don't want to quit stuffing your face with meat, therefore you try to rationalize your lifestyle empty angry phrases.
As for health, vegans have lower rates of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

>> No.17174516

>reduces animal suffering an pollution
Wrong, it just makes u feel better about yourself. In order to reduce animal suffering and pollution you need to actually put in some effort, not buy x instead of y<span class="fortune" style="color:#aad001">

Your fortune: You're on the naughty list![/spoiler]

>> No.17174519

No, that's your straw man.

>> No.17174526

eating vegan makes my skin look better and i generally feel better. now, i'll never refuse a meal with meat or dairy if i'm served it, and i'll even go out of my way to try out local dishes / interesting foods that aren't vegan. but yeah, just feel better when i'm not eating dairy and meat all the time

>> No.17174582

What I said is empirically verifiable. Not my problem if my diet makes you feel guilty but you're too gluttonous to change it.

>> No.17174594

>definitely reduces animal suffering and pollution
not even close
>vegans have lower rates of heart disease, diabetes and cancer
there's no evidence to support this, your industry propaganda isn't medical science

>> No.17174601

Oh shut the fuck up and eat your bland christmas paste while you delude yourself into thinking you are doing anything.<span class="fortune" style="color:#11ec7f">

Your fortune: Your heart is two sizes too small.[/spoiler]

>> No.17174616

I've reduced the amounts of meat I consume, when I was exercising I was eating like 3 to 4 kilos of meat per week, absolutely disgusting now that I think of it, especially the aftermath in the toilet, felt sick.

Now I eat meat once in 2 months, depends who's cooking for me, but I don't cook meat anymore. I watched how a pig for examples comes to my cuisine and I felt shit.

I love cheese tho, a smoked cheese from a village in my country, so technically I'm not vegan nor vegetarian.

>> No.17174625

My aunt became allergic to a lot of animal products for some reason, so she had to go vegan
It annoyed the piss out of her for the first year
(Remember: It could happen to yooooooou)

>> No.17174628

The fuck's a McPlant?
Is that their impossible burger?

>> No.17174643

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.17174646

>obey the youtuber selected montage, FUCK reality, we must be the SAINTS and they are SATAN
Every fucking time, this shit is little white urbanites sexual fetish, they never saw a farm in their existense and will refuse any encounter even for free.

>> No.17174687

After this many points telling us how we allegedly think we're better people, I'm starting to think it's true after all.

>> No.17174689

Project more, please

>> No.17174694

are you spamming a "middle ground" logical fallacy? you're constantly trying to debase your vegan opponents (who live in your head rent-free) by permissing behavior that compromises towards your belief system. you go like: "well you get a pass if you're conservative" or "vegetarianism is based so just compromise and be vegetarian lol" to provide these compromises as an easy option to put the argument to rest hoping that your opponents have run out of breath but its just the slippery slope to you gaining ground in changing something sacred: someone else's diet.

i have news buddy: evangelism from meat-eaters is just as cringe as That Vegan Teacher. you are just as bad as your enemies if not worse because you seem manipulative.

>> No.17174696

Project what? I'm not the one sperging out because facts are too spicy and they remind me my gluttony is harmful for the Earth.

>> No.17174709


>> No.17174722

faggots existed before you
try again retard
probably wont affect me in my lifetime

Cheer up, schizos. It's the holidays! :)

>> No.17174740


opinions aren't facts, sperg more

>> No.17174743

The amount of crops needed to feed cattle and number of animals being killed are not up for discussion.

>> No.17174764

neither is the superior nutritional value of animal products

>> No.17174777

Vegans are confirmed as fags, but what middle class kids have trust funds?

>> No.17174783

<span class="fortune" style="color:#01d0aa">

Your fortune: You're on the Elf Watchlist.[/spoiler]

>> No.17174806


your soybean fields kill way more animals, displace way more wildlife, cause more pollution and harm the environment with increasing need of pesticides to control the fucked pest dominated ecosystems they create, you're out of your league buddy, go pretend to be the crusader for good all you like but you are in fact only pretending, try not spill your soy latte on your keyboard, it would be a shame for the factory slaves who built it

>> No.17174840
File: 1.92 MB, 1200x800, WE COULD FEED THIS STUFF TO PEOPLE GUYS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of crops BY weight feed livestock. Thats because in order to produce ethanol and vegetable oil only 20 percent of the crop by weight is actually used.

You dont wanna discuss is because its your worst nightmare to not be correct and you have acted like an obnoxious asshole and lost countless friends and family for literally nothing.<span class="fortune" style="color:#01aad0">

Your fortune: You got an extra thick slice of fruitcake.[/spoiler]

>> No.17175040

You're an idiotic subhuman. No vegan says no animal is killed when growing crops, it just so happens to be a way smaller number than is killed for the meat industry. Not only the number of animals killed for cattle feed is larger than the number killed for direct vegetable consumption but the difference is even larger when you include the cattle itself.

>> No.17175063

Even taking ghose percentages into account, the amount of crops that need to be grown in order to feed a cow can still feed more people directly than the number of people that cow will eventually feed so you're still wrong, you obese subhuman.

>> No.17175102

>80% of crops BY weight feed livestock.

>> No.17175105

Meat is murder y'all

>> No.17175110

Seriously, what makes people rage so much about someone not eating animal products, to the point of making up imaginary vegans that feel superior, lying about the environmental impact of meat production and basically throw hissy fits?

>> No.17175142
File: 97 KB, 850x600, global-meat-production.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>definitely reduces animal pollution and suffering
>does nothing
im sorry but eating meat is just bad, because ughh it just is, nevermind the practices of the industry, its your fault and you as an individual are to blame just the same as for plastic pollution, so in fact you should just stop going to the shops because uggh you just should ok? plastic and meat is bad and its your fault ughh, because it just is ok?

>> No.17175154

>tfw you can't argue agaisnt the fact that abstaining from eating animal products is benefitial for the environment so you do a 180 and basically brag about how much meat people eat
4d chess right here

>> No.17175170

this was my first post in this thread and its not bragging about the fact people eat a fuck ton of meat, its about your justification for not eating it being completely hopeless and does absolutely nothing in terms of reducing pollution or animal suffering.

>> No.17175300

When soy/canola/cottonseed/palm/coconut/olive oil or ethanol is made, it produces a shitload of waste product. For example, to get a 1/4 cup of sunflower seed oil, you need 5 lbs of sunflower seeds. So thats at LEAST 80 percent of shit that didn't end up in the oil. It's completely inedible to humans and is only good for livestock feed. Its an amusing irony, that vegans will buy the impossible burger and still support cheap consolidated livestock ag.
Just listen to the how canola oil is made and hear how many times they talk about a byproduct of the production going to feed livestock.

First off, I'm 112 lbs. Second, read what i said above.

>> No.17175328


>> No.17175359

It doesn't matter. The amount of crops you need to plant in order to feed a cow is still larger than the amount of crops you need to plant in order to directly feed the same number of people a number of people a cow would feed. Also vegans don't subsist off canola, you dumb cunt.

>> No.17175420

You really don't NEED to plant anything to feed a cow. The incredible thing about ruminants is that they can literally just eat grass. But yeah, vegans don't just eat canola, but they love to eat crops that have a shitload of byproduct. Even just eating flour or fuck even whole wheat berries produces a shitload of chaff thats completely inedible to humans. Any sort of seed oil, any sort of alchohol, any sort of processed food or processed ingredient, its got a buttload of byproduct. We don't put all this effort and time to just feed cows, if it was actually financially inefficient we would have never adopted animal husbandry some 10,000 years ago.

Not to mention it clearly shows how little you actually know about agriculture if you can grow human grade crops everywhere we can grow cattle grade crops (like grass)

Oh and also, world hunger isn't caused because the cows are eating all our food, its happening because our distribution is completely fucked up. With our current production we can comfortably feed every single man woman and child 3000 calories per day. And yet some people are starving. Its not a production issue, it's a distribution issue. There hasn't been a major famine caused by environmental factors since industrialization.

Like I said, this is just for you to feel better about yourself. Nothing more.<span class="fortune" style="color:#01aad0">

Your fortune: You got an extra thick slice of fruitcake.[/spoiler]

>> No.17175424
File: 78 KB, 263x192, 3BBC2C3A-931E-4B71-8D94-6DAC90E4FB04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet girl thats perfect in nearly every way
>funny, cute, interesting, same hobbies etc.
>but shes a hardcore vegan
>basically cant eat at 90% of restaurants
>food i can cook for her is also severely limited


>> No.17175463

she's training you well. good boy.

>> No.17175517

you do know mcdonalds fries are seasoned with beef. As in deffinitely not vegan right?

>> No.17175540

it's for single women who don't care about having children and adjacent men of similar status
unless you were living in a tropical environment but even then not sure how you get around certain things unless you have fish at least

>> No.17175566

If anything the poor in this country need LESS access to food. Buncha fatties.

>> No.17175569

Haven't been for years, which is why they're shit now compared to how they once were.

>> No.17175673

plant-based subsidies would be awesome, as it is the only plant crop subsidies that exist go towards producing cattle feed, pretty stupid. no wonder we have an obesity epidemic

>> No.17175689

im poor and no. im average BMI. your spreading a distorted reality to further your agenda. food is really expensive and it sucks. it just keeps going up.

>> No.17175695

Usually caused by a guilty conscience. They know there's a merit to a vegan lifestyle, but they're too ashamed of their dependence on meat to openly state it, so they make it an Us vs. Them situation to feel superior about not changing.

>> No.17175806

Actually if anything vegan nutjobs kind of helped inspire me to raise and slaughter my own livestock to see if I would feel guilty

I didn't.

>> No.17175821

t. Ethan Crumbley

>> No.17176037

Yes, because killing an animal so I can have a closer relationship with my food is exactly the same as shooting random kids in a high school because I wanna be an edgelord.

>> No.17176069
File: 254 KB, 1125x524, AB90A528-B583-46D8-AD91-B19FD41C638B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. They’re not superior to anyone and I encourage their own self-destruction. They’re retards that take media talking points at face value, so eating cattle for them would be cannibalism.

>> No.17177325

Anti-vegans are 100% more insufferable and evangelical than vegans are and don't even have a hint of a moral high-ground to preach from. You even had to make up some shit about bugs as if vegans wouldn't be opposed to eating those too.
I wish more people on both ends of this argument wouldn't get butthurt by the idea that you can just cut down on meat instead of cutting it out entirely or eating tons of it for every meal.
So ag companies are pushing soy into our diets so that they have byproduct to feed to livestock? Great.

>> No.17177327

he abused animals prior to shooting the school up anon

>> No.17177353
File: 252 KB, 1080x982, Screenshot_20211225-071316_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a pajeet? cause if not, you're wrong.

>> No.17177381

They still use beef seasoning in the continental US but not in most other countries.

>> No.17177428

"seasoning" maybe but they used to fry them in beef fat (tallow) which is supposedly why they tasted better than the industrial slop they fry them in now

>> No.17177634

your mother has higher test levels than your dirty ass.

>> No.17177663

The main reason they are pushing soy is because like all the other cash crops, its heavily subsidized. A big reason probably has to do with how a giant cash crop harvest can be used for many things, including being a very high protein feed for livestock. I mean, I'm a fan of these massive monocultures of cash crops as much as the next guy, but industrial civilization, and at it's core, all modern civilization was built upon the fields of cash crops, especially grains and legumes. The harvesting and processing of which produces a ton of waste product which would build up if we didn't have livestock to turn said waste into additional food.

I didn't know killing an animal for food was the same as torturing animals and bringing dismembered baby bird heads to school. I mean, Adam Lanza was a vegan, why not say all vegans are literally him?
The comparison is retarded and so are you. Merry Christmas.

>> No.17177709

so it's your fault huh

>> No.17178114

idk but I just had Foie Gras

>> No.17178148

>literally a middle-school-tier comeback
You're a pathetic subhuman.

>> No.17178161

not everyone lives for enjoyment anon

>> No.17178291

low test reply, point proven snowflake.

>> No.17178383

I'm a dumb middle class trust fund kid and I eat almost nothing but meat and eggs

>> No.17178388

Like abortion?