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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 251 KB, 600x600, Dukes32_F_1024x1024_18e207d3-e9dc-4bd6-8cf0-96c0617f24d1_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17165965 No.17165965 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's Duke's Mayo

>> No.17165972

shoot like i’m duke but i could play for duke’s

>> No.17165978

Are you going to the Duke’s Mayo Bowl anon? :)

>> No.17165989
File: 34 KB, 500x500, state fair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a State Fair kind of gal.

>> No.17166003

Nah I've never been to a cfb game

>> No.17166068

tried it, hellmann's mayonnaise is still better

>> No.17166132

Isn’t Duke’s just Kewpie for faggots?

>> No.17166135

just a thought...if I added msg to this, do y'all think it'll taste like Kewpie?

>> No.17166138

Dogs do love mayonnaise so this post checks out

>> No.17166186

Not even ironically trying to high-road here; but, I would never consider 'buying' mayo ever again since learning how to make it at home. Literally 4 ingredients: egg, oil, an acid of sorts, and salt.

And, once you have the basic technique down, you can start experimenting with flavors to your own heart's content.

Why fight and squabble over brands of mayo when you can just make a brandless-yet-unique mayo of your own.

>> No.17166190

how about you post some of your creations or shut the fuck up

>> No.17166239
File: 3.32 MB, 4000x3000, 20211220_192616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An adversely aggressive reaction, but warranted.

I'm not home at the moment, and I hadn't thought homemade mayo was worth taking pictures of, desu.

But, if you're eager for pictures of my creations:

Here's some fresh pasta I made 2 nights ago. Flour and eggs, kneaded by hand and then machine-rolled thin. Cut with the tool. Made a cauliflower/cashew "alfredo" sauce for the dairy-sensitive wife. Some cajun-y sausage and chicken, to boot.

>> No.17166244
File: 3.39 MB, 4000x3000, 20211220_193645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The finished product. Not the prettiest, but purdy güd

>> No.17166245

same for me

>> No.17166259

>Not even ironically trying to high-road here; but, I would never consider 'buying' mayo ever again since learning how to make it at home.
you should have spent that time taking a community college English course

>> No.17166264

Does your wife know that you are gay? Has your sexuality been an issue?

>> No.17166300
File: 39 KB, 612x612, 8A5BC68D-4A70-4E2C-A1E7-511A41418EE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s Ken’s extra heavy Mayo

>> No.17166385

No, yes.

Those answers are not given in the same order as the questions.

>> No.17166390


>> No.17166397

mayo, pickles, hfcs, the tastes of america and its poverty afflicted underbelly

>> No.17166399

Last bottle of Dukes I bought, somehow tasted stale. It was like the odor of the warehouse it sat in permeated the jar. I had to go back to Hellman's because I couldnt stand the taste of Dukes after that.

>> No.17166407

It's grammatically correct. Not sure what you mean.

>> No.17166415

why don't you hurry the fuck up back and show pics of your homemade mayo, nerd.
>you brought this upon yourself, gayboy

>> No.17166431

I'm not that guy, pal.

>> No.17166437

His english is fine. You domt even capitalize or punctuate.

>> No.17166448

I don't know that
hurry the fuck up, get home, and post your mayo creations

>> No.17166476

>An adversely aggressive reaction, but warranted.
My biggest fear is that I sound like this to other people. I think I know how to speak well, but what if I'm just too stupid to know better?

>> No.17166484

Appreciate a random, nameless person sticking up for my diction.

Heading back from the store now. Making some Korean tteokbokki for the family on Saturday, and needed some ingredients.

Do... do you really want pictures of an unlabeled mason jar, half-full of mayo? Not sure what kind of 'creations' you refer to, friend.

>> No.17166505

That post's poster here, since there was some confusion earlier, it seems.

Dunno why I choose to type like that. Just trying to reply with something different.

Sadly, despite my efforts and even posting actual personally-made food, the thread still derailed into name-calling and insults. Stay golden, \ck\

>> No.17166531

Where you from brutha? You write like you were taught english as a second language. Not insulting you at all. Most americans dont use semicolons on message boards.

>> No.17166534
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So close.

>> No.17166539

Duke's is my favorite mayo, if you've got good tomatoes you can make a damn fine BLT.

>> No.17166544

shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.17166549

Central Indiana.

English is 1st language, tho. I think I can blame semicolon usage on reading a lot of Stephen King in my youth. Man sure did like fusing together clauses with them, correctly or otherwise.

>> No.17166550

Phonepost with bad eyes and big thumbs. Should I kill myself?

>> No.17166565

I ain't your friend, buddy. And yes...I'm dead serious...

>> No.17166571

Im central Iowa. Despite what coastals will lead you to believe, we have the best test scores. Must be that awful lack of diversity.

>> No.17166573 [DELETED] 


>> No.17166582

Nah, you're off the hook.

>still gonna get the thumb, doncha worry

>> No.17166585

Okie dokie, fair enough.

Halfway home, and I'll throw in a timestamp as well, for good measure.

>> No.17166594

thank you

>> No.17166611

It's still Indiana. Had a graduating class of 63 people. 4 classmates had died in various accidents during my high school years. Prom colors were fucking Duct Tape and Safety Cone Orange. We didn't have school shootings, only angry parents who tried to threaten the principle with a crossbow for kicking their Bubba off the football team due to poor grades....

Please, writing somewhat decently is essentially all I have left.

Please... writing

>> No.17166626

Shoutout to my phone for some kind of weird accidental copy/pasting at the end. ggwp

>> No.17166632

I thought you sounded pretentious because you made some mistakes people often make when they put trying to sound smart above communicating clearly. I can see now you were just trying your best to make a good post. I was wrong and I'm sorry.

>> No.17166672

All good! I can admit to being guilty of that sometimes. It's a cooking/food board -- I should leave the hoity-toity fancy speak to the folks in /lit/

>> No.17166680

I aint apologizing for shit, guy. I need photos, photos of those unmarked mason jars of homemade mayo, and if I'm feeling peckish...maybe the ingredients

>> No.17166691

85 in my class. Some winners, some losers. Ive traveled quite a bit and Im glad I grew up this way. Only 1 black family and the dad was an accountant. Got to be a football "star", would have been a joke at a big school. Anyway...later bro.

>> No.17166698

Thanks for the pics of your store-bought pasta! Now, can you show us your homemade mayonnaise?

>> No.17166821

>extra heavy
what do they mean by this?

>> No.17166840

Come on, let's see that jar of mayo

>> No.17167462

Duke's is the best. Fuck nigger Hellman's and faggot Miracle Whip.

>> No.17167485
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>> No.17167498
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>not a single mention of Blueplate
>mogs them all

>> No.17167514
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posted right before i
Anyways, I was a fan of hellmans,still am, but if you like hellmans, you will like blueplate even better and that ain't no shit my niggas.

>> No.17167556 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1000x1000, 7516F812-5066-40D6-8AEF-90F78724C2E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Kielecki

>> No.17167560

based, blue plate is the GOAT mayo

>> No.17167568
File: 821 KB, 850x763, best_mustards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed anon, blueplate is a more intense hellmans, it taste like hellmans but stronger.

>> No.17167813

I gave up mayo when I realized how bad seed oils are and any with non awful oils would be a long distance away

>> No.17167885

>ITT a snobbish faggot said they can make better mayo than store bought mayo, then promised to post said mason jar of mayo

>> No.17168665

Bumping for jars

>> No.17168748
File: 3.44 MB, 1440x2547, Screenshot_20211223-132638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but I also make my own mayo. It's pretty easy and tastes better than store bought.

>> No.17168915


Snobbish Mayo guy here.

Last night kind of fell apart. Came home to find that one of our dogs had decided to rip apart a portion of wrapped presents and destroy a few gifts within.

Needless to say, after beating the tar out of the Grinch Dog™ and having The Wife™ yell at me for a while, I didn't really feel like taking pictures.

However, I did inspect the mayo this morning and it's done the one thing that homemade mayo tends to do after a week or so. It kind of de-mulsifies? un-mulsifies? There's no chemical binders in it like store-bought, so it falls back to a thick liquid state, instead of stiff peaks that can hold weight.

On my lunch break today, I'll just whip up another jar and post those pictures, satisfying these snarky doubters.

>> No.17168917

you can make it at home with whatever oil you want in 5 minutes

>> No.17168957
File: 139 KB, 1200x1200, Heinz-Mayonnaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best store bought mayo

>> No.17168964

>spelling colors and flavors with a u
opinion discarded

>> No.17169119

This still makes me laugh, a day later
>mishapen pasta
>flour and eggs visible
>pasta roller in plain view
>floury handprint on pasta cutter
>flour everywhere, desu

>still gets trolled by other Anon claiming it to be store-bought

>> No.17169209

Barring homemade, McCormick is better, IMO. It's practically the only thing McCormick makes that's even halfway edible and it really is quite good, actually. Srsly, best storebought mayonnaise.

>> No.17169319

I've been eating Hellman's my entire life, Duke's is better than that salty crap

>> No.17169359

maybe try not eating it straight and put it on a sandwich like a normal slob and it wouldn't taste so salty

>> No.17169361
File: 136 KB, 536x599, 1421 - annoyed chef chef_hat glasses hat soyjak stubble variant_classic_soyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ugh, you guys actually buy things from other people? Everything I own is HOME MADE. I cut my own grain. Raise my own cows. Hell, even my own chickens. My PC? I mined my own aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gallium, gold, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, palladium, platinum, selenium, silver, and zinc.
It only takes one of you faggots to ruin a good thread. If you're such a good chef why not open your own restaurant

>> No.17169366

I lick the mayo off the knife when I'm done spreading it

>> No.17169375

Patiently wondered to myself how long until a wojack-poster wandered in here.
Never once did I applaud homemade as being b e t t e r than store-bought.

I enjoy making things by hand. It's not like I'm boycotting big-box stores -- I still have to buy my ingredients. It's fun, keeps my brain active, and is a creative outlet for me, to make stuff by hand. Deepest apologies that everything in your kitchen has a nutrition label or factory address.

>> No.17169377
File: 58 KB, 620x675, 1639920709194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Patiently wondered to myself how long until a wojack-poster wandered in here.
>Never once did I applaud homemade as being b e t t e r than store-bought.
>I enjoy making things by hand. It's not like I'm boycotting big-box stores -- I still have to buy my ingredients. It's fun, keeps my brain active, and is a creative outlet for me, to make stuff by hand. Deepest apologies that everything in your kitchen has a nutrition label or factory address.

>> No.17169379

I’m sorry everyone

I literally prefer miracle whip

>> No.17169388

i do that with sour cream

>> No.17169391
File: 44 KB, 256x271, 1639961909673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Patiently wondered to myself how long until a wojack-poster wandered in here.
>Never once did I applaud homemade as being b e t t e r than store-bought.
>I enjoy making things by hand. It's not like I'm boycotting big-box stores -- I still have to buy my ingredients. It's fun, keeps my brain active, and is a creative outlet for me, to make stuff by hand. Deepest apologies that everything in your kitchen has a nutrition label or factory address.

>> No.17169487

>I should leave the hoity-toity fancy speak to the folks in /lit/
You should keep trying. Just like in cooking early attempts will be embarrassing. But the only way to get good is by persevering. That's the price of admission for all crafts. Ganbatte mayo-san.

Do you feel any happier after posting that?

>> No.17169510

>Giving John Kerry your money.......

>> No.17169530

why do you have a tire patch roller in your kitchen?

>> No.17169577
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>> No.17169585
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The long-coveted pic of the existing batch. Kinda separated, a little runny. No worries. We can liven it up and incorporate into the new batch ( like Tootsie-Rolls )

>> No.17169597
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-- 1 whole roomtemp egg
-- 1/2 tbs white vinegar
- 1/2 tbs lemon juice

Into the mixer, and turn on medium speed, to get everything broken up.

>> No.17169599

show that stupid fucking paper to your wife and take a video of her reacting to seeing it. and of course make another video of her serving you divorce papers after.

>> No.17169612
File: 3.11 MB, 4000x3000, 4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-- 1c Oil of choice
Went 60% veg oil, and 40% evoo

Mixer on high. Add one tsp of oil to mixer at a time, waiting 10-ish seconds between additions. The key is to go verrrry slow, with adding the oil

>> No.17169622
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Various seasonings, completely optional.

Main component is at least 1 tsp of salt, and about 2/3 tbs of ground mustard.

Other cast members include ground thyme, white&black pepper, garlic, parsley, and paprika. Less than a 1/4 tsp of each, give or take.

I dash those in between teaspoons of oil

>> No.17169626

i feel like most people won't get this joke, but it's damn true

>> No.17169628
File: 3.02 MB, 4000x3000, 6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you come near the end of the oil, it'll start the thicken nicely. Crank the mixer up to max speed.

>> No.17169638
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And done. Somewhat stiff peaks. Should be able to cling to an upside spoon and not fall

>> No.17169643
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A humble product.

Toss in a sealed jar. Good for 2-3 weeks in the fridge.

>> No.17169659
File: 3.57 MB, 4000x3000, et tu brot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy on anything that you'd put, well, mayo onto.

Fabulous on bread as a quick snack. Had some extra left over in the mixer.

Bread is also made by me.
>inb4 butthurt bread people

>> No.17169671

Hey retard learn how to properly rotate. Jesus Christ.

>> No.17169675

Not sure what happened.
Pictures are in correct orientation on the cpu before posting. Emailing gook m00t now and complaining!

>> No.17169680
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>> No.17169682

it tastes better when you can actually taste mayonnaise as an individual sauce flavor, like in a fresh tomato sandwich
but as an ingredient in something like devilled eggs it just adds a stray funk flavor

>> No.17169706
File: 102 KB, 763x440, probably.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17169757

holy fuck what a retard

>> No.17169760

yeah, better to stay in a marriage with someone that would recoil in horror if she knew how you really were. my mistake

>> No.17169810


A touch confused where the aggression is coming from.
>get asked to show mayo jar
>ups the ante and just makes whole new batch
>rare occurrence of actual recipe-execution and not just mindless ridicule and screaming like most threads
>ridicule and screaming anyway

Goddamn, I love this board ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.17169849

i thought the stupid paper was cute

>> No.17169879

But >>17169209 advocated for buying McCormick, you silly goose.

You do you, boo. Just don't make me a sandwich or salad with that stuff and we're golden.

I forgot Heinz existed. That's the second best store-bought mayonnaise in the US, after McCormick, of course.

>> No.17169882 [DELETED] 

For me, McCormick Mayo

>> No.17169884

While tomato sandwiches are God's own sandwich, your opinion missed the mark on deviled eggs.

>> No.17170242

you pulled through. my hero

>> No.17170258

Absolute beta mayonnaise available. Sir Kensington’s is over rated and tastes like sunflower oil. I wish dukes were more available everywhere

>> No.17171229
File: 280 KB, 600x600, primal-kitchen-mayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in piece my wallet but this stuff is so goddamn good

>> No.17171320
File: 210 KB, 512x512, 1D6D94D3-3B85-4405-8309-C8F924B15767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put McCormick mayonnaise on my corn on the cob

>> No.17171397

fucks wrong wit you? that's what butter is for

>> No.17171418

>not eating mayonnaise with chili powder on roasted corn
think before you type, dumbass mcfuckface

>> No.17171441

You do butter, mayo, parmesan, then cayenne

>> No.17171448
File: 17 KB, 372x372, 8157EE83-F10A-4F79-ADB9-C68CBD358BEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me personally, it’s Mexican table cream

>> No.17171455

Yeah, so does everyone.

Have you tried the "Mexican street corn" flavoured Cheetos? I got a bag at some point over the summer. They should've just been honest and called it "mayo flavoured" cuz that's all that was there. No corn-taste at all, nor cheese nor chili.

>> No.17171457


>> No.17171471

Most of the guys with carts are just using parmesan. Cotija has worse coverage and sticks less. You can also just keep the parm out instead of having to find a way to fridge it while walking around the neighborhood

>> No.17171550

9, you drown it in butter and salt. end of story

>> No.17171587

you live a sheltered existence, anon.

>> No.17171603

Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.17171804
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But i switch out shells every time i grow

>> No.17171836

not gonna lie, that's a clever come back

>> No.17171858

Give me the specifics on making real mayo, Im disgusted by the #1 ingredient oil mayos on the market. It feels impossible to buy premade real mayo

>> No.17171904

you can use straight olive oil but honestly it doesn't exactly taste right and if you try to sub out with avocado oil the molecules are to small and the mayo will most likely break which it just a waist of like $4 in ingredients

>> No.17171922

Homemade mayo will still have oil as the #1 ingredient, tho. Also, it's not a great idea to make at home unless you consume very, very large amounts of it at a time.
All the same, food processer. Yolks in. Prepared mustard in. Acid of some sort, like lemon juice or vinegar in. Wizz. Little oil. Wizz. Little more oil. Wizz. Little more oil. Wizz. Now that it's starting to hold shape, add the rest of your oil in a thin, steady stream. Salt to taste.

Yolk, 1
Mustard, 1-3tsp
Acid, 1-2 tbsp
Oil, 100-200ml

Try using unusual oils, acids or eggs for different flavours. I've made duck egg, lime and sesame mayo before, which was nice for the roast duck wraps I made it for. You can also make mayonnaise from other, gelatinous-y, non-egg protein sources. For example, we make octopus mayonnaise where I'm from with the cooking water leftover from braising an octopus.

>> No.17171933

Chitinous claws typed this

>> No.17172030
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The one with MSG is really the best

>> No.17172047


>> No.17172176


>> No.17172185

>on the CPU

>> No.17172534

finally somebody posted one that doesn't have soy in it

>> No.17172646

What's the best tool to make mayo/emulsions?

>> No.17172664
File: 98 KB, 600x368, mayonnaise laughing at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't make a stable emulsification
>still considers himself a snob

>> No.17172769

People really be posting without skimming through the previous posts.
Same folks who crack open a good book and start on page 176, and then complain to the author that the characters aren't well-defined and the plot is hard to follow.

>> No.17173079

>crack open a good book and start on page 176,
i did that with homer's odyssey but to be fair i just skipped the writers introduction which went on impossibly long and i started to to get pissed off