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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17149759 No.17149759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick of seeing these guys every time I go into the store. Yeah that's a great way to make cookie look appetizing, just slap a GIANT WAD OF JEW HAIR and two dipshit faces that takes up 1/3rd the package space, because apparently letting the world know you're wacky is more important that the food itself

These have been sitting in the shelves at my nearest convenience store and I don't think they've moved in 3 years

the fact that it's vegan just kind of adds to the meme, although to me that's the least offensive part because there's really no excuse for people to eat animal products anymore

>> No.17149768
File: 83 KB, 656x446, soyboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17149774

If it was a complete cookie, it'd contain ricin so you can finish the cookie and your life at the same time

>> No.17149789

Uh-oh, apparently it's not so "complete"


>The suit claims, however, that when tested, the cookie contains an amount of protein that falls “far below” the advertised amount. According to the suit, the product contains only four to nine grams per four-ounce cookie, proving that it “simply doesn’t deliver on the promised protein content.”

>> No.17149793


>> No.17149808
File: 179 KB, 1200x718, DcdY6WpUwAAq9xM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, where have I seen this business model before?

>> No.17149836
File: 128 KB, 918x640, 1639770562779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sick of seeing these guys every time I go into the store. Yeah that's a great way to make cookie look appetizing, just slap a GIANT WAD OF JEW HAIR and two dipshit faces that takes up 1/3rd the package space, because apparently letting the world know you're wacky is more important that the food itself

>These have been sitting in the shelves at my nearest convenience store and I don't think they've moved in 3 years

>the fact that it's vegan just kind of adds to the meme, although to me that's the least offensive part because there's really no excuse for people to eat animal products anymore

>> No.17149838

>I'm sick of seeing these guys every time I go into the store
actual tism.

>> No.17149842

>he legit thinks 4chan isn't just /pol/

>> No.17149865

4chan was much funner pre-/pol/

>> No.17149866

at least that's not taking up 1/3 of the packaging

>> No.17149870

i like ben&jerries
actually one of the few remaining brands not pumping their icecream full of air

>> No.17149872

/pol/ ruined 4chan

>> No.17149890


Im an old boomer been browsing 4chan for 15 years. Its always been shit but i can tell you the day after reddit banned /the_donald/ is when it took a real nosedive.

>> No.17149898

Before /pol/ there was /news/, which was just as racist except they didn't even have good memes. They were stormfags that would just spam racial crime statistics and holocaust photos and wyatt mann and comics that was it

>> No.17149914

First of all, it was /new/ not news and they weren't nearly as annoying as current /pol/ who makes pretty much every board unreadable

>> No.17149917
File: 345 KB, 976x768, 1625150083199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17150063

Then you weren't around to experience the stormfront spam that clogged every board, it was so bad that they nuked the entire board.

>> No.17150104

just stop eating altogether and save yourself the embarrassment, this way you won't harm any organisms or animals and your life is worthless anyway so when you die it will be for the good of humanity.

>> No.17150116

They are pumping their icecream full of sugar which isn't that much better.

>> No.17150427

>it's a yummy fuckin' snack