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File: 20 KB, 400x600, ci-montmorency-cherry-liqueur-8e4e0db6b954c9d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17146908 No.17146908 [Reply] [Original]

I've never drank before and I've been debating finally doing it. Not to get drunk, but just because some kinds of drinks look like they would taste good. Like Irish Cream Coffee seems like it would be delicious. And like this recipe I seen with cherry brandy and chocolate syrup and coffee, it's supposed to taste like chocolate covered cherries.

But I've went this long without drinking and just wondering if I should just keep avoiding it?

>> No.17147009

I don't give a fuck

>> No.17147478

quit being a little fag about it and buy a six pack of lager. budweiser is a pretty good "give no fucks" american beer to try. you probably won't like the first one but you'll probably get a taste for it by the tank you've reached the sixth. try different beers after that and start finding out what you like. there's no real reason to start out with craft beers; it's more fun to first get a taste for cheap lagers before trying craft beers because you'll have a much better appreciation for what a craft beer provides by doing so

>> No.17147480

If you're not an alcoholic then you have nothing to worry about you giant quivering pussy

>> No.17147481

post age for context

>> No.17147485

Based advice. Get drunk OP, it's fun and nothing will go wrong.

>> No.17147487

Just don't. Everyone on here is an alkie and you can see how that's turned out.

>> No.17147495

As a teen I got drunk on amaretto, which tasted great and ever since I get a gag reflex smelling it. Get drunk on garbage to avoid this.

>> No.17147521
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>> No.17147534

how old are you? if over 30 and you've gone this far without it, I wouldn't start now. you've missed the most fun drinking age already. booze is unhealthy and expensive. virgin cocktails can be just as delicious.

>> No.17147553

>virgin cocktail

is that what they call your dick?

>> No.17147577
File: 54 KB, 900x1200, 218C8086-501B-4842-97AC-9D65F03BB9EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your going to drink cherry liqueur drink this

>> No.17147586
File: 72 KB, 500x674, 8240C418-3D47-4F4F-85CF-3446C02D887B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t get started because you’ll probably like it and will want to do it all the time

>> No.17147597

did I do something to offend you? figured my response was pretty reasonable and fair

>> No.17147794

Don't ever do it alone unless you are pursuing something knowledgeable, valuable, or productive.

>> No.17147932

I hope im in time to say just get drunk anon
but please understand
it all tastes like shit
"sophisticated" pseudointellectuals will be like "oh.. -sniff- OHHHhh..... the oakiness" and theyre all retarded its all the same if you spend enough money to try all the things they review you will eventually discover theyre all paid off and its fucktarded bullshit. Personally, for me, I used to only drink beer, I got into IPAs and flavored beers, then went back to miller lite. Now I know that if you want to get drunk at all, Vodka is pretty much the most pure, clear, unchangeable form of liquor and you can either mix it for flavor or chase the flavor away. People love to say "lmao cheap vodka" and the same idiots love their expensive ass, syrupy as hell solutions that sit like a cannonball in your stomach. TLDR just drink vodka for no money everything else is a redditor sophisticated meme
AND every sommelier is paid off, gay, and a faggot

>> No.17147972
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Functioning alcoholic here
Don't start - there is really no upside
If you want taste chocolate covered cherries eat chocolate covered cherries

>> No.17148035
File: 100 KB, 600x900, hennessy-vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, buy a bottle of Hennessy and have fun.

>> No.17148042

don't drink a liqueur as your introduction to alcohol. drink something normal like a vodka and orange juice, rum and coke, whiskey sour or etc

beer is garbage, anyone who says beer tastes good is a delusional liar

>> No.17148098

Being drunk is great

>> No.17148380

Nah, it's quite a lot of fun to explore. Just understand how to pace yourself and don't buy cheap shit so you're incentivized to not chug it all.

>> No.17148435

I'm 34 and I started drinking at around 25. If I could, I would never have started.

The problem is now I like alcoholic drinks too much and it's fucking unhealthy. I buy non-alcoholic beer and stuff sometimes but it just doesn't taste the same.

>> No.17149009


>> No.17149130

Drink in moderation, when the times are good, and with friends. If you drink and 2 those boxes aren't checked then you are an alcoholic.

>> No.17149137

first time I drank I was 17 or 18 and I took 14 shots of tequila against some fat dyke who matched me drink for drink. we both passed out and became friends. good times.

>> No.17149237

These posts are weird to me cause I just can't imagine making it to adulthood without ever having drank. How old are you OP?
Also don't make liqueurs your introduction to alcohol. Sweet syrupy stuff for making late night dessert drinks is about the worst starting point i can think of. Plus if you end up not liking it you're kinda screwed since a single bottle goes a long way. Buy yourself a basic popular lager. Yuengling, heineken, that sorta thing. It'll give you a more general sense of what drinking actually is for most people

>> No.17149270
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It will be delicious, I can speak as my time as a bartender. Should you keep avoiding it? Unless your family has a long line of degenerate alcoholics you aren't likely to enjoy it to the degree you will be addicted. You might make it a once a week habit at most at your age, because most people who don't drink until your age don't get deep into it.

Give it a try, you might be more fun at parties if you drink one or two drinks so you can pretend to engage in drunk culture.