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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 804x949, big british cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17128643 No.17128643 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the famed "Spotted Dick" we've all heard so much about?
What are other British dishes. Everything from blood pudding to fried chicken is welcome.

>> No.17128668
File: 413 KB, 800x782, bri'ish ''cuisine''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrumptious fish head pie, very bri'ish!

>> No.17128671

I fucking hate the direction /ck/ is headed. This place was fun and had great inspiration for food, just as little as 3 months ago. What happened? The webm threads are sarcastic at best and cancer at worst. The [insert country here] food threads are just shitposting on the countries peoples themselves. Genuine questions for help are met with troll comments “Just add a few ice cubes while the oil is cold, then heat it up bro” etc. are there mods for this board? I find it hard to believe this board is only run by the people that post threads themselves. Is there any way to request that off topic threads and posts could be banned or just deleted?

>> No.17128683

Nice copypasta

>> No.17128687

Toad in the hole

>> No.17128699

>The [insert country here] food threads are just shitposting on the countries peoples themselves.
oh poor you. I posted the op image because I thought it was funny to equate the meat that looks like a cock with the dish called 'spotted dick', and then I asked for other examples of British food, including fried chicken. I want any british food.
Post your shepherd's pie or something instead of complaining anon

>> No.17129214

Shepherd's pie is made with lamb, right?
Recently, I've become interested in Haggis.
Also, read "Angela's Ashes." The author of that book knew how to make simple dishes sound really good.

>> No.17129234
File: 59 KB, 736x501, f118315240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"taste the difference"

>> No.17129281
File: 106 KB, 786x782, 1630207364071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17129339

>Shepherd's pie is made with lamb, right?
no, only if you're a pretentious faggot. To me shepherd's pie is made with ground beef.

>> No.17129361
File: 8 KB, 1920x1080, brits food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Is this the famed "Spotted Dick" we've all heard so much about

No, there are a lot of dishes

>> No.17129574

We're here for fun, and to share our food and cooking interests.

>> No.17129778


>> No.17129790

that's nigger pie

>> No.17129793

I'm so glad someone saved the copypasta I made.

>> No.17130052

no, that's what comes out of your mother every 13 months
you, demarcus, denise, shaquana, trey, and the rest

>> No.17130077

Seafaring countries all have bizarre food. Japanese spend decades learning how to cut fish. Scandis eat lamb's heads. Scots jam a stomach full of offal and enjoy it. God only knows what gets eaten in the pacific islands.

>> No.17130236

To be fair that crust looks pretty good and flaky.

>> No.17130366

well you're wrong because that's a cottage pie

>> No.17130372

/pol/ found us.
The incels ruin everything.

>> No.17130392
File: 252 KB, 750x405, 1636170099866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder that /pol/ screaming did not happen until a few years back. You could freely say whatever you want and nobody batted an eye. Redditors and normies like you are to blame for this. In reality /ck/ board quality has already dropped for years, like 10 years ago it was great, almost no fastfood threads, no celebrity threads, just talking about food and cooking. But for about 5 years this place has been trash. Fuck you, go back to redit and hang yourself.

>> No.17130409
File: 1.49 MB, 346x261, 1450589497505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just as little as 3 months ago.
Lurk moar faggot.

>> No.17130420

Looooool penis XD!

>> No.17130446

Because /b/ has become nothing but porn and politics, fucktards are fleeing to the other boards.

>> No.17130535

nothing wrong with this you gay retard. the heads are exposed in order to be removed, the rest of the fish is below. if you are this much of a pussy, then you can spend the 30 minutes peeling the flesh from the fish and just using that in the pie.

>> No.17130540

>To me shepherd's pie is made with ground beef.
Ah yes. The "shepherds" that herd all those cows all day, and never have any sheep to herd. Thanks for your opinion, you're not a retard at all!

>> No.17130780

I read that really quickly upon opening the image and thought it said "taste the dilation"

>> No.17130836

Meh, /tv/ retards found us first and /tv/ is basically /b/ without the porn. Why do you think we've been having so many e celeb shitty threads for years?

>> No.17131213

why does british food cause so much seethe?
the criticism that it's bland and disgusting (black pudding and the like) could be applied to all the cuisine of northern europe

>> No.17131234

Very high effort here’s your (you)

>> No.17131606

Good day Adrian, how are you feeling in your loafers today? light?

>> No.17131627

It's funny that you're so hung up on semantics, you must have been a real burden on your family growing up

>> No.17131635

I think the actual downie who can't tell the difference between cows and sheep is the bigger burden. Luckily downies have short life spans, so your family will be released soon

>> No.17131660

You're really crying about this eh? lmao, is life in TA that unfulfilling Isaac?

>> No.17132202

the fish heads are for decoration in stargazy pie, retard.>>17130077
>God only knows what gets eaten in the pacific islands.

>> No.17132233
File: 32 KB, 585x438, norn iron fifteens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no norn iron despite being very much british
Let's fix that. From good old Ulster, this is a Fifteens. It got its name because it uses exactly fifteen digestive biscuits. No more, no less.

>> No.17132238

Oh, and everything else? 15 too. Marshmallows, coconut and cherries. All 15. No more, no less.

>> No.17132283

Did you fail at geography?

>> No.17132306

Ulster has a high percentage of protestants and most of them consider themselves to be british so i'm counting it as british.
>"but that's not how it works"
I don't give a hot blue shit. UK wanted NI so they got NI. They're bri'ish on a technicality.

>> No.17132323

I wish I had a bigger penis

>> No.17132327

stargazer's a pretty sick name tbqf

>> No.17132446

So you did fail at geography. UK includes NI. Britain does not include NI. Learn that now as you couldn't be bothered in school.

>> No.17132491

>downs syndrome babble

>> No.17132541

you certainly do seem to have an abundance of chromosomes
I bet you were the guy who pulled your pants all the way down around your ankles when you stood at the urinal in school

>> No.17132804

Due to budget cuts in the custodial department finding jannies have been hard.

>> No.17132836

The name spotted dick predates the time when dick became a vulgar word for penis. Originally it was nothing but a shortened form of Richard.

It's hard for Americans to understand these historical quirks of the language because they're a country without any actual history.

>> No.17132990

>Ulster is part of the island of Ireland
>Ireland is part of the British Isles
>Ergo, Ireland is British
>Therefore Ulster is British
Obviously it's you who failed at geography and failed to understand that "Irish" culture is just copying England and Scotland (who themselves are copying England half the time) then changing the name slightly or slapping "Irish" in front of it.

>> No.17133112

2 iq post
post teeth

>> No.17133163

It's hard for Euros to understand these little goofs because they're a continent without any actual sense of humor.

>> No.17133187

geographically, Ireland is in the British isles, however it's not referred to as "british" because the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland and its various other names were culturally dominant for so long that "british" means "of the UK", which is not correct for Ireland (but obviously is correct for ulster, or as it's more correctly called, northern Ireland)

>> No.17133190

lmao fuck off ranjeet
you'll never be able to grasp all of the intricacies of the english language.

>> No.17133246

Sorry, weren't you the faggot trying to correct someone else? And now when you turn out to be wrong it's semantics?
Must be tough being so retarded.

>> No.17133255

Ireland is Little Britain. Ask Ptolemy.

>> No.17133519

No, I was saying only retards argue semantics, like you're doing. I'd tell you to commit kys but you're likely not allowed unsupervised use of utensils.

>> No.17133550

>grown adults turn their noses up at haggis, while deepthroating hotdogs as fast as the mechanically separated meat based food product can be extruded

What did they mean by this?

>> No.17133833

Thank you for clearing that up, Chang!
.05 Good Citizen points have been added to your social credit score. Please keep these anti-racist posts up and inform about the Glorious CCP! Our dear leader thanks you

>> No.17133960

Ahem, "nigger".

>> No.17134534

I forgive you

>> No.17134763

It's been all the same for years retard

>> No.17135098
File: 242 KB, 1280x885, 1280px-Fried-Chicken-Set[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is my thread so it's my fault it went to street shitting lmao
to try to bring it back around here's some nice Scottish fried chicken, designed to get as much bang for the buck as possible calorie/fat-wise

>> No.17137011

Because people hate England. Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.17137485
File: 103 KB, 1732x1154, Turkey-Tails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God only knows what gets eaten in the pacific islands.
These days they exclusively live off of mutton flaps, turkey tails and tinned meat and other fatty offcuts that Australia, New Zealand and America dump in their markets.
In the past they lived off coconuts fish and cannibalism

>> No.17137508

>In the past they lived off coconuts fish and cannibalism
Oh and kumara (sweet potato)