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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17123924 No.17123924 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into bar
>nearly empty besides some boomers and bartender
>jar of pickled eggs on counter
>”Yep, I’m in the right place.”

Why is it that you can tell how comfy a bar experience will be by the presence of pickled eggs? Do they put them there to scare of basic-bitch millennials and baby zoomers who are afraid of these things? As a millennial I’ve noticed them be phasing out and it saddens me. Even some of the places that have them are bars that attempt to attract “le ironic low class” hipsters who drink pbr.

I just made some batches recently since they’re growing harder to find.

>> No.17123939

Is never been to a car wish even she us jaw

>> No.17123948

It's a dog whistle for hardcore drinkers. It says
>hey we will serve you until you can't stand and won't judge. And here's some protein and saturated fats to keep you going.

>> No.17123968

>jar of pickled eggs
>next to jar of pickled bologna
Which do you get?

>> No.17123976

For me, it's the ashtray filled with oversalted peanuts. Never seen a pickled egg in New Jersey but I imagine you're talking about the same kind of place.

>> No.17123979

I only care if they offer peanuts for "free"

>> No.17123981

>“le ironic low class” hipsters who drink pbr
Is this a real thing? Always thought PBR was just a normal macrobrew

>> No.17123982

>Which do you get?
I get the fuck outta there

>> No.17123985
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>> No.17123998

It was a thing. Outdated stereotype now. Hipsters drank PBR before the IPA and seltzer explosions.

>> No.17123999

>buzzwords buzzwords
>shit bait thread
>no actual question about cooking, just trying to start generation flame-wars
*yawn* we've done this before sweetheart.
cant you come up with anything fucking new?

>> No.17124001

Nah, PBR is far from a microbrew and until recent years it was only drank by balding guys with bowling-ball guts who live in trailers and wear wife beaters. It’s easily the most hipsterified beer out there.

>> No.17124008

What? If you think this is some kind of buzzword bait you need to develop reading comprehension. Im discussing pickled eggs because I like them and even talked about making them myself. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.17124013

>be me in college
>fukkin love my local dive
>always had a $3 draft pitcher special, and free peanuts
>one day decide to ask owner what beer is used for the $3 pitchers
>he laughs and replies “cold beer”
I assume it was whatever cheap beer his distributor had laying around close to expiration and cut him deals on.
But I damn sure can’t be picky over a $3 pitcher.

>> No.17124029
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My local Publix recently started stocking pic.
Think I might try them.

>> No.17124037

it used to be a thing at dive bars where local punk and metal bands would play because musicians don't have any money and you could get them like a dollar or 2 a can even in some big cities. Then hipsters saw a bunch of dirty poor people drinking them and decided to dress like clean poor people and sell them for $5-$8 a can while some guy played an acoustic guitar over a drum machine while his buddy screamed into a megaphone in nothing but whitey tighties. That was years ago, before vaporwave and death grips when they started drinking 20 year single malt scotch in a cocktail served in a mason jar.

>> No.17124089

How much do they sell them for? I’ve seen some in stores around here and they seem ridiculously expensive for what you’re getting. I’d pay for a smaller canister like that if I had never tried them before but since I know I like em I make big batches myself which is super easy and much cheaper. Basically only paying for the eggs and if you grow your own herbs and keep plenty of vinegar around. Also a beet if you use them. Can make 3 dozen for the cost of one of those small jars.

>> No.17124092

hygienic reasons, anon.
a lot of people don't wash their hands after using bathroom. especially when drunk.
these people will be ramming their dick and cum and piss covered hands in that egg jar. especially when drunk.
not gay, so will pass on another man's dick juices.

>> No.17124100
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>Im discussing pickled eggs
not your not, cunt

>> No.17124107

It really wasn’t much; It’s a fairly small jar. The nutrition label says it’s basically like 6 eggs.

>> No.17124111

It’s not a proper bar without a 60-70 year old wino giving BJ’s for a pitcher before he stumbles home

>> No.17124114

No you're asking about the changing settings of public drinking places

>> No.17124118

I’ve never seen a bar where the pickled eggs are self-serve, anon.

>> No.17124132

Which is exactly my point. What makes PBR appealing to hipsters that doesn't also apply to Bud or Coors?

>> No.17124152

Ah, so you were in a band too? I feel ya l.

>> No.17124158

Hipsters have moved on to other drinks.
But when they drank PBR, it was because the beer scored more “irony points” than bud or coors, because neither of them are seen as nearly the level of “white trash” beer as PBR.

>> No.17124161

Easily the eggs

>> No.17124171

infinitely preservable low cost clumps of protein shouldn't just be an alcoholic thing but what do i know

>> No.17124172

>Goes out but not for social interaction
>Specifically picks places with no other customers and a bartender who just browses his/her phone in between pouring the rare drink
>Just wants to drink and eat pickled eggs to feel "comfy"
I'll never understand this. Can you not buy some booze and a jar of pickled eggs and enjoy that alone? Is your home not "comfy" enough for you? If I want to just get drunk and eat trash, I do so in my living room, watching whatever I want to watch, butt naked on my couch. If I go to a bar, it's a social occasion, hanging with friends or whatever, and that's a more rare occurrence as we're all getting older and just come over to our respective homes for dinner.

>> No.17124180
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One of the best indicators for me is if the interior's lighting is mostly neon signs.

>> No.17124224

Always makes me feel at home.

>> No.17124292

I would agree, but I’ve never seen pickled eggs at a restaurant, convenience store, someone’s home, etc.
it seems destined to simply be a drinking-food.

>> No.17124309

>no other customers and a bartender who just browses his/her phone in between pouring the rare drink
>OP specifically states “some boomers and bartender”
Those sorts of places ARE comfy as fuck.
I’d take a bar with a handful of boomer regulars over one with a pack of college students and/or girls that have had a few drinks and are constantly screaming “wooooo! Omg I’m so wasted!”
The boomers make for good conversation and it beats the hell out of a “party bar” atmosphere in terms of comfy.
And I’m curious what sorts of these places you’ve been to where the bartender is “browsing their phone”. They’re shooting the shit with the regulars; if they were glued to their phone the place wouldn’t even have boomer regulars.

>> No.17124360

>“some boomers and bartender”
if you specifically want a quiet place with alcohol just stay home

>> No.17124397

3$ god damn
what state was that?

>> No.17124400


>> No.17124401

>if you want a place that isn’t a frat party atmosphere just stay home
There are plenty of comfy bars where you don’t have to yell just to converse, and there’s nothing wrong with those.

>> No.17124499

no, you fuckwit. Not 3$, it's $3

>> No.17124505

A bar doesn’t need to be full of people to be fun. Sometimes it’s just relaxing to get a change of scenery and getting to talk to one or two others while having a beer.

Why are there so many upset people in a thread about fucking eggs?

>> No.17124526

You say it "dollars three"?
Weird. Really weird.

>> No.17124533

being an ignoramus suits you too well.

>> No.17124541

I saw some at an Allsups in north Texas.

>> No.17124543

Haven't you seen that Clint Eastwood film $A Fist Full Of?

>> No.17124604

Based strokeposter

>> No.17124614

Go back just go back

>> No.17124631

I can't get mine to take up that much colour even though I use very dark and concentrated beetjuice and give them lots of time. What's the secret?

You are correct, but you are also a pedantic asshole for pointing it out.
Correcting minor errors in spelling, grammar etc. on fucking 4chan is pretty much as pathetic as it gets.

>> No.17124644

To where? I 4chan is the only site I ever use so any pictures I post I’ve found on here. Maybe you need to go back since you seem to have more insight about this place than I do.

>> No.17124670

How long do you leave them in the beet juice?

>> No.17124676

Hardcore drinkers don’t go to bars.

>> No.17124685


>> No.17124698

if that's pathetic then what does it make a sour little faggot like you?

>> No.17124701

I've done three weeks with really mediocre results. In the colouring I mean. They taste fine.

>> No.17124739

It normally takes approx 3 - 4 weeks to pickle eggs. I've wanted to do the beet pickled eggs but was too worried about the color seeping into the yolk.
Do you keep them at room temp or refrigerated? That can affect the time to properly pickle them.

>> No.17124746

All other beers/drinks were average prices (by dive standards) but the $3 pitcher was my true love.

>> No.17124757

Okay, whatever you say, bro. From my personal experience I’d recommend avoiding detective work.

>> No.17124766

I keep them in the fridge. Maybe I'll do a small batch for like 6-8 weeks next time and see how they turn out.
They taste great after 2 weeks, though. This is entirely about looks.

>> No.17124778


>> No.17124787

Try leaving out at room temp for 1 week and then refrigerating. You really shouldn't have to pickle for 8 weeks. How do you do your pickling liquid?

>> No.17124791

It was bullshit when everyone was calling everyone a hipster. We drank PBR in the mid 2000s because it was the cheapest beer that didn’t taste like complete shit, under 13 dollars for a 30 pack. Only key light was at a similar price point and it was garbage. I think that price point pushed its college popularity, then they introduced tall boys which were convenient for concerts/crowded bars and that pretty much solidified them as the college beer. This turned into the actual hipsters becoming obsessed with it and PBR started reacting with bullshit art cans, but that was all in the 2010s when the price had gone up, microbrews were exploding, and only faggots gave a shit anymore. For me it was when my body revolted and would squirt liquid shit after one PBR.

>> No.17124844

TN is based sometimes. I live in one of the bigger cities so you're lucky to get a pitcher of macro shit for less than $7

>> No.17124851


>> No.17124878
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Well this damn thread made me want some lager and pickled eggs, so I walked over to my Publix (literally 2 blocks) and got the eggs.
So to answer your question, they were $5.79.
I’m paying for instant gratification though.

>> No.17124908

im 27 years old and thoroughly enjoy these

>> No.17124911

Fucking hipster detected.

>> No.17124921

>putting subtitles on porqué no los dos

>> No.17124960
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>Why are there so many upset people in a thread about fucking eggs?
Because they want to be upset, the topic literally doesn't matter.

>> No.17124971

Had a pickled egg served in a goblet of PBR when I was in Madison, WI

>> No.17124989

those peanuts are covered in piss, enjoy your aids

>> No.17124995

>PBR is far from a microbrew

he said MACRObrew you illiterate retard

>> No.17125020

Vi er ikke alle så uheldige at være omgivede at mexikanere.

>> No.17125022

>Immune system so weak he can't handle AIDS peanuts

>> No.17125129

>pregaming doesn't exist
Yes they do, you're just a sheltered loser

>> No.17125904

if you think college boys bar hopping is what's meant by hardcore drinking you are the sheltered one

>> No.17125921

bruv this is a MOOD

>> No.17125944

>bragging about your alcohol intake and your lack of social experience

>> No.17125948

>lightweight still tipsy from her night out with the gals
Settle down, Nancy

>> No.17126116

He's right, ""hardcore"" drinkers don't go to fucking bars retard, they're buying the most cost efficient abv liquors at the market. Just because you binge at the gay bar every other week doesn't make you hardcore.

>> No.17126136


Are you retarded?

>> No.17126140

Looks nice.

>> No.17126147

You aight whiteboy

>> No.17126239
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>> No.17126242

Drinking alone gets old, sometimes you just want to drink with other people, even if you're gonna pay a premium

>> No.17126313
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goddammit you're right.

>> No.17126373

God I remember that show, what a fucking acid trip

>> No.17126384

>calling me a lightweight like a college fag

perhaps i have just seen other types of bars? i dont drink much at all these days, its just so weird to me how confrontational alckies get when talking about people who have a problem thats slightly less severe than theirs.

>> No.17126411

or rather, the 15 year old idea of what an acid trip would be like

>> No.17126427

Bitch what? Throw the peeled eggs into the boiling beet vinegar juice and you'll have decent red beet eggs the next morning. Another day or two and they'll be great.

>> No.17126639

To be fair i have never actually taken LSD, so you're not entirely wrong. I also haven't seen an episode in what feels like forever

>> No.17126644

>Ingredients fresh eggs
And here I thought they were buying them pickled and just putting their own label on

>> No.17126647

Hipsters used to be cool, then they went mainstream

>> No.17126661

Don’t be a fag.
You’re conflating big drinkers with legit alcoholics. I’m not sure if you’re an alcoholic and proud of it, or you just don’t know shit about bars. But either way, don’t be a fag.

>> No.17126671

>floorsqueek on the tele
turn 360 and moonwalk

>> No.17126738

Routine. I have a local watering hole owned by a longtime friend. He's from Wisconsin, and regularly makes trips back. I'm the only one allowed in his secret stash of spotted cow, although I only have a couple while I drink wild turkey. I stop in after work on Tuesdays, sign up for the weekly drawing and depending who's in there I'll play tickets as well. Usually have a beer and double neat, and gtfo. Stop in after the gym on Thursdays for the drawing, it's pretty much packed, usually have one drink, see if I won, and bail. I talk with people, sometimes pick up side work, and keep up with local events.

>> No.17126762

It's always interesting reading the schizophrenic opinions of someone from a culture I will never visit. Like this anon truly thinks zoomers are afraid of pickled eggs, which are apparently something his country's bars have regularly.

>> No.17126769

jesus christ, man. hipsters? PBR? what fucking year are you from

>> No.17126775

Some of us are even older than 4chan.
Can you believe it?

>> No.17126780

I'm not from the US (I assume OP is from the US) but the sorts of bars you're describing are tacky as hell and only have a few "regulars" who are all sad, lonely, surly alcoholics. If that's your only experience of regulars, I feel genuinely sorry for you. You've never felt the sense of community an actual pub brings.
Pubs are the comfiest places on Earth. You walk in, they say "hi Anon!", you try out all their new beers for free and pick a pint of the best stuff, grab a blanket and huddle in a corner with all the cushions. A middle aged woman walks in with her dog and a fat bag of fish and chips bought next door, and the dog goes mad running up to you and generally being a dog. The old gay couple walk in and be gay and old. You talk about your studies with the bartender, then you get to your homework while drinking your second pint. Then, whenever you're done, you walk home -- a five minute journey at absolute maximum.

You guys just sound starved. You only get to choose between boomer alcoholics and students getting mad drunk on shots.

>> No.17126785

Boiled eggs are good but pickled eggs are nasty as fuck

>> No.17126786
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Oh yeah, and it looks like this. Comfy.

>> No.17126803

I appreciate your obsession, but it seems your imagination is running wild.
Regulars you chat with about work and life don’t stop being regulars just because they don’t have your particular accent.
Nor does being a regular suddenly make you a sad lonely alcoholic when it happens in a country that isn’t wherever you happen to be from.
It sounds like you just took some stereotypes and produced this “concept” in the theatre of your mind.

>> No.17126809

The regulars I'm talking about had a very different accent to me my man. Maybe in your country (maybe) the tacky bars which somehow smell sticky and have neon lights and cheap carpets are filled with people other than the saddest kind of boomer alcoholic, but here it's just gonna be the sad boomer alkies.

>> No.17127154

Different anon, but please do tell me more about my country.

>> No.17127159

How many layers of illiterate do you have to be to read
>Maybe in your country it's different
>this is how it is in my country though
and interpret it as me telling you about your country
Your post shall stand as a monument to your retardation

>> No.17127165

I agree. Can't buy booze if your license is suspended from a DUI. Only amateurs go to bars.

>> No.17127285


>walk into pub
>no giant jars of pork scratchings
>turn 360 n walk out

>> No.17127383

There was a dive in my college town in NY that did $3.50 pitchers and 50 cent wings every Wednesday night, it was great. The cheap pitcher options were either Genny Light, Busch Light, PBR, or Natty Light. I'm guessing the options changed based on what deals they got from their distributors.

>> No.17127460

You sound like a homosexual yourself.

>> No.17127487

a man walks into a bar

he's an alcohol and it's dissolving his family

>> No.17127489
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>Is never been to a car wish even she us jaw

>> No.17127500

This cunt has never pickled eggs in his life. What a total twat.

>> No.17127511

Bitch huh? Take your nonsense back home to your momma's basement. >:)

>> No.17127551

i've never seen pickled eggs outside of walmart or my fridge.

>> No.17127610

There's a happy medium between some shithole with a couple of sad, lonely boomers, and a bar full of college kids acting a fool, and you know it, you disingenuous little fucking cunt.

>> No.17127615

>he doesn't live within stumbling distance of a dozen bars, where everyone knows your name, and they're always glad you came
real drunks drink at bars AND at home

>> No.17127823

No nigger, he didn't say "big" drinkers, he said hardcore which is alcoholics.

>> No.17127858

my bartender makes me two strong long islands for $3 and she doesn't try to make small talk, I don't have the self control to buy the ingredients to make them myself, because then I'd over-indulge and die. the bar is right outside my neighborhood, so I can walk. also the music isn't too loud like the one down the street

>> No.17127914

>There's a happy medium between some shithole with a couple of sad, lonely boomers, and a bar full of college kids
Yeah. It’s a bar with a handful of regulars, as I said, you illiterate fuck.
You added the “couple”, “sad”, and “lonely” parts yourself. I’m not responsible for the retarded shit that’s “real in your head”, faggot.

>> No.17128036

based and strokepilled

>> No.17128135

I suck cocks and eat pussy because I am the ultimate coomer. None are safe from my coom.

>> No.17128210

What a fucking lame comeback. Did you need help writing that? Don't talk about things you don't know.

>> No.17128369
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I fuckin' love Brussels sprouts
Spicy pickled shit is dank
Where's the love for pigs feet around here?

>> No.17128399

Common here in the northwest. People who're used to keystone come here and think they're in heaven

>> No.17128523

Damn I’ve never seen pickled sprouts. Gonna have to look for some.

>> No.17128729

some bread make a smmich

>> No.17129926
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get on my level

>> No.17129930
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>> No.17129933

it would look better on brown bread, pink and brown... my two favorite things on this planet, know what I mean boss?

>> No.17129939

You're into pussies and scat?

>> No.17129950

this guy gets it, this guy gets it

>> No.17129958

I'm actually into scat as well. Smearing and ingesting: anything goes

>> No.17129959
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>> No.17129961


lol these regular boomer bar patrons probably think you’re an annoying faggot srs

>> No.17130014

I'm not into pickled eggs but these look hella appetizing
I could fuck with it, or die, I don't know

>> No.17130059

Hey guys, how long do these last? Mine are in vinegar and are in the fridge, but they're probably approaching six weeks old. Still edible?

>> No.17130062

hahaha, this good joke

>> No.17130066

It was a thing way back in the late 2000s/very early 2010s before the IPA explosion. PBR is actually surprisingly good btw

>> No.17130069

What does this mean? Am I being overcautious? Or have they long since spoiled?

>> No.17130096

You can't even look at a sandwich without thinking about porn. You need help anon.

>> No.17130110

I get hungry so I browse /ck/, it's not hurting any body

>> No.17130128

They’re still fresh friend, pickling is a precursor to preservitaves, so I think they’ll last a while.

>> No.17130129


>> No.17130139

What the fuck is a pickled egg? What does it taste like?

>> No.17130212

>doesn't live in a city
Your life is a meme
I live in NH

>> No.17130217

Oh, that's good to hear. I was thinking of chopping a couple up with mayonnaise and making egg salad sandwiches.

It's right there in the name - a hard boiled egg that's been pickled. Mine taste vinegary, with some dill, clove, garlic and mustard seed. Aside from that you'll notice the white of the egg has a satisfying snap unlike a regular hardboiled egg.

>> No.17130229
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Got a place here in Long Beach called Joe Jost's that serves pickled eggs, among other stuff. Not bad

>> No.17130244
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>> No.17130287


This the bartender serves it you can even use a slotted spoon or something.

>> No.17130300
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Help me. First off do I ferment them second what is the trick to peeling hard boiled?

>> No.17130382

The deal with peeling is just "asking gently". A soft touch makes the shell come right off.

>> No.17130395


that doesnt work with an egg or a woman. Idk what you are implying. Sometimes when peeling eggs I can get the shell off with the egg intact just using the skin of my finger no nail but thats only if its a lucky egg. Half the time shell holds on and pulling on it take a bit of a chunk.

>> No.17130782

>I's never been to a bar
not sure about the second half

>> No.17130912

i'd say talking about breweries in general is pretty hipster

>> No.17130915

Run the eggs under the tap while peeling. But before you peel, gently tap the egg all over on a hard surface, until the outside of the egg is completely smashed up. Then start from the bottom, there's usually a gap there.

>> No.17131062
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I love you

>> No.17131072
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Don’t boil the eggs. Steam them.
The shells come off so much easier it feels like using a cheat code.

>> No.17131075

I don't go to bars. Someone please tell me this is just an ironic exaggeration and bars aren't actually this reddit

>> No.17131084
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Well I’ll be damned

>> No.17131162

The secret to the deep red color is not overcooking the eggs. Then pickling them with actual beets and putting them up for a few months.

>> No.17131166



>> No.17131169

It was because of Dennis Hopper in the film "Blue Velvet"
>Heineken?!?! Fuck that shit. We're drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon.