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17123098 No.17123098 [Reply] [Original]

I can't stop drinking soda.
How the fuck do I stop?

>> No.17123106

You don't drink soda.

>> No.17123130

You can do sparkling water to make weaning off easier

>> No.17123136

Do you really lack basic self control?

>> No.17123137

kill yourself

>> No.17123143

drink sparkling water and just quit cold turkey none of that "weening down" BS it never works

>> No.17123152

Perrier in glass bottles did wonders for me.
Buy a case or two, always keep some in the fridge.
So cold turkey exactly as >>17123143 said.
Whenever you’re wanting a soda, crack open an ice cold Perrier and chug that shit for a few seconds and then sip the rest.
You still get the cold carbonation but you’ll quickly notice you actually feel more refreshed than when you did the same with soda.

Now on the very rare occasion I have a soda, it feels like drinking a liquified candy bar (which is basically what it is) and I can’t believe I ever drank it on a regular basis.

>> No.17123169

Great thread. Keep up the good work

>> No.17123176

>I can't stop drinking soda.
Yes you can, nothing is impossible.

>> No.17123195

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.17123198


>> No.17123199

never shop while hungry and then proceed to never buy it

>> No.17123250

What you will need is
>a pitcher with a wide rim
>3 cans of carbonated water
>2 lemons
>2 limes
Squeeze lemons and limes into pitcher
Add ice if you want
Pour carbonated water over the top, and stir.
Voila, no-sugar lemon lime soda. Much healthier than the high fructose corn syrup alternative.

>> No.17123257

i feel you op, i drink two cans of coke zero every morning

>> No.17123275
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Stop buying it. Replace it with sparkling water if you crave the fizz. Then grow a spine for the 2-3 weeks it takes your body to grow accustomed to the daily pound of liquid sugar being a thing of the past. It actually IS that simple.

t. replaced a 2L coke with a 2L sparkling water years ago and havent touched soda since

>> No.17123290
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AirUp Cola x carbonated water.

>> No.17123305
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some flavor pods are whack and lose all flavor after 2l
but coffee, cola, wild berries & elderflower are just like the real deal. but no sweet & sour can break people.
can you guys even get those outside germany?

>> No.17123312

Actually some things are impossible. But, stopping a soda addiction is possible indeed.

>> No.17123321

Don't live with your parents anymore and realize how expensive and a waste of money soda and snacks are.

>> No.17123451

>Just be poor and then you won't get fat

Okay but what if you're not a wage slave who balks at the idea of spending $10 on snack foods?

>> No.17123476

it's not the sugar, shockingly enough, that makes it hard to drop soda.

it's the caffeine. I can get my sugar fix easily enough, but the fact that I hate the taste of coffee makes it a mountain of a task to stop drinking soda.

switching from soda to ANYTHING ELSE that has no coffee, even if it's a sugary alternative is the real challenge. switching from that to icy water is the easiest thing ever.

>> No.17123484

That's funny, I never drink soda or eat basically any candy or anything with sugar.
I'm going to make roasted Brussels sprouts tonight.
I'm sorry you're unhappy, OP. Drink water consistently and enjoy your newfound hydration. You can also toss a little lime of a slice of lemon for flavor.

>> No.17123592

Just drink tea or take caffeine pills retard

>> No.17123595

Go for a hard run and afterwards don't drink soda drink water. When you start to only drink water after a while you enjoy it and soda gets to sweet to drink.

>> No.17123606

Stop drinking soda chilled. If you drink it at room temp you'll start to realize just how insanely sweet it is and it'll make it easier to cut down on the amount you drink. After that just make a conscious effort to drink water any time you feel the craving, eventually you won't crave it anymore.

>> No.17123727
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remove the soda from your house
and don't buy more soda

you won't drink soda if you don't have any.

>> No.17123762

Just stop being a retard that blows money. Its not that hard.

>> No.17123773

Your idea of blowing money is apparently very different from that of someone who isn't living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.17123801

There are plenty of good reasons to give up soda, but "$2 for a 2L of Coke is too expensive" is a hilariously shitty one that just makes you sound pathetic desu

>> No.17123812
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just be a rich obese diabetic cunt then
nobody gives a shit you fat pussy

>> No.17123835

Channel your hatred for corn syrup and the antichrist, and it'll be a breeze. I've been sober from the stuff for 4 months now. Just remember that you don't need excess sugar to enjoy drinking.

>> No.17123906

>hatred for corn syrup
what if i'm drink cane sugar soda only

>> No.17124331
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I did it by reducing to 2 cans a day and then switching to 3 cases of pic related
after I ran out I just stopped buying soda

>> No.17124335

you just stop, what about soda is making you desire it?

>> No.17124337

Try Zevia instead

>> No.17125049

>$2, you get a jug of sweet battery acid that tastes nasty 2 days after opening
>$0 and you can drink as much of it as you feel

>> No.17125058

Have you tried not being fat?

>> No.17125075

open a warm can/bottle and let it go flat
drink it
no soda

>> No.17125154

switch to seltser flavored sprakling water
then eventually stop

>> No.17125159

Drink cum

>> No.17125445

don't buy any

>> No.17125715

You clearly dont go grocery shopping if you don't know how cheap soda is.
>lmao why would i know how much soda costs im not a fatty
Because there's a big ass sign right inside every grocery store I've ever seen telling you the soda is something like three cases for ten dollars or something along those lines. So either you're blind and have never seen these signs, or actually retarded, or you go into a grocery store once every two months. In fact, I think you're larping about living with your parents and you're just some faggot waiting for mommy to pick up tendies. There's no way a normal person doesn't realize how piss cheap soda is. It's like not knowing gas or milk prices in your area.

>> No.17125764

You wait for your balls to drop then start drinking beer instead.

>> No.17125957

Replace it something else. For me, it's eating ass. Anytime I think about reaching for a soda, I instead grab a nice, gay ass and just start munching away. You'll be off soda in no time, champ.

>> No.17126134

I moved towards carbonated water, then to just water. Went 2 full years without consuming soda. Did wonders.

>> No.17126324


>> No.17126333

Didn’t even read this

>> No.17126347

Drink beer instead, that's what I do

>> No.17126358
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I just drink these now, lasts a while. I drink waters itself mostly

>> No.17126392

just drink beer instead

>> No.17126616
File: 216 KB, 1491x829, flavorwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La Croix or AirUp.

>> No.17126672

>"$2 for a 2L of Coke is too expensive"
It is. Bring it back to $1 and I'll come back. I feel the same way about fast food and "value" meals and stopped eating those too.

>> No.17126686

Are those tenga eggs?

>> No.17126802

Drink Kombucha instead.

>> No.17126947

What are these? USican here. Never seen these before but I'm intrigued. Do they like, fit over the opening of a water bottle or something?

>> No.17126988
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Yup, inside is some sort of scented cotton. In the straw you got a lil hole out of which you suck in the smell of a fruit or whatever from inside the ring.
It does taste like some juice minus sweet, bitter.. anything your tongue does is lacking of course. And if you don't breath while drinking its also just water.

>> No.17127022

Do you find them to be cost-effective? If the pods only last about a half gallon each, it's roughly $8 (plus international shipping costs) per 1.5 gallons. That doesn't sound too great?

>> No.17127112
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Cola & Coffee is insanely smelly and lasting forever, not at the same intensity as the first 5L = 1,32 gallons (what they say how long they last per pod) but still enough to think you aren't drinking water for 2-3 weeks (probably 8 gallons for me). And a 6€/8$ pack contains 3 of these pods lasting 4 gallons intense flavor total.
Actually I did never calculate if its worth it over soda, I still drink plenty of soda. But water tastes shit and now it feels like I never have to drink it. Its worth it for the gimmick.

>> No.17127216

close your eyes and visualize all that sugar fucking up your teeth and liver
thats how I avoid sugar

>> No.17127227

Brew your own ginger bug. Afterwards, you can make your own sodas from fruit juices and teas.

>> No.17127265 [DELETED] 

Go drag more children through water, gorilla fuck. I will shoot you and kill you dead. Just try me.

>> No.17127305

my tolerance and pity for the weak willed really can't get any lower
i just want all the weak to die
is that so much to ask?
so much fucking genetic trash, drives me fucking mad

>> No.17127317 [DELETED] 

And yet here you are again, in the den of the weak you claim to be so infuriated by.

>> No.17127318
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It is too much to ask. As every man does, you probably have areas you horribly lack any sort of experience or confidence in. A strong, iron-willed man lifts and brings them men around them up.

>> No.17128340
File: 77 KB, 395x273, bitch-man-up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only little bitches can't stop drinking soda.

>> No.17128518

yeah, I just be careful about what I bring into the house because you end up consuming it.

>> No.17128533

Sparkling water with lemon juice (not syrup).

>> No.17128563
File: 365 KB, 1000x1000, 933B2EB2-485F-4C42-A84E-1E84FAFAD300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could use something like Antésite but I don’t know if you can find it where you live:

>> No.17128570
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sugarfree energy drinks

>> No.17128576

Antesite tastes like shit and probably is poisonous.

>> No.17129041

I used to drink as much as a two liter a day, along side candy and cake and shit

i am 3 days into keto and LaCroix has been a godsend, i have a black coldbrew coffee or a fresh brewed black tea when i get up in the morning, and a maximum of four cans of Lacroix a day, one every 2 hours staring at 8, it's not the soda that I crave, it's the variety of flavor,
Next week I'm going to make a picture of lemon lime cucumber water to help get some more flavor variety

My stop was out of necessity though, I'm the heaviest I've ever been and my compulsive eating and drinking is going to be the death of me if I didn't get it in control