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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 874 KB, 1000x667, banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17100055 No.17100055 [Reply] [Original]

Just tried some, they were amazing! I chopped them in half and put them in the microwave for about 7 minutes. The peel was dry and the chopped halves became hard like skin, but the inside was fluffy, soft and VERY tasty! Easiest meal I've ever done!
If I don't chop them (so I don't get the "skin-like" sections) is it going to cook a lot slower?

>> No.17100063

Just stab them a shitton with a fork to let the steam vent and then cut them in half. Also your microwave should have a potato setting, it regulates the power output so it's not just nuking the absolute shit out of them. They come out way better.

>> No.17100074

To be clear since you don't seem to understand how cooking a potato works:
Stab them with a fork, then microwave, then cut in half.

>> No.17100077

My microwave doesn't have a potato setting, but I set it on medium-high. I'll search about it.
Also, can I just stab the 2 longitudinal ends with a knife? A guy on youtube did just that.

>> No.17100080

is it going to take more time?

>> No.17100081

Is your microwave from 1955 or something?

>> No.17100090

It is a simple microwave with heat settings. It has Defrost, low, low medium, medium, medium high and high. My grandma has a microwave that might just be from 1955 and, believe it or not, it has potato setting. Mine is simply different.

>> No.17100124

Your microwave is dumb.
Also it might actually cook a little faster, it's hard to say. You're basically steaming it so keeping it whole should help it retain more moisture. Stabbing it in both ends with a knife should be fine, you just want some vent holes so the steam doesn't explode the skin off.

>> No.17100132

Thank you very much! I appreciate both the microwave bullying and the knowledge.

>> No.17100466

>Also your microwave should have a potato setting
What ? Mine have watt settings and that's it. It's a recent model btw.

>> No.17100471

You're too excited about this.

>> No.17100566

You don't understand! It's the simplest meal and it tastes amazing! It's easy to make, cheap and not bad for you! It's all I was looking for, all I could ask for!
For so long I've been searching for recipes without salt/oil that taste good and I finally found it!

>> No.17100669

You can nuke frozen veggies too. But a quick meal with potatoes, buy the little golden ones, wash and stab with fork. Nuke on 5 high in covered but not shut container, shake and nuke another 5. In the meantime fry up some peppers, onions, and kielbasa. And paprika, pepper, oregano, salt, and the taters. Easy peasy.

>> No.17100679

Wait, no salt? But potatoes love salt. Like, a trick if you oversalt something is to drop in raw potato.

>> No.17100688

I do like the small ones, they are rarely bad. They are also the cheapest I can find. Sounds like a very tasty recipe, though some of these stuff; I don't buy.
I don't use salt because I want to make a change. We are eating more salt than we are supposed to, maybe, I don't know. I just believe that a bit deprivation will do good.

>> No.17100709

You can probably sub out whatever protein you want and switch up the spices. Main point is it's easy, pretty cheap, and filling.

>> No.17100731

Microwave is good enough, but only as a last resort. You get superior texture and flavour in the oven. Rub with oil and salt, pierce in a few places and bake in a hot oven, leaving it exposed, for about an hour.

>> No.17100766

The oven is more expensive, but you must be right. The results must be top quality.

>> No.17102125

No fucking way I'm turning the over on for an hour in the summer for a goddamn potato. It can get in Chef Mike and be grateful for the privilege.

>> No.17102148

Where are you people finding these microwaves? Are you European or something

>> No.17102204

>Are you European or something
There is also a button spin/don't spin. Having "recipes" settings is hilariously stupid, it only has power levels from 0 to max like any cooking device...

>> No.17102209
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x3024, 9F62AD2B-53E9-412E-9D4B-35B88C3FD7BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microwaved potato’s are great. When it’s done make sure the tater is equal parts potato, butter, and sour cream

>> No.17102216

>having preset power configurations is dumb
I don't even know where to begin explaining how stupid you are

>> No.17102276
File: 607 KB, 669x521, 1625117100962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is an absolutely disgusting amount of sour cream

>> No.17102306

> it only has power levels from 0 to max like any cooking device
You do know inverters and programmable microprocessors exist, right?

>> No.17102327

That’s also not butter…I used margarine

>> No.17102350
File: 81 KB, 378x357, 1590702876641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, don't forget to buy the next smartphone, you'll phone better.

>> No.17102356
File: 36 KB, 500x384, stone-wave2 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank me later.

>> No.17102376


anon frogposter BTFO consoomer retard

>> No.17103736
File: 65 KB, 1092x1037, 1546483836093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes out hard like concrete outside, tastes like death inside
>mfw too stupid even too microwave a potato

>> No.17105411

I'll keep in mind

>> No.17105413

I ate a dead potato yesterday night, you were probably just unlucky. Try again.

>> No.17105447

I just stab them with a fork and shove them in, but I don't keep them in there for so long that their skin gets hard. The opposite for me, I try to time it just right so that the peel comes off really easily, you just peel it away with your hands. And then I just make a mash out of the peeled tatos. It really is nice, tastes a lot better than boiled and much easier to do than baked

>> No.17105455

>equal parts potato, butter, and sour cream
For me it's butter and cheese spread. It just werks

>> No.17105716

why does my microwave get super wet inside

>> No.17105861

because the potatoes are steaming

>> No.17106137
File: 22 KB, 220x294, IMG_7158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17106156

I want to eat out his AIDS ridden mutilated cock. More than anything. In front of his already mega cucked waife. I'll spit whatever's between my teeth out into a pan after and maybe get a nice meal.

>> No.17106163
File: 15 KB, 466x268, 51itg2qLZnL._AC_SX466_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need a 'tato 'ag