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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17082255 No.17082255 [Reply] [Original]

Please give me keto recipes that don’t make me want to give up this fucking diet.
Sincerely, a fat fuck.

>> No.17082281

Why would you want to give it up?

>> No.17082282

Learn to like eating the same thing night after night

Make a big pot of chili (with real pieces of meat, not ground beef) and make it spicy. You can eat a cup or so of this all week (add cheese, sour cream, avocado).

You have to break your relationship with food being a big enjoyable part of your life. See eating food as an annoyance you have to carry out a couple of times a day to get calories and nutrients and get it over with without fuss.

Find a good box set or some hobbies you can lose yourself in all evening so you're not fighting the urge to keep going in to the kitchen.

Or just do CICO which has been scientifically proven to be shown to be as effective as Keto.

>> No.17082284

The sickness is within you. There is no recipe that will make it easy. Turn inward, fat boy

>> No.17082310

Another ketolard being a ketolard ahah
>Or just do CICO which has been scientifically proven to be shown to be as effective as Keto.
Keto is not effective. It's just a diversion diet for fat people that want to take the easy way by losing weight quickly without changing their life habits. They ALL regain their weight after the diet, because they don't learn how to eat a balanced diet and reasonable portions. Instead they see their diet as a race to get over with as quick as possible so that they can revert being a pig after they lost 20 pounds.
The only way to lose weight is to change your habits and eat a balanced diet, self-prepared fresh products, including carbs, and count calories everyday, and NEVER go back to eating processed food like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.17082323

Why are you so angry about a diet you're not even on? I've been doing keto for two months and lost around 30 pounds not going to the gym or eating less. I just make omelets and bacon and have chicken for dinner. Taste good and I'm losing weight.

>> No.17082329

I'm not angry, I'm just amused by fatties always trying to find ways around the actual solution : fixing their fucking lifestyle.

>> No.17082338

Right. You came into this thread and wrote a paragraph about how stupid keto is because you're so not mad

>> No.17082339

obesity is a dietary problem, not a lifestyle problem

>> No.17082341

This board is a cesspool of self validating fatties it's hilarious

>> No.17082345

my 2 go-to things:

shake like ketoscience or slimfast keto with almond and walnut milk mixed. I add a tbsp hemp seeds and tsp flax seeds for some extra fats

burritos made with la banderita carb counter wraps (there are tons of brands that sell keto tortillas), avocado, ground beef or turkey with heavy seasoning, salsa and hot sauce

the shakes are really great for getting going in keto. they contain lots of vitamins and minerals etc so you shore up deficiencies you're likely to have

buttery eggs
unsalted butter coffee
boiled eggs
pork rinds
salad with ranch dressing
chicken breast with lots of seasoning
cauliflower pasta/rice
baked or steamed broccoli
fathead pizza
tuna with mayonnaise and relish

goes on and on...theres a lot you can eat that's delicious. i try to avoid the bacon and shit.

>> No.17082346

we literally changed our whole diet to address the problem you stupid nigger

>> No.17082348

Guys I'm so calm and rational that i laugh at the thought of people I've never met following a diet. It is so hilarious that they are fat and my sides are splitting that they are on a diet

>> No.17082349

>obesity is a dietary problem, not a lifestyle problem
And so you fix a 'dietary' problem by eating bacon and chicken in unreasonable quantities instead of actually teaching yourself a proper diet...
Yeah you can't make up fatty logic...

>> No.17082354

don't respond to the "ketolard" guy, he's a schizophrenic vegan who sits on /fit/ 24/7 looking for keto threads to argue in.

just ignore him. he never goes away. he only wants attention don't give it to him

>> No.17082356

>eat chicken and bacon
>lose weight
It isn't a real diet though just because you don't eat certain food and lose weight

>> No.17082359

Being fat is caused by elevated cortisol from trauma (Narcissistic abuse). What's your solution mr Narcissist?

>> No.17082361

just because it makes you lose weight doesn't mean it's healthy

>> No.17082362

It is a proper diet. It's called the ketogenic diet. Please try to keep up, grainbrain.

>> No.17082363

>Being fat is caused by elevated cortisol from trauma (Narcissistic abuse). What's your solution mr Narcissist?
lmao at that cope
Being fat is due to you eating like a pig for years and having no self control

>> No.17082364


he's in EVERY THREAD. just IGNORE HIM and answer OP's question/share experiences/recipes

>> No.17082367
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What's healthy? Let me guess, 10 servings of grains and seed oil a day?

>> No.17082370
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Just eat ground beef and butter. You will be so disgusted after a day or two you won't want to eat anymore

>> No.17082371

>lose weight
>feel better
>be thinner
>it isn't healthy because i said so
I can't help it. (you)s have no carbs and i had a light breakfast

>> No.17082372

It is a lifestyle problem
There are reasons why doctors encourage at least half an hour of exercise everyday.

>> No.17082376

>It is a proper diet. It's called the ketogenic diet.
It is a known commercial stunt that has never fixed someone's life long term because it doesn't fix any issue, it makes you lose weight quickly but is not sustainable in any way.

>> No.17082377

"everyday" is an adjective; you mean "every day".

>> No.17082378

Eating is no different then any other addiction. Addiction is caused by trauma

>> No.17082381

>it is not sustainable in any way
What on earth do you mean by this?

>> No.17082383

I walk over ten miles a week. I don't lose weight. I'm working thru my childhood ptsd and I'm assuming my cortisol is thru the roof. Thanks family of incest

>> No.17082388

Just eat eggs, there's a lot you can do with eggs

>> No.17082391

You're just blaming your laziness on 'addiction' and 'trauma'. Plenty of people have tough life dude, only some people are getting unreasonably fat without reacting at some point.

>> No.17082394

you can't walk off weight, you have to lower your caloric intake.

>> No.17082395

Sustainable means you can keep the benefits for years, it cannot happen with keto, because at some point you will have to revert to your normal habits, which are still awful.

>> No.17082400

K. There's no reasoning with you Narcissists so believe whatver makes you "happy"

>> No.17082401

>Thanks family of incest
Your family is responsible for the bad things they did to you, you are responsible for your awful lifestyle, don't mix everything up.

>> No.17082402

>at some point you will have to revert to your normal habits
What is this based on? Nothing?

>> No.17082406

Personally, I prefer the PtFDF diet

>> No.17082412

You can't keep eating bacon and meat for the rest of your life. Vegetables and carbohydrates rich food in general contains essential nutrients. You're putting your body into stress by ignoring its needs just because you don't want to actually cook yourself some real food and count your calories intake.

>> No.17082417

Why do you keep strawmanning ketochads like that you weirdo

>> No.17082418

>keto has
>who eat carbs

U wot m8?

>> No.17082423

I'm doing them a favor actually.

>> No.17082442

>Vegetables and carbohydrates rich food in general contains essential nutrients.
Not really. Everything you need can be gotten from meat.

>> No.17082450

The shit Narcissists tell themselves....

>> No.17082453

Do one meal a day to curb appetite in the long run, that way you won't be eating to the "same shit" so often.
You can eat as much as you want in that one meal until you stop losing weight, at which point you might want to evaluate if exercising, removing a certain food, or portion control is more appealing to you.

Just get vegetables for variety, avoid potatos or any kind, don't go overboard with carrots, fermented/pickled stuff like Sour kraut/pickles is fine if there isn't sugar added shit
You can even have berries in reasonable amounts.

Nuts, meats, cheese, fish, butter (oils) are all open season in general, but eating mostly vegetables with a hefty or moderate portion of is more reasonable and allows you to shovel more food into your gullet per meal.

When you reach your target weight you can start eating carbs/sugar and shit again if you can control yourself and eat reasonable amounts of it, but you'll have to start up keto again to lose the weight you'll gain if you recklessly binge (stay away from drinks with sugar added) .

>> No.17082455

>Not really. Everything you need can be gotten from meat.
Absolutely not. You're probably deficient in vitamin C and fiber. You're also increasing your risk of colorectal cancer and vascular diseases.
Also carbs are essential for providing enough energy to the brain and maintaining your libido. But I guess at least you don't have to worry about this last point am I right?

>> No.17082485

People doing keto well eat greens. Not like you can't pop a tiny little vitamin c pill either.

(You). Nobody likes you. You're not earning anything doing this for free. Just go ahead and smoke yourself my man

>> No.17082493

eggs and butter every day, the latter to satiety; eggs depending on your protein needs, i do one meal a day 7--8 eggs (or 1--2 more if working out) and 100-150g butter. i was losing weight (6'4", 63kg) before reently having reinitiated workouts

>> No.17082517

There is exponentially less need for antioxidants (the main use of vitc in carbohydrate-rich and/or polyunsaturated fat-rich diets that are mildly, long-term inflammatory to the whole human organism).

There is zero evidence of exogenous (out-of-body, that is, not made by (You), that is, eaten) carbohydrate or fiber (insoluble carbohydrate) being necessary for human life, during embryo stage, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, or elderhood.

>> No.17082523
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>> No.17082526

>got so triggered he had to namefag

>> No.17082534
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t. terminal fatty

>> No.17082839

If you really needed vitamin C youd get scurvy just eating meat but that doesnt happen. The Bellevue experiements showed this in the 1920s.

>> No.17082880

Biggest bunch of retards in this thread.

>> No.17082914

Here's my daily keto routine:

1st meal: 3 scrambled eggs fried in olive oil. Add shrooms, garlic and asparagus depending on taste and budget. Sometimes I just eat the eggs with nothing else. 2-3 times a week I add cod liver (not just oil) to this meal for extra fat and omega 3s.

2nd meal: 100g of gouda cheese. Immediately followed by 250g of minced beef with veggies, shrooms and garlic. Veggies are usually either Brussel sprouts, broccoli or green bell peppers. Sometimes I replace minced beef with pork neck cutlets, wild caught salmon or chicken liver.

Then I fast for 16 hours until next meal. I'm losing 100-200g of fat per day months into keto (I've already lost shitload of water).

>> No.17082932

>vitamin C
Just eat liver, retard. Liver has more vitamin C than any plant based foods.

>> No.17083080

4 brussels sprouts and a quarter of a red bell pepper meet both your vit C and vit K RDV for 40 kcal and 5g of net carbs. It's extremely easy to get those micronutrients from vegetables while staying in ketosis. You're arguing with a bad troll

>> No.17083092

I doubt many ketolards would even consider getting within close proximity of a brussels sprout.
Keto is just a way to stuff their face with bacon while convincing themselves they do a good thing for their health.

>> No.17083094

If the diet isn't working just change the diet. You're looking for something sustainable not a quick fix. You don't have to be on keto to be healthy anymore so than you have to be a vegan or whatever.

>> No.17083114

that doesn't say anything about the diet itself. A lobster with a spinach salad is just as much of a keto meal as bacon wrapped cheesy meatballs or whatever

>> No.17083121

Im angry because every person I know on keto is a fucking lard ass. You peddle nonsense like your nutritionists while still being a fat fuck. You could literally stop fucking eating so much but instead you find some fad diet that will still let you guzzle nacho cheese and bacon bits.

>> No.17083127

>There is zero evidence of exogenous (out-of-body, that is, not made by (You), that is, eaten) carbohydrate or fiber (insoluble carbohydrate) being necessary for human life,
I don't want to imagine the state of your sloppy and sticky shits. Hopefully you work from home because office workers don't deserve to have a keto in the room.

>> No.17083143
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my favorite comfort snack on keto was pork rinds with mashed avocado. but I don't do keto anymore, it's a meme. the only reason people like keto is because on keto you immediately deplete all your glycogen and lose ~10lbs in the first few days. apart from that it's not faster or easier than other methods of reducing calories.

>> No.17083152

You dont have to reduce calories your TDEE goes up if you cut carbs

>> No.17083184

A Ribeye Steak with a side of New York Strip steak

>> No.17083210
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see, these are the memers I was talking about. on keto you might, on the short term, lose weight while consuming more calories but that is all because of the glycogen / water weight explanation, mistaking you to believe you are losing fat. it's all a cope invented by Americans to convince themselves they can lose weight while stuffing their face with bacon, butter, oil, eggs, and red meat. taking a step back it's actually fucking funny how popular this is.

>> No.17083225

thats a lot of words to say you cant refute my statement? I'll take angry vegan for 500. Keto also reverses all coronary disease risk factors

>> No.17083269

>I'll take angry vegan for 500
Vegans and ketos are equally ridiculous and unhealthy.
Just have a diversified nutrition, avoid processed food, have an active life and you cannot be fat.
Keto diet is like fighting drug addiction with another drug, it seems to work at first but it doesn't last. It just delays the time were you'll finally start to work on fixing your life for good.

>> No.17083274

>the time were

>> No.17083276

>Just have a diversified nutrition, avoid processed food
So keto. Meat fish egg and green veg. What else do you need? Are you still scared of dietary fat?

>> No.17083280
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> angry vegan
nope, omnivore, pragmatist, and can definitely bench press more than you. there is an ocean of literature outlining how excessive red meat and animal fat consumption are detrimental to human health. it's true that eliminating added sugars (soft drinks, etc.) is a major improvement of keto over the standard American diet, and probably accounts for most of the perceived benefits of keto. it sill is not even close to being better than a balanced diet and it doesn't mitigate the damage of massive animal fat consumption or makes up for the lack of complex carbs.

>> No.17083282
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This will keep you in ketosis

>> No.17083289

>the damage of massive animal fat consumption
There is no high quality evidence for this

>> No.17083292

Does your bf like how you stay in shape for him?

>> No.17083308

There is endless literature about how excess meat consumption is killing you

>> No.17083316

>endless literature
Post a single clinical trial where meat reduction reduced mortality. It does not exist

>> No.17083357

steam some asparagus, top with a soft boiled egg and shaved manchego

toss some cold nordic shrimp and diced avocado in vinaigrette, serve on top of a bed of boston lettuce

spread taramosalata on endive leaves

make deviled eggs with greek yogurt and ajvar instead of mayonnaise


steam mussels with shallots, tomatoes and white wine

chicken thigh souvlakis with a greek salad

all keto friendly, none of them have excessive bacon or red meat, not that there's anything wrong with either per se

>> No.17083361
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What the anti-keto spergs don't understand is that overweight people by and large have a broken insulin reaction, and that insulin blocks fat burning. When overweight people eat carbs they produce way more insulin than healthy people and it takes way longer for that insulin to leave. This means that even when someone overweight eats a calorie deficit diet they are unable to access their fat storage. Instead their metabolism slows down to compensate for the lack of energy. The reason keto and other low-carb diets work is because they allow you to avoid the insulin spikes and access your stored fat while eating fewer calories than you burn.
It's easy to mess up though because you have to make sure you don't overeat and don't eat too many carbs when you do.

>> No.17083365


>> No.17083367

>When overweight people eat carbs they produce way more insulin than healthy people and it takes way longer for that insulin to leave.
almost correct. when insulin resistant people eat carbohydrate they hyper secrete insulin. more common in overweight or obese but can happen in normal weight as well. more than half the US is insulin resistant by conventional diabetes testing which under diagnoses the true prevalence of insulin resistance.

>> No.17083431
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Here's two awesome keto cookbooks. Keto is amazing for health and weight loss. No reason to ever quit keto. The seethe posts are from vegans and other leftists who don't like anyone eating meat.

>New Keto Cooking: Fresh Ideas for Delicious Low-Carb Meals at Home by Michael Silverstein

>Easy Everyday Keto: Healthy Kitchen-Perfected Recipes by America's Test Kitchen

>> No.17083447
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An essential keto recipe is chaffles. Basic chaffles are just egg and mozarella. There's other chaffle recipes for different textures.

Chaffles are the perfect bread or bun substitute. Dash Mini waffle makers make them the perfect size and thickness for sandwiches.

>> No.17084079

Literally take a single shit every weeks, a thick, log barely requiring wiping. And people doing this for long enough and properly would attest to the same, i'd reckon.

>> No.17084393

I made a fathead dough pizza but saved half the cooked flatbread and will be eating meat loaf sammiches the next few days. I still eat stir fry but without noodles. Crushed pork rind covered chicken chunks. I got a bunch of ground beef that I'll turn into taco seasoned meat and eat with folded up fatbread, some lettuce and tomatoes thrown in. Lots of broccoli. Some keto brownies or just sugar free chocolate chips when I want something sweet. I also started eating plain whole milk greek yogurt. Lots of eggs, pepperoni, and cheese.

I won't ever give up my whole milk as a source of carbs.

>> No.17084493

This anon is right. If you weren't so fucking retarded your fat asses would recognize this. Just look at the premise of this thread. There are so many variations of foods that have flavor and nutrients that you need. Yet you are focusing on the worst parts of a no-carb diet.

Oils and fats without fibers? Fuck off with this shit.

You need to get your permanent diet under control and this is a lifestyle change. It is a - from now on - I eat delicious, nutrient dense meals that are timed along with an exercise regime.

Crash weight loss is risky and the human body will attempt to restore fat reserves. That is how your body works. Whole food diets are absolutely the best way to approach this but without a long-term dietary plan synced with fitness goals you are all wasting your dumb fat ass fucking time.

Go to Amazon right now, buy a brand new bluetooth mp3 player, new running or walking shoes if you are that fat, and a new workout outfit. Write out a couch to 5k plan. If you are very heavy use this one but double it. Even triple it.

Then, eat a huge pile of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens - and one huge fatty chunk of meat per day. Cook that out however you want, keto or not, you will fail without making the decision and commitment right now to change your life for the better.

The only time you will EVER regret working out is before you do. Zero reason you cannot do this. Zero reason you cannot be proud of yourself. Fucking get on it.

>> No.17084499
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>> No.17084554

Keto is fine as a time-bounded intervention (or what normies would call a "diet") but it's pretty poor as a lifestyle--you end up getting taken for a ride trying to find low carb or zero carb alternatives to normal food, or buy SUPER KETO MEAL for a 300% markup. Take the fasting pill; fasting is quite safe and is easily the quickest method of fat and weight loss outside of stupid drugs like DNP. tl;dr start intermittent if you need to acclimate, then work your way up to 24s, 48s, and, the most effective sub-weeklong fasts, 72s.

Good luck op.

>> No.17084592

You lucky man.
I'm on the Autoimmune Paleo Diet and keto is so easy in comparison. Discipline yourself.

>> No.17084898

Confirm. I shit perfect smooth logs 2 times a week. Full evacuation, nice little blob of mucous right at the end. Very clean wipes, almost no smell. I fart very, very rarely. Once or twice a day, also very little smell. Natural fats, meat, fish, eggs, dairy, some nuts and seeds, some vegetables. Perfect human diet.

Carb eaters reek of sulfrous farts and have horrid shits. They swing between huge, bulky horse shits and exploisive diarrhea. There is some defect with every rancid shit they take 2-3 times a day. They almost all have hemorrhoids, anal polyps, or some kind of pre-cancerous intenstinal/anal isues from their awful diets. The symptoms of a bad (high-carb) diet appear from the mouth to the anus, and all the organs in-between. I can't stand being around carbies farting and shitting all day long. Digusting.

>> No.17085760

I usually fast and have my first meal at around 10-11AM, usually bacon or yogurt, and then will have something like fish and rice or meat and a small amount of vegetables around 5-6 PM. I hardly spend money on food and I'm not really concerned with losing weight right now, my weight stays the same because I'm shaving off calories eating only twice and keeping my hormone levels down for insulin and cravings.

Fasting and keto combined is probably the fastest way to unfuck insulin issues.

>> No.17085765

On days where I only have eggs/bacon/meat and maybe a small amount of vegetables, with no starches, my shits are gloriously smooth and problem free.

Even better if you're eating less meals per day, you'll shit maybe once every 24-36 hours and won't have bloating or strain from oversized fiber stuffed turds.

>> No.17085998


>> No.17086151

>They almost all have hemorrhoids, anal polyps, or some kind of pre-cancerous intenstinal/anal
Funnily enough, quite a few older relatives acquired piles during my growing up, from t1dm til now, and they're the deniers, the ones with the ointments, smelly bathrooms, wetwiper users. Thanks for coming forth, anon.
yoghurt is usuall 4% carb, and insignifantly little fat; double cream (40%) or pasteurized cream (20%, a solid, more yogurt-y) would be a better choice

also, to everybody: the usda's last reference value spreadsheet could be of vast help, if you don't want to calculate servings, know each items contents, adn so on; don't have the link, it's still up, but due to some shit they won't be doing on in the near future, here's mine, slightly reordered and top row rename, hope it'd be of use to sb https://www14.zippyshare.com/v/KDox6nYz/file.html

>> No.17086171

too lazy to read through this thread to see if anyone posted this recipe
brown beef in the bottom of pot (i use a cast iron pot but it doesn't matter)
season with pepper, garlic salt, and chipotle powder or whatever you want to season it with
chop cabbage and throw it in with the beef
let simmer for 1hr? i forget, cabbage should be soft + limp
i add in a can of rotel (spicy tomatoes) for more flavor, also optional
serve with butter on top (butter can be added into the pot but i like to add the butter when i'm serving, so the butter doesn't get cooked down)
my mom's keto and this was her favorite meal that i'd make for her, its one of my favorites even though i'm not keto. very basic, literally just cabbage and beef and you can change the seasoning as you desire

>> No.17086190

>You have to break your relationship with food being a big enjoyable part of your life.
what shit advice. keto is fucking retarded anyways. wanna know how the french are so skinny but eat butter, cheese, wine, etc? cuz they fucking portion control. that's it. if you wanna be fancy buy a bike or take up weight lifting. jesus, fat people piss me off with their meme diets and 'wanting to know the secret'.

>> No.17086304

That's mainly protein you imbred fuck.

Op not a lot of people here know about diet. Go to specialist websites

>> No.17086458
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I will never join your hairloss cult