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17081994 No.17081994 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: disgusting alcoholic drinks you will never try again. What the fuck is wrong with you Goose Island?

>> No.17082015

What kind of subhuman doesn't enjoy a niche panaché on a torrid summer day?

Explain yourself OP

>> No.17082049

If it’s a good one then sure. This shit from Goose Island is fucking disgusting. I would rather drink straight vodka than that.

>> No.17082062

>What the fuck is wrong with you Goose Island?
They had a good thing going with their midwestern-brewed, belgian-styled beers. Everyone freaked out when AB InBev bought the brand but I was happy that I could get Honker’s and 312 at pretty much any airport bar across the country.
Marketing took over in a big way. They rebranded themselves 4 different times in just as many years. With the additional funding from corporate, Goose Island was able to put great efforts into what became known as the “sour sisters” (Halia, Gillian, Lolita, Juliet, Madam Rose) as well as having free reign with their BCBS line and ever-changing varietals.
The issue became that no one was really interested in spending $30+ for a wine bottle of beer that was closer in taste to wine than beer. Consumer’s tastes shifted to hazy IPAs, cheap kettle sours, and session IPAs. The recent trend towards hard seltzers doesn’t help either.
The most recent rebranding of Goose Island, it seems as though they’re trying to appeal to the ladies. But even women aren’t dumb enough to not realize that they’re being pandered to.
Anymore, Goose Island exists for their Bourbon County release which itself has become a joke because every other brewery is also making a barrel-aged RIS and generally speaking, dark boozy sweet syrup isn’t what most beer drinkers want to reach for when they want a beer.

>> No.17082064
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Absolutely fucking vile. Fuck Greece.

>> No.17082280

If they stopped making Ouzo, nothing of value will have been lost

>> No.17082290
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This almost made me quit drinking altogether

>> No.17082296

>literally comes in turpentine container
that should have been your first red flag

>> No.17082301

I thought it was novel and fun. I really should have taken it at face value

>> No.17082482

Me and the boys were cranking on these last night no cap, this shit slaps OP you bussin

>> No.17082559

I remember seeing these on shelves. I drink every single day, but even I couldn't bring myself to try something out of a fucking paint thinner tin.

>> No.17083436

Canned wine. Fuck Mexican beer too.

>> No.17083466
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Thought I was going to regret this but it was actually pretty good and I would buy if again

>> No.17083700
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>> No.17083771

Shandy/Radler was created in Germany. Some cyclists stoped at a pub and the guy didn't have enough beer to go around so he mixed it with lemonade and called it a Radler. Radler is supposed to be German for cyclist, I'm assuming it translates to Rider. We I'm from we call them Shandys. I like a good Shandy, they're refreshing on a hot day. There's another Shandy type drink where you mix dark beer with cola. Fuck that noise though, cola is for faggots.

>> No.17084149
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This was the worst of the worst for me, and I can stomach just about anything

>> No.17084169
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This shit tastes like dirty socks.

>> No.17084243
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prosecco is literal dogwater
can only be used for mimosas (trash) or stupid "champagne jelly" type desserts

>> No.17085846

So are there any /ck/ approved shandys?

>> No.17085863
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Like candy bananas soaked in industrial cleaner, like the really gnarly shit they use to strip wax off floors

>> No.17085866
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>> No.17085870


>> No.17087666

To be honest, if you'd just tried actual paint thinner you probably wouldn't have noticed any difference.

>> No.17087668

Any whisky that's the price of red label is going to be pretty shitty.
It used to be quite good though.

>> No.17087671

This stuff is terrible. It's what I imagine an unsweetened 4 loco to taste like.

>> No.17087695
File: 33 KB, 360x721, John Emerald Spice Flavored Rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the nastiest shit i have ever drank in my 23 years of existing on this god forsaken hellscape

>> No.17087819


every time I am in the liquor store there is someone in front of me in line getting a bunch of fireball single or double shots. I couldn't even stand to drink one without burrying it in dr pepper and gave the rest away


>> No.17087841
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Taste like fancy fireball

>> No.17087848

Twisted tea was disgusting I had to try it after all the memes

>> No.17088068

Are you me? I've never vomited so much.

>> No.17088089
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They advertised the piss out of this swill during Game of Thrones commercial breaks, and I foolishly bought into the hype. This was during my severe, drinking-room-temp-Evan-Williams-straight-from-the-bottle alcoholism days, but even I had to think of a happy place every time I tried to choke the shit down. Never, ever again.

>> No.17088108

Very informative. Thank you. I remeber the buy out as veing one of the first independantly owned brewery acquisitions.

>> No.17088607

For a brief minute there, they were primed to be a macro-craft brewery, which might be an oxymoron. But they had the money to make their quality beers on a large scale with guaranteed consistency. And everyone accusing them of selling out just seemed jelly of their corporate privilege.
They rode that wave for a few years, but then all of those little startup local breweries that were popping up everywhere started stepping up their game. Or failing in the process. But before too long, the local brewery near your house actually was making quality beers and things that people wanted to drink…rather than the owner/brewer’s friends making excuses for the subpar beers.
Cue Goose Island’s marketing team getting freaked out and making dumb changes to try and seem relevant when they should have just left well enough alone. The only thing that accomplished was to alienate their loyalists and make them the laughingstock of the beer nerds.
Fixing things that were never broken to begin with isn’t exclusive to Goose Island. New Belgium is very guilty of this as well.

>> No.17088702
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