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17058426 No.17058426 [Reply] [Original]

> do the keto diet they said
> it'll be fun they said
> wind up counting my carbs harder than a weightwatchersfag because food manufacturers sneak that shit in everywhere
> can still have hard liquor than god


>> No.17058433
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i don't get it, is eating unprocessed food and doing regular cardio really so hard? you don't need to count calories or do keto or whatever

>> No.17058435

> wind up counting my carbs harder than a weightwatchersfag because food manufacturers sneak that shit in everywhere
Don't buy manufactured shit, then

>> No.17058439

Keto is stupid but so are you. If you only eat whole foods IE a steak rather than Uncle John's® Steakaritos!™, it should be simple.

>> No.17058445

counting calories is literally the only thing that works for losing weight
>regular cardio
often amounts to nothing if you still eat too much and don't know it
>unprocessed food
has other health benefits but absolutely irrelevant for weight loss

>> No.17058462

>unprocessed food
>has other health benefits but absolutely irrelevant for weight loss
of course the calories are what matter but unprocessed food will usually keep you full longer than processed food. makes staying under your calorie limit easier. if you eat nothing but unprocessed food it's actually pretty hard to gain much weight because of that.

>> No.17058575

So you’d rather do a fad diet to simply lose weight instead of pursuing a balanced lifestyle that will make you healthier in the long run?

>> No.17058612

just eat less food

>> No.17058620

unless you can spend a bit of money, it's bacon and eggs and green salad (no root vegetables) all day err day. It really works, too.

>> No.17058628

>counting calories
Are you genuinely autistic?

>> No.17058637

you arent doing it right if you’re counting calories or drinking booze
you’re supposed to intermittent fast and cut carbs
hard liquor is processed from sugars you dumbass

>> No.17058640

>wind up counting my carbs harder than a weightwatchersfag
What are you eating to cause this?

>> No.17058653

and you're responding to what argument exactly?
>so you're just gonna lose weight to lose weight?
t. filtered by elementary school math

>> No.17058703 [DELETED] 

Places like 8ch, kun and usenet want me to do kids

>> No.17058708

Nah dawg, I used to be 140kg and now I'm down to about 120. I eat whatever I want, don't count calories, fast (sometimes for a few days), exercise and still drink beer. Fuck fat diets and fuck counting calories (beyond rough estimates).

>> No.17058720

nigga i didn't say you had to autistically write every single thing you consume down in your little notepad and make little tick signs and doodles and shit. keeping a rough estimate in mind is still counting calories and very effective
just like you said arbitrarily restricting the types of food you eat is retarded

>> No.17058729 [DELETED] 

Don't call me a god damned nigger. It's demeaning.

>> No.17058735

What did he mean by this??

>> No.17058738

You got scammed retard, just stop being fat it's that easy

>> No.17058741

i ain't yo dawg cracka

>> No.17058750 [DELETED] 

I meant places on the internet are telling me to do kids again and I keep saying it's not right but maybe it is because they are so damned persistant.

>> No.17058754

>do keto once
>get the worst fucking rash all over my Body
Fuck this shit never again, lost weight though

>> No.17058758 [DELETED] 

Go 85%+ meat and dairy for health.

>> No.17058802

Fair enough.

>> No.17058804

do WHAT to kids?

>> No.17058821
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accidentally the whole kid

>> No.17058837 [DELETED] 

Feel them and use to bring to orgasm.

>> No.17060694

i lost a good amount of body fat just by cutting out sugar and processed foods, and doing cycling regularly. it's not a fast change but soon enough you look better and are slimmer. some form of exercise is really important to maintain your muscles and heart

>> No.17060702

Keto and low carb are different. Keto is chugging olive oil. Low carb is just keeping it under 20 grams

>> No.17060775

>olive oil
Coconut oil

>> No.17060814

Low carb doesn't necessarily induce ketosis while keto always does, that's the only difference

>> No.17060822

I know alot of you guys sperge out about keto but it helped me unfuck my relationship with food. I started with keto then that led me to fasting. I started fasting longer and longer and this reset my gut and digestive system. I'm down 45lbs to 180 at 6'1". I currently have been eating one meal a day for the last year and have never felt better. Different things work for different people. You have to keep in mind some people were raised to have a unhealthy relationship with food and have to find a way to reset this. Keto works for some CICO for others, as long as they are moving toward a better version of themselves I support whatever. The important thing is that the lifestyle is changed.

>> No.17060848

Keto makes eating so mind numbingly boring I stop eating from boredom or for pleasure.

So it works pretty well that way

>> No.17060877

keto should only last a week or two to help you get used to cutting back on carbs and eating less in general, then go back to a normal diet but being mindful of what youre eating

>> No.17060883

Why not just eat less without going keto?
The whole point of keto is to induce ketosis, that's what's meant to help you less

>> No.17060886

For people around 5'11 to 6'1 without a shitload of muscles - drinking water a Keto diet of ONE meal a day with fruit (low sugar stuff like berries, but mostly stay away if you can), vegetables (stay away from potatoes), cheese. and meat/nuts will eventually get you to 180 without portion control.
This is extremely easy if you just eat unprocessed foods and don't make retarded shit like "fat bombs" or whatever faggot ass shit you "miss eating".
Try to eat within the same 8 hour period each day.

Once you reach 180ish you're likely to plateau - then exercise or cutting back on certain things like fruit or whatever cheat shit you've been doing might get you to about 160ish where portion control/counting calories or having a job that consists of moderate labor comes into play.

tl;dr for king of manlets and just above manlets: ketos makes slimming down to 180 is easy, 160ish is feasible with half-assed effort, below that means actually putting in effort instead of just not eating certain things.

>> No.17060898

*help you eat less

>> No.17060900

Honestly, Ketosis is nice and that "even energy level" shit was probably good - but the main benefit is that it teaches fat faggots not to shove trash in their mouth every 30 minutes to an hour to wash down a liquidized sugar.
Then - holy shit - the weight just keeps falling off!
After that it's more tangible for newly skinny fat Skyler to have the semblance of a diet plan and perhaps maintain a weight loss regiment.

>> No.17060903

>teaches fat faggots not to shove trash in their mouth every 30 minutes to an hour to wash down with liquidized sugar.

>> No.17060904

Well that's your opinion but all keto proponents push the idea that ketosis is what causes the benefits and that if you don't induce ketosis you aren't getting anything out of it

>> No.17060913

>The whole point of keto is to induce ketosis, that's what's meant to help you less
that never actually happens, when most people 'go keto' theyre just cutting out white bread. just eating less from the beginning would also work but cutting carbs gives people something to target or focus on, its all the same in the end

>> No.17060917

Nah you're just completely wrong and have no idea what you're talking about
I mean yeah I believe you that there are some people out there who are stupid and don't actually read what keto is but keto is a ketosis inducing diet, the vast majority of people online who do keto have induced ketosis

>> No.17060926

>the vast majority of people online

>> No.17060928

Yeah people online in keto social groups
Read the comments bro, they've induced ketosis
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about you fucking dumb cunt

>> No.17060933

stop getting mad over bread

>> No.17060935

Yeah, but keep in mind most people (like OP) don't give an actual fuck about Ketosis, Ketones, or the benefits of it - They just want to lose weight.
So they just eat one meal a day, cut out most carbs (but still cheat and kick themselves out of actual Ketosis), and then marvel when there 200+ pound life suddenly is in to 180-190s depending on their height.

Sensible people like you would go "yeah fuck face, you stopped drinking soda and eating every five minutes" - but to them "vegetables and meat brrrooooooo, all dah cheese and butttteeeerrr!"

>> No.17061007

yeah, it kind of sucks the joy out of eating.
Then again, I was able to go from 210 to 170 over the course of a six months so I can personally attest to its effectiveness.

>> No.17061397
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>Duh heckin food manufacturers bros I literally can't even
Why are you even looking at manufactured food if you're trying to do keto you gibbering retard

>> No.17061450

I did keto once for a few weeks and lost most of my crown. ketosis causes hairloss.

>> No.17062083

I exclusively eat chocolate peanut butter keto chow, almonds, and zero sugar beef jerky. Started six months ago but I could go forever. No need to worry about carbs, no drinking salt/potassium all fucking day, and eating at any deficit is easy. Just get enough protein. Simple as

>> No.17062095

my hair is healthier than ever on keto

>> No.17063214

i bet you stink like a dead body

>> No.17063519

I'm on keto right now. I wish I could somehow post the smell of the dump I'm currently taking. Mankind's slow technological progress continues to fail us

>> No.17064165
File: 503 KB, 553x754, Jan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're replying to a vegan shill. They think lying about hair will scare people away from doing keto.

>> No.17064361

I wonder how much of it has to do with the reduced insulin and blood sugars or if its the more nutritious diet I eat now but even my eczema has gone away for the most part

>> No.17064735

Are you eating more vegetables or fewer vegetables? I've heard eczema is autoimmune which would resolve when you eliminate the trigger food. Plants can be the source of many toxins that cause autoimmune disease.

>> No.17065404

ehh it kinda depends on the week. i flip flop between eating a "balanced" higher fat diet with lots of leafy greens and low sugar fruits and sometimes going days or weeks just eating fish meat and eggs. i feel okay doing both but i will pay more attention to see if some specific foods make it flair up.

>> No.17066187

Ethanol is metabolised as a carb, anon.