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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17032980 No.17032980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Going to get the jab tomorrow, whats a good last meal?

>> No.17032984


>> No.17032985
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eat the snoot

>> No.17032995

jab or no jab you are better off if you are healthier. the easiest way to do this is improve the diet. cut the crap and eat nutritious food

>> No.17033006

Fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, buttered green peas, banana cream pie, a glass of cold milk.

>> No.17033032

a bullet

>> No.17033046
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eat up

>> No.17033048

Why get it? It does nothing except maybe give you blood clots and/or myocarditis

>> No.17033061

and allows you to work, travel, have sex, shop, eat, drink, go outside, none of which are obviously interesting to you

>> No.17033070

Let's look at some facts:
>You can get covid
>You can spread covid
>You can maybe die from covid
>After you get covid you're probably immune for a while
>You can get covid
>You can spread covid
>You can maybe die from covid
>After you get vaxxed you're probably immune for a while
>Can possibly get rekt/die from vaccine
And for on-topic, I guess eat like 50 mcchickens or something

>> No.17033073

I do all that without being vaxxed. I don't live in an authoritarian shit hole, sorry

>> No.17033076

let's look at some facts: you are gay.

>> No.17033078

>mfw I got an entire construction crew fired because they weren't following their company's covid protocol at all and some of them laughed at me for wearing a mask

>> No.17033083

based. keep on reporting anon

>> No.17033086

Holy heckin' yikes! You haven't gotten the mRNA gene therapy injection?

>> No.17033092

>3 months time
>unemployed, still a virgin
>"at least I'm unvaccinated"
fight the good fight anon

>> No.17033100
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found the moron.

>> No.17033103

Snails with a side of fried cockroaches..you vill eat zit and like it

>> No.17033111


>> No.17033112
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>and allows you to work, travel, have sex, shop, eat, drink, go outside, none of which are obviously interesting to you

>> No.17033113

snails are p nice anon

>> No.17033114 [DELETED] 

Thinly veiled /pol/shit threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/3 and >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.17033115

He's not injecting gene therapy into himself though. A moron would definitely do that without thinking about what they are doing first.

>> No.17033142

he actually thinks anyone cares about the rules.

except that those of us that got it did our research and understand how it works. it's much safer than a traditional weekend virus vaccine. how it works is pretty cool.

>> No.17033150

not me. I got it cause I couldn't go shagging without it

>> No.17033153

>except that those of us that got it did our research and understand how it works
No, you didn't. You are playing russian roulette which is pretty cool for people watching outside of your bubble. You may hit the loaded chamber which would be hilarious to me. I hope you do, smart guy.

>> No.17033154

Your Boss' pulsing heart.

>> No.17033171
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>except that those of us that got it did our research and understand how it works. it's much safer than a traditional weekend virus vaccine. how it works is pretty cool.

>> No.17033176

But I am employed, and am also having sex

>> No.17033182

then why are you here? is your boyfriend not performing well enough?

>> No.17033204

You sound upset, insecure etc. Typical of the kind of person that gets a fear-induced injection

>> No.17033218

Cum and shit on a dick

>> No.17033228
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>you didnt get a mass hysteria fueled shot? are you hecking crazy?!

>> No.17033230

Not OP but I don't mind if people want to take the vaccine or not. But why is it only anti vaxxers keep spewing on and on about what the vaccine does, etc... Is it their only hobby? You guys are constantly saying that we are living in fear of COVID but it's been over 2 years, no one is. It's the anti vaxxers that have an asthma attack whenever they see a headline or news article about it. How is it not exhausting for you yet? I don't know if you've been outside lately but people are living their lives normally now, we don't give a fuck about COVID anymore

>> No.17033237

Australia was literally arresting people who left their homes without being vaxxed

>> No.17033243

because rather than stand up for something you scum willingly play your programmed part

>> No.17033244

>But why is it only anti vaxxers keep spewing on and on about what the vaccine does
Because it's not a vaccine, it's gene therapy, and gene therapy has been known to kill animal test subjects horribly after years of study. Now we have human test subjects and they too are dying horribly but years haven't passed, yet.

>> No.17033254

>stand up for something
>gene therepy
You people sound unhinged

>> No.17033260

>You people
Ummm, problematic much sweatie?!?!?!?!?

>> No.17033267

>gene therapy
>you people sound unhinged
You're just an idiot then, you don't even know what you put into your body and now it's too late to reverse your ignorant decision.

>> No.17033293

wait til the mandate comes in lad

>> No.17033300

Cream of sum yung gai

>> No.17033306


>> No.17033309

>gene therapy has been known to kill animal test subjects horribly after years of study. Now we have human test subjects and they too are dying horribly but years haven't passed, yet.

So let me try to understand your logic here. You think the government is using human test subjects on something that will kill everyone who takes it, but they want it in order to control the population. So the only ones who will survive are the ones who don't take it, who are the anti-government "don't tread on me" types. So the goal of the government is to kill off all the "sheep" and specifically leave behind the ones who they can't control?

Excellent logic

>> No.17033317

he never said they are going to kill everybody that takes them but the vaccines do seem to have significant harms that have likely been underestimated. one example being the myocarditis particularly in young people who arent at great risk from serious illness from covid in the first place

>> No.17033318

post evidence of the harm that the vaccines cause. while of course completely ignoring the young people affected by covid.

>> No.17033324

ive met 3 people that had strokes from it. fuck off moshe

>> No.17033329

>lying anecdotes

>> No.17033334

You don't need to understand any logic, you need a functioning brain. MRNA gene therapy has had many problems

>FDA slaps hold on Zolgensma trials as animal data raises safety question
>The issue was brought to the attention of the US regulator by Novartis’ AveXis unit, which developed Zolgensma (onasemnogene abeparvovec or AVXS-101), and is already under investigation by the FDA over falsification of animal testing data for the gene therapy.

All of the test animals died, the company covered it up and the FDA gave them a pass. Now you are the test animal while the government propaganda mouthpieces tell you to be mad at me for telling you the truth. You ate up all of their shit and now you will deserve what you get, you have no sympathy from me.

>> No.17033345

100% truth homo

>> No.17033360

difficult to do you wont be able to see the full data until 2076. whistleblower in the bmj exposes poor practices in the clinical trial that likely led to underestimates of harms


or hear it from an editor at the BMJ


>> No.17033367

>poor practices
this was poor wording for what was more like falsification of data but read the article and come to your own conclusions

>> No.17033370

>difficult to do you wont be able to see the full data until 2076
So it's perfectly fine for you to claim that you know for certain that vaccines are deadly not but that you won't actually know for 50 years, but when it comes to any long term side effects from covid, if they aren't immediately present within days of contracting it, it shows it's a fake virus. Lol.

>> No.17033376

you didnt read the article or even watch the 2 minute video where he shows some of the raw data where mortality was greater in the vaccinated. like everything the vaccines have risks and benefits one just hopes they are assessed properly.

>> No.17033392

the vaccine turned me trans. now I'm trying to be taken seriously but I've got huge tits and a quivering, puckered anus ready to be plowed

>> No.17033458

No redditard has had a snarky comment on this yet? What a surprise. Die slow scum.

>> No.17033472
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I'm not getting vaccinated and that makes me smarter than you jabbies

>> No.17033483

Got my third jab Sunday. I'm fine. Your last meal should be a dick.

>> No.17033511

>allows you to work, travel, have sex, shop, eat, drink, go outside, none of which are obviously interesting to you
the DNA altering experimental "vaccine" does none of those things. The government does that. Because you're a bitch and allow them too.
You're such a spineless bitch that you actually sign a negligence waiver as they force you to take it.

>> No.17033524

>you're such a bitch haha be independent like me
>*collects government cheque because he can't work*

>> No.17033535

Don't care. Ain't getting it

>> No.17033540

>*Injects gene therapy*
>*Dies in agony like the filthy disgusting animal they are*

>> No.17033545

listen to what you are saying
>i'm going to trust big gov/big pharma while they lie to my face because I want to wage slave.

>> No.17033548

I don't know how you can't see that you're just another great reset conspiracy theorist retard.

>> No.17033556

I don't understand how you don't know what gene therapy is and that you injected it into yourself but then I realize that society has allowed retards to live somewhere and still feeds them for some reason.

>> No.17033574

Oh you're right, we didn't just sit through the greatest transfer of wealth ever recorded in human history. Those wacky conspiracy theorists are at it again

>> No.17033583

Did you even finish highschool?

>> No.17033590

Where is he wrong

>> No.17033591


Imagine giving up your bodily integrity forever in exchange for a few pints at the pub and wage slavery. Sometimes I feel sad about people suffering and then I remember they're fucking idiots who deserve it.

>> No.17033599

why leave the snot in it?

>> No.17033613

The ones trying to force everyone to inject gene therapy definitely deserve to die the horrible torturous deaths that the other test animal had before them. They don't even know what they put in their bodies but demand everyone does the same just to have shelter and eat.

>> No.17033615

First it was that people who get vaccinated will start dropping dead a week after they get it, then it was three months, and now it's years. I won't hold my breath. I got Moderna in August and have experienced absolutely nothing that you people describe. No cardiac issues, no cognitive decline, no Alzheimer's, not a single thing. I smoke too, where's my clot? Something, anything.

Let me guess, just two more weeks?

>> No.17033625

>he still uses "conspiracy theorist" in a derogatory context.
how simple can you be?

>> No.17033632

>First it was that people who get vaccinated will start dropping dead a week after they get it, then it was three months, and now it's years. I won't hold my breath.
What are you even babbling about you stupid mother fucker? If anyone dies I hope it's you and I hope it's painful, the science says it will be and that's a good thing.

>> No.17033652

>no cognitive decline
>doesnt understand what an experiment is

would you even know if you had become a retard?

>> No.17033682

yeah I played deus ex too and you're no jc

>> No.17033683

It was all over your board, /pol/nigger. The absolute insistence that vaccinated people were going to start going braindead and crashing their cars, wandering off, forgetting to eat and drink, etc. In August the popular assertion was that this would occur in three months. So where is it? Also your massive fanfictions about huge numbers of vaccinated people dying of clots caused by spike protein buildup along the arterial walls. Where's my clot? The narrative changes every time the mass 5G activated vaccine deaths don't start. Maybe JFK Junior will explain when he returns, kek

>> No.17033694

I don't visit that board you absolute moron, you injected yourself with a dangerous and possibly deadly substance, you will feel the pain, maybe you already are with the amount of cringeworthy posts you're making. You injected gene therapy, deal with that fact and then do the world a favor and die, retard.

>> No.17033695

I had to get it because I wanted to visit my dying grandmother. Pretty fucked up. Where I'm from I also gotta prove that I'm vaccinated if I wanna go to a restaurant, bar etc. Seriously if you wanna do anything you have to be vaxxed AND we still have a mask mandate.

>> No.17033702

Only one of those posts is mine but I will reiterate, you injected gene therapy you moron, that is a scientific fact. You injected gene therapy into yourself and you can never undo it.

>> No.17033729

>You injected gene therapy, deal with that fact and then do the world a favor and die, retard.

When lmao? When does this start, Dr.? Tell me, prophet, when does our divine punishment begin? When do you get to feel special for seeing it coming when the sheep would not?

You and >>17033702 can stand overlooking the burning world when it starts and suck each other off. No better than religious con men who predict the apocalypse or the second coming of Christ. When he gets here, let me know. In a decade you'll be trying to forget that you were ever on about this shit and when your family reminds you about how you acted you'll cringe.

>> No.17033742

>when does our divine punishment begin?
I already linked you all the information you need to know. Now you can go attack "science" and the government. Oh wait, you still are pretending I don't know what I'm talking about and what I already showed you. That's why I won't care when you suffer and die. You are less than an animal to me, whether you live or die as a test subject is meaningless, but you certainly have deliberately made yourself one. I will never be following your "advice".

>> No.17033743

>call people conspiracy theorists
>acts like he doesn't know the origin of the term

Wew. You're something special.

>> No.17033785


>> No.17033789


I agree. The NPCs that self police the population are worse than the vermin who created this evil.

>> No.17033812

The NPCs are the reason for this evil, they are also known as the PMC (professional managerial class) that forced Biden to mandate gene therapy from the feedback loop from his boomer manager voters.

>> No.17033815

the last election ruined 4chan. take your politics and shove them up your goddamn ass and kill yourself. fucking go talk about this on facebook you goddamn aspies

>> No.17033820

Go inject more gene therapy until your head explodes, retard.

>> No.17033859

>references video games in a political discussion

Look dude, at this point everyone is perfectly aware of whats generally going on, or legitimately retarded. I have little doubt there is a conflict inside your little brain right now between what your instincts tell you and your fear of what that means. It's easier just to keep drinking the koolaid, reiterating your celebrity-endorsed catchphrases, and pretending everything is ok. Because the alternative is scary and difficult and you're a spineless coward.
But goodluck bro, I'm sure the sociopaths that are responsible for this evil have an amazing future insured for you.

>> No.17033886

must be crazy living in a fairy story anon what's it like

>> No.17033892

We are witnessing the greatest political and economic power grab in human history. This issue transcends all topics. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.17033901

>forcibly mass injecting children with experimental gene therapy
there is really no other word for it. If you are so numb you cant see it then I pity you.

>> No.17033915

bs nigger you loved it

>> No.17033927


You're such a fucking pleb that you think this about politics. You probably think im a qanon trump guy based on your writing style. I'll make this simple for you absolute cretins:

I don't give a flying fuck whether the vaccine is effective or not, I don't give a fuck whether it's harmful or not. The issue is the government believing they have the right to deny you freedom of movement, bodily autonomy and the right to earn a living. You snivelling ignorant fucks are too cowardly and stupid to realise that. Remember to get your boosters faggots

>> No.17033932

That's one of the tastiest parts.

>> No.17033949

you've been radicalised and as a result you live in a melodramatic fantasy world

>> No.17033966


You look around and see this shit as normal. You're the one in fantasy land champ. Or you're just evil.>>17033932

>> No.17033974

if you weren't scared of needles this weird q cult wouldn't have even been able to use you like this you pussy

>> No.17033976

>you've been radicalised
>now inject the dangerous gene therapy that the affirmative action government hired managers demand you to inject or starve to death

>> No.17033986


Still going with the q shit lol. I have to admit you do make it difficult to work our if you're stupid or evil, but I'm going to have to go with evil on this one.

>> No.17033988

ok bro. Keep getting your objective reality from CNN and celebrity twitter posts.

>> No.17034000

At least they aren't denying that gene therapy is gene therapy anymore. It's not a vaccine, it's gene therapy and even the shills agree because they can't deny reality. Maybe they aren't so evil... nah they are.

>> No.17034002

ever considered that the whole Trump thing was to ferment disdain for the political right and anyone who is anti vaccine?
Do you ever question why Trump and anti-vaxxors have been so closely portrayed in the media when in reality antivaccine movements have been equally left and right wing?

>> No.17034011

youre so angry about politics on a shitty cooking board made for hentai addicted retards. please kill yourself

>> No.17034015


>You're scared of needles
>qanon trumpfag

Laughable. Are the standards of entry for propagandists really this low? For the record I'm not scared of needles and I think qanon is a load of shit. I recant my accusation of evil, for they are both stupid and evil.

>> No.17034021


Not politics, I'm angry that I have to share the planet with you filthy sub human non conscious animals. Luckily for us humans though you're getting put down like the dogs you are in exchange for donut.

>> No.17034035

>Are the standards of entry for propagandists really this low?
Yes, they only had to convince highly paid affirmative action hire retards that forcing gene therapy on everyone is a good idea. It worked and here we are.

>> No.17034101

>we're gonna defeat evil! just like the story book
>oh no a needle ahhh I'm scared

>> No.17034105

I didn’t trust it until they said the us military had to use it. I believe in preventative healthcare. Never get a flu shot either. I’ll save that shit for when i’m old and feeble.

>> No.17034118


>more strawmen and ad hominems

Truly a master of propaganda, booking my jab as we speak from such a persuasive argument

>> No.17034156

>us military
The govt forces this to shorten their lifespans because they don't want to foot the bill for VA insurance. Veterans are dead weight to them.

>> No.17034184
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>no retort just words
silly anti vax losing again

>> No.17034186

>its just a needle

your psyche's defense mechanisms are pretty woeful. Do you just tell yourself needles are all the same? Or is a matter of cognitive dissonance?

>> No.17034189
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you could try getting scratched by a cat or getting a tattoo to work up to a big boy needle

>> No.17034190

Thinly veiled /pol/shit threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/3 and >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.
Also, to the corrupt janitor who deleted my previous post. Encouraging others to utilize the report function for its intended purpose is not the same thing as admitting that you yourself reported a thread or post, and if you delete my post again, it proves that you are sabotaging this board.

>> No.17034195

well looks like this is where we part ways. I'm not sure what the future holds for us, but I am very fucking glad I'm not vaccinated.
Best of luck and goodbye.

>> No.17034198

You would make a great tranny janny.

>> No.17034203

clearly you dont live in austria

>> No.17034205

food & cooking lol

>> No.17034215

Oh well. At least im sure the va prescribes Real medicine

>> No.17034252

Based. Anti vaxxers should count themselves lucky as we usually put people who are dangerous to society in jail. Also they finally get to live out their second class citizen fantasy

>> No.17034255

sure, when they're not doing everything they can to deny as many people benefits as possible

>> No.17034266

Weak ass bullshit. Spend it all on covid “relief” and sidewalks no one fucking uses.

>> No.17034271

lol, even the idea of the needle scares him. honestly you don't even feel it if you're not paying attention and you get a good nurse

>> No.17034275

I’m an extreme outlier… but in certain areas it really is impossible to live BY YOURSELF without being on the governments teet if you can’t perform physical labor 5-6 days a week. Which good luck with that unless you have a kid or are an amputee or something.

>> No.17034289

seems like the only people who still put up pro-vaccine arguments are either the media, trolls or legit lobotomy patients.
Even most people who got the vaccine are aware of how fucked up it is, which is why they now refuse to engage in debate.

>> No.17034309

without the vaccinated people working you wouldn't get your tendies

>> No.17034318

Nothing is free in this world but flu shots, which is why I don't take them. Same principle with covid. Don't care about the politics or science. Behavior is the important thing to analyze. Who wants me to take this thing? Authoritarians above me, self-righteous busybodies below. As if I would listen to either. Although I should congratulate the human farmers for their excellent crop of loosh this harvest--all those mothers anguishing over stillborn children. Exquisite. Delicious.

>> No.17034320

>tendies in 2021
bro real

>> No.17034330

Patrician take. This is the kind of shit i took nightclubs to the dome for.

>> No.17034331

you know you dont have to post every time with some stale meme buzzword? You can just express your opinion.
If you're interested to know, what you're doing with your meme references and condescending posts is trying to consolidate emotional reinforcement from your "support group".
It's a clear sign of distress and confusion. Are you stressed and confused about something?

>> No.17034334

what do u eat now

>> No.17034348

things that never happened for 1000

>> No.17034353

>Nothing is free in this world
Your tax dollars are paying for vaccines.

>> No.17034357

>he thinks i pay taxes
Sweet summer child.

>> No.17034362

your money from the government every week is free, anti vax leech

>> No.17034365

Fucking fag. Leave this country.

>> No.17034387

I think you are just a spiteful little person and anti-vaxxors are an easy target for your emotional issues.

>> No.17034388

They can't be helped, anon. They're blind to the imprisonment of their minds, and ignorant of the torture of their souls.

>> No.17034533

20 bucks says this guy still wears a mask while doing all those things.

>> No.17034630

I have literally never worn a mask except on a plane cause I fly a lot for work lmao

>> No.17034688

>That's why I won't care when you suffer and die. You are less than an animal to me, whether you live or die as a test subject is meaningless, but you certainly have deliberately made yourself one. I will never be following your "advice".

My God the edge. I smoke cigs you retard, and I'm sure the amount of carcinogenic chems I get from known and unknown sources is insane. I'd bet money that as an American citizen and former public school attendee I've been clandestinely experimented on in ways I'll never know. I'm sure your body is an immaculate Temple and that the voices you hear are beneficial. You have powerful "cornering your coworkers and aggressively recommending podcasts" energy. It's cute and I've known your type. You're a useless, self-absorbed midwit who thinks the tile you fixate on is the whole mosaic of the truth. You call people "fools", "sheep", and "philistines" unironically. Your favorite music growing up was whatever wasn't popular and your dating life never existed. You're the sole arbiter of the truth in every discussion until nobody will talk to you, and above all you are alone.

Now if you're so concerned about the vaxx apocalypse, kill yourself. You will not fare well if society collapses like you wish it to.

>> No.17034698


>> No.17034701

You write like you have a fedora on. You are gay. Kill yourself. Like a high schooler who thinks they're so smart that having friends is below them. Everyone who has ever bullied you was right.

>> No.17034714

>just wait 2 more weeks bro, they'll start dropping dead soon

>> No.17034729

I'd probably just want some fresh bread and some good cheeses. Bottle of red wine to wash it down.

People like you disgust me.
The State took those things away from you and now you're licking their boots and thanking them for handing your freedoms back a little bit at a time as a reward for being an obedient little sheep.
They never had any right to tell you that you can't travel or go to a restaurant, you brainwashed dumb fuck.

>> No.17034733
File: 250 KB, 736x960, pepbosshawg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried Shrimp
Fried Catfish
Butter Crackers
Fried Okra
Dill Pickles
Pickled Jalapenos
Texas Toast
Vanilla Ice Cream
1 pitcher each Unsweet Tea, Milk, and Dublin Dr. Pepper

>> No.17034751

I'm starting to think there really are bots around this website.

>> No.17034754

>u should have done what I did and fought to the death and taken these rights by force!
what kind of fever dream world do u inhabit lol

>> No.17034812

omg penis pot pie DEFINITELY

>> No.17034827
File: 35 KB, 480x360, Rb2f37597f55ed37f25e67ecc00903303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaxport is setting the foundation for pic related
Also, get saved

>> No.17034980


You write like a faggot that has zero independence and relies on others to survive. I bet you work for a boss or on welfare God I can't wait for you cunts to die

>> No.17034987

>DNA altering
Do you know the difference between mRNA, tRNA and DNA?
Do you even know what virus is?