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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17021275 No.17021275 [Reply] [Original]

Given the fact that octopi are smart enough to pass the marshmallow test and sneak out of their enclosures in laboratories, what's your opinion on the morality of eating them?

>> No.17021288

they taste good, therefore i consume them

>> No.17021312

I'd literally eat people if it was legal

>> No.17021316

>the marshmallow test
is that an American thing?

>> No.17021321

It's not intelligence that matters but capacity to feel pain and fear imo so no animal is acceptable to eat when it's fully possible to live and thrive off of plants exclusively

>> No.17021329

Pigs are intelligent and cute and cows are adorable oversized dogs. I don't give a shit. They're delicious. Welcome to the reality of biology.

>> No.17021348

they taste like rubber

>> No.17021354

Millions of mice, rats, voles, and rabbits are killed by machines during harvest. Tens of thousands of birds are killed by either ingesting poison meant for smaller pests, or they're out right shot by farmers protecting their crops. Billions, yes billions of insects are killed in the fields were your food is grown. Your salad is covered in blood vegan, quit being a naive child about how the world truly works.

>> No.17021361

Intelligence has nothing to do with what we eat or who we fuck. If it did, it would be legal to eat babies and illegal to fuck 75+% of women.

>> No.17021418

lol edgy. You know animals are fed crops? A lot more than humans, too.

Option A: grow crops, harvest kills small animals and insects
Option B: grow crops, harvest kills small animals and insects, and large animals are mistreated and killed.

If your concern is death of animals, the scenario of a vegan world is a lower net killed

>> No.17021433

>place child in a room with nothing but a table with a marshmallow on it
>tell them you'll be right back and if the marshmallow is still there when you come back they'll get a second one
>leave and see whether they eat the marshmallow that's in front of them or not

>> No.17021439

bullshit. blobs can't understand any of that.

>> No.17021444

>completely normal human behavior is acted upon
What the FUUCK!? Why did they do that?

>> No.17021449

>they're out right shot by farmers protecting their crops.
It's like they're asking for locust swarms

>> No.17021452

Octopus don't have ears so you can't tell them anything. And they don't like marshmallows anyway!

>> No.17021456

this desu

also i really wanna try out hippo, it seems like the perfect meat

>> No.17021459

>blobs can't understand any of that.
Don't be so hard on the Americans.

>> No.17021484

It's just like a tougher alligator meat. Alligator is better imo, might as well just have that

>> No.17021486

When I went to southern China in 2018 I eat a lot of dog, it's good food

I'd eat anything except Humans (I hear the meat is usually not that good anyway)

>> No.17021501

>(I hear the meat is usually not that good anyway)
cause our diets are shit, its like the difference between grass fed cattle and the ones force fed nutrition pellets

i bet the tribes out in the amazon with no outside contact taste great

>> No.17021511


if Humans were "grass fed" I'd be happy to eat one
but unless there's control over the product, health checks and monitoring, I won't
since humans are generally quite filthy

>> No.17021527

>since humans are generally quite filthy
You actually got a good point, and some people pumped themselves full of drugs, yuck.

>> No.17021610

I'll eat octopus. Get conquered fucking sea tentacle bitch. I'm the top of the food chain. If aliens invade I'll eat them too.

>> No.17021618

What I remember about Chinese food as a young kid growing up in Hong Kong was not really that it was “bad” (which it often was, of course) but that the stuff my parents ordered for us was almost all frozen, and that I would generally throw out whatever that they brought home. This was in the days before a proper kitchen, and there was a tiny freezer unit that could only hold what was on the top shelf, and often that was some random combination of Chinese or Indian takeout. A couple of times a week we’d have what seemed like the best of everything, but the rest of the time it was pretty terrible: a frozen piece of some meat and whatever was frozen with it, a tub of rice, and maybe a can of green peas, and maybe a can of baby corn. There was a few times in my childhood when we were treated to something really good, like fresh fish that one of the waiters brought home in a plastic bag. So for my first couple of decades, I never actually ate a lot

>> No.17021625

don't care

>> No.17021629

In a pinch, I'd eat a Human

but it's not really logical to Raise a human up to maturity for harvesting the meat
(to make sure it reamins healthy physically and medically)

I suppose in certain African Tribes where the Humans are healthy by nature (lots of excercise, good diet) it's more acceptable, some diseases to worry about for sure and the meat isn't going to be as nice due to lack of fat, but it's better than eating a western modern human

>> No.17021640

The plural of octopus is octopodes

>> No.17021641


>> No.17021644

I'm torn, on one hand it's weird to think about eating something possibly sentient at that level. On the other hand if they really are that smart they're eventually gonna figure out that we are the ones fucking up their home and in that case we probably want to wipe them out before they can do it to us

>> No.17021663

Hong kong has really good food nowadays, when I visit I always go for Dim Sum in the morning

Problem in China (less so Hong Kong nowadays) is that the grades of meat are generally quite low, and depending where you go the hygeine isn't great

In the rural area's you'll have meat delivered in unrefrigerated trucks and it's basically half rotten as they're butchering it, lots of flies around

Dog is fresher because no need to drive it around, but there's a lack of Hygeine, still good meat though

In the markets there's basically every animal there for sale, illegal or otherwise

>> No.17021671

where is the cephalophobe anon that debunked octopi intelligence?

>> No.17021676

Are you Asian?

>> No.17021682

I become throbbingly erect at the thought of eating intelligent life forms

>> No.17021687


Octopus are fucking weird and I wouldn't be surprised if they along with mushrooms had some origin in being extraterrestrial beings.

>> No.17021708

> dog

I'm not ethically opposed to eating the animal itself, I'm opposed to the treatment the Chinese are known for when it comes to slaughtering the animals. Cruelty is intentional because of their retarded belief that 'torture makes the meat taste better'. Fucking bugs.

>> No.17021760
File: 62 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this board talk about eating humans so much?

>> No.17021771

Because it's far more interesting than "how u maek staek?" and "i on budjit wut fud cheep?"

>> No.17021776

because they're delicious

>> No.17021809
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Imagine cooking up some toddlers whole like a pig roast.

>> No.17021812

Agreed, Dog to me is classified alongside Pig's, they should be killed with a reduction of suffering

>> No.17022051
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This fucker was onto something, I just wonder how good it'd have been if he'd had access to today's groceries and equipment.

>> No.17022094

The reality is that, in time, we'll discover a shocking amount of animals are near-human intelligence and we've just been too stupid to see it. Refusing to eat something because it's intelligent will become unnecessarily limiting, because it was always a cheap sentiment based in a delusion of lesser or greater cruelty. Just eat whatever's available.

>> No.17022134

Can you even kill octopusses humanely? Their nervous systems are fucked up in the same way lobsters' are with no real centre and ganglia everywhere.

>> No.17022151

I don't know how the thought of eating another person doesn't make you feel sick. Maybe I'd eat someone if I hated them.

>> No.17022165

Have fantasies of eating people, me. Sometimes, if I'm really hungry, I'll briefly fantasize about eating a man-steak. A couple times, I've had dreams about it. I think God has a plan for me.

>> No.17022167

This, as long as it's slaughtered humanely I don't give a shit what animal the meat came from.

>> No.17022169


>> No.17022171

Cut your arm off and eat it and then kill yourself

>> No.17022174

the vast majority of animals don't feel pain

>> No.17022180

In the case of most non primates, delayed gratification is a relatively uncommon trait.

>> No.17022203

No, I must end human overpopulation through human-based keto.

>> No.17022204

From what I've heard human tastes like veal on the verge of becoming beef.

>> No.17022212

Killing yourself will help with overpopulation though won't it?

>> No.17022220

They only fot that to work with cuttlefish

>> No.17022229

Not as much as slaughtering and eating others. If I kill myself, it's just one. If I do human-based keto, it's probably over a hundred a year. If /ck/ joins me, it can be tens of thousands.

>> No.17022235

>kill the person trying to solve your problem
wow great solution, retard

>> No.17022260

Well if you insist. When you get your first kill make sure to make a thread about it here, okay? I don't think we've ever had a real cannibal post human flesh here before. I'd love to see how you end up cooking them. I bet spaghetti and meatballs would be good.

>> No.17022261

I fucking hate octopuses you have no idea.
Every time I dive I literally carry an octopus smacking-rod with me and smack those smug bastards if i see one.
They always fuck with your tools and shit.

>> No.17022263

>hundred a year
Just how much do you eat? 4 people would probably fill a chest freezer for almost a year. We're not as meaty as cows but we've got plenty of edible parts. Just avoid the nervous tissue if you don't want vCJD.

>> No.17022296

I was trying to overshoot it, but maybe I did too much. Let's say I'm gonna eat 1000 calories of man a day, and I'm avoiding the nervous system, endocrine system, urinary system, and digestive system. As apex predators, I probably shouldn't eat anything that is involved with filtering all the toxins humans consume. How long would it take me?
I'm definitely going for steak. After the prime cuts, it'll be burger.

>> No.17022309

>avoiding the digestive system
It might make a good menudo.

>> No.17022314

Sorry, wasn't thinking. Why are you avoiding the digestive system? Liver is good. You'll also be missing out on the sausage with the casings made out of human intestines.

>> No.17022331

Average men are 75% muscle, around 175lbs or 130 lbs of meat roughly. 1 human could feed a single man around 90 days depending on what you make I'd say. That makes almost right at 4 people a year.

>> No.17022346

I think we give our livers too much of a battering for it to be all that great unless you prepared the hell out of it, even for non-alcoholic stock.

>> No.17022348

I just don't want to die of liver/kidney disease from all the shit we eat. Unless there's some trick to minimize risk, I can get my tripe and liver from cows and sheep, as I have before. Calves and forearms would be good for jerky, long strips of extremely lean meat. Asians would probably be a good idea, as the wider fat distribution would help flavor. Whites would have tasty midsections/flanks, but extremely lean meat everywhere else.

>> No.17022370

I have no concern for death, I'm just pointing out how naive vegans are when it comes death associated with any type of food. As for "mistreated" animals, this is why I advocate for buying local; the abuse comes from large industrial butcheries that need to turn out large amounts of product to stay profitable. Then again, I'm not going to knock the big guys too much because they're still 10 time more humane than what happens in bugman-land. At the end of the day I, like most meat eaters, will always frown upon intentionally cruel practices, but will still consume meat because that cycle has been natural for humanity for thousands of years regardless of self-sponsored revisionist history.

>> No.17022372

Don't kill whites, we have low enough birthrates already. You should try eating Mexicans, they're probably tasty without even seasoning them.

>> No.17022379

I mean, China did fuck that one up pretty badly when they tried to eliminate the sparrow as one of their "5 great pests".

>> No.17022387

Mexican diets are pretty starchy, and Mexicans in general tend to be fatty, so their flanks would make killer stew meat.

>> No.17022406

Also I want to try longpig gyuudon now.

>> No.17022433

Morbid curiosity.

>> No.17022447

My (rough) estimate for ideal human population says everyone is overpopulated. I want the global population below 500k, ideally 100k. Everyone's on the menu.

>> No.17022485

>everyone's overpopulated
>therefore I should kill the most intelligent and capable of self-control groups as much as I do the least intelligent and most destructive groups
I mean, we knew you were schizophrenic to start with, but that's even more deranged than your usual thinking.

>> No.17022499

I am bigger, stronger, smarter, and better armed. They being delicious and nutritious is their fault, not mine, and compels me to eat them.

Many such cases..

>> No.17022508

I don't eat them specifically because they're clearly sentient and sapient. Same with pigs. Stopping beef too.

Chickens can get fucked I gotta draw the line somewhere to get my protanes

>> No.17022511

I don't eat them, but I don't knock those that do.

>> No.17022556

Those dumb shits only live for like a year and then they die, so who cares.

>> No.17022562

mordin only lived like 20 years but he was still one of the galaxys best scientists

>> No.17022570

You greentext as if my logic wasn't sound. I'm gonna eat you now.

>> No.17022642
File: 31 KB, 747x420, pudge-dota-2-747x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Share a bit my niggy

>> No.17022662

"There will always be death so get over it vegan!!!!"
"Okay but why not less death?"
okay guy lol

>> No.17022668

"That's how it's always been" is the most retarded response kek
If we just went by "that's the way it's always been" there would be no history, no progress, no science. It means nothing and it's not a real argument

>> No.17022701

rubber tastes good therefore I consume it

>> No.17022791

they're just trying to escape the ocean

>> No.17022833

Why would you admit that on the internet?

>> No.17022841

Because its the internet, its not like you know who that poster is. That's the point of anonymity. As for glowies tracking shit on this site wanting to eat people isn't a crime since its just a thought.

>> No.17022958

Thank God there's no such thing as thoughtcrime

>> No.17022978

There will be soon. BMIs are getting more and more powerful, and this shit with Meta/Facebook both excites and terrifies me. They may not be full crimes at first but antisocial thoughts will get you flagged and restricted.
This music video (while also being my favorite band) shows a grim peek into the future ruled by tech corperations

>> No.17023076

Anything smarter than a cow shouldn’t be eaten

>> No.17023353

They live like a year, an average of 2 (yes two) out of 5,000 eggs make it to adulthood and sometimes the males get eaten after mating or some of them starve after laying eggs among other shit. Getting killed and eaten seems like some of the least bad things a lot of them go through.

>> No.17023367

It is in the US except for Idaho. It's the killing that's illegal, not the eating.

>> No.17023437

I mean, that's fair, isn't it? He doesn't have to care about death, he's the meat-eater.

>> No.17023513

guess you're for dinner then anon

>> No.17023523

That's a decently good insult, anon. Good job.

>> No.17023540

When I was 11 years old I begged my mum to never again cook octopus and i refused to eat it from then on, I think it's wrong to eat octopus

>> No.17023601


>> No.17023635

Imagine betraying millions of years of gastrointestinal evolution for morality points

>> No.17023647
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>> No.17023796

Why they make octopus into a ball?

>> No.17023827

Enjoy your neurodegenerative disease.

>> No.17023830

>he can't tell the difference between octopus and squid

>> No.17023952

i have literally never ate a cuttlefish. squid though. M MM MMM!! love me some squid! ouh yer baby, fresh squid, boiled squid, fried squid - I just love squid!

>> No.17023995

I'm probably going to kys myself in a few years anyways so I'm not worried about prion disease since that takes years to kill

>> No.17024003

Why would you raise a human to maturity if you're going to cook and eat them? Just fatten them up until they are like 10 years old and then slaughter them

>> No.17024047

How do they know to keep from dying then? Even one-celled organisms "feel pain", that is, they have a mechanism to keep them away from things that hurt them.

>> No.17024073

get fresh squid/octopus

>> No.17024087

That's only the brain you have to worry about. You also want to keep away from the organs. Cannibalism is honestly fairly well documented, since a few cultures that do it managed to make it all the way to the modern age without changing.

>> No.17024385

What does takoyaki taste like?

>> No.17024435

>working in big city
>eat takoyaki all the time
>go back home to small town
>only place that does takoyaki is frozen premade shit
fucking kill me

>> No.17024461


>> No.17024462


>> No.17024652

The same thing I'll think if I turn out cannibal
>Smart how you want but now is in my stomach.

>> No.17024749

/ck/ more like cannibal kitchen

Whatever actual cannibals are on 4chan would naturally be drawn to this board

>> No.17024970

I bet a plump (not obese) 10 year old would taste amazing. They would have a delicate flavor that would sing as a filet mignon.

>> No.17025015

His saying 'there will always be death get over it' implies it's a bad thing, and shouldn't there be less of a bad thing when possible?

>> No.17025029

It's sad how brainwashed you are to believe that we evolved to eat meat. Our teeth and intestines are those of planteaters. More people are lactose intolerant than not. Try eating raw meat; you, your teeth, your jaw, and your digestive tract are gonna have a bad time. If we evolved to eat meat, we'd be able to without cooking it. Get your head out of the sand and start thinking for yourself

>> No.17025038

hanibal buress put it nicely:

"das why dey taste good, coz dey smart. dey take care of dey diet"

>> No.17025075

99% of every animal on this planet would eat me if they could, its just good to be an apex predator.

>> No.17025086
File: 82 KB, 1024x732, DD3E5170-B0D7-4018-A134-FD7FA5C5F32D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a pasta? Literally none of these things are true. Herbivores have much more robust digestive systems than human beings. Humans can’t eat raw meat because they literally evolved to sanitize it with fire, spices, salt, and alcohol. That’s why humans require a much higher salt intake than other animals and can process alcohol and spices, which are toxic to other species. We actually inherited the need to eat cooked and preserved meat from our ore-human evolutionary ancestors

>> No.17025115

This is why we should make every animal and plant that feels have immortality and that should eliminate the need to eat. That has to be the morally correct solution.

>> No.17025174


>> No.17025181

also only eat a girls buttcheeks, and she should be under 10. never eat decadeold meat

>> No.17025261

We have teeth meant for grinding and a long intestinal tract for the slow absorption of plant matter. We need salt because we sweat, not because we "evolved" to depend on it based on our diets.

>> No.17025307

we have some teeth meant for grinding, some teeth not. Yes, our digestive tract is proportionally longer than that of a dog’s or lion’s, but it’s not even close to as long as a cow’s. Yes it’s important to consume salt to replace electrolytes but humans have also been using it to preserve food since the beginning of their existence. You also conveniently ignore the rest of my points.

nigger quit sucking PETA’s nuts

>> No.17025399

foods either gotta be ball or dick shaped to be good, simple as

>> No.17025425

It's sad knowing just how many people die without ever knowing what good octopus tastes like

>> No.17025470

>They always fuck with your tools and shit
based and mischiefpilled

>> No.17025487

I don't eat meat so I don't want to argue that it's natural or not. But humans have always just eaten what was available, we are omnivores. I just don't find it necessary for us anymore to do so. I'd also like to preserve nature for next generations as destroying the environment is nigger behavior.

>> No.17025508
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this year we specifically did a 3rd round to kill the mice plaque that shitty spring weather enabled

>> No.17025528

Dentist here, human have weak teeth compared to animals. To chew cud you need 5 times our crushing power on molar teeth, to skin live prey you need 5 times the size our canines. Our teeth are for eating cooked food, both meat and plants.
This is true. Only humans enjoy spicyness. Birds do not feel chili heat, humans seek it out. Onions and garlic evolved their pungency to drive away less perverse creatures than humans, who seek them out. Peppercorn, szechuan pepper etc are only eaten by animals who do not feel their spice, unlike humans who eat them for their spice. We have a unique attraction to spicy things because we eat cooked food, unlike every other animal.

>> No.17025751

>preserve the environment
>by consuming agr*culture, the ultimate tool of environmental destruction
By being a living human, you're part of the problem. If you want to help, start eating people.

>> No.17025815

I rather feed my body all the necessary vitamins, minerals and aminoacids thank you
being vegan is literally starving your brain by choice

>> No.17026154


>> No.17026217

>eating animals

I swear, this is one of the most bullshit arguments that vegans and activists will use against people that consume animal products, but also the most disingenuous AND somehow the most convincing. They're literally playing on your heartstrings to make you feel guilty for consuming something that in no way feels the way these people are trying to make you feel.

I grew up on a farm. We raised chickens, pigs, cows, a couple of goats, some horses (just for riding/recreation), and so on. At the end of a long day, it was nice sometimes to go relax in a paddock. Everybody would cluster around. The cows would want scratches. the pigs would flop down next to you and want their butts scratched, the chickens would pick over flies and whatever bugs were around, the horses would kind of stand guard, whatever.

And then fall came, and it was time for butchering. And we'd kill a bunch of chickens, we'd butcher some pigs, we'd kill a steer, and maybe even a goat for some other folks in the community. And you know what? The very next day, I could go back out there to relax and they'd all come clustering around again.

They don't have humanity. They don't have feelings or a conscience or a sense of morality or whatever else these dipshits are trying to project against us. Sure, as someone on a smaller farm, I do have certain objections to some of the mass-produced methods of meat and poultry that we're used to, but the morality/ethical thing is a weave of lies and bullshit. They want you to believe you're raising and butchering and eating the equivalent of a human and that quite simply isn't the case.

So fuck ya, pass the pulpa and the takoyaki and shut the fuck up.

>> No.17026294
File: 62 KB, 607x405, 5C6C8122-9F51-4F09-9E66-F44F14E0FB4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the first thing your teeth notice is the bready outer layer, which is gonna be well cooked, and the sweet mixture of the brown sauce and creamy kewpie mayo contrasting with the fishy katsuo/bonito flakes. The flavor gets all mixed up right away (because you eat the things in one bite) with the warm, gooey, undercooked dough-seeming inside of the takoyaki ball, at which point you get the added chewy bonus of the octopus bit in the middle, like some kind of fucky savory Ferrero Rocher. Definitely my favorite Japanese street food, though kushi katsu, impossible to find in the states, is maybe even better.

>> No.17026624

I would eat human if it tasted better than any other option

>> No.17026660
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>> No.17027023

The thing about animals having no morality is kinda true. Hippos will end you no questions asked and they can crush your head like a melon if approached the wrong way. Different animals in the same family as badgers are fucking ruthless and many have a tendency to surplus kill (killing more than they need to eat) along with otters taking other otters' young for randsom or even raping baby seals. Ducks give zero fucks about consent (it's why their dicks are the shape they are) and intelligent animals like dolphins and killer whales seem straight up sadistic. Dolphins have rape as their M.O. and have been known to try to mate with humans, killing anothers' young to try to gang rape a female or even attack other dolphins for looking different while Orcas play with their prey launching it several meters into the air with their tails until it's basically mush, often times for fun without the intention of eating.

The intelligence bit is also kind of a meme since some of the aforementioned intelligent animals like dolphins and killer whales give zero fucks and have been known to display behaviour worse than what some people attribute to nogs.

>> No.17027406

It depends a lot on the diet. I wouldn't eat an American unless it was a life or death situation

>> No.17027414

Pigs are literally smarter than all breeds of dogs but we still savagely slaughter and eat them. Dumb thread.

>> No.17027426

We conquered boars and they turned into meek pigs. We befriended wolves and they became loyal dogs.

>> No.17027487

What a brainlet take lol

>> No.17027499

You had thoughts in your head and vomited them forth.

>> No.17027501


>> No.17027511

The real question is do you wish to slumber in an octopus garden in the shade?

>> No.17027523
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>> No.17027565

If they were so smart they wouldn't be on my plate. I take solstice in knowing that I raise the total iq of the octopi population by eating the dumb ones. Also good calamari is god tier. I still remember the best I've ever had. It was from some resteraunt in SF. Can't remember the name but I can vividly remember the taste and texture.

>> No.17027572


>> No.17027596

For me, it’s panda.

>> No.17027622

How can an animal fear without intelligence to process a threat?

>> No.17028231

eat statistically above replacement birthrate populations first, preferably pre-pubescent

>> No.17028240

Humanity has a loooong prehistory of cannibalism. What was the morality of that?

>> No.17028465

Morally who cares. Tastefully, they suck.

>> No.17028585

I follow the Anthony Bourdain school of thought: "If it's smaller than me, dumber than me, and tastes reasonably good...pass the salt."

>> No.17028595

Human teeth match the profile of 'omnivorous' teeth. We have grinding teeth AND we have meat shredding teeth.

>> No.17028690

Why is intelligence the metric we go by?
I don't really think our morals for eating meat are based on reality, they're based on how it makes us feel. That's kinda true for morality in general, actually.
I still eat meat, though. I'm a slave to my instincts.

>> No.17028730

kill yourself

>> No.17028736

intelligence is the metric for all kinds of fucked up institutions

>> No.17028793

>typing like a retard to make fun of something you don't like

Go back to plebbit, tranny

>> No.17028846

Chickens are surprising intelligent, so my solution is turkeys, which manage to be even more retarded than people think. I'm still pissed about not being able to justify including chickens in my diet, though, they're in so much shit I want to eat.

>> No.17029191

With a little chianti and flava beans

>> No.17029206
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it is legal, just not for you.
this retard things its possible to grow plants without killing animals.
everyone laugh at him.

>> No.17029215

>vegan is still a lower net kill
so is not using any technology. why not go be amish?
more importantly, most vegetable farming is more distructive than animal farming for the environment. so really what you are doing is killing the soil and land of less fertile places, harming countless amounts of the ecosystem. you could also SIGNIFICANTLY reduce animal suffering by reducing the number of 3rd worlders which breed unceasingly and drive up the food needs of the entire world.

>> No.17029780

Yikes my dude

>> No.17030044

You been proper propagandized my dude

>> No.17030108

I tried making takoyaki once. It didn't work. It's basically just batter with soy sauce, octopus, broth (I used beef, I shouldn't have) and breadcrumbs mixed in. You then fry balls of batter in oil. It would have been delicious if I'd used a better kind of broth.

>> No.17030118

Wtf is an octopi? No such creature exists. Learn to language; it's octopusses. Faggot.

>> No.17030128

Yeah! Octopus doesn't have the Latin nominative case. It's Greek and just coincidentally ends in the singular masculine nominative case.

>> No.17030351

Every time someone asks me to eat non-White people first, I am going to eat a White woman. Ordinarily, I wouldn't even fuck one.

>> No.17030376

I taught my dog to do this though. Matter of fact I have him balance a treat on his nose for it. I can leave the room and all that shit.

>> No.17030456

They probably have the best marbling anyways.

>> No.17030535

Rather eat them than a horse, cat or dog.

>> No.17030560

hippo would probably disgustingly gamey like beaver

>> No.17030584

doesnt mean your dog understands delayed gratification, or intends to do it for any purpose other than not getting his bumhole raped by your faggy ass

>> No.17030727

I've heard a different more direct take on that here in Norway.
>Give a child a piece of chocolate
>Tell them if they don't eat the chocolate for 10 minutes they get another one
Meant to test a child's patience

>> No.17030762

>test patience
No, it's to test for niggerbrain. OP is a racist that thinks octopusses are smarter than our more melanated brothas and sistas. I ain't ever seen an octopus build a pyramid, or fly one. Just sayin.

>> No.17030954

>he thinks anyone propagandizes this shit
imagine being this out of touch with reality.

>> No.17031283

>doesn't eat treat
>because doesn't want to be raped
>not delaying gratification
Not to mention what's the difference between that and the marshmallow test thing? Also I don't rape him he gets a beer

>> No.17031298

No, pigs are in fact not smarter than dogs, that's a vegan urban legend. Pretty much all dogs are smarter than pigs in every test

>> No.17031304

how do you tell an octopus it'll get another marshmallow

>> No.17031938

Probably similar to how I trained my dog. You can't speak words to it obviously, but you can demonstrate with actions. I started by teaching nose trick. The treat was his treat. Then I started telling him to stay with the treat on his nose, and took the treat if he didn't hold still with it on his nose. Eventually, I guess he put together and started listening. Except one time he fucked up, took the treat right away, so I ran the fucker down, tackled the shit out of him, ripped it from his mouth and ate it right in front of him. After that, he waits for my signal every time.

>> No.17033265

>>so I ran the fucker down, tackled the shit out of him, ripped it from his mouth and put it right in him

I knew it, you chomo dogfucker

>> No.17033322

No, you actually admitted you're retardation right there. You don't have to CNN my words to demonize me. Just stop being so lazy. My family has been breeding drinking dogs for generations for example. Didn't notice I reward him with a beer? What, only have scripted responses? Some wierd shit like what I do does not compute? My dog could out drink you, fuck your girlfriend that night, then brag about it the next day to your face and you wouldn't do shit cause you're a pussy

>> No.17033977

Are you Canadian by any chance?

I am. Personally, I like to coat my dog's asshole in peanut butter before eating it out, a witty twist on the ol' classic.

>> No.17034169

Not super far from you, Pennsylvania in butt fuck nowhere mountains. Let's just say it's Centralia.
You French folks are fucking gross eating not only ass but dog ass.

>> No.17034616
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>> No.17034625

theyd eat me so fuck em

>> No.17034627

They taste good therefore I eat them.

>> No.17034640

prion diseases like mad cow infect the brain, lymphatic system, and some organs such as the liver and kidneys if I'm remembering correctly. They can also be found in the nervous system but in lower concentrations.
My memory might be off but I'm fairly sure I'm remembering correctly.

>> No.17035704

If there's anything from my time on the early internet that I learned at all it's that Japanese girls love tentacles.

>> No.17035949

Fry them up! They are the most sustainable source of protein along with squid because of their short lifespans and constant reproducing, not to mention how much cheaper they are. More people should be eating them and less factory farmed animals