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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16977731 No.16977731 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw only lasted 1 day at my local privately owned grocer before I handed in my notice
I'd rather work hospitality than this garbage, the general populace is so fucking trash. Nigga it's just grocery shopping, why are people so mean and conniving.
They try to peddle like we're at a roman market trading wheat and stones and the fact I run something over the scanner they immediately doubt it's pricing. Bitch I didn't price this, go bitch at the sweaty mexican manager who just sits and watches the cameras in the office.

Anyways horrible food job bitching thread I guess and feel free to call me a bitch for wanting to keep my soul

>> No.16977738

You sound dramatic. You say it's keeping your soul, but it's probably closer to that you're lazy.
I understand you're acting defensively by calling out this expected reaction ahead of time, but I'm still going to do it. You have to learn to interact with people, and not take such pains from it.

>> No.16977748


>when the wagie thinks hes better than his fellow proles

>> No.16977750

>it's just grocery shopping, why are people so mean and conniving.
what happened, did a customer say something mean? lol. why are zoomers so thin-skinned?
>They try to peddle like we're at a roman market trading wheat and stones
was this an indian customer?
> feel free to call me a bitch for wanting to keep my soul
I don't get how customers being annoying could possibly take away your "soul". you don't have to do shit except scan the items through. never even heard of customers trying to challenge prices at a grocery store before.

>> No.16977756

>never even heard of customers trying to challenge prices at a grocery store before.
This happens everywhere in the inner city where the options available aren't 2-4 massive chains like Walmart etc

>> No.16978788

I am sorry cookbro. I do think a lot of retail workers get treated like shit by majority of the people. its definitely somewhere people like us dont want to be at forever. although maybe you experienced a more blunt reaction because it was a local area.

>> No.16978792

lel ur a cunt

>> No.16979008

Nigga just put the green beans in the bag it aint that bad

>> No.16979016

>you're thin-skinned
>also I think your problems are made up since I've never experienced them
You really are one spoiled old faggot

>> No.16979064

“You WILL work for shit pay + take abuse from dickhead customers.”

- entitled boomer

>> No.16979265

You are a trashy neet that can't work a single day because of muh self diagnosed depression. Don't blame anything but yourself for this utter failure.

>> No.16979295

Theres a difference between being a NEET and wanting to work a job where you don't have to take the bluntness of the general public of the dying boomers who are perpetually stuck in the 1980s or sooner

>> No.16979458

>Want to work
>Resigns after a day

>> No.16979461

thanks for the paycheck, wagie scum

>> No.16979463

No where in OP did it say he was a neet, its even implied he worked for a restaurant. Sounds like youre just projecting

>> No.16979485

Based lmao

>> No.16979511
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I worked at a grocery store ten years ago and it was the lowest point in my entire life. I'm glad you quit OP

It is the worst time in human history to be working retail.
> inflation
> USA ending as global leader
> shit joggers and 3rd worlders are becoming equal to americans

Take the NEET pill. Sell shit on ebay, do jobs under the table. Look through classifieds. I worked for a whole year as someone who answered a classified for an old person who simply wanted company. I would come to his house 20 hours a week and just watch TV, play chess and chat. Got paid 200$ a week too, didn't pay taxes.

I will say right now is a good time to be in the job market if you are thick skinned. You can give back what customers give you and you can say FUCK IT FIRE ME THEN and dare your employer to do so, so that you get unemployment. Thhey wont fire you either, because nobody is applying.

>> No.16979521

Zero brain activity. Probably never worked one of these jobs in their life.

>> No.16979639

Stocking shelves is a comfy job where you're left alone 95% of the time unless a little old lady needs you to reach up or find a specific aisle
Automated checking out cash registers where you can just slide an item on a belt and it scans should've been invented by now. The idea of a cashier is laughable when everyone uses cards too except of course for "everything in cash" boomers

>> No.16979784

who is this cute little femboy

>> No.16979885

wagies get fucked lmao

>> No.16979932

You merely adopted retail. I was born into it, molded by it. I did not get off the floor until I was already a man.

>> No.16980060

>ITT: entitled, dumb and whiny zoomers bitch about working

Same shit goes on in /g/ with the web dev zoom-zooms. You fags are reprehensible. The more you morons move your lips (which is usually just to whine or complain) the more excited I get for the vaccines wiping your generation off the face of the planet, or at least replacing your sorry asses with fagman robots.

>> No.16980110
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Here's the thing OP: when you're in a customer facing job, you're hired to be the human face and emotional buffer of a corporation. A cold, impersonal, emotionless corporation. When a customer questions the price of a good, or, if you work the phones in a customer service capacity, when someone is screaming about their bill, none of it has anything to do with you. You're a human interface. The customer is talking to the corporation, not you. A lot of corporations have policies that are straight up hostile to customers. They use staff to soak up and diffuse the understandable outrage. They want employees that take customer abuse personally, because whenever you think you're defending yourself you're actually defending the company, since you're not actually a part of the interaction to begin with.

As a bright eyed, bushy tailed teenager I got a job at a local gas station where, as part of the "customer experience", you had to propose another product on top of whatever the customer was buying. Didn't matter what it was but they pushed lottery tickets as an example. Retard that I was I started asking every customer if they wanted a lottery ticket. This obviously created friction with the customers because, well, if they wanted one they would've asked. I then obviously ate a lot of shit. I was taking it personally for a while too. But then it clicked. I started proposing more and more outlandish products.
>would you like a carton of cigarettes with your gas
>would you like a teddy bear with your milk
>would you like enough firewood to last you the winter with your chocolate bar
If you go big enough it's obviously a joke and poof, no more friction.
tl;dr: take yourself out of the equation and subvert the bullshit

>> No.16980121

This nigga gets it

>> No.16980137

Bruh hospitality customers are even worse. I like the work better because cooking is fun but the industry is objectively more soul sucking than retail

>> No.16980139

>le bootstraps boomer post
I'm tired of this copypasta

>> No.16980258

Hey, McWagies, here's a hint
It's not capitalism's fault you are an adult that has to work a cash register for the rest of your life. It's not your boss's fault. It's not "karen's" fault. It's not Trump's fault. It's not boomers' fault.

It's your own fault. Deal with it.

>> No.16980263

>have zero skills, education, training, qualifications
>have zero wish to attain them
>still want money
>get a job that's at your skill level (retail, McDonald's, grocery store, restaurant, etc)
>"wtf??? this isn't a very nice job at all! and it doesn't even pay that well!"

>> No.16980315

you guys dont have self check outs?

>> No.16980387

Americans lack such empathy that posts like these are just as grating as the jobs themselves.
It's sad to see so many idiots brainwashed into thinking how people are treated under capitalism is something fair and just.
I bet you think at-will-employment is also "based" too

>> No.16980446

Standing in a bread line is much more dignified.

>> No.16980452

>life is harsh
>this is capitalism's fault
Spoken like a true kool-aid drinker.

>> No.16980470
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This thread proves that no matter how obvious, people will generally try to look for someone or something to blame instead of accepting that theyre the ones with the problem.

>> No.16980477
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Zoomers want everything to be frictionless and catered to their delicate sensibilities. A literal small amount of stress that isn't even dangerous or physically demanding will cause them to buckle; actually so pathetic.

>> No.16980482

But it is the fault of capitalism and the boomers really. At this point those jobs shouldn't exist. Boomers refuse to retire because their entire generation has been one of entitlement and selfishness since birth. Mommy and Daddy wanted the best for their kids after living through the great depression, dust bowl and world war 2 so little baby boomer gets to feel special their whole life. They are still in power and they refuse to give it up even though they have the shittiest point of view of any living generation. The majority of western jobs are absolutely useless, either they could be automated or your job is so unimportant that you can sit at an office desk and browse reddit for 6 hours. The guys at the top take an early lunch to get 8 holes in before they head back to the office to fuck their aging secretary but once again they can't get it up so when the secretary goes home for the night the boss looks out the window of his office and jerks off into the american flag once again because the idea of those glory days of shitting on people and taking advantage of women are fading fast.
Fuck off with your stupid shit, The only reason we aren't living in a better world is because boomers feel everyone else has to suffer and climb the same corporate ladder they did that no longer exists

>> No.16980483

>zoomer can't handle work and feels entitled to money
>blames it on old people

you're a fucking loser. plain and simple.

>> No.16980491

>Boomers refuse to retire because their entire generation has been one of entitlement and selfishness since birth.
SO shouldn't they have retired early? "They're spoiled and that's why they keep going to work every day"?
I'm not even going to read the rest of your nonsensical manifesto, you can't even go 1 sentence without proving that you're all edge and no point.

>> No.16980496
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Movieblob, is that you?

>> No.16980503

I worked retail for almost a decade. Most people are ok. The 2 main groups I had problems with almost guaranteed 100% were black women of any age, and white zoomer women. White zoomer women were by far the worst. There isn't a more selfish or entitled for of human that has ever existed.

>> No.16980504
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>it's the boomer, not me that's the issue!
holy fuck you've even made a cute little scenario in your head for maximum cope. You're a fucking idiot if you think that people can't succeed because GOLDBERG is taking an early lunch. I'm not defending the capitalist system by the way, im just laughing at your defeatist attitude and disgusting amount of anxiety.

>> No.16980508

*Form of human.

>> No.16980513
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Smol brain nrg rn coming from u ngl

>> No.16980517

none of them can retire. Literally in the US 45% of baby boomers cant retire, they don't have the money for it and they lost the pensions their parents got. they were hit in the only place that hurts them in 2008 during that financial crisis. The current pandemic has finally got some of them retiring but these are facts. They fucked up and now they are all butthurt that the world has the opportunity not to play the stupid little grind game they had to jump through and they throw fits about it rather than accept that their way wasn't the right way

>> No.16980523

>why doesnt everyone just be a high paying lawyer instead, wagies are such retards

>> No.16980525

They're so entitled that they worked a job for 30 years and still can't retire?
I'm not sure I understand your thesis anon. The way you describe it, the boomers seem very sympathetic. I feel bad for them, slaving away at a dead end job for literally their entire lives, only to have whatever meager savings stolen because the government told the banks it was racist to turn down home loans for black people.

>> No.16980528
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This is what happens when you defund education. You get children that never grow and will never understand the necessity of suffering for growth. China taking over is starting to look more and more possible if zoomers are the ones that have to defend their homelands.

>> No.16980540

>"bro the boss will help you, just be confident theyre fair and reasonable"
>boss pillages 4 more villages for water

>> No.16980542

who are you quoting?

>> No.16980549

So, wait. When someone works 30-40 years and saves enough to retire, but gets absolutely assblasted by their own government, therefore taking away their ability to retire, that's their own fault? But, when you have to go and actually earn money by actually working an actual job instead of just collecting a check while you "find yourself", that the boomers fault? Is this what they teach kids now?

>> No.16980628

Your mother

>> No.16980646

Flipping burgers is a teenager's job and deserves a teenagers wage. Cope more nigger faggot.

>> No.16980674

zoomers are useless, and will be replaced by AI and robots in the not to distant future.

>> No.16980719

I did in fact.

>> No.16980928

You're fucking retarded. They're on the wrong end of history because they were lazy wage slaves their whole lives and never planned for anything so since theyre miserable they want you to be too. Fuck off back to boomer town.

>> No.16980939

Because they think the only difference between them and the rich is just a little but it time. Since they think they're gonna be rich one day they defend their 'future selves'. So when they can't retire like the boomers and they thought they were gonna be rich they'll vote to make everyone else miserable too.

>> No.16981014

Its funny to blame zoomers when Gen X and older and got a tiny nibble of UBI with the covid checks and see how popular it is among everyone that they want more
Zoomers aren't the issue but keep sucking that weird copium

>> No.16981066

peak brainrot.
stop regurgitating propaganda like its truth

>> No.16981680

Take the skilled labor pill and work in produce or a butcher. Easy work for good wages and you get to laugh at all the dumb custies buying whatever fad their corporate master's shill to them.

>> No.16981851
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Cope of epic proportion, have a frog for all the sadness that runs through your rotten brain on a daily basis.

>> No.16981922

I feel you.
After the pandemic I got laid off my job as a Senior culinary supervisor for the marriott, and they fucked me somehow cus whenever I tried to apply somewhere else, the old property would cockblock me by saying NO HES GONNA COME BACK HERE EVENTUALY REEEEE.
So i took a job as a "sous" chef for a cafeteria in a hospital smack dab in the middle of FUCKING COMPTON. and the people here are the worst scum of the world.
Ive got an interview for a better place But I gotta hold out till then but every single day i wake up dreading going to work

>nigger security guard literally grabs me by my collar and threathens to find out where i live "cus he got contacts" cus the peppered flank steak was "too spicy" and "i lied when I said "its not that spicy"
>Nigger nurse puts her fucking fingers into the soup and flings it at my grill cook cus shes mad hes taking too long making a burger for her
>nigger nurse gets mad I gave him two smaller tomatoes and throws his fucking burger over the counter at me
Gm says
>they just cranky dey be workin 12 hours n shiet
> A literal fist fight outside the hospital at 4 am
> a Fucking drive by during my lunch break
>Our GM wants us to be fucking fancy and create dumb ass pizzas for these nogs
>shit like alfredo shrimp pizza, margarita,egg flourentine
>get death threats and people throwing the pizzas on the floor because of course these pizzas are too highbrow for these apes.
>all the other supervisors are lazy nogs who get mad as fuck when you tell them to actually do something

>> No.16981963

you only worked a day, the machines fuck up all the time and charge people more than they should because it favors the store to do so. I'm assuming since you can't keep a job you probably have also never bought your own food.

always interesting to hear how those "folk" actually live

>> No.16981964
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japan has been using rfid for ages now. you just put your shit on the counter and everything is instantly scanned and tallied, you pay (by waving your phone over the kiosk of course) and leave.

>> No.16982094

bro that's not even the half of it ive only been here like 2 months, and I cant do it.

>severely understaffed
>gm constantly tells me she doesn't want "to train people" only people who know what they are doing should work here
>only offers 18 dollars for grill cook with 5-10 year experience
>surprised pikachu face when no one applies
>dishwasher wants to join the kitchen
>fucking denied cus hes not a cook hes a dishwasher and NOTHING MORE
>GM and AM are both old black women who are rude as fuck and demand this lady grill cook of mine to cook them both breakfast and lunch every fucking day
>they sit on their ass for 4 hours, 2 hour breakfast and 2 hour lunch
>all they do is talk shit about the staff
>they blame ME for coming in as a sous chef for one of their senior supervisors walking out
>turns out he wanted the sous chef job but they wouldnt give it to him because he didnt have a degree.
>he had 20 years of experience running the place though
>they just let some one like that leave
>hear recently the GM and AM are leaving in January
>on one of my lunch breaks (even though im a sous, im still hourly) im sitting down drinking coffee just trying to relax and some fucking nog nurse comes by and starts yelling at me about how she dont like pork and so she shouldnt have to pay for her pizza cus it aint fair she dont like pork.
>throws her fucking pizza on the floor
> its like a thing to throw pizzas on the floor
>demands a new one and for me to grab it for her
> I dont and she reports me
>I also get reported cus some lady put a dollar into the vending machine and it ate her dollr and even though I explained that the machines arent part of my company and I cant do shit about it she reports me to the GM
>Reported cus I didnt have grits one day and Meade cream of wheat instead
>reported because >our veggie sausage dont taste good

>> No.16982129

i dont care how suicidal their work culture is, i wish i was born a jap sometimes

>> No.16982134
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>Take a job in the zoo
>be surrounded by animals

Remember they're human beings too, who deserve the exact same rights as the rest of us.

>> No.16982135

how old are the people throwing stuff on the floor, roughly? early twenties, mid thirties, middle aged?
I can't say I have much experience with these good "folk" but maybe it's something they culturally picked up in the local high schools or something. Seems too absurd to be widespread.

>> No.16982169

they lied to me they said it was LA
but yeah j-just 2 more weeks

they are all middle aged nurses/ security/ environmental services like dishwashers and janitors and housekeeping.
I got reported on my second week because our girl handling the deli counter (where they make sandwiches) supposedly gave a costumer "attitude" and these people dont take kindly to attitude of anykind so next minute this bitch was on the otherside of the counter and I me telling her to get the fuck out got me reported.
did her hitting my grillcook land her in any trouble? no of course not shes some kind of nurse and considered upper caste while we lowley cooks are of the lower castes!

>> No.16982171

7-11 where I live introduced that phone-shopping thing where you just scan the barcodes yourself and then tap out when leaving the store. It seems like an amazing concept, but I've been too intimidated to use it, for fear of being accused as a shoplifter over a cup of coffee.

For reference, I'm the kind of person who usually gets tailed by the security guard/loss prevention staff when I go to a nice department store or kitchen supply store. Sadly, it's not even my skin colour they're judging me by (I apparently have one of those skin colours you can't be racist against).

>> No.16982203

maybe you should report them instead of hoping for it to just happen? If these good folk assault you and trash your workplace it seems like something worth pointing out to the top banana. (probably will have no effect but hey 2 weeks something will happen in that time I'm sure)

>> No.16982222

>reporting the zoo animals to the other zoo animals
All animals are equal...but some animals are more equal than others.

>> No.16982252

Some kind of legal mumbo jumbo prevents me from reporting them.
I have no "jurisdiction" outside our little cafeteria.
I work for sodexo, while all these people work for the actual hospital.
so in order for sodexo to keep their contract here were basically treated like trash.
as I was typing this the exec just told me he is planning on leaving in july to start his own catering business.
the sooner i get out the better

>> No.16982297

There’s a whole lot of ragie wagies in this thread. Keep it up and I’ll tell on you to your teenage manager.

>> No.16982300

im going to kick you in your nuts

>> No.16982304


Even they're quitting cause they realize getting paid 9.50 an hour to supervise a bunch of people who make 8.50 isn't worth it senpai

>> No.16982341
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It's a job and you only lasted a day. You're a trash male bro. Don't make this a habit. You should have at least lined up another job.

>> No.16982345
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I've actually been wondering when zoomers were going to get fuckin punched in the face by life and realize they are just a wagie and have to work their way up.

>> No.16982358
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If you get fired you don't get unemployment child.

>> No.16982360

Of course you do you fat fuckin weeb

>> No.16982363

rather be in Tokyo than shithole NYC that has a fetish for being stuck in the late 1930s in every facet

>> No.16982370

Well yeah new york is trash. That's besides the point smelly.

>> No.16982591

Those lazy faggot boomers should have worked harder

>> No.16982857

zoomers are 22 at the oldest

>> No.16982864

what kind of backwards as country does that?

>> No.16982973
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>i wish i was born a jap sometimes

>> No.16982976
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>old people complaining about the youth

>> No.16982979

youre on a website that was founded because somethingawful banned anime porn
maybe like in life where we should take away old people's driver's licenses, once you hit 30 you should fuck off this website forever

>> No.16982986
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>i wish i was born a jap sometimes

>> No.16983003
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This thread is full of actual old people holy shit
Get a life losers, oh wait, you waste it on here and then yell at clouds about 19 year olds who eat hot chip and lie because this is your "Safe space"

>> No.16983031

>When someone works 30-40 years and saves enough to retire, but gets absolutely assblasted by their own government, therefore taking away their ability to retire, that's their own fault?

Yes, that is their own fault. Only stupid fucking morons trust the kikes in the government to have their best interests in mind, and "saving money" in a jewish bank account that gives you significantly less growth in interest than inflation takes away in purchasing power is a retard smoothbrain move.

>> No.16983048
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Mup da doop muhfuggen po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen



>> No.16983130

yeah, people are shit and capitalism sux
i voted bernie
hopefully the rona does a few more tours of trump country before leaving town

>> No.16983317

>well SOMEONE has to work for shit pay in shit conditions
why? why do the conditions have to be like that, why is the abuse that a Boomer or Karen slings at workers the accepted standard?

>> No.16983328

post watermill homestead

>> No.16983340

unironically this
just american retail culture, being rude to workers is almost accepted among the sports-watching public

>> No.16983346

its a job that someone has to do.
rightoids bitch when we import third worlders to do it.
leftoids bitch because its somehow "exploiting" workers.

Cashier and other grocery jobs are incredibly fascinating, its arguably one of the more essential unskilled jobs, yet its also among the most looked down upon.

>> No.16983352

>idealistic young people dont want people to treat eachother like shit
how is this a bad thing?

>> No.16983395

>one of the more essential unskilled jobs

>> No.16983399

In a not cashless society a store will still need somebody on register.

>> No.16983403

most small businesses wont do self-checkout.
and once large businesses go full self-checkout, theft rates will skyrocket, causing them to revert course.

>> No.16983411

How did you even come to that conclusion from that post? Your skill in mental gymnastics must be amazing.

>> No.16983434
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zoomers are retarded and their "ideals" are not grounded in any sort of realism or experience, just retardation. But maybe if you wish and share and like and hit that subscribe button then maybe communism will take over then you can be a barista professor in your leftist commune.

>> No.16983462

back to facebook grandpa

>> No.16983515
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Man, this thread is just further proof that boomers are so quick to seethe and complain about someone making the notion that people should try to be more kind and understanding.
The lack of self awareness is hilarious, boomers literally are just emotionally stunted children.

>> No.16983524

Godspeed anon, I hope you put in an immediate notice the second that other place gives you the job.

>> No.16983538

Honestly the pandemic could be the best thing to ever happen to wagies.
Being cooped up inside all the time have made shitty people even shittier to the point that the abuse wagies receive now is 10x as bad as it used to be. Now the wagies that don't quit have the option of giving the shit right back to the customers who deserve it because the bosses can't afford to fire people.
What's most amazing is all these media outlets trying to find some economical issue to be the root cause of the "Great Resignation" when in reality THEY are the reason they all decided to quit.

>> No.16983570

I hope that commune is named Jonestown.

>> No.16983596

nobody was ever nice to them, so why should they be nice to others, thats the mindset.
its the same thinking that makes them believe that their parents and teachers beating the shit out of them somehow made them better people.

>> No.16983611

It honestly makes me sad because most if not all of those types are just lost causes.
Only thing you can really do is just treat them like the children they are without actually giving them a taste of their own medicine because then they'll cry to the highest of managers until they get their way.

>> No.16983662

if you've never worked in any kind of service industry then you don't know about the sheer quantity of retarded and cuntish customers

>> No.16983692

OP is a gigantic lazy entitled zoomer pussy faggot

>> No.16983741
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>> No.16983745

quitting after 1 day is a bit much, but i can sympathize with hating shitty customers
>t. 5 years in the grocery trenches

>> No.16984634

Bag your own groceries, grandpa. Try not to break your hip.

>> No.16984670

And yet, zoomers won't shut up about how much money they make, and expect people that actually work to pay their way through life until they're out of college. The irony.

>> No.16984688

Not seething about "being kind and understanding" just trying to tell you snowflakes that some people are fucking dickheads and that you have to learn to get over it. There's no playground monitor to make sure that everyone plays nice with each other in the real world.

>> No.16984700

>it's white peoples fault we aren't living on the moon
Damn imagine being this braindead

>> No.16984705

USA and yes you do

>> No.16984914

>Be kind and forgiving
>By giving me free stuff and paying for my living expenses

>> No.16984953

>a glimpse into the mind of a chad

>> No.16985081

stop your racism

>> No.16985275

Because freedom means that people are allowed to be assholes.

>> No.16985440

But there is one on workers constantly. If you stick up for yourself against rude customers you're the one who gets in trouble.

>> No.16985549

Automation can't replace lowlife wagies fast enough. Seriously, get a real job.

>> No.16985891

what is wrong with zoomers and not being able to keep a minimum wage job/show up? i work at a grocery store and 90% of the highschoolers who get hired here quit within the first couple weeks and/or dont show up to most of their shifts. how hard is it to show up to work when you work literally 15 hr/week? its not even a hard job 80% of it is just showing up yet all i hear from these zoomers is complaints about how hard the job is and how they want to quit and find a new job. all of these minimum wage jobs are basically the same and if anything the store i work at is probably easier than most other similar jobs.

>> No.16985929

>Nigga it's just grocery shopping, why are people so mean and conniving.
Simple they are hungry

>> No.16985939

Well said.

opee, In my case, I worked at a couple of different retail positions (e.g., parking lot attendant, 7/11 cashier, pizza delivery) before I graduated college. I disarmed many situations by just taking myself out of the equation and making the customer realize that I'm just a human face for the corporation and that I had no personal stake in said situation. If you're funny, this should come naturally

>> No.16985973

I mean I as well used to defuse situations by being human but It's just interesting how balls to the walls inasne people can get over a 50 cent price difference on something.
If grocery wagies carried bodycams and people got to see how crazy they acted over the cashier inputting tomatoes on the vine over regular tomatoes, maybe they'd reflect a little.

>> No.16986088

but as a customer yourself you most likely have first hand experience about being wronged by an organization so big even if you wanted to tell your 2 cents to a person that mattered you wouldn't know where to go. The point isn't the 50 cent price difference, the point is the lack of agency you have when those things happen, and they add up. If you don't, wait a few years, it'll come. So you got fucked, AGAIN, and all that is in front of you is some teenager or some lady who swears her name is Mary but you can smell the garam masala on her breath through the phone. It's obviously wrong to flip your shit at that person but it's also understandable. Read uncle Ted.

>> No.16986097

No, I simply don't care that much about stuff like that, that sounds insane.
If it mattered that much I simply would stop shopping at a store that's "wronged" me so many times.

>> No.16986119

??? that's how unemployment works in the USA lmao

>> No.16986137

it's good that it doesn't affect you, more power to you anon, cheers. That being said, sometimes it's not that simple. If you decide to never give a cent again to the gas station that's on your way home as you get off the bridge every evening, where are you going to get gas? That gas station is probably part of a huge network of gas stations across your region, are you blacklisting all of them? Same with grocery stores. What's the point of changing ISPs if you know for a fact, which you should, that all the other ISPs available where you live treat their customers exactly the same way?

>> No.16986222

They're all brain damaged from lead.

>> No.16986230

>gives notice after one day
Dude just leave and ghost them

>> No.16986255

>can't get unemployment if you get fired

color me surprised

>> No.16986309

>its like a thing to throw pizzas on the floor
they sound like sophisticated customers that expect a better service, maybe the pizza is actually shit

>> No.16986315

It's the other way around. If you leave of your own free will, you can't get unemployment, until some months have passed.

>> No.16986373

japan is also much more homogeneous and polite than the US.

>> No.16986557
File: 951 KB, 1944x2207, 1595650061426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some kind of legal mumbo jumbo prevents me from reporting them.
>"Sorry bro, I can't do anything about customers regularly being abusive to the point that they pick up their pizzas and throw them on the floor while making monkey noises. My hands are tied so get back to work, ok?"
This sounds like some Grade A bs that your manager is telling you just to keep you from quitting or you made this story up entirely. Either way, I'm not buying it dumb wagie.

>> No.16987212

>gets absolutely assblasted by their own government,
This doesn't happen. If you put your money away and the money is gone you weren't smart about where you put your money. At the very least a fund that tracks the S&P suffices as long as you live within your means - boomers didn't, BTW. Same fucking people who complain about entitlement and taking responsibility typed these posts. You lost your money. Not the government. Cope.

>> No.16987280
File: 543 KB, 720x540, 0B04156C-7E63-43E8-95CE-ED087E13944F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m gonna be the communal diaper boy, I’m going to poop my diapies and everyone can take turns changing it to take a break from work
The wrong side lost

>> No.16987426

>t. knows absolutely nothing about the 2008 financial crisis