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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16938906 No.16938906 [Reply] [Original]

God I fucking love leeks

>> No.16938938

Stick them up your arse do you taffy?

>> No.16939017

Rec me some good and simple recipes that utilize leeks

>> No.16939019


>> No.16939033

Good and simple? Velouté sauce. Literally put a bunch of vegetables in a pot with water, wait a few dozen minutes so they all get soft and then blend them. Last time I did it with tons of stuff like leeks, potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, etc. but it actually turned quite delicious. Experiment with it and you'll find something you like, otherwise you can go with the typical leeks and potatoes soup. Can't go wrong with that.

>> No.16939041

Leek pudding

>> No.16939042

**Also don't forget croutons and toasted seeds to go along with it. That's a must.

>> No.16939049

Have you ever tried eating them before they're pulled from the ground?

Live Leeks

>> No.16939055

Theyre still alive after theyre pulled from the ground though

>> No.16939064


>> No.16939066
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dat shit ain't funny mane

>> No.16939110

Ah, the simple pleasures of the Japanese-style ass leek

>> No.16939886

These look like something a hobo would pull out of his backpack

>> No.16939892

potato leek soup

>> No.16940252

The most based alium

>> No.16940263


>> No.16940455

If you love them so much, why don't you marry them?

>> No.16940460

They spin very well.

>> No.16940466

I've got a leek under my sink lmaoooooo

>> No.16940473

boiled ham and leek

>> No.16940475

cut them into thick rings and confit them with some herbs and peppercorns, fat of choice. use the confit leeks in the place of caramelized onions for something more savoury and hearty

>> No.16940486

Leekma balls.

>> No.16940723

You told you that was veloute? A veloute is a white/blonde roux that you add a light stock to, the blended veggies would be nice with it though

>> No.16941191
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Here in Italy we call what I said "Vellutata" so I assumed it was the same as Velouté. Maybe that's not the case, though. What I meant was blended vegetables with croutons and toasted seeds on top.

>> No.16941195
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>> No.16941952

I've never heard of that but it sounds delicious

>> No.16941989

The French would call that a puree, or a coulis.

>> No.16942002
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Mikubros ... we're eating good tonight!

>> No.16942103


Raw. Best taste.

>> No.16942741

It really is. Try it with your favorite vegetables sometime. As for seeds, those from pumpkins are the best imo.
Based, I've just placed a few rings on my hamburger and it's really something.

>> No.16942810

What do you make with them?

>> No.16942817

i'm thinkin miiiiikuuuu miiiiiiikuuuuu ooo-ee-ooo

>> No.16942833

Mostly vichyssoise, soups and other creams, but I love them raw as well.

>> No.16942846

Each leek holds a dirty little secret. Clean it well or you’ll have grit in your soup.

>> No.16942925

Not that dude, but I may try it.. it really does sound delicious.

I google searched Vellutata, and it showed me the English wiki site for Velouté. So I clicked on the link and changed language to Italian, it showed me "Salsa Vellutata", changed language to French and it showed me "Sauce Veloutée".

So I guess Wikipedia agress with you. Keep in mind that there are regional differences in how food is prepared, and how it's eaten.

Spaghetti with tomato and meat sauce is probably the most common food the whole planet eats, but in middle east they add tumeric to the meat and sometimes brown the cooked pasta in tumeric + oil, In Denmark they fill it with garlic, in some German towns they put sugar and honey in it.

>> No.16942995

I see. That was informative, thanks
>in some German towns they put sugar and honey in it.
What the fuck

>> No.16943042

i'm not who you're talking to so maybe they know why but I didn't have spaghetti without honey until I was an adult.
my dad would only eat onions that had been cooked to translucence in butter and covered with honey. I never learned why but I'm assuming he has specific reasons. he was really into ayurvedic cooking and weird WASP shit so idk where he got it from. everything with onions also had honey. spaghetti sauce, liver and onions, breakfast hash, etc.
I'm still confused by it but he's dead now so I'll never know.

>> No.16943441

Man Gantz was a ride

>> No.16943451

Why never ask the man his secrets?

>> No.16943569

Leeks do not exist in Asia, they grow large spring onions instead.

>> No.16943613

I made a nice simple quiche with some blanched leeks in it the other day.
Easy and delicious. Plus I had some leeks and eggs I needed to use up.

>> No.16943618

It really was.

>> No.16943868

Don't ask me, lol after I heard about it, I actually tried it. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good and I would always prefer it unsweetened.
Now that I remember ...in Denmark they also put sugar in it as a flavor enhancer. They add like a small tea-spoon to a 6-10 liter large pot.
Did your dad try to make caramelized onions? Also often people who are into "health diets" tend to both avoid and over indulge in weird stuff. Specially boomers, who have health issues.
My dad used to eat 1 liter olive oil a week, because his doctor told him 1 tablespoon a day is good for him. He would also collect pomegranate skin, dry them and rub them on his gums. Collect the outer skin of onions and use it to make tea. Eat a whole package of Digestive biscuits a day, because some youtube-doctor from Iran said it was good.

I work in retail, and younger people tend to drink ginger shots, tumeric shots or make 1-5 liter sellery smoothies a day.

>> No.16944091

Caramelized onions are actually fucking great if you know what you're doing and you're using prime ingredients (see Tropea's red onion caramelized, on top of bruschettas). However, pasta, tomato sauce, meat and... honey? That sounds fucking disgusting lol

>> No.16945056
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>> No.16945791

Fennel, celery and leeks go great with everything. That is a good dish.

>> No.16945818


>> No.16945827
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>> No.16945829


>> No.16946554

go away weeb