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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16938640 No.16938640 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so someone is bringing an extra person to my house for taco Thursday.
Turns out they are vegan.
What the hell do vegans put in their tacos?
I have this pasta leftover from pasta night.
Can I just use that?
Fucking hell this is a pain in the ass

>> No.16938644

Shit in a soft shell taco and give it to them

>> No.16938645

just use minced mushrooms in place of meat, preferably portobello

>> No.16938653

Make that nigga eat beans

>> No.16938661

‘bellos are just grown up button mushrooms. No need to use ‘bellos for one retard vegan that’s probably vegan for all the wrong reasons

>> No.16938665

Lmao. I'll make it easy for you.
>Pinto beans
>Taco seasoning mix
>Shredded lettuce
>Diced tomatoes
If you want to kick it up a notch, get some Impossible Burger patties and mash them up in a frying pan.

>> No.16938666
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This just hand them an opened can of beans

>> No.16938686

Yeah, this or guacamole tacos. Make sure the tortilla doesn't contain lard.

>> No.16938689

Beans, guac, salsa, all other vegetables.

>> No.16938696

>taco thursday
Only hell hath knowledge of this level of heresy.

>> No.16938698


>> No.16938718


Make a sweet potato hash with black beans, put hash in taco shell. Its actually in my top 5 taco fillings, tastes great!

>> No.16938751
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If roles were reversed, would a vegan ever be scrambling at the last minute to come up with a meat dish for a carnivore?

>> No.16938755

Likely not as they see meat as immoral regardless of personal opinion.

>> No.16938837

>sweet potato hash with black beans
I hope this tastes better than it sounds

>> No.16938858


>> No.16938896

There was a time when vegetarians ate fish but that was long ago and now its not allowed

>> No.16938912

If you want to be vegan you can bring your own food, I'm not going to go out of my way to cater to you.

>> No.16938920

Put a sheet pan in the oven of poblano rajas (strips), quartered onions, mushrooms, squash, whatever looks good to you. Dust them with some chili powder and oilive oil and get it all baked.
Simmer a pot of vegan refried beans.
Make sure there is a rice. I would call it simple with some Rotel in the rice, maybe some olive oil sweated trinity, or make a batch of green or red rice.
They may do cheese, so have some choices.

>> No.16938940

Taco Thursday?

>> No.16938964

All that work for one motherfucker with an eating disorder? Lol, you’re a simp. The vegan can easily make a taco with all the ingredients that aren’t meat.
Wa la

>> No.16939030

Tacos de Papa and serve with guacamole and a decent salsa. Problemo solved

>> No.16939060

Ask them you fucking retard

>> No.16939383

Where I live , tuesdays are taken by tamale tuesday so thurday is our only day we can make tacos

>> No.16939396

Pasta is not vegan

>> No.16939404


These are really good. Don't let the cringe turn of phrase scare you away. I add a few tablespoons of tomato paste to the cauli before roasting.

>> No.16939418

>All that work
cutting up and roasting some vegetables?

>> No.16939447

yes, sorting out an entire pan full of veg, making room in the oven which is full of pans and has not been used in months
figuring out when they are done for maximum flavor and a nice texture
Fuck yes its a pain in the ass especially when you are making like 12 things already

>> No.16939457

>all that work
Yeah. Making an entirely different set of dishes for ONE faggot vegan on top of what you’re making for the non faggots is a lot of extra work. Think of all the extra prep and clean up you have to do to accommodate one asshole who has an eating disorder.

>> No.16939575

I will only make special allowances for vegans if they are attractive women

>> No.16939590

Put your front door in the taco and show it to him.

>> No.16939610

this cant be right

>> No.16939640
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>> No.16939649
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>> No.16939812

maybe google vegan tacos

>> No.16939845

technically there are ground up bugs in most pasta, you just don't really talk about it or hear about it but its a common occurrence in most grain refining, they just get caught in the process and now you have insect bits in the the final product.

>> No.16939851

Keep in mind that vegan women have fucking awful braps. I know that will only encourage some of you degenerates but for everyone else it’s unbearable. Your entire bedroom is going to smell like slavic cabbage rolls that have been boiling all day. They’re nose blind to it so it doesn’t phase them but it’s really bad. I had to steam clean my mattress to get the brassica smell out.

>> No.16939888
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tell us more

>> No.16939890

and this is why i always bring my own food when i go over to peoples houses. they feign like it's no issue but i know it is.

>> No.16939895

you think bringing your own isn't?

>> No.16939899

don't really care to be honest, but at least i'm not putting the burden on them for having to cook an extra meal just for me.

>> No.16939916

i knew vegans were self centered but damn
eating other people's food is the foundation of civilization

>> No.16939922

ok, here's your response.

>> No.16939927

Take your fucking apple juice with you

>> No.16939929

Do you bring your own food to restaurants as well?

>> No.16940017

Most pasta has eggs in it.

>> No.16940672

Just put beyond meat ground beef in it instead of cow ground beef. skip the cheese

>> No.16940790

Refried beans with taco seasoning. Make sure you get vegetarian beans tho, most of them have lard. Or you know what fuck it I like your idea of shoveling cold pasta in a taco shell

>> No.16940820
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Bunch of jackasses. Just buy pic related, it's available at Walmart and Mexican markets. Super cheap, like 2 bux - fuck expensive beyond meat and impossible shit. Soak some in water, drain it when soft, throw it in a skillet, add oil and cook it just like ground beef, same seasonings. Don't know what protein yr using. People add this stuff to their ground beef to make it go further for cheaper.

>> No.16940831

where the fuck did you get that from

>> No.16940851

you don't have to eat meat at every meal anon
whereas if you're vegan, you actually have to not eat meat at every meal
That's why you're retarded

>> No.16940859

> oven hasn't been used in months and is full of pans
highly ngmi

>> No.16940867

people love sweet potatoes and black beans. it's ok but I don't get the hype.

>> No.16940874

that stuff tastes like shit sorry. straight up prison food.
just make some fucking beans OP. also cactus/nopales if you can but only because it's fun

>> No.16940875

OP is a mexican grandma lmao

>> No.16940888

That shit literally tastes like nothing, ok like cardboard, hence seasoning.

>> No.16940896

it simply doesn't taste like food.

>> No.16940912

>What the hell do vegans put in their tacos?
probably not lol

>> No.16941274

I used to work at whole foods in santa fe
Can confirm the vegan farts

>> No.16941299
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Tell your friend to fuck themselves for inviting the vegan, they want vegan food they can go somewhere else. Damn they're insufferable.

>> No.16941401
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>> No.16941750

well that looks like hack alright bet it tastes like hack too

>> No.16941771

so violent

>> No.16941832

Buy this but serve them real meat

>> No.16941876

If I were vegan, I would.

>> No.16941938

The fact that you would if you were is probably why you are not

>> No.16941976

Vegetarian, vegan, and pescatarian are all different things

>> No.16942018

I'm a vegan and i've cooked omelettes, chicken and meat for others before.

>> No.16942030

Buy a can of vegetarian refried beans, problem solved

>> No.16942140


Good for you anon.
I would go way out of my way to make non meaty food for you if you showed up at my house for a bbq

>> No.16942151

Do a build your own taco night with lots of beans and vegetables and shit.

Do not forget to debate with the vegan and remind them that the crop protection industry has almost half a trillion dollars in net worth and that grass finished beef does not require roundup or rodenticide

>> No.16942162

True I dont have to eat meat at every meal. However if I leave my house under the pretense that I am coming to a BBQ ..... well thats another story isnt it?
inb4 nobody is forcing you to come etc. we know

>> No.16942244

loling at all the fat antisocial cunts itt


cant wait until meat becomes more expense and phased out so i can watch you faggots whine and suffer.

>> No.16942254

>cant wait until meat becomes more expense and phased out so i can watch you faggots whine and suffer.

If meat becomes more expensive I'm gonna be making thicc bank since I raise livestock

>> No.16942267

with less people buying it? yeah have fun faggot we'll see how much that works for you in 10 years

i want you to remember this post when you fall into financial ruin.

>> No.16942274

People will always be buying meat. Even near the end of his life Ghandi realized man cannot live without meat and dairy. As long as there are animals there will be people eating them regardless of what your circle jerk of vegans (50% of whom cheat on their diet) say.

>> No.16942312
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just make a salad and put some tortillas by it

>> No.16942359

Are you retarded? He said carnivore. Being carnivore means you eat only animal derived products.

>> No.16942365
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Would you cook me a steak if I showed up at your house on broccoli night?

>> No.16942394

I don't really see the big deal either but you're just being a spiteful cunt too.

>> No.16942404

Mushroom tacos are good.

>> No.16942510

Come here and try my mushroom tip anon

>> No.16942517
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>i want you to remember this post when you fall into financial ruin.
Vegans are the angriest people I know

>> No.16942546

Sliced or diced, bitch?

>> No.16942572

Isn’t there some lore that Gandhi is a freakish god king figurehead subjugating people to surfedom? I didn’t think he was a figure of moral purity.

>> No.16942621

whole for your hole

>> No.16942678

plants so if you have some in your apartment use those

>> No.16942682
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>> No.16942705
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serfdom, whatever. obviously I’m drunk.

>> No.16942713

Jesus some guy has to stick his dick in that fucking dopey cunt

>> No.16942719

Meat isn't going anywhere, and Ghandi wasn't a surfer. idk if anyone in India surfs.

>> No.16942733

>Bringing an extra
>Extra has special needs
So an acquaintance of yours is trying to fuck a vegan girl basically. I would accomodate for this one time and make sure to tell the guy after the evening is over that you won't accept that shit again. This way you don't ruin the mood for your night and you get rid of an unpolite cunt. You don't get to bring extras who on top needs to be catered to. Not on my plane.

>> No.16942734

>Vegan alchoholic
Not surprised.

>> No.16942849

Per Wikipedia:
> Agaricus bisporus is an edible basidiomycete mushroom native to grasslands in Europe and North America. It has two color states while immature – white and brown – both of which have various names, with additional names for the mature state.

>> No.16943035

>Isn’t there some lore that Gandhi is a freakish god king figurehead subjugating people to surfedom? I didn’t think he was a figure of moral purity.
You're thinking of the Dalai Lama and yes that's true. Tibet was an aristocratic regime until mainland China liberated the working class if Tibet. Now the lama position tries to gain sympathy from westerners in the imperial core who aren't taught their dirty history.

As for Ghandi, he's a bastard in other ways and India is a caste oppressive system that uses the supposed moral superiority of Brahmin vegetarianism to kill and imprison the lower castes. Controlling other peoples' food is a staple of oppressive regimes and backward ideology worldwide.

>> No.16943049

Keep in mind this is a country that needed a nationwide television and internet advertising campaign to convince them to poo in loo.

>> No.16943060

nobody is carnivore, you're not a raptor

>> No.16943062

thank you I could not remember what I was trying to talk about

>> No.16943074

Debate what exactly? Unless you own massive forces of production of animal product, you are both pissing in the wind. No one little like us gets to decide a damn thing because we don't have any power. Huge corporations have all that power. If somehow a bloody revolution finished tomorrow and we had the state power to force companies to do the will of the little guy, then you can bitch at your neighbors about how they want to make food industrially. Debate is a waste of time without power to enact a result of debate.

>> No.16943090

People who must maintain ketosis to prevent becoming diabetic but have a lot of nut and seed allergies are defacto carnivores. Also peoples' definition of herbivore and carnivore are thoroughly disconnected from reality. It's not a decision animals make unilaterally. It's a result of conditions of their species that becomes a general strategy. It's just a mode of consumption, not a pure category. Cows—herbivores—eat field mice that happen to cross their path because it's free opportunistic calories. Cats are carnivores yet chew certain grasses and eat some roots when they can.

>> No.16943114


>> No.16943557

Your mom only eats meats

>> No.16943579

You know you can actually source food outside of the supermarket and mcdonalds, right?

>> No.16943585

So in other words you agree that people claiming meat will go extinct is retarded

>> No.16943653

>meat will go extinct
who the hell is saying that?

>> No.16943959

>People who must maintain ketosis to prevent becoming diabetic but have a lot of nut and seed allergies are defacto carnivores.
Those people only exist in your head
>Also peoples' definition of herbivore and carnivore are thoroughly disconnected from reality. It's not a decision animals make unilaterally. It's a result of conditions of their species that becomes a general strategy. It's just a mode of consumption, not a pure category. Cows—herbivores—eat field mice that happen to cross their path because it's free opportunistic calories. Cats are carnivores yet chew certain grasses and eat some roots when they can.
I wasn't the one to bring up the expression, I just think it's dumb when applied to humans

>> No.16943971

This clown thinks meat is gonna be phased out

>> No.16944045

vegans are idiots

>> No.16944055


>> No.16944075

I am a vegan and yes. When I cook for my siblings and parents I will make a second dish with meat that they can eat if they dont want what im having

>> No.16944115

Most have a disease of the soul. It’s very angsty always trying to be the most moral person in the conversation.

>> No.16944148

>nobody is vegan, you're not a rabbit

>> No.16944361

100% that pasta contains eggs and isn't vegan. Just give up and dis-invite the loser.

>> No.16944515

Individualistic solution to a problem that shouldn't exist. The point of society was to collectively work for all our survival. This rugged individualism only works for a few not the many. So we're back to power and the uselessness of debate. It's even stupider to argue about what society should do if you separate yourself from it's production.

>> No.16944530

>Those people only exist in your head
I am one. I wrote that because they definitely exist. This contradiction of ideology and reality should not be too much for vegans to handle. But veganism is pure ideology disconnected from material reality.

>> No.16944533

Based. Clearly not doing it for the angry morality points

>> No.16944558

you have no obligation to change your menu. you're the host, and the guests are being treated to dinner by you. if they don't like it, they don't have to come. if the vegan does show up, they can pick out their own food. they are a grown up and can make their own choices.

>> No.16944608

I will just eat you anon

>> No.16944749

Based on this response , I would be proud to have you as a friend

Also , a lover if you are female
Please be in london

>> No.16944773

It's the fault of the guest as well, for walking into a social gathering called "Taco Thursday" and expecting to be accommodated. It's not like they have a debilitating disease that forces them to not eat meat they can suck it up for a day and not cause a fuss.

>> No.16945084

So if I do something different but society doesn't do it, then I'm wrong?

>> No.16945339 [DELETED] 

>Allowing a vegan into your house.
You need to find new friends.

>> No.16946145

Why cant they just invent a vegan that can once in a while eat meat in social situations so as not to be a total fucking cuntface all the time

>> No.16946161

because veganism is not a diet, it's an ideology, so doing that would make them hypocrites.

>> No.16946884

But anon that's technically an animal product

>> No.16946914

soyrizo is good.
deep fried potato tacos are insanly good
you can put beans in a taco.

+ cilantro, onion, avacado, salsa, fajita veggies , sides of beans and rice are all vegan

>> No.16946926
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>yankee doesn't know about bean tacos.

>> No.16946933

Some who do it for religious reasons, usually Buddhists or Hindus, will accept meat if it’s already slaughtered and there is no other alternative. They see the alternative of wasting the food to be the morally worse option.