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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16933075 No.16933075 [Reply] [Original]

I hate this fucking industry.

I want to go back to school, I want a new job.
Just applied to 5 places that are not cooking and got denied with in 4 hours of applying to all of them.
All cooking jobs in my town: 5-10 applications.
anything else even the shit jobs: 100-200 applications.

What do I do?
I don't even know what to go to school for even If I did who would take me seriously if all I have a degree but no experience doing anything but cooking.

What do /ck/?

>> No.16933094

It's the labour shortage. Businesses are desperate for workers so they stopped hiring. Your best bet is to start your own business, then demand the government give you concessions because you can't find employees.

>> No.16933108
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Take a break, work on a farm in Taiwan. Get some sun, get some puss, eat some nice food.


>> No.16933113

Go back to school then.
You could try hotels if they’re hiring again. I worked at one with no degrees starting in the cafe and became a manager in like 4 years but I hated the hours (kinda my own fault, I never learned how to say no after eating ass to work my way up.) 56k, 2 managers above me were making 67 and 100k
they laid everyone off last year but I’m sure they’ll be dying for people soon if they’re not already.

My friend is smart and got accounting certifications that lead to current cfo job. She said there’s a lot of demand there and it pays well.

Idk. I’d leave food service entirely if I were you.

>> No.16933121

Their website doesn't even exist anymore the domain is for sale.

>> No.16933122

Lie on your resume

>> No.16933124

>By offering your services in return for accomodations and meals
Sounds a lot like indenture

>> No.16933132

>Businesses are desperate for workers so they stopped hiring
? am i retarded?

>> No.16933141

cope and seethe serf. buddont worry. this here be ius slavicum. they can kick you out any time they want

>> No.16933147

That the plan. i don't know what for though. I tried last year to go to school for accounting but the school fucked up the paperwork. I never reapplied because I heard that accounting was on its way out. It's getting automated and the more it gets automated the less jobs will be needed and the lass paying they will be. So now I'm at square one and am not sure what field to go into.

>> No.16933159

this is /ck/ so go for chef i guess, or waiter. or uberwagie so we can laugh at your tips expectancy

>> No.16933182

1) they realized it's cheaper to work on a skeleton crew
2) money from the government because they "can't find" people
3) the shit low level managers like the over time and job security in shit jobs where turnover is high

I literally heard manager at a store complaining about working over 120 hours, I asked her if she was hiring I was looking for part time work.
She said no corporate won't let her hire any more people.

At work I saw another department posted 3 diffent job positions open (This department is short like 7 people) and when I asked if I could fill in and get more hours the manager told me "just because we are posting ads does not mean we are currently hiring we just like to always have applications".
This is true they have been running the whole place short staffed since covid and when anyone complains they fire them and get them replaced immediately.

>> No.16933192

im from taiwan, i have absolutely no fucking idea why anyone would want to work on a farm here not to even mention when they are a foreigner.

>> No.16933202

>I literally heard manager at a store complaining about working over 120 hours,
i guess store managers are better paid than i thought. no way i would do 120 hours unless i worked for myself

>> No.16933221

Yeah I thought for sure she would give me an application but nope that's crazy. When I told the cashier what she said he liked pissed and said "oh really? I been working so much I thought we were hiring help".

>> No.16933261 [DELETED] 

She’s not a human calculator, she designs macros and spreadsheets that businesses use to budget and that sort of shit. Idk not my field of expertise. She had a bachelors in art history and got certifications for her current line of work later while she was working. She just got a new cfo job and said there was high demand and high pay for qualified candidates and the work is getting easier the higher up she goes.

>> No.16933339

I was laid off at a restaurant in 2020, milked unemployment for what its worth, traded stocks and options, and now I work at a proprietary trading firm. To be fair, though, I’ve been trading for 10 years and mostly took the server job because I was bored, wanted to see what a ‘real’ job was like, and I thought it’d be neat to learn the industry. So getting the gig at the prop shop was way easier for me, but mine also trains new people so who knows.