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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16932150 No.16932150 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best canned sardines euro money can buy?
Which canneries still the practice the traditional method of deep frying them and not just cooking in them in the can?
Just picked up a can pic of related (filets in organic native olive oil), packed by Chancerelle (Connetable) and am curios to try them.

>> No.16932203

Side note, those were canned in France and cost a whopping 3,79€ (US$4.39) for a 100g can.

>> No.16932800

Berthe, traditional and very cosy packaging. I love them.

>> No.16932847
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They only had these at Costco last time I went. I haven’t tried them yet. Where do they rank compared to Seasons?

>> No.16932903

Never eaten sardines before, when you eat them are you eating the fishes shit as well with all of it's insides? or are they gutted?

>> No.16932916

for most euro deenz it's fileted (says on the pack in op pic xd) so you're just eating the meat, and you can get them boneless but the bones are edible. they're usually in olive oil with or without stuff added to the oil for flavour.

>> No.16932919

Deenz cured my erectile dysfunction

>> No.16933762

>caught in the north pacific
>processed in thailand
That means asian.
Asian sardines are always recommended last. You want north atlantic/west mediterranean/baltic sea caught.
Also, advertising woke/eco rubbish as your "brand" means you're hiding something--probably unsustainable harvesting in this case; likely, they are a "made in China" equivalent of quality canned fish: low quality, high carbon footprint.

>> No.16933784

Deenz gave me erectile dysfunction.

>> No.16934033

yo i fucking love /deenz/

>> No.16934066

anyone here have any experiences with Morjon brand deenz? I bought a couple of cans in the asian market, havent tried them yet

>> No.16934185
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>3,79€ (US$4.39)
the FUCK?
these deenz only cost 0.97 canadian right now. im buying out whole cases when i see them in stock.

>> No.16934686

You already posted the best ones. Idk about that exact brand, but by far the best deenz are deen filets in olive oil. Here in Canada I buy Saupiquet brand sardines, and they come with little chopped olives in the can. Yummy in my tummy hehe

>> No.16934691

Sardines canned in water are vomit inducing.

>> No.16935042
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what the fuck do with tomato deenz
they put 2 in every stack

>> No.16936068


>> No.16936080

Their sardines are really good. Big, firm, and meaty. They aren't mushy like a lot of the cheaper ones. They come in a no salt added variety along with lightly smoked with lemon. I liked all of them. I don't recall about the one in marinara though. I don't think it was bad but I only had a few a while ago.

>> No.16936671

Make some noodles, fry up some onions, add tomato sardines, add salt and pepper
easy peasy

>> No.16936861

Where were those canned?
Canada or Costa Rica/Morocco?

>> No.16937023

The lemon-pepper ones are amazing and the ones in mustard sauce are good too.

>> No.16937286
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My local Discounter have only Deenz in sunflower oil. Is that a nono. They taste alright.

>> No.16937486

what's wrong with sunflower oil? why would it be a no no?

>> No.16937542

Faggots think it should be Olive. Problem is, not only is Sunflower more traditional in canned fish, but it also has longer shelf life. And old oil-canned fish tends to become more flavourful.

>> No.16937556

I give them a C. Many other deenz are superior but these are often relatively inexpensive.
Is probably correct in his assessment.

>> No.16937763
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>> No.16937898

Brunswick is Canadian sardines canned in Canada. Or do you know something I don't know?

>> No.16937945

I'm not eating noodles for breakfast

>> No.16938323

based and bar harbor pilled
their traditional deenz are exquisite

>> No.16938623

So you can eat deenz from Bar Harbor as you explore Far Harbor, when playing Fallout 4.

>> No.16938702
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For me it's the Trata.

>> No.16938709

havent been deenzin for too long, is putting them on toast canon?

>> No.16938716

nothing wrong with it

>> No.16938725

Perfectly legit way to eat them.
My personal favorite to eat Deenz, is boiling a few eggs and eating them along with toasted bread.

>> No.16938733
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just go with the tried and true - simple as.

>> No.16938734

hadn't thought of eggs, sounds like a good match i'll give it a try

>> No.16938736

I've tried all the fancy brands but I keep going back to Brunswick. Pretty sure it's because it's what I ate as a kid.

>> No.16938919

Is deenz on avocado toast ok?

>> No.16938926

It's a great pairing; I'll do that for breakfast if I have a good 'cado, and fisherman's eggs if not

>> No.16939016

brunswick is the only one that gets sold here
i like the eggs in the bone in tins

>> No.16939350

your loss

>> No.16939848

fact, truer word have never been spoken
just got those from Costco, all they had in stock
deezgusting, prefer the Moroccan ones instead, never again

>> No.16939983
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so these are my favorite, but they are so damn salty , great in salads and choped up in stuff.
I do like em though.....mmmm mmm i know they are a cheap-o-brand.....
not a big fan of the tomato sauce ones btw

>> No.16940004

seed oils are not good for you is what hes getting at.
i think its a bit over blown, they treat it like it is insta cancer.....but your body breaks animal fats down much much better.
PUFA is the term to search if you want to learn more.

>> No.16940029

They're on sale for a buck a can.

>> No.16940076

check the dates
when they go super cheap the dates on em are usally like 2 or 3 months from going bad
fine to eat but not to stack.....

>> No.16940570

You can pretend you're eating mirelurk cakes and can breath underwater.

>> No.16941027
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Bought a can of these out of random compulsion from the gas station last time I went to get stoges. Ate them over leftover rice just now this morning.
They were pretty damn decent for beach cliff.

>> No.16941164

Actually about 3 years til they expire.

>> No.16941280

Nah you’re safe. Brunzdeens are caught in the Atlantic and canned in Brunswick. High quality, incredibly low price.

>> No.16942296
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Good now we just need someone to convince them to stop using soybean oil and we'll be good. Another thing, brunswick shill surely monitoring this thread: I bought a case of pic related recently and so far 3 out 5 cans were half empty and the flesh was abnormally firm, like they dried out. Did you outsource quality control to a back alley in the Philippines? If you don't get your shit together I'll start buying from whoever you think your direct competitor is

>> No.16942332

First off, they changed the labelling on these in the last year. Up until last year, these were being sold as "Herring Fillets" or "Seafood Snacks". They're made with mature Atlantic herring. The smaller cans with the whole gutted bone-in fish have always been labelled as sardines, and use juvenile Atlantic herring.
Here's the product explanation on their website: http://www.brunswicksardines.ca/sardine-school/
Apparently they decided the fish was more marketable labelled as "sardines". Must be a market shift.

>I bought a case of pic related recently and so far 3 out 5 cans were half empty and the flesh was abnormally firm
Depending on the age or size of the herring, the meat might be a little firmer or denser. The cans are packed by weight, so it's not unusual to find some cans that are partly empty and have denser fish in them, or other cans that are completely full but have lighter fish in them. This isn't a new problem.

>> No.16942387

I have 40 cans of Great Value deenz in oil in case of the apocalypse

>> No.16942417

You have 40 cans of literal garbage fish. That's gonna be one sad apocalypse.

>> No.16942573

And if you prefer fried to boiled eggs, that's just as well on toast.

>> No.16943239

boiled egg and deenz sandwich is a prewar american classic. try adding a little butter or mayo and a slice of onion too

>> No.16943253

the use by date on any food is set so far in advance of actual spoilage by the manufacturer to avoid any possibility of a lawsuit that you can safely assume you've got a year minimum after that before anything happens provided the can remains sealed

>> No.16943561

Can anyone recommend a good brand of traditionally made sardines from Portugal?

>> No.16943693


Conservas Pinhais. There's a cool YouTube documentary about them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpTwHAt0Zxw

>> No.16943817

Thank you anon :D
When i went to portugal I loved the sardines, they taste so delicious

>> No.16944987
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Picked these up at the international market last week.

>> No.16946083


>> No.16946424
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Great video; thanks for sharing. Who's the qt presenter? She talks like an Italian.

>> No.16946434

i have this and i think they taste good

>> No.16946478

Wow holy shit that lighthouse has an interestingly earned name