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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16900376 No.16900376 [Reply] [Original]

Is there seriously any sort of benefit to boiling half of the noodles for a longer time than the rest of it or is the only reason to not break them because you take pleasure in eating longer things?

>> No.16900382

Get a proper sized pot you fucking tramp

>> No.16900481

Anyone who gets mad at you for breaking noodles is a retard. Just break them.

>> No.16900490

>for a longer time
The few seconds it takes for them to soften and go under the water is insignificant.

>> No.16900491

The only things that will get broken are your femurs

>> No.16900493

I only eat the longest things possible

>> No.16900504

Or italian but same stuff

>> No.16900511
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>The only things that will get broken are your femurs

>> No.16902195

you could be making your own pasta that's not a bunch of solid yellow sticks you bought at the store, thus you wouldn't be having this problem

you could be using a bigger pot and properly filled with water, thus not having this problem

you could wait a few seconds after putting the pasta in so the bottom goes soft and you then submerge the entirety of the pasta, thus not having this problem

but you're choosing to break the pasta, like a fucking dumb animal

>> No.16902431

All these ways to avoid the problem, not a single argument about why the other solution is actually bad.

>> No.16902445

>Half the noodles for a longer time
Are you literally 25 IQ?

>> No.16902470

it takes 8 minutes to cook most spaghetti, it takes 30 seconds to be able to submerge to pasta completely after its soft enough to bend. the difference its negligible.
the only reason to break pasta is if you like shorter pasta, which works really well for a lot of dishes, but dont pretend its too hard or inconvenient to not break the pasta or that you are limited by the size of your pot

>> No.16902489

because having it long shows at least some cooking skill and respect for the craftsmanship of the pasta, and the requirement for it in this case is actually so low that not meeting it is pathetic

do you want your eggs to have the yolk break in the pan or as you're taking them out? fuck no

do you want to cut up your steak into little pieces while still in the pan because you're having trouble cooking it evenly to the correct amount? fuck no. do you even want to keep slicing through it mid-cook to check how it is on the inside multiple times? fuck no

the spaghetti are made long and thin and that's how they are to be served on the fucking plate. there's tons of other pasta shapes and molds out there and they are not to be mutilated either. you need to understand and accept this. if your IQ is so subzero that you can't even cook pasta without breaking it, then idk what else to tell you. maybe go and break them into 1/8ths so you can boil them in a little cup like a fucking mongoloid

>> No.16902548

>because having it long shows at least some cooking skill and respect for the craftsmanship of the pasta
I cook food to eat it, not because I'm trying to respect "the craftsmanship of the pasta" fucking lmao what a joke

>> No.16902798

>he doesn't just soften the one half of the bunch until the whole thing can fit in the pot

>> No.16902830

then do what you please. some people do give a shit, though.

>> No.16902873

wtf are you saying? How do you do that without boiling that half longer than the other half?

>> No.16902915

because it takes at most 10 seconds for it to be soft enough to bend inside the pot.

>> No.16903047

So half is overcooked. Good job making bad pasta.

>> No.16903079

>He times his pasta to the second

>> No.16903085

Boiling a larger pot does take a significantly longer time

>> No.16903095

I don't break it cause my mum didn't break it growing up
Simple as

>> No.16903192

I do not understand why this kind of obvious dumbshit troll threads aren't just deleted on sight.

>> No.16903197

when bend like this, spaghetti will always break in 3 pieces, with a tiny center piece flying off god knows where. That alone is reason not to do it.

>> No.16903204

and.....the noodles are doing what when your boiling the pot?

>> No.16903208


>> No.16903212

When you do the wrist twist, there aint' no missin' bit. These days, folk prefer to do the fendy bendy. Can't reason wit' 'em.

>> No.16903216

It's just pretty inconvenient to eat spaghetti broken in half, you can't twirl them anymore, and picking them up with a fork or spoon or chopstick is also not exactly great. Might as well go for another pasta shape at this point.

>> No.16903412

it's for my family so who cares

>> No.16903727
File: 261 KB, 1920x1200, wallhaven-4gxd9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fill electic kettle with warm/hot tap water
>bring to boil within two minutes
>fill pot with hot water, add salt
>cover with lid
>pot boils within a minute
>take lid off, throw in sketti, move around with spatula until they are soft (also takes about a minute)

et viola, no need to break pasta, no need to add oil, no need for OP to suck a dozen dudes off at a gloryhole at a highway rest stop

>> No.16904244

Cook it in a frying pan. you don’t upset the autists for daring to “””disrespect the pasta”””, and you don’t have to do the retarded song and dance of bending the pasta to get it to fit in.

>> No.16904291
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Full length spaghetti is stupid anyway you have to cut it up

>> No.16904299

it softens in like forty seconds and you can just push them into the pot easily at that point
it's really not a big deal

>> No.16904301

Those people are what I call "retards'.

>> No.16904322

Because of the mass of the pot? It's hard to quantify I suppose, but the big factor is the amount of water. And that doesn't change, should be about 1L per 100g of pasta.

>> No.16904328

The reason spaghetti is made at the length it is, is because the intended way to eat them is to wrap them around a fork. Whoever doesn't like that way are free to do whatever they like.
The ones that gets offended are usually Americans LARPing as Italians, because they have this distorted perception that Italians care about what they stuff into their body. Also Americans get offended on behalf of others all the time.

Italians are passionate about cuisine, something that might be hard to understand for Anglos. Americans on the other hand will literally seethe and invent lies if their cooking ways are questioned. They think they are best in the world in everything, so it creates cognitive dissonance to be exposed to things that show that it's not really true. And the only way they can react is like little children. It's pathetic, but it is what it is. America is like a little brother that outgrew his older brother, but is mentally still a child.

>> No.16905152

>because having it long shows at least some cooking skill and respect for the craftsmanship of the pasta
Oh yeah? So what about the craftsmanshil of ziti? Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.16905507

Breaking noodles changes nothing about the cooking process. Breaking noodles changes nothing about the taste. Breaking noodles just makes them easier to eat. I don't want to spend an hour trying to wrap noodles around a fork by spinning it on a fucking spoon. I just want to eat the fucking noodles.

>> No.16905511

>Your pasta is so long how did you do it I MUST have your recipe!

>WTF is this short pasta? What were you THINKING inviting me over for dinner and serving this shit!

>> No.16905550

>I don't want to spend an hour trying to wrap noodles around a fork by spinning it on a fucking spoon. I just want to eat the fucking noodles.
Do you lack motor skills or are you so desperate to stuff your mouth with food that you don't even take time to chew it?

>> No.16905584

You lose pasta if you break in half. The shards fly behind the stove!

>> No.16907433

Look how many retards you shamed for being retarded. Good job.

>> No.16907443

>because the intended way to eat them is to wrap them around a fork
you can still wrap half length spaghetti, and its makes it easier to mix in the other ingredient with it so you get some variety in each bite rather than just a a forkful of pasta

>> No.16907629

Breaking the spaghetti ruins the texture, turns it into soup.

>> No.16907655


>> No.16907667

science, you fucking retard

>> No.16907677

That doesn't affect me because I don't believe in science.

>> No.16907782

It literally only takes a couple of seconds to soften the first end in enough to get the rest in.
The overall texture difference is entirely negligible.