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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 128 KB, 1024x768, katsudon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16898504 No.16898504 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese food is delicious.

>> No.16898505
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>> No.16898509
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>> No.16898557
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>> No.16898576
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>> No.16898584

Schnitzel is not Japanese.

>> No.16898586

>t. went to nipland one time stayed in a hostel in asakusa and only saw akihabara & nigerian weeb bars in roppongi

>> No.16898615

Schnitzel isn't “all fried meat”.

>> No.16898620

if there's one thing I envy the nips for, its their easy access to such a wide variety of seafood.
god I miss having shellfish

>inb4 contaminants

>> No.16898634
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>> No.16898662

That's fried tofu you dingus

>> No.16898666
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>> No.16898694
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The exact roots of sauce katsudon are unclear due to a lack of literature. However, the few records that do exist mostly point to Europa-ken (ヨーロッパ軒), a local restaurant chain in Fukui with 19 outlets in the prefecture. The founder, Takahata Masutarō (高畠増太郎), started the first outlet in his hometown in 1924 upon moving back from Tokyo after the Great Kanto Earthquake, where he had previously opened a shop under the same moniker. Having undergone culinary training in Germany for six years, a rarity in those days, Takahata was enamoured with Worcestershire sauce while there, and sought ways to introduce it to the Japanese palette, eventually coming up with sauce katsudon after some trial and error.

>> No.16898704
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>> No.16898708

The fuck is this

>> No.16898725
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>> No.16898740

>if there's one thing I envy the nips for, its their easy access to such a wide variety of seafood
Fiancée is nip. Coincidentally, she envies Americans for their easy access to Taco Bell, as they’re practically nonexistent outside Tokyo.

>> No.16898848

It's not.
Nips are very good at making the same dish in different shape so you may think those are different dishes. But don't be fooled anon , those are all (sake+mirin+soy+dashi+ sugar) + some fish eventually

>> No.16898852 [DELETED] 

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16898855

That's all awful lot of projection.

>> No.16898863
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bell peppers and beef from the hit netflix show Cowboy Bebop

>> No.16899200

Doing the dishes in Japan must be a nightmare

>> No.16899237

its green peppers and bamboo shoots you dunces

>> No.16899247

Japanese meat is top tier aesthetics while being shit tier taste

>> No.16899263


keke i see you

>> No.16899484

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16899495

Thai is better.
More variety.

>> No.16899563

I think you have a drinking problem

>> No.16899825

any benefits to eating this shit raw or do they do it because of muh tradition?

>> No.16899888

I'm white and can't cook. My girlfriend is latina and an excellent cook. She sometimes tries to make asian foods, because we're both weebs, but she seems to be out of her element when it comes to Japanese. Thai, Korean, and Indian turn out great, even her attempts at Vietnamese seem to come out pretty well because of her interest in French baking/cooking. She seems most intimidated by Italian (she grew up eating spaghetti over rice lol) and Japanese. I want to help her by cooking together. I've always wanted to get into cooking but she's so happy and comfortable in the kitchen that I haven't really bothered since she moved in. Her food is excellent but I see this as my opportunity to get in there and not just be in the way or stick to chopping veg and handing her things and watching her ass jiggle when she does this cute happy bounce thing after she tastes things and she likes it

>> No.16899896

sorry, I got distracted by that last part. How do I into cooking japanese food?

>> No.16899897

Hello, I'm one of those men.

See, unlike the skinhead untouchables who inhabit this site, I grew up and became a normal human being with healthy relationships and a good career.

I don't have a problem with gay people.
I don't have a problem with brown people.
I don't have a problem with Muslims.
I don't have a problem with Jews.
I kinda sorta respect the holyfuckinghell out of modern women.

In other words, I'm not a pea brained toddler repeating history as farce with an orange fucktard who puts children into LITERAL concentration camps.

I'm not pissing my pants scared at the idea of women having more voices, more votes, and - GASP - more control over worldly affairs.

I'm not cucked to the cruel, nonsensical, evil ideas cooked up by shitty white men a hundred fucking years ago, or the shitty sexist morals all but beaten into us by our shitty fucking forefathers.

I'm free of toxic masculinity. Fuck yes, you will be hearing that phrase a whole fucking lot over the next ten years, and it will become law.

So suck my asshole, you fucking cowards. Go real deep and suck like I know you secretly want to.

Fascism is so fucking dead after 2020 you won't even be able to smell its oozing corpse.

Your world is thrashing around on its deathbed as we speak.

It's gone for fucking forever as soon as the rotten Cheetoh is gone.

Here, have a look inside my crystal ball.

I see a whole fucking lot of bold, pissed off, beautiful women tap dancing on your skull for the HELL you inflicted on them the past four years.

And men like me will be right there at their sides just laughing. Mocking. Drowning you in heaps upon heaps of your own shitty shit.

>> No.16900057

Those milanesas are oily af

>> No.16900375

Unagi is so fucking good

>> No.16900390

>hit netflix show cowboy bebop
>netflix show
Kill yourself

>> No.16900443
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Have you watch the anime food wars? It would definitely inspire you both to try cooking some Japanese food or at least just get innovative with your regular cooking. You can just casually slip in that something looks particularly good to you and you'd want to cook it together. The cookbook for the show is on amazog for like $15 too, good luck anon it sounds like a fun relationship building activity.

>> No.16900469 [DELETED] 

Based, How will japs ever recover?

>> No.16900484

God, the characters and story is so bland and preformative its disconcerting, but the food looks so good and inventive. Its a really weird thing.
I mean, I geuss as junk food tv it works.

>> No.16900492

he is right though

>> No.16900498

take your meds, braindead schizo

>> No.16900599

damn, based

>> No.16900616

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.16900637

mmm what sophisticated parate

>> No.16901164
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>> No.16901367 [DELETED] 

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16901485

>Nips are very good at making the same dish in different shape so you may think those are different dishes. But don't be fooled anon , those are all (sake+mirin+soy+dashi+ sugar) + some fish eventually
This^ and it all tastes a bit bland

>> No.16901673

As much as I want to love Japanese food, I can't. Outside of Ramen and Okonomiyaki most of the food has the same flavor. It's not bad by no means but it isn't isn't on my bucket list when I think of foods to try out. Why is Japanese food taste the same?

>> No.16902306

I can definitely understand what you mean, the only stand out factor of the show is hoq good the food loos. I also genuinely find it really funny as well

>> No.16902338

The Japanese are inherently weak at the physical side of life, but powerful at the creative side. It's their racial bonus. Watch a Jap doing anything and he sucks complete dick at it unless he's been doing it for his entire life, 12 hours a day. There are no exceptions.

>> No.16902831
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>> No.16902837

that's pork, look closer

>> No.16902846
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>> No.16902849

Japanese food is very similar to French food, since they are both very simple (aka boring) but they focus on high quality ingredients and prep. So it tastes good, but isn’t particularly exciting, and it always costs a shitload just for the ingredients. I think Chinese or Vietnamese is a lot more my style because I’m not rich

>> No.16902851
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>> No.16902857

Compared to Korea it's a breeze.

>> No.16902981
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>> No.16902989

You're retarded

>> No.16903015
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>> No.16903077

why does EVERYONE drink sapporo?

>> No.16903103

>not autistically cut or drowned in curry
I approve.

>> No.16903282
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>> No.16903285
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>> No.16903316

Every regional cuisine is delicious when made in the best possible way.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.16903329
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>Japanese palette

>> No.16903347
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>> No.16903350
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>> No.16903354
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>> No.16903363

Many such cases.

>> No.16903384
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>> No.16903383


>> No.16903406
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>> No.16903477

So because this thread is turning out this way, genuinely curious question, no trolling.
It is fairly common around here in Eastern EU to find Vietnamese restaurant serving Pho Bo soup.
How much different would be Japanese ramen ?
Because for that I would have to shill out fair bit of money so I want opinion first.
We don't even have access to sea, so keep that in mind.

>> No.16903482

>It is fairly common around here in Eastern EU to find Vietnamese restaurant serving Pho Bo soup.
You tell us, mate.

>> No.16903524

It does look very good but personally I don't find it that delicious.

>> No.16903526

>it’s another Instagram thread
Wish you NPCs would fuck off.

>> No.16904246

Katsudon is the GOAT

>> No.16904320


>> No.16904414

I’m a hardcore ramen fan but do enjoy pho.
Personally I find them to be nothing alike beyond the “structure” of noodles+stuff in broth; They’re both delicious when done well though.
Compared to common ramens, pho broth is usually lighter than tonkotsu. Not to say it isn’t equally rich in flavor (good pho broth definitely is), but rather, it isn’t as thick/fatty. Pho broth is also usually quite a bit less salty than shio, shoyu, or miso ramens.

>> No.16905796
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>> No.16905804

damn i fucking love miso soup so good and tasty
mmm mmmm

>> No.16905817
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>Breakfast on Shinkansen

>> No.16905835
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>mid day snack

>> No.16905841
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>Dinner on return trip

>> No.16905917

My housemate imports strong zero from Japan from absurdly jacked up prices because it gives him nostalgia for when he visited and day drank on it
I always wondered what it's like, it sits mocking me in the fridge.

>> No.16905932

The point of Strong Zero and its variants is that it's ridiculously cheap. Importing them for ridiculous prices is like importing value menu cheeseburgers from McD for $14 each. It's retarded. You're not missing anything.

>> No.16905941


>> No.16905956
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>> No.16905965

Umeboshi is so fucking gross

>> No.16906147
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>> No.16906185

What's the texture of this like?

>> No.16906197


>> No.16906287

Why is it frowned on to dip sushi in soy sauce? It's almost completely unseasoned unless you do, I find it kind of bland without a touch of saltiness or some shit

>> No.16906354

Nigga everything else on that table is jap food it’s clearly tofu

>> No.16906395

That's extremely unprofessional. What kind of "chef" leaves crumbs left over from other meals on the plate. Also looks like some leaves were spilt on the foot too. Unbearable. Yikes.

>> No.16906400

You're late bud. Get your act together and start rehearsing on a slower board. Try QA first maybe. Lower IQ until you graduate.

>> No.16906440

Like popping little bags of seawater

>> No.16906558

Retard the picture is literally labelled katsudon, and those are pork cutlets tofu ain't bending like that by itself lmao

>> No.16906580

Basically what >>16905932 said.
SZ is fucking delicious. Literally the best tasting canned alcohol of that ABV% I’ve ever had. As in, it’s not “tolerable enough to drink for a buzz”, but legitimately enjoyable.
But it’s also inexpensive. That’s part of what makes it so glorious.

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, and I don’t fault your roommate for paying crazy import prices. He’s not buying alcohol, he’s buying a ticket for a few minutes of time-travel. But since it wouldn’t give you that effect, I’m pretty sure your thoughts would be “This is really good, but not worth what this dude is paying for it”.
That being said, your housemate is an absolute faggot for never having offered you one; chu-hai is best enjoyed with others.

>> No.16906712

Isn't Japanese food all stolen from other cultures? Kinda like how Jews pass off their ethnic cuisine even though most of it is stolen from others..

>> No.16906757
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>> No.16906805
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>> No.16906823

Yes. Ramen, yakisoba, shiumai, gyoza, nikuman, cha-shiu, hanpen, chikuwa, and harumaki were stolen from China. Tempura was stolen from Portugal. Napolitan was stolen from Italy. Yakiniku was stolen from Korea. Tonkatsu was stolen from Germany. Karee was stolen from the UK, Hambaga and karaage were stolen from America, Haroharo was stolen from the Philippines.

>> No.16906871
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While some tend to think that Yakiniku came from Korea, it was born in post war Japan.

>> No.16906885

Blow it out your ass nip

>> No.16906972

any anons ever vacation in japan before for sightseeing/food enjoying

>> No.16907071

Mix some shit lemonade with some ethanol and thats basically strong zero. Only fucking faggots from redit claim it to be good and thats just because they are parroting what they see other loser redit fags say. Its gross and for poor fags, may as well just get a small bottle of spirits if you want to get drunk so bad. Fucking redit faggots any of you cunts in Osaka? I will meet you right now and cave your fucking face in

>> No.16907174

>any of you cunts in Osaka?
Fuck yeah I am, you larping-ass turbo-cunt; hope to see ya, faggot.
6-chome in Hagurazaki-Uemachi.
Which is in Izumisano, since your larping faggot bitch-ass wouldn’t know that.
Come on over, bitch. I’m easy to find; I’m the one white dude in the entire fucking area and I stand outside while smoking.

>> No.16907549
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>> No.16907591
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>> No.16907600

Nigga u so mad for nothing XD

>> No.16907808
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>> No.16907844
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>> No.16907910

thats raw isnt it?

>> No.16907940

So where can I eat this outside of Japan?

>> No.16907948
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Standing outside and putting things in and out of your mouth constantly sounds very fucking gay.

>> No.16907973

I had sushi for the first time in my life today. Shrimp tempura maki, tuna maki, eel maki, salmon sushi, and yellowfin sushi.

I liked the yellowfin a lot more than the salmon but I think that's because I tried the salmon with a small dab of wasabi (which I was NOT a fan of). All of the makis were really good.

That is all.

>> No.16908027

If you eat it without knowing what it is.
Most Westerners would say it's delicious.

>> No.16908096

you're doing God's work anon

>> No.16908128
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>> No.16908174

In the Meiji period (1868-1912), a Western dish called "cutlet", in which veal was battered and grilled, was introduced to Japan. Later, it was changed to "Deep-fry in lots of oil, like tempura" "Use bread crumbs that are not dry and soft" and became the current Japanese katsuretsu(Katsu). The word katsuretsu was named after a cutlet.
In the old days in Japan it was not customary to eat pork, so only beef was used. Beef katsuretsu were called "Gyu-katsu".(Gyu is a Beef).

the formation of Ton-katsu
In 1899, a Western-style restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo, called "Ton-katsu" (Pork katsuretsu) was put on the menu. Unlike the previous katsuretsu, this one was made with pork instead of beef.
Previously, demi-glace sauce was used, but Worcester sauce was used instead. It was Deep-fried in a large amount of oil, like tempura, and served with shredded fresh cabbage instead of hot vegetables. It was served with a plate of rice.

This Ton katsu later changed and katsudon was born.
The most common style of katsudon in Japan is "a dish in which Ton katsu and onions are stewed in soy sauce-flavored relatively low, egg-bound, and put on rice."
As for the origin of katsudon, this theory is considered the oldest known information at the Okumura Honten in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture, around 1900-1910.

There are other similar things, and katsu curry is Japanese curry and rice topped with katsu.

>> No.16909227

This drink made my high school Japanese class's trip to Japan very memorable (for me at least, some people managed to drink enough of these to get significantly fucked up)

>> No.16909703
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>That will be $218 sir. No the tip is not included sir.

>> No.16909715

What is this? Wagyu?

>> No.16909755

You mean China.

>> No.16910142

very different. you will have a closer experience to ramen with instant noodles than with pho.

>> No.16910191

just microwave it bro

>> No.16910565

Is it like japanese waffle house?

>> No.16910732

what the fuck is this?

>> No.16910941
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>> No.16911078

Mysterious bacon

>> No.16911102
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Nothing like making your own gyudon.

>> No.16911117

Whale bacon.

>> No.16911190

its not a netflix show you fucking zoomer

>> No.16911285

Japanese baking is fucking horrendous however. Their cakes are ASSHOLE.

>> No.16911322
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looks good
looks edible
gutter trash

>> No.16911342

yeah, "bacon"

>> No.16911651
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>> No.16911661
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>> No.16911687
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>> No.16911794
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>> No.16911806

Yum, one of the main things I miss about Japan is the food. That said I do prefer western egg-style breakfasts sometimes

>> No.16911826

I would devour most things in this thread but especially that.

>> No.16911840

>being this new and not attuned to the subtleties of post-irony
(you) are the one who must kill yourself

>> No.16911853
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But he says it's better than cake in Britain.

>> No.16911988
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>> No.16912009
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The shape of the lid has changed since June of this year.

>> No.16912120

yes indeed. i'm lucky to have a good japanese restaurant just arround the corner. i spend like 250€ a month there.

>> No.16912148

He probably thinks Japanese pussy tastes better too. You can safely dismiss both opinions.

>> No.16912165

does it taste fishier, is what i wonder.

>> No.16912176

i would kill for authentic unagi donburi, fuck aaah.

>> No.16912198
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Japanese rice

>> No.16912220

Three seconds in and I already hate him, very obnoxious.

>> No.16912226

The heat of the rice cooks the rice.

>> No.16912267
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A whole fish in whipped cream.

>> No.16912304
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>> No.16912319

Did you cook this?

>> No.16912435
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>> No.16912571

That's right. Yakiniku means grilled meat. Grilled meat has always been everywhere in the world.
Japanese yakiniku restaurants have their origins in motsuyaki or hormone-yaki, where the internal organs are grilled. After the war, this was changed to yakiniku. Because many of the people who ran the restaurants were Koreans living in Japan, they were misunderstood to have come from Korea.

>> No.16912625

How do you make miso soup taste good? I have miso, dashi granules (both jap exports), and scallions, and yet it never takes like the stuff you get at the ramen/sushi/hibachi place. What gives?

>> No.16912632

I miss suntory premium malts. That and unadon. damn.

>> No.16912663
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Beef schnitzel.

>> No.16912675

it depends on where you are in japan. Some areas like sapporo, some like kirin, some like yebisu or suntory premium malts. Others for an unfathomable reason like asahi super dry.

>> No.16912676
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>> No.16912682
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>> No.16912687

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16912702


>> No.16912714
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The restaurant is quite westernized.

>> No.16912733

but nobody in the west would serve a patty like that, it's just the japanese idea of western food

>> No.16912740
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>> No.16912744
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>> No.16912752
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>> No.16912759
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>> No.16912770
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>> No.16912777
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>> No.16912783
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>> No.16912847

That looks heavenly

>> No.16912856

Midnight Diner is the superior Japanese food show.

>> No.16912862

Are you staying it doesn’t?
Because you would be stating the opposite of fact.

>> No.16913034

these cutlets dont look particularly amazing.. i prefer the types with nama panko, and the cutlets be extra thicc

>> No.16913098

Nation of peasants on an island with limited access to farmland

>> No.16913110

>cultures are are all local adaptations of foreign imports
Brilliant observation, you deconstructive clown.

>> No.16913124

>Japanese food is delicious.

Excuse me, but the correct term is 'OISHII!' - respect the weeb nature of this board or leave.

>> No.16913188

>salisbury steak

>> No.16913389

actual nips just eat calorie mate and fried chicken

>> No.16913406

what is the blue stuff

>> No.16913821

>strong zero
are these japanese steelies with a little more class?

>> No.16913874

Shrimp roe

>> No.16914689

Shut up retard the show is based

>> No.16915093

Instant noodles were made in Japan.

>> No.16915098
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>> No.16915328
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>> No.16915746
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>> No.16915810

Yakisoba, teriyaki beef, and sushi is all I need.

>> No.16916284
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>> No.16917051
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>> No.16917313

Yes it is.

>> No.16917338

Every single country in Europe.

>> No.16917402

ah yes. slop of eggu. everyone's favorite

>> No.16917403
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Sauce Katsudon

>> No.16917410

why did they put onion peels on it

>> No.16917420

Have you ever seen an entire restaurant dedicated to variations of salisbury steak? No you haven't because it's not a western thing. It's what retarded japs think is a western thing.

>> No.16917427

It is a bonito flakes.

>> No.16917699


>> No.16917766

get the fuck outta here you reddit spacing pasta posting coon dawg

>> No.16917813

>an item with 3 topping variations
>two big photos to show difference in sizes
>at a family restaurant which serves breakfast/lunch/dinner
>omg only Salisbury steak restaurant cuz retard japs reeeeee!
Can’t tell if you’re just obsessed or actually retarded.

>> No.16917853
