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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 213 KB, 1000x1406, v3km5qmf-1400808066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16883173 No.16883173 [Reply] [Original]

Australian government's guide to healthy eating

>> No.16883181

Let's get wildly angry about this

>> No.16883198

>no gator
>no snake
>no goanna
it's like they've never been north.

>> No.16883200


>> No.16883207

Are Australians getting fatter like Americans ? Maybe you need more grains .

>> No.16883208

"lean meats" ngmi
"Lean and fat together make the perfect diet" -Stefansson

>> No.16883217

theyre getting more obese and diabetic just like the rest of the West

>> No.16883237

A diet ultra high in fat and proteins hasn’t been been tried in a long term manner . If you look at what we as a species ate for most of our existence , wait . . Never mind .

>> No.16883243

They are pretty much as fat as americans, all angl*id countries are fat as shit

>> No.16883249

That’s why I quit grains , potatoes and sugar .

>> No.16883286

>tim tams and snag in the use sparingly column

>> No.16883327
File: 137 KB, 320x320, 1578110366182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grains fetish
>hates meat for some reason
>even then it's only "lean meats"
Why is government diet advice always so horrible? Hell, where did this idea that grains are so healthy even come from?

>> No.16883335

it's just letting you know where they want their food industry to go.
government guidelines are ever only advertisements for the economy.
simple as.

>> No.16883350

>grains are so healthy
Seventh Day Adventists who think meat causes violence and masturbation. The USDA dietary guidelines enshrined it in policy and exported it to the rest of the english speaking world.

>> No.16883356

sugar causes masturbation.

>> No.16883364

i cannot understand why so many of you hate whole grains.

>> No.16883386
File: 284 KB, 425x425, japanese-varg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop eating tofu and soy milk.

>> No.16883396

>whole grains.
You literally cant digest whole grains you get little to no nutrients from them and you just shit them out. They also spike your blood sugar which is an increasing concern considering the majority of US adults are diabetic or pre diabetic

>> No.16883450

Sixty pounds ago I agreed with you .

>> No.16883467

>use oils rarely
No. No. NO.

>> No.16883485

never said that? here are some good qualities of grains that I know of

>provides quick energy
>stores well
>good for preventing famines
>foundation of civilization (if you like that sort of thing)
>good filler for meals
>probably not unhealthy so long as they're eaten in moderation combined with more nutritious foods
>good for fattening livestock

But this is a "healthy" foods list not a "cheap" foods list. I still don't know why people think grains are so healthy. And no, saying whole grains are better for you than refined grains is not convincing when you're weighing against meat or vegetables.

>> No.16883499

this is fake, there's no vegemite in sight.

>> No.16883509

honestly, seems pretty reasonable to me
i'd probably shrink the grain section and up the meat section, but for your average joe jerkoff this should be fine
for me the biggest thing that this doesn't reflect though is portion size and eating frequency, which i think is pretty important

>> No.16883531

>Seventh Day Adventists who think meat causes violence and masturbation
Adventists think some goofy shit but that's pushing it

>> No.16883558

>In Australia, a substantial decline in refined sugars intake occurred over the same timeframe that obesity has increased.

>> No.16884005

they left out vaccine + biannual boosters

>> No.16884021

it's actually a depressingly pragmatic view of how much food intake a nation full of office workers actually needs

>> No.16884030

they are working on integrating the mrna directly into the food supply

>> No.16884223

I find this strange because it goes directly against the portioned plate the Australian government gave me.

>> No.16884265

You WILL eat your daily antibacterial pills, you HUMAN CATTLE

>> No.16884348

Cavemen and our ancestors ate over 200 grams of fiber daily.

Also they never made it over 40 years old, you can live to 40 with whiskey and bacon hamburgers and cigarettes too, so ehat does it prove? Dumb nigger shithead

>> No.16884379

Did they ?

>> No.16884516

t. fattie

>> No.16884556

meat and dairy should be roughly half of your diet.

>> No.16884566

Where's the fuckin' goon?

>> No.16884886

Because todays grains are so genetically fucked up compared to normal wild cerial grains its fucking insane.
I think grains are fine in a diet but if your not eating eioncorn or whatever its called your probably gonna die early

>> No.16884891

Why is the burger okay when deconstructed, but when put together it becomes a hazard? Are burgers bathtub meth?

>> No.16884892

How anyone can say pasta is a part of a good diet is beyond my comprehension.

>> No.16884917

Modern wheat doesn’t even have the same number of chromosomes as ancient wheat .

>> No.16884924

Burgers don't use lean meat, making them only slightly less deadly than cyanide.

>> No.16884948

I still eat minor amounts of grains, but aside from pasta once a week or some rice with meat and vegetable, it's a lot better to avoid grains, eat 1 less meal a day with more fat and protein and some broccoli, and avoid bloating yourself with starch and lecithin and other irregular grain matter.

>> No.16885088

Because not everyone is a lardass that doesn't understand moderation and blames pasta for their obesity. Italians have one of the highest life expectancies on Earth. Same thing with the Japanese. And guess what, they both eat plenty of pasta.

>> No.16885111

whole wheat pasta is one of the best things you can eat.

>> No.16885120

It's still empty calories. No getting around it. Even a well balanced diet is healthier without calories wasted on pasta consumption.

>> No.16885150

except if it's whole grains, it will have plenty of fiber which most people don't get enough of.

>> No.16885346

Why would they recommend a crummy glass of water?
They should be recommending Pokemon Creatures!

>> No.16885355

You know grains are good for you when their "healthy" variant's selling point is that it has lots of indigestible stuff in it

>> No.16885370

Why the fuck are beans and legumes in two categories?
>pasta is le unhealthy

>> No.16885377

Foraged fruit and the occasional rabbit, then dried reindeer after migration season

>> No.16885380
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Less grains, more vegetables, more fruits and maybe less dairy but make it full fat.
Also I think it's retardation to lump in nuts/beans with lean meat. Unless you're a squirrel you really can't eat that many nuts if they aren't somehow processed or covered in sugar.
So basically the whole chart is fucked.
However I do think that this is orders of magnitude better than the average anglo country (US, Canada, AUS, UK, NZ)diet, so if people actually followed it, they'd probably be better off.

>> No.16885382
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and their poor amount of micronutrients relative to animal products, fish, and leafy greens

>> No.16885392

>Also they never made it over 40 years old,

>> No.16885399

>16885088 #
>It's still empty calories
Not if you're doing the amount of physical activity you should be, you need nutrition and fuel

>> No.16885413

>listening to the government tell you what to eat
Enjoy your hospital visits and endless prescriptions for the rest of your life while you're at it

>> No.16885430

standard nutrition advice for good heart health for the past 80 years or so is avoid full fat dairy.

>> No.16885457

Broccoli only has about 26.5 grams of fiber per kilo . I don’t think they ate the equivalent of 7.5 kilos of broccoli each day .

>> No.16885583

>standard nutrition advice
in the toilet it goes. Standard nutrition advice was a low fat diet which is proven harmful. It was also conventional advice to limit dietary cholesterol and now thats gone. The saturated fat advice will soon go the same wag.

>> No.16885605

>to limit dietary cholesterol and now thats gone.
No it's not. That's the exact opposite of the recommendation. Not sure why you listen to them now if you just harped on about it being wrong.

>> No.16885632

How does doing physical activity add vitamins and minerals to pasta? Stop eating pasta, eat better foods. Your brain is obviously starved of essential nutrients.

>> No.16885642

It adds caloric uptake you fucking retard. Go home globohomo

>> No.16885718

are you a retard?

>> No.16885726

no mention of cholesterol here either

>> No.16885744

no it won't. there's just too much evidence linking saturated fat to bad health outcomes.

>> No.16885746

Are you? They explicitly recommended restricting intake. Your dumbass driven misunderstanding comes from them scrapping a specific numerically limit.

>> No.16885751

>They explicitly recommended restricting intake
ctrl+f cholesterol = 0 results?
and even if they didnt its still wrong advice based on shit evidence

>> No.16885763
File: 514 KB, 1080x1550, Screenshot_20211024-204512_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mentioned in the actual report that you didn't even read

You're such a fucking retard. IN THE LINK I REPLIED TO
Fucking idiot

>> No.16885767

>and even if they didnt its still wrong advice based on shit evidence
Then why did you even bother saying they scrapped it

>> No.16885794

>biggest section is carbs
this is just the old food pyramid all over again

>> No.16885805

>they scrapped it
they did

>> No.16885815

We just went over this and you process to completely shit your pants over what was actually changed. I'll move onto wiser pursuits now.

>> No.16885909

Looks like the distribution of a pre industrial agricultural society.

>> No.16885934

can anyone tell me, where did "grains good" meme originate? many grains are high FODMAP, they're not very high in fiber and vitamins unlike vegetables, and they score very low on satiety scale. wheat is also high in gluten. who the fuck decided that grains should be the foundation if a diet?

>> No.16885954

Why do you globohomos keep trying to change cultural foundations such as traditional diets? Why do you think everyone is a diseased leper that needs to eat XYZ tripe to survive?

>> No.16885968

>"grains good" meme originate?
see >>16883350

>> No.16885971

this cant be true

>> No.16885977

>can anyone tell me, where did "grains good" meme originate?
Probably Mesopotamia 8000 years ago or so when people found out it was a cost effective way to feed a complex community. It’s still economically efficient for the high caloric yield for the amount of capital poured into it. One could say that for a less physically active soiceity it may not be quite the answer tho.

>> No.16885981

That was a typo, but I chuckled a bit from the unintentional joke.

>> No.16885984
File: 53 KB, 735x1102, Copy-of-Copy-of-LowFodmap-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm saying eat fibrous or starchy vegetables instead of grains. relying on grains is "traditional" because they couldnt get enough of other food back in the day. now when you have enough meat and enough vegetables, there's no reason to make 30% of your calories grains like a medieval peasant. especially since these are relatively fast carbs and they don't fill you up well. wheat, oats, barley, and rice contain phytoestrogens, too.

>> No.16885996

the guide explicitly recommends whole grains.

>> No.16885999
File: 186 KB, 640x640, post_599911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll eat whatever the fuck I want you neurotic fucking freak.
>contain phytoestrogens, too
Literally everything does, retard

>> No.16886013

I love that broccoli is the first thing that you relate to fiber

>> No.16886024

how does that relate to what i said? whole grains, non-whole grains—still grains, still mediocre half-assed "food" that was only good for humanity to survive when they couldn't get enough meat, fruits and vegetables. today, we already have calorie overload, you don't need another source of fast carbs as "foundation" of your diet. you need more protein and foods that have a lot of volume and fiber per calorie. grains are neither of that

>> No.16886028

ill take what is an essential fatty acid for 500

>> No.16886029

Fodmaps aren't actually bad for you though? Unless you're a gutlet. They're prebiotics which are generally considered useful if your microbiome is working properly. Unless you're going to come out against lots of veg too, including onions and garlic.

Neither is gluten desu, although animal proteins are probably preferable. Gluten has very useful properties even it's almost always used to make things which are awful for you

t. gutlet

>> No.16886031

not at all. whole grains are good for you, refined grains aren't.

>> No.16886036

>I'll eat whatever the fuck I want
in that case, why the fuck would you choose to follow some retarded advice that 30% of what you eat must be grains? eat what you want. i just dont know why you would deliberately overload on pasta, rice and other grain garbage

>> No.16886052

>whole grains are good for you
Compared to what? You better not say refined grains.

>> No.16886058

b-but anon dont you know fat bad! cholesterol bad too!

>> No.16886071

>essential fatty acid
ill take what is oil and healthy fats for 500
i know from firsthand experience what they do if your gut is weak. i nearly shat my guts out after i ate a box of rye crisps once. and eating muesli was 3x worse than that.
beans are also high in FODMAP, ask anyone why they get gas after eating them.
>They're prebiotics which are generally considered useful if your microbiome is working properly.
that is if you have good enzyme production. they are complex sugars, if they aren't broken down properly you will get intense farting.

>> No.16886082


>> No.16886096

its actually garbage because its nutrient poor and spikes your blood sugar and is completely non essential. no such thing as an essential carbohydrate

>> No.16886108

>nutrient poor

>spikes your blood sugar
I'm not diabetic, tubby

>completely non essential. no such thing as an essential carbohydrate
You probably smell awful lol

>> No.16886117

>>nutrient poor
see >>16885382

diabetic or not it still spikes your blood sugar. thats 0 for 3 bro i would quit now before you make a bigger fool out of yourself

>> No.16886129

>nutrient poor because it's not calorically dense in a couple nutrients
Okay retard

>diabetic or not it still spikes your blood sugar.
Not a problem if you're not a fatty diabetic retard like yourself. You don't even understand what makes "blood sugar spikes" bad. Even fatty diabetic retards dont wheeze and whine like you over a piece of bread lmao

>> No.16886133

0 for 3

>> No.16886136

Your mother in abortion attempts, yes

>> No.16886139

copium TM

>> No.16886141

Its because highly processed carbs are cheap and many whole foods aren't to the same degree.

>> No.16886148

Yes that's a good additional trait for someone whose personality type is otherwise "im fat and ascared of bread" kek

>> No.16886160

0 for 3

>> No.16886164

Yes that's the third time you've unsuccessfully attempted to convince me of your voluntary celibacy

>> No.16886168


>> No.16886175

Your body count, yes. Thanks for the update.

>> No.16886181

whatever you need to tell yourself pal

>> No.16886191

Wow good one. I was worried you wouldn't be able to outwit shouting your shortcomings incessantly like a fat autist.

>> No.16886196

is this guy still going?

>> No.16886210

What do you mean "this guy"? Why are you talking in the second person like a fucking weirdo? Does bread really trigger you this much??

>> No.16886225

and it continues

>> No.16886241

Yeah its real cool seeing you have a mental breakdown because someone isn't fat and eats bread.

>> No.16886249


>> No.16886258

Yeah, I might do that. You're weird, lame, and boring. Also a fat gay retard lol. You screaming the abortion survival attempts was better.

>> No.16886266

good night 0 for 3 anon

>> No.16886268

If you eat fat you will get fat.
Government Tier / 10 thinking.

>> No.16886269

Why is the pro bread Guy so angry?

>> No.16886279

i think it was a reasonable hypothesis at the time but clearly it hasnt worked out
dont say his name he'll come back

>> No.16886294

Sugar spikes lead to poor emotional control.

>> No.16886298

t. fat fuck BMI 60+ but knows better than the government.

>> No.16886300

high grain diets also likely to be deficient in brain essential nutrients like DHA and iron

>> No.16886309

>fatty continues to talk to himself and invent personalities after being bread broken

Many such cases

>> No.16886314

>retard thinks that caveman didn't live past 40 because of average age graph he saw once
>retard doesn't know that most cavemen died as infants so that skews the shit out of the calculations when you die at the age of 0-2.

>> No.16886343

>t. fat fuck BMI 60+ but knows better than the government.
Tell me about your theory that eating fat will be metabolized into fat rather than converted as needed into chemical energy.
Or to put it another way fat ignores the normal energy balance of calorie consumption and calorie expenditure and instead just turns into fat.

>> No.16886346

The average retard knows better than governmental dietary suggestions.
Anything that isn't the decision of geriatric retards is influenced by various lobbies.
I hope the schizos are right about paid shills because that would at least make more sense to me than someone genuinely believing what you do.

>> No.16886348

the duality of man

>> No.16886362


>le epic food scientist disavows wholegrains because reasons

Nah you fat fucks think that carbs all carbs are bad because all you eat is white bread. Ignoring the fact that they ask you to consume mostly wholegrain.

>> No.16886370

>le whole grains argument

Answer >>16886052

>> No.16886372

>muh estrogens

>> No.16886376


Keep up the broscience and you'll eat yourself to death soon too.

>> No.16886377

nutrient poor not worth the calories

>> No.16886378

Two points towards the same side of one coin.

>> No.16886399

I have nothing against whole grains, or any carbohydrates, regardless of their fiber content.
I care that people still think 2/3s of your diet should be grain when the average jackoff does nothing but sit around all day while decrying the one macronutrient that benefits almost every essential function of your body.
Eat whatever you want.

>> No.16886403

You desperately need to get laid my dude.

>> No.16886404
File: 128 KB, 1924x996, 1614329893162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes eat more grains that will solve our problems

>> No.16886425

>mayonnaise, sausages and chips in the only sometimes and in small amounts

Fuck this shit

>> No.16886427

>is literally a woman
Entire spergout explained. Now go make me a sandwich.

>> No.16886428

Thank you for the insightful input. Single mother argument.

>> No.16886430

Im the guy who said or bread anon was angry (which he was), but anti-bread-anon, you are coming off thick on your part even if you are not seething as much.

>> No.16886453

I no longer eat grains , potatoes and sugar . I’m losing weight effortlessly , without hunger pains . I eat as much as I feel like and don’t count calories . I have friends that weigh well over 275 pounds . I’ve been quietly telling them that they could eat as much as they want and still get lighter . Some of them are watching me get smaller and starting to ask questions . Hopefully they will come to the same realization that I have .

>> No.16886463


>> No.16886468

your vegan grain eating children will be more brain dead than you

>> No.16886499

I don't know why I even engage in /ck/ threads about health and fitness anymore.
I think it's some sort of latent masochism or to just get it out of my system so I don't sperg out around people telling me about their latest diet.
Congrats on the weightloss, genuinely.

>> No.16886556

My friends were not very supportive at first , no more than most people here . I think they were pessimistic about weight loss because everything they tried failed , and all the advice they received was worthless . We don’t need sugar , grains and starchy vegetables in our diet . It’s surprising how many people are angered by that statement . Hopefully I can make a difference in the lives of my friends .

>> No.16886595

>Low fat and high carbs
So pretty much a diet every dietitian argues against?

>> No.16886603

Womanly response. As expected.

>> No.16886616

anon i think youve got that backwards

>> No.16886619

I get you, and I appreciate your optimism.
I was a middle distance runner until senior year of high school and a (shitty) collegiate wrestler where I got really into diet and weightlifting so my close friends always asked me for advice.
They all took it fairly well, usually convincing people to not drink 3 days a week was the hardest part, however, people I don't know as well never took it well and usually chalked it up to genetics, or eating disorders, etc.
I do eat carbs for quick energy, but the average person doesn't need much of any in order to sit down all day.
As I said before, congrats and I wish you continued success.

>> No.16886697

why is life expectancy done like this, should be 6-80 years with X% children dying before 5yrs

>> No.16886731


>> No.16886767

Cavemen is pretty low, last I looked at estimates. Child mortality is about 1/3rd or a little higher. Considering this site, that 1/3rd is probably disproportionately taken from this stock.
Then violent death was high. Some estimates are over 50% died that way in cavemen times. Low estimates are 25%.
Then there is disfigurement vs death. So, you broke your leg and lived but are significantly injured or crippled for life. Things like that.

It's pretty rough.

>> No.16886800

Funny how everyone in this thread fancies himself a nutrition expert.

>> No.16886921

According to the OP image, the bar seems quite low.

>> No.16886958

you dont have to be an expert to see what were doing isnt working. Once you see that there are two different explanations; the nutrition wisdom given is wrong, or you can blame the patient. Itd be like if after we figured out hiv causes aids a few decades later aids prevalence has increased 700% we would be questioning medical wisdom but its easier to "blame fatties" heeehee. Obesity is a red herring liver fat is the real killer

>> No.16887017

Air , water , proteins and fat are essential macronutrients . Are carbohydrates essential ?

>> No.16887073

>Are carbohydrates essential ?
No dietary carbohydrate is not but you require a few grams of glucose in your bloodstream that your liver can make from fatty acids or amino acids. Gluconeogensis or something

>> No.16887080

>carbs and oxalates

>> No.16887087

NPC thinks he's smart, how cute

>> No.16887088

look up kellog baby. cereal was meant to reduce masturbation and probably worked

>> No.16887095

the experts have presided over the explosions of diabetes, obesity, cancer, and a long list of chronic diseases we should be questioning their assumptions and find out what they mightve gotten wrong. But what do i know im just a midwit

>> No.16887121

When I started my diet I did a search for medical problems caused by dietary deficiencies . When I was done I felt more confused than when I started .

>> No.16887150

after I started doing 72 hour rolling fasts with no problem I've lost all faith in modern nutritional science and just eat 50/50 protein/fat refeeds

>> No.16887164

I never understood how people could fast . Then I started eating foods that have a low glycemic response . Now I sometimes forget to eat . I think it’s because my blood sugar level doesn’t crash anymore .

>> No.16887238

I think the men are 2nd most obese behind Americans and women are ranked 8th or something

>> No.16887324
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>no-one's posted this yet
shit thread

>> No.16887328
File: 113 KB, 828x618, 1604179114454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

difference is that you'll never see a yank do any actual work and Aussies nearly all work physical trade jobs.
pic related, Aussie firefighters when they went to Taiwan to teach them a few things

>> No.16887370

I see many Americans working in hard difficult jobs , most of them just become very strong fat people as they get older .

>> No.16887375

Based voice of reason

>> No.16887380

I'm sure they are referring to fast food shit but isn't a well-made burger actually a pretty decent meal? Bread, beef, cheese, tomato, lettuce, onion. Like to balance it you probably need a side salad but if it isn't slathered in butter and sauce then isn't it the same as say, chicken with some vegetables on the side, side salad, and slice of bread?

>> No.16887384
File: 128 KB, 800x600, 1578279466488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even firefighters are divided up between the younger beefcakes who pose for calendars, and the older bastards who put on a layer of fat over their muscles.

>> No.16887388

Why don't any of them have any hair? A manly tradesman should look like a gorilla. I've got more hair on my chest and I'm just a dirty line cook.

>> No.16887391

It gets burnt off when they fight fires.

>> No.16887392

muscular men are never hairy, just the way it is.
also probably this >>16887391

>> No.16887394

>Aussie firefighters when they went to Taiwan to teach them a few things
They went over for a calender photoshoot, bro. It's a fundraising thing.
These guys pose for sexy photos to raise money for their departments; they're not a good representation of the average firefighter. Apparently women prefer pictures of men without chest hair these days, so they do what sells.

>> No.16887398
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Fixed it for ya m7s

>> No.16887413
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>> No.16887427

I like beatin' off with a mixture of sodium crystals and some whole grains.

>> No.16887432

Apu, no! Don't get mixed up with tobacco!

>> No.16887439
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Don't touch it, it's weevil!

>> No.16887484
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it's too late frens

>> No.16887487

I assume you’re either a woman or gay. If not I don’t understand why you have this photo saved.

>> No.16887583

>studying nutrition in Australia
The dietary guidelines are legit and backed by genuine research btw, though Canadas is better

>> No.16887761
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meanwhile in america
(4chan thinks nature article links are spam)

>> No.16888028

>Watermelon = sugar + water
>Score: 100%

>> No.16888032

They're probably correct, vegetarian diets are very prone to making you dickless and pacified.

>> No.16888046

Why do you keep posting this?

>> No.16888047

>he posted it again

>> No.16888048


>> No.16888076

Vegans have 13% higher testosterone than non-vegans. Nice try though, fattie.

>> No.16888140

Well, the seventh day Adventist have the longest life expectancy (89) of any religion in America. Mormonism is a close second at 84. So obviously their diet choices promote longevity and health.

>> No.16888151

Says who, religious types?

>> No.16888153

Why are legumes and beans in two sections of the chart?

>> No.16888158

Because it's a bullshit chart made by some school kid wanting for professor love neither of which have ever worked a day in their lives.

>> No.16888163

It was a chart made by someone hired by the government and probably got paid like 50 thousand dollars in taxpayer money to make it.

>> No.16888186

That's sad shit, and was likely some school kid and some professor looking for grant money. They just make shit up for grant money.

>> No.16888206
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They go well together, like beans, rice and pumpkins to keep with the holiday spirit.

>> No.16888227

Probably not so much gets burnt off as they shave it to make sure it doesn't catch fire

>> No.16888249

They're a vegetable and (when eaten with nuts, seeds or grain) a source of protein.

>> No.16888440

>muscular men are never hairy
Lol is this idiot serious?

>> No.16888583 [DELETED] 

Says the stupid fat fucking spic, kill yourself pedro

>> No.16888672

>Apparently women prefer pictures of men without chest hair
Women aren't degenerate like men. It's men who mostly buy this shit.

>> No.16888740

source? I was an active member, but it wasn't that weird. It was similar to jewish diet + no smoking + no alcohol.

>> No.16888751

And more 522% more of being aids ridden homosexual freak jobs.

>> No.16889154

i think the dairy percentage is a bit too high. soy drink and skim milk might as well not be there i think.

>> No.16889188

Australia will be one of the first countries to be annexed by the new chin imperialist movement.

>> No.16889195

Cope you shitcunt.

>> No.16889201

Because these statistics are mainly drawn from the Mesolithic period, where human density has increased considerably and animal domestication spreads new diseases.

>> No.16889462

"By 1900, Ellen G White began to focus her anti-meat message on cattle being diseased. The creation of a food industry (Sanitarium 1898) was to support the Adventist health message; "The health food business ... Its purpose is to supply the people with food which will take the place of flesh meat, and also milk and butter ... which, on account of the diseases of cattle, are becoming more and more objectionable." Australasian Union Conference Record, January 1, 1900. Counsels on Diet and Foods, pg 350.2 536

By the 21st century, neither the sinfulness of masturbation, the health warnings that meat causes cancer, nor the worry that cattle are diseased, made the impact on non-believers the church hoped for. The Seventh-day Adventist Church refocused their anti-meat campaign to align with 'Climate Change'."

>> No.16889860

"Two statements that highlight the pro-grain and anti-meat beliefs of the Church were written by Ellen G White; "Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator" and “A religious life can be more successfully gained and maintained if meat is discarded, for this diet stimulates into intense activity lustful propensities, and enfeebles the moral and spiritual nature.”

Both Ellen G White and Dr John Harvey Kellogg advocated abstinence from 'flesh eating' to help dampen impure thoughts and 'animal propensities'. Eating against the Laws of Nature was believed to lead to 'self-vice' (onanism/masturbation) and thought to be the ultimate sin. Over time, the harms of eating meat became tied to other health issues. Ellen G White claimed that her 1864 Vision from God showed her 'meat causes cancer', too."

>> No.16889868

I agree, what the fucking is wrong with sausages

>> No.16889873

they cause the sinful and heinous act of masturbation

>> No.16889881

>>foundation of civilization (if you like that sort of thing)
the agricultural revolution, and its consequences, has been a disaster for the human race

>> No.16889965


>> No.16890044

mmm yes grains very good for you, meat bad peasants! do not eat the meat we do this for the good of you!

>> No.16890228

Can confirm, am australian and fat