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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16876059 No.16876059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this a meme when African American cuisine is disgusting.

>> No.16876087

Just a weak attempt to try to hurt you based on cooking they've never tried. It's bait and a strawman.

>> No.16876091

why can't you take a joke?

>> No.16876094

Why can't poc handle a simple word that starts with N without burning down cities?

>> No.16876095

it stops being a joke when im inundated with the same insults based on aspects of myself i cannot change day in and day out both in person and online

>> No.16876102

Ther is no such thing as an african-american.

>> No.16876106

I literally could care less if this is a meme. I know what I like, and it's not bland food. Stop being so insecure.

>> No.16876117
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>> No.16876138
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ypipo dun even wash dey chicken

>> No.16876147

>it stops being a joke
its true what they say /pol/niggers are just mirror sjws

>> No.16876151

We don't use that word here

>> No.16876152
File: 164 KB, 750x1000, Ejer76CWAAE1mGq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people invented food as we know it in the west, why do you give so much weight to shitty jogger memes?

>> No.16876157

>you're either a /pol/ or an sjw
i want to die man

>> No.16876165

It was about ehtics in games journalism

>> No.16876166

just do it

>> No.16876167

IF you're not actively working in support of social justice then you are the fucking problem

>> No.16876176

Europeans conquer the world and make great use of the spices they gain. Spaniards cook. Portuguese cook. Italians cook. Greece cooks. French cooks. Germans cook. Polish cooks. English cooks. Irish cooks. Everyone in Europe cooks with spices. Whites literary transform the culinary world for over 500 years.

>Jews enslave Africans sold by Africans

>250 years later

Wipipol raceist, wipipol gots no culture, wipipol cants handle spice!

>> No.16876184


>> No.16876186

based truth-teller

>> No.16876195

>Goes to hot chili pepper competition
>Every competitor is white or asian

Until the above is proven true on a wide scale, shit skin can't handle real spice. Bow before your superiors!

>> No.16876201


>> No.16876204

this is quite the based thread

>> No.16876229

This. Blacks in the Caribbean sometimes have habaneros so they think it's the spiciest shit in the world.

>> No.16876257


>> No.16876284

>African American cuisine is disgusting.
You've obviously never made fried cabbage.

>> No.16876289

OK redpill me on basketball american food... Is collard greens, jambalaya, shrimp and grits and the like actually the invention of the colored man or is it actually wypipo food?

>> No.16876339

Collard are Eurasian in origin eaten by Europeans, grits are native American, and shrimp by anyone who lives by the sea. As for jambalaya, theory goes it's just a modified paella by Spanish settlers using what was available .

>> No.16876385

I've seen too many of these to not think it's common practice with them, do they think salmonella is only present on the surface? Like it would theoretically be safe to eat raw after washing? Or do they not understand what heating does/common knowledge food safety?

>> No.16876411

>grits are native American
So are tomatoes and potatoes.
Are we going to pretend marinara isn't Italian?
Are we going to pretend "here, have a potao!" isn't Irish?

>> No.16876426

It comes from historically unsafe chicken practices in areas where black ancestors lived. Essentially the chicken would be stored at unsafe temperatures and get that funky smell. Have you ever had raw chicken sit in your fridge for too long snd it gets an off putting sour type smell but is still technically safe to eat? That’s what they were trying to eliminate originally, except now they just do it because that’s how they’ve always seen it.

>> No.16876469

Asians can cook, indians can cook, sand niggers can cook but niggers cant cook for shit
>overseasoned meat
>adds the same disgusting seasoning to everything
>Didnt even create their signature cuisine

>> No.16876473

A lot of the stuff people claim is melanin-enriched gentleman food is food from regions settled by European migrant groups like the Acadians (Cajun), and even the Creole are mixed race mutts with ancestry from Spain and France. I can't think of a black food that can't be traced to trade between European countries and the natives aside from potlikker(think of it as stock made from vegetables slaves would cook, beans and green vegetables are included.)

>> No.16876488

stop being a nigger

>> No.16876492
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Jesus, does /ck/ REALLY need a /pol/tard containment thread?

>> No.16876510

Dialate brown tranny.

>> No.16876512

>brown tranny
Hot, I like ladyboys and Brazilian traps.

>> No.16876515

I'm sure you do

>> No.16876520
File: 86 KB, 615x893, 1ylEm3FN1C18PxXaOys98VdTefLgMHYNiVQsNTr62ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mayocels think its just us making fun of them

>> No.16876522

the entire site needs one

>> No.16876546

why do you wash your chicken?

>> No.16876568

>burning down cities?
Sounds more based than seething on 4chan.

>> No.16876575

You're so cool for being aimless in life. That's so epic bro.

>> No.16876576
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Better question is why is this meme used as an excuse to make thinly veiled /pol/ threads when >>>/pol/ is that way?

>> No.16876577

A cup of sugar on a plate of spaghetti. Their lives don't even matter to themselves.

>> No.16876609

lmfao please show me niggerspice that isn't a ramen soup base.

>> No.16876645

basado y repillado
seethe more cuck

>> No.16876648

It's so sad watching niggers cope with being niggers

>> No.16876651

Go back to twitter

no, see when you're racist to whites it's "just banter" but if you made a thread about "haitian mud cookies" then you'd get banned

>> No.16876655

it's because they are SJWs. same mindset and all

>> No.16876702

Because haitian mud cookies aren’t food

>> No.16876725

Swing and a miss, Caribbean is all about the Scotch Bonnet.

>> No.16876731

Tell that to the Haitians.

>> No.16876734

I would but then they'd have no idea what food even might be.

>> No.16876740

>conquer half the world to get some nutmeg
>waah waah hwite man bad
>dismantle your empire and stop using spices
>waah waah hwite man bad
Such a fragile animal.

>> No.16876743


>white people suddenly care about racism/jokes based on race when it's aimed at them

O i am laffin

>> No.16876755

Laffin through tears.

>> No.16877580

ive never tasted good food by black people who say this shit
ive tasted plenty of good foor by all sorts of people. white, black, rich, poor... everyones got something diff to offer. but people who say "wypipo cant cook dey dun season dey chikeen" are 100% just throwing on whatever spices they find with no regard for flavor
they have no palette, they only know "more spicy" and "not spicy enough". they cant tell their seasonings apart.

>> No.16877588

the chicken black people adopted as their own didnt actually come from africa, it originated in the south of the USA

in fact almost every aspect of general "black cuisine" in america came from the southern farmers that black people interacted with.
yes theres a lot of unique cuisines from specific african countries. every immigrant brought in their own foods from wherever it is they came from. but "black culture" as a whole in america doesnt have african roots. its purely what they learned from white americans and then bastardized.

>> No.16877608

Look he asked where they came from. And marinara is a dish distinctly Italian as it came from Italy regardless of the tomatoes origin because they created it. It's just that those ingredients or meals aren't African or African American in origin, and that's fine. they can love them or make them better than anyone else, but for those specifically, they didn't invent them.

>> No.16877895

Jokes are supposed to be funny. The spice meme is just lazy and cringey

>> No.16877902

ay yo what kind of detergent should I use on my chicken?

>> No.16878044

from what i have regularly seen, it’s mostly all prepackaged garbage foods like chips and stuff. like that is a legit meal for a lot of people - a big bag of flaming hot cheetoes

>> No.16878063

This silly joke shouldn't bother you if you know how to cook. If you're offended, you could try learning how to spice your food.

>> No.16878067

It's because they can't cook, you can't accurately judge the quality of a food if you can't produce it yourself.
They still have the tradition of washing their meats, like it's rotting, I feel nothing but pity for them whenever they talk about "white people" food.
Also, I make the spiciest fucking chicken they wouldn't believe, it's the perfect meat with the right amount of fat to mellow out some real rim tingling taste.

>> No.16878071

It's BBQ and Louisiana cuisine. If you like American BBQ then you like black cuisine.

>> No.16878075

>words words words
Incels can't meme

>> No.16878081

>>Jews enslave Africans sold by Africans
Nice neonazi blog meme.

>> No.16878085

White people don't normally have to take jokes about their race so they have very thin skin about it. They can't handle something so basic as "this meat objectively has zero seasoning" so they have to reply with big blocks of seethe like >>16876176
It's African-American cuisine, which like any cuisine in America is a fusion of cultures and substituted ingredients. I don't really understand why everyone ITT is trying really hard to say that the food African-Americans eat is actually white when white people don't eat it and it's African-Americans who do. Even being charitable to them, that'd be like saying ramen and curry and sushi isn't part of Japanese cuisine because it's Chinese, British, and South East Asian respectively.

>> No.16878090

lol this incel is one bland food joke away from calling for genocide

>> No.16878093

They have nothing else to clown on

>> No.16878094

The worst part is I'm pretty sure he's ESL which means he's simping for white Americans when they're not even part of his culture lmao

>> No.16878105

What a shit north-american thread, disgusting people all around.

>> No.16878106
File: 116 KB, 400x400, guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha look at this Bong food! They conquered quarter of the world for their spices and decided not to use them!
>wtf you can't say we don't use spices how fucking dare you actually niggers don't have any food at all this is an outrage and

>> No.16878112

haha that one hit really close to home didnt it

>> No.16878113

People seething about jokes ITT are cooklets that feel personally attacked since they eat bland trash. I'd wager that most of them are European.

>> No.16878123

I dunno why people on this board say this like it's a black thing. Both my parents wash their chicken and my dad's only quarter Indian, and I think it's something all the boomers in my country do.
You can tell when it's Euro seethe because they'll be angry at the implication white people don't season food when obviously French and Hungarians and Spanishfags are European -- I used to get mad about that before I learned Americans mean "white Americans" when they say white people.
When they're just throwing shit around like "uh you just ate school dinners and prison food" they're not Euro.

>> No.16878164

you know its true faggot

>> No.16878171

>White people don't normally have to take jokes about their race
[citation needed]

>> No.16878179

My own experience, I basically never field jokes about my race.