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File: 123 KB, 768x959, U.S.-vs.-Uk-heinz-ketchup-ingredients-768x959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16837125 No.16837125 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck? Why?

>> No.16837132

what do you mean

>> No.16837136

Big corn. Rivals of big pharma. Arguably more harmful to general publics health.

>> No.16837157

The US produces more than a ton of corn per capita per year. Corn syrup is cheaper than sugar and tastes sweeter because of how our body perceives fructose vs sucrose, so you can use less, further driving down prices. Simple as.

>> No.16837170

Jesus you’re fucking retarded mate. Those ingredients lists are identical, the uk and us have different labelling requirements

>> No.16837175

So the uk can label high fructose corn syrup as sugar?

>> No.16837187
File: 101 KB, 768x679, mcdonalds-fries-in-us-vs-uk-768x679-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16837235

>omg corn!!!!!
Don’t be a faggot.
If you’re such a fatass gluttonous faggot that 55/45 fructose/sucrose vs 50/50 causes you issue, you’re eating way too fucking much and would be just as much of a fatass if it were “good wholesome sugar” and not “omg evil corn”.

>> No.16837243

You gulp down a dr thunder in between sentences?

>> No.16837245

>well let me produce another image of an entirely different product with even more scary words!
Okay schizo.

>> No.16837248

Fantastic counterpoint you retarded ass zoomer.
Holy fuck it’s a shame you replaced biology and chemistry with genderstudies and gay-history.

>> No.16837251

Americans like onion powder.

>> No.16837284

yes. high fructose syrup is 50% fructose, 50% glucose. common table sugar made from sugar cane or sugar beets is 50% fructose, 50% glucose.
>but le high fructose!
ordinary corn syrup 40% fructose, 60% glucose. "high fructose" corn syrup is only high fructose compared with normal corn syrup. turns out it's cheaper to make corn syrup then boost its fructose level than it is to extract sugar from beets or cane.

>> No.16837287

Thanks for the info.

>> No.16837288

and garlic powder...

>> No.16837308
File: 188 KB, 1077x1500, Del_Monte-Ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are both shit, Del Monte is the best of the three majors. The problem is that its not easy to find because the other majors buy up all the shelf space.

>> No.16837313

US citizens are a genetic experiment

>> No.16837316
File: 1.14 MB, 600x709, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying shit products
>supporting heinz
E*opeans are so stupid. Anyway, for me, it's Huntz. Or make your own ketchup, it's very easy.

>> No.16837317

corn subsidies

>> No.16837325

More like a reading experiment. If you're too stupid to read the label and care what you're eating then you deserve to eat cheap shit funded with corn subsidies. Europeans are poor and only have 1 brand from the government so they have to just trust what they get is good for them and there are no choices.

>> No.16837326

heinz and hunts both taste like sugary crap, it's pathetic

>> No.16837330

>natural flavors and sugar

>> No.16837349

>buy up all the shelf space
Ketchup is not a vendor item with leased shelf space.
If you’re talking about slotting fees, those are for newly introduced items.
That ketchup isn’t new, and Del Monte isn’t, by any means, some poor startup who just can’t compete with those “big mean established companies”.
If a store doesn’t stock it, it’s because customers aren’t asking for it.

>> No.16837353

US versions are always inferior.

>> No.16837376

Del Monte is third of the majors and tastes more of tomato than the sugary shit from heinz and hunts.

>> No.16837381

So buy the versions that advertise no HFCS? Retard.

>> No.16837385

Compared to what, your shit EU/UK versions?

>> No.16837391
File: 604 KB, 1240x1753, ingredients-of-a-banana-poster-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do retards do this?

>> No.16837394

That's why you should mske your own. It's easier than mayo imo

>> No.16837396

Tomato ketchup is meant to have a sweetness component to the flavor profile.
Hunt’s is one of the sweeter ones. But your post reeks of faux-snob “I hate <popular thing>“

>> No.16837400

Cheap and easy.

>> No.16837408

If it was popular to jump off a bridge would you do it? Don't be stupid.

>> No.16837409

False label.

>> No.16837420

I like aldi's KETCHUP.

>> No.16837423

Is it popular to be a fag where you're from?

>> No.16837424

Anybody watch that YouTuber eat a gallon of ketchup?

>> No.16837428

Not him but I live in amErica so yes

>> No.16837430

>Del Monte is third of the majors
So why is the fag I replied to crying that “others buy up all the shelf space” is the reason it’s hard to find?
>tastes more of tomato than the sugary shit from heinz
Literally has the same sugar content as Heinz. They’re equally shit.

>> No.16837442

Just to clarify, you’re directly comparing feigning hatred of popular things in order to sound more sophisticated with having the basic preservation to not commit suicide because someone else does?

>> No.16837449

Speak for yourself, are you looking for gay love? Stick to San Franciso.

>> No.16837457

No I'm not, you wrote that like a presumptious homosexual.

>> No.16837464

Are you incapable of having your own opinion instead of following "the popular crowd?"

>> No.16837478
File: 9 KB, 683x68, hfcs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, i didn't know a 1.5 to 1 ratio is 50/50.

>> No.16837492

(((Farmers))) in bed with Big (((corn)))

>> No.16837500

I’m not the one claiming the same amount of sugar is magically less sugar and del monte can’t afford shelf space.

>> No.16837502

Buy the organic Heinz, it tastes better and has better ingredients

>> No.16837505
File: 9 KB, 259x194, girl-w-corn_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u r momma got my "big corn"

>> No.16837507

All I'm writing is that heinz and hunts are the first two majors and sugary tasting shit.

>> No.16837513

huh, I didn’t know that ketchup was a “soda”.
It’s almost as if soda is different from things that aren’t soda.

>> No.16837515

Oh that means so much, its a fucking marketing label.

>> No.16837520

And I’m asking how 4g of Heinz sugar is somehow more sugary than 4g of Del Monte sugar.
Secondly, I’m asking where the schizo idea of >>16837308 that “they buy up all the shelf space” is coming from.

>> No.16837529

Go look in a shopping market you old lady, do you ever see Del Monte?

>> No.16837539

What's your recipe?

>> No.16837553

Are you this retarded?
If it’s an area where people don’t automatically assume Del Monte ketchup is better because some anonymous faggot on the internet said so, and as a result, nobody is asking for it, and as a result of nobody asking for it, stores don’t buy it…
The most obvious conclusion to your schizo zoomer ass is that those other big mean companies are buying the shelf space?
From fucking Del Monte?
Who, if your “buying shelf space” schizo retardation were even slightly true, owns about half of the canned fruit/veg aisle in every American grocery store?
They’re getting fucked over on just one more spot for ketchup?
Take a moment and really think about what a retarded faggot you sound like for suggesting this.

>> No.16837566

he has made u look dumb every post anon might be time to drop it

>> No.16837573

it's talking about HFCS in soda. no other sugar is put in those sodas. HFCS is supposed to be 55/45 fructose to glucose (1.2 to 1), but in practice the ratios are much higher.

>> No.16837578

Wrong. It should have an approval cert on it.
If you think it's false advertising then audit it and make some money while ruining their brand.

>> No.16837581

That anon looked dumb at every turn, not knowing about Del Monte and sucking up to heinz and hunts. What are you stupid or something?

>> No.16837587

I don't want to argue but I feel bad for u. if u want I will talk with u about sauces so u do not make urself look a fool any further

>> No.16837593

I never wrote that it was "false" you just did. I wrote that the majors buy up shelf space to push out competetors.
You might want to get some reading comprehension.

>> No.16837598

Good spelling there, you might want to consider your bullshit.

>> No.16837603

>it's just a marketing label
is what you said, and that's false.

>> No.16837609

Only false if you believe it.
Nobody is forcing you to buy it.

>> No.16837615

>but in practice the ratios are much higher.
No, in soda the ratio is much higher.
Which quite frankly, nobody should care about anyway. Anyone willing to guzzle sugarwater with bubbles is a lost cause anyway.
The HFCS used in non-soda applications is, with very few exceptions, the 55/45 ratio.

>> No.16837625

That's not a ratio, that's a percentage.

>> No.16837627

ok well if u wanna chat I'm here for u fella

>> No.16837629

Why are these two shits so ubiquitous?

>> No.16837631

Because they're great on pizza.

>> No.16837640

>No, in soda the ratio is much higher.
why do you assume it's only soda? how do you know what ratios you're actually getting in any given product versus what they purport it to be?

>> No.16837642 [DELETED] 


>> No.16837648

Yeah, nah, shut the fuck up, you zoomer retard.
>not knowing about Del Monte
Only a special brand of underage retard like you would think of DM as a ketchup company.
They’re practically THE canned/bottled vegetable/fruit company in the US, and have been so for generations.
Yet you’re acting like they’re some underdog, all because I asked you how 4g of their sugar is less than 4g of Heinz sugar.

>> No.16837654

You have some serious issues, just don't become an axe murderer.

>> No.16837659

You might want to seek therapy.

>> No.16837673

name one time del monte ever sold a canned fruits

>> No.16837681

>why do you assume it's only soda?
Because I’ve actually researched the topic beyond a few minutes of googling so I can sound smart on the internet.
I’m not a schizo, so I don’t take qualifying statements like “in soda” to mean “lol totally not just in sofa but this shit is magic and you’ll never prove us wrong”.

If you think a company is lying about their ingredients, something like fructose vs glucose is trivial to show with basic testing. Why not sue them?

>> No.16837703

Okay, anon.
Congrats, I bit your bait.
But you went full retard.
>pretending del monte is just a ketchup company
Full retard
>asking when del monte sold canned fruit
Literally beyond full retard.

>> No.16837707
File: 55 KB, 640x640, expired_canned_pineapple_slices_chungking_express_1481184480_f65532dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16837714

so what you're saying is that you have zero evidence del monte have ever dealt in fruit. I see.

>> No.16837716

obvious photoshop retard

>> No.16837731

Show me the proofs

>> No.16837754

>goes full retard
>doubles down
Anon, you’re really just embarrassing yourself at this point.
>but lol I trol u
Yes, good for you.

>> No.16837755

that's a digital image yet the label is clearly faded

>> No.16837775

Fake and gay, UK doesn't have to list all the ingredients

>> No.16837780

soda is just one example because it's what the study was focused on and what the laboratory test found.
>If you think a company is lying about their ingredients, something like fructose vs glucose is trivial to show with basic testing. Why not sue them?
the thing is, they don't have to list any ratio on their products, so they aren't lying. The FDA website say that 42% and 55% are "the most common forms" and that 55 is "primarily used in soft drinks". How do you know for sure what ratio they're using if they don't tell you?

>> No.16837799

Not him but the funniest part is UK is willing to call corn syrup sugar legally which means the US actually has more honest ingredient standards

>> No.16837803

its because it's a non issue. that's like saying the UK doesn't have gun free zones in schools and so they're more likely to have a school shooting.

>> No.16837825

I like in the US when I buy a product with cane sugar in the ingredients list, it's actually cane sugar
Or just table sugar in general always provides a better taste and texture than HFCS

>> No.16837851

You’re too wrapped up in the idea of “evil America poisoning people with fructose” and not looking at the basic principle.
A higher concentration of fructose will make your sense of taste interpret whatever as being “sweeter”.
So using it means you can achieve the same level of sweetness with less ingredient, which in turn makes financial sense for producing a sweet product in countries where HFCS is less expensive than sugar.

Coke in the US isn’t any sweeter-tasting than Coke in other countries. When it’s more economical for a Coke bottling plant to use sugar, they do. When it’s more economical to use HFCS, they do.
It’s not a conspiracy.

>> No.16837856
File: 679 KB, 2006x2506, U.S.-vs.-Uk-doritos-ingredients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the uk and us have different labelling requirements
Yeah, in customer protecting Europe they get the healthy and natural "Cool Original Flavor" while the USA is poisoned with a bunch of chemicals!
I can't even imagine how fucking retarded a regulator has to be in order to allow listing 'Cool Original Flavor' as an ingredient.

>> No.16837867
File: 14 KB, 261x194, 1479577203418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool original flavour

>> No.16837879
File: 212 KB, 680x665, 183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool original flavor

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.16837888

i never mentioned anything like "evil America poisoning people with fructose". that's an argument in bad faith. you said HFCS is 50/50 (which by the way even the standard is 55/45) and i replied with a study showing that fructose levels in HFCS are variable and some syrups have much higher ratios.
>It’s not a conspiracy.
it really isn't. i'm just pointing out you don't know what you're getting when the label says "high fructose corn syrup" and you can't assume that it's definitely going to be 55/45 or 42/68.

>> No.16837910



>> No.16837918

hunts is better than hienz any day

>> No.16837924


shill spotted

>> No.16837925
File: 38 KB, 400x273, 71869171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You replied with a QUOTE from a study you fucking retard.

>> No.16837934


>> No.16837939

shills are insulting hunts and heinz with things originally only said by people who didn't like heinz

hunts is good
heinz sucks

>> No.16837940

>laughs in olde thime ottoman latin celtic dialects

>> No.16837945 [DELETED] 

This exists? what? where can this be found?

>> No.16837954

annato color vs yellow 5 is proof they really are different ingredient lists, not just using different naming styles.

>> No.16837959

No you fucking retard
Subaru is made of 100% sucrose
The fact that molecule of sucrose is made out of glucose and fructose joined togather by chemical bond doesnt make it same as corn syrup
Wood (celulose) is also bunch of simple sugars joined togather, go ahead sweeten your tea with a chunk of wood and tell me how sweet it is.

>> No.16837965

silly anon the us also doesn't give a fuck, it's awful. If the bottle says "sugar" but doesn't specify which kind, it can almost be anything, or so I thought I heard years ago.

>> No.16837970

subaru is a car

>> No.16837971

It’s honestly not hard to find which HFCS formulations are used for which purposes.
The ones with higher levels of fructose are almost exclusive to soda.
Again, it’s not to make it “sweeter”, it’s to make it “as sweet” while using less ingredient. But the only people really affected by it are those who regularly drink tons of fizzy sugarwater. People who drink tons of soda are fatasses, regardless of it being sweetened by corn syrup or sugar.

>> No.16837975

Sugar ffs

>> No.16837978
File: 332 KB, 768x959, 1634261410145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16837979

I try to look for things that say sucrose or cane sugar, but that is the very small minority of products available in US
At least we have Stevia leaf! With just as much long term testing as the new vaccines

>> No.16837982

corn syrup at all is crap, high or low fucktose

>> No.16837985
File: 150 KB, 439x500, 1602190575299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spice and herb extracts
>natural flavoring
deception on both sides, stop pretending one is better than the other

>> No.16837986

Lol you fucking obsessed faggot who can’t even make sure his phone isn’t turning something into “Subaru”.
Go back to school.
Slap your whore of a single mom for not making you do homework.
Then come back and reformulate whatever retarded ass comparison you’re trying to make between sucrose and cellulose.

>> No.16837997
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deception on both sides
>stop pretending

>> No.16837999

>At least we have Stevia leaf! With just as much long term testing as the new vaccines

>> No.16838000

>corn syrup bad
>beet syrup good
>cane syrup good
You clearly aren’t one of the non-retards who have been engaged in this conversation. Please go back.

>> No.16838009

I never said I like beet or cane syrup
but corn syrup goes though a nightmare of processing. at least cane syrup is just boiled down sugar cane juice going one way while molasses goes the other way.
>simmered down sugar cane stick
>monsanto freaking scooby doo bullshit machine chemical peanut butter fuck up

>> No.16838019
File: 41 KB, 356x500, 1605401403940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, the one of the left is a screenshot of the Bible...

>> No.16838020

Nice argument faggot
I'm ph*neposting because I'm just finishing a nightshift
Go eat a bag of corn syrup covered dicks

>> No.16838030

>Americano are so brainwashed they viciously defend the worst most unhealthy sweetening solution

>> No.16838031

> us version = more sweet and oniony
> uk version = more vinegary
t. person who has tried both

>> No.16838048

>fructose created from glucose by man is evil, because..
It wasn’t god’s natural plan?

>> No.16838064

>screech about stupid shit instead of correcting your own retarded fuckup
The best part is how you added * to “phone” so you could sound like a cool oldfag, when in reality nobody gives a shit because either way you’re retarded for giving the molecular breakdown of a fucking Subaru.

>> No.16838083

Corn syrup, HFCS don't have to be labeled differently in the UK from sugar. Onion powder=spices; natural flavoring = herb extracts. Same product.

>> No.16838091

US government heavily subsidies corn even going so far as to pay farmers to destroy crops to lower supply. dairy is the same way, they pay farmers to dump milk. of course the EU also heavily subsides farmers too which is why they can have entire families living off 50 acre farms

>> No.16838096


>> No.16838164

Catsup is bad and you should feel bad for liking it. Grow up, kiddies.

>> No.16838235
File: 51 KB, 640x640, 640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also call the nacho cheese flavour "tangy cheese". I don't know if they think we won't understand what ranch dressing or nachos are?

>> No.16838747

these flavours were named before you were born when Americanisation was nowhere near as advanced as now

>> No.16838814

i hate b*ngoids so much bros...

>> No.16838830

sugar is taxed more in uk

>> No.16838958
File: 51 KB, 426x962, 51iLrpyl0zL._AC_SX466_ (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Blue ketchup
50% less fat and less salt. Go belgian store.

>> No.16838960

It says less sugar sorry

>> No.16838962

Anatto is soy. Comes from Japanse word

>> No.16838996

Natto is fermented soybeans, Annatto is seeds of Achiote tree. Just because you watched one anime with some food in it doesn't mean you know shit. Go back to /a/ retarded board tourist.

>> No.16838999

This is mostly true
Rape seed is canola oil they just use what's available not a mix of it aND the uk grows alot of rapeseed

>> No.16839002
File: 12 KB, 208x243, asdfajkl2354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as an American, besides obviously choosing not to eat this shit at most once a year how else may I get in touch with my old celtic roots

>> No.16839009

you're not Celtic u retard ur heritage is settler state

>> No.16839014
File: 45 KB, 750x455, southpark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have you known I listen to bag pipes everyone in a while and any europoor disputing my celtic heritage can suck a dick

>> No.16839608

>artificial beef flavour
Are you kidding me?
Fries are supposed to be potatoes, fried in oil. And then some salt. 3 ingredients. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.16839629

Tastes better bitch

>> No.16839635
File: 10 KB, 240x240, Ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the only true ketchup

>> No.16839644

Almost bought this the last time I needed some ketchup, because less sugar is almost always a good thing, but it’s one of those shitty products where they just replaced to sugar with artificial sweetener, so it’ll stay just as sickenly sweet, with the added “benefits” of the chemical waste that is artificial sweetener. No thanks.
But it’s a non issue anyways. I’m f you eat that much ketchup that it’s ingredients affect you, you’re a lost case anyways.

>> No.16839893

fattys will blame everyone but themselves for becoming fat.

>> No.16841131

only thing that is different is corn syrup vs sugar

>> No.16841154


>> No.16841163

>go ahead sweeten your tea with a chunk of wood and tell me how sweet it is.
You do know whiskey is sweetened with charred wood, right?

>> No.16841170

the bond between fructose and glucose is broken during digestion, after that, it's identical to HFCS in your body.

>> No.16841172

Can you refute him I'm following the conversation and googlin myself
This stuff is fascinating
An interesting stat I found is that Japan is in the top 5 highest consumers of hfcs. Can't blame hfcs for being obese its self control and I believe self pity plays a huge role in it as well

>> No.16841175
File: 1.34 MB, 1243x1241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I just realised the ranch in cool ranch refers to ranch dressing and not like, a cattle ranch
Makes sense we call it Cool Original then desu, I bet a lot of British people think similarly

>> No.16841178

I'm guessing a bunch of ingredients are so the potatoes survive freezing and thawing process better.

>> No.16841179

I put this on a hot dog once 2 years ago, but other than that why would you use it

>> No.16841184
File: 56 KB, 631x594, IMG_20210910_222925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my desperate UK after Brexit will slide towards amerishite Oreos with Pumpkin Pie and chlorinated chicken shite, without EU protections in place

>> No.16841195

Good on a burger, good base for BBQ sauce as well

>> No.16841217

>americans eat silicone oil

>> No.16841219

Fries are supposed to be fried in beef tallow. Accept no substitutes.

>> No.16841234

Is there such thing as healthy catsup?

>> No.16841358

At its core, ketchup is tomatoes, sugar, vinegar and spices. If you think all sugar is bad for you, then no. If you think some sugar is good, then yes you can make healthy ketchup.

>> No.16841441

The image is missing punctuation, everything after the “cool original flavour” descriptor is in square brackets on the packet.

>> No.16841760

>Behold! The only ketchup literally noone sells.

>> No.16842070

What about those fake sugars

>> No.16842091
File: 180 KB, 945x945, 1554596289097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50% less fat

>> No.16842111

>Tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, spices
>Tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, spices
What's the fucking difference? Do we really need another "Do AmErIcAnS rEaLly?" thread for third worlders to obsess over?

>> No.16842311

>food babe

>> No.16842330

reminder to check your rice vinegar for added sugar/ hfcs

>> No.16842349

reminder to check yaself before ya wreck yaself

>> No.16842380

Why is yellow 5 and annato highlighted?

Isn't yellow 5 banned because "people might get hyperactive from it" fearmongering and isn't annatto, what I'm assuming is supposed to be the better thing, literally ground up bug parts?

>> No.16842394

Corn syrup is cheap in the US because of US government corn subsidies. Americans also like sweet stuff, so they will choose sweeter ketchup over less sweet ketchup.

>> No.16842426
File: 102 KB, 624x1500, 71gcEJjTCWL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yellow 5 isn't banned
annatto is just achiote anon

>> No.16842473

Why? Because Americans, for all their “freedom” values, have been effectively brainwashed by government and corporations alike. Same reason why Californians voted AGAINST ingredient labels having to stipulate GMOs. Why would a consumer not want as much information as possible? Astro turfing.

>> No.16842487

> Corn (Maize), Vegetable Oils (Corn, Sunflower, Rapeseed, in varying proportions), Cool Original Flavour [Flavouring (contains Milk), Salt, Glucose Syrup, Sugar, Onion Powder, Potassium Chloride, Cheese Powder (from Milk), Garlic Powder, Tomato Powder, Flavour Enhancers (Monosodium glutamate, Disodium 5'-ribonucleotides), Acidity Regulators (Malic acid, Sodium acetates, Citric acid), Colour (Annatto bixin), Milk Protein, Spice].

So you/person who made this just removed the flavour ingredients to make it look like the UK was hiding information, which is isn’t.

>> No.16842540

Oh shit I thought it was my bad. I guess I got them both mixed up with other food dyes. thanks for clearing that up

>> No.16844049

No shit! I had it once in London years ago and only recently found it online for sale. Well worth trying.

>> No.16844054

Those read identical besides sugar vs corn syrup. Everything else is the same but with different labeling conventions

>> No.16844055
File: 992 KB, 1100x1100, image_2021-10-16_093602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside

>> No.16844066

They taste good. Is it really only an American thing? What am I supposed to be using?

>> No.16844193

>it’s a shame you replaced biology and chemistry with genderstudies and gay-history.

>> No.16844201

Different food labeling requirements and sources of sugar. seems pretty obvious why.

>> No.16844482

Completely and utterly based
Good lad

>> No.16844543

>Oreos with Pumpkin Pie
Sounds good desu

>> No.16844586

>poor food standards
>a non issue
Do brits really?

>> No.16844751

Yes anon, because big ketchup really needs that 4chan market.

>> No.16844880

Do you mean "fake sugar" as in "sweet tasting plastic" or as in "doesn't come from bees, cane, beet or trees" ?

>> No.16845107

>short and fat

>tall and slim

>> No.16845276
File: 67 KB, 582x873, bacon-butty-sauce-PD_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside, pleb.

>> No.16845297

>be angloid
>change recipe of classic American foods
>complain when it tastes like crap

>> No.16845362

I work in grocery supply. This anon knows what they're talking about. Most people don't want Del Monte ketchup, or even Hunts. So most of the shelf space goes to Heinz because that's what people buy.

>> No.16845381
File: 255 KB, 1336x532, The Chups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16845499

Heinz gets mogged by cheap brands.

>> No.16845512

>If a store doesn’t stock it, it’s because customers aren’t asking for it.
My experience of working in retail is that even if customers keep asking for it after the store stopped selling it, the store still won't stock it.

>> No.16845795


>> No.16846142
File: 24 KB, 329x500, 00078982625955-zHVzuC8TEyInAZw2-en-US-0_s500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of like House Recipe

>> No.16846170

Wtf is dr thunder

>> No.16846186

Bruh I cooked fries in bacon grease once and them shits was bussin bussin uwu

>> No.16846198

They had to come up with that because Cysco Brand Catsup™ might be off putting to some customers

>> No.16846207

walmart dr pepper
the mountain dew version is called mountain lightning

>> No.16846225
File: 216 KB, 652x896, europe semen pipeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rapeseed oil
I guess it's true

>> No.16846320


>> No.16846325

The fries used to be fried in beef tallow but then the vegans found out and complained

>> No.16846534

This. It's the finance jews.

>> No.16846957

Isn't this basically Worcestershire without the aromatics (tamarind, etc.)?

>> No.16847115

I will NEVER forgive them for this.

>> No.16847135

Yes, but only because worcestershire sauce IS ketchup (膎汁, kê-chiap)

>> No.16847833

They've proven Soibean oil makes you into a retarded psychopath.